WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 7

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The photos with all the fruit and the juicer in them are NOT Julia's apartment, they were taken at her mother's apartment.

This happened when mom was a minor. 16, iirc. Paraphrasing from what I recall reading earlier. All her friends had expensive clothing and didn't have to pay for them so she wanted them too, or something along those lines. Let me see if I can find the post(s) with this and add them in another post.

There's a lot going on with image, here -- in my opinion. 33 photos of "our front porch deck!", 45 photos of JB and Sky on "our front porch deck!", 5 photos of "Kirkland House Front Porch!", the organic food/juicer/healthy eating, needing a sugar daddy and $5,000 monthly salary, a $1,000+/month apartment, living the 'high life,' shoplifting $600 worth of Nordstrom clothes to keep up with the Kardashians, whatever. Smacks to me of PD, materialism, and image control.
Here is the link to the post with the MSM article regarding JB stealing the clothing from Nordstrom. (I keep wanting to type Neiman Marcus).

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #3

Oh man, that was the first time I read that. I hate to admit I giggled. "I thought it was unfair that my friends stole and had new clothes." That was her excuse for stealing? The woman cannot come up with a good story to save her life! She somehow managed to place blame on others ONCE AGAIN!
Cubby I totally agree and in my piecing together the timeline I too could not find where there was a 7month period of the kids being with held from Julia.. The dates came directly from the court doc declaration that quotes dates of Julias declarations as well.. And I could not find anything resembling a block of time equalling 7mos that the children were with held from Julia.. It is not DOCUmented anywhere that I can find except from Julia referring to it in her exchange from hell recordings.. Not sure what exactly to make of that except that possibly the amount of time was much less than 7mos and was just her time of inpatient treatment? Idk!? But it's something I very much would like to know and to know where exactly it fits in the timeline..

* please anyone feel free to add or correct anything you guys notice regarding the timeline..:)

The 7-month time block has confused me, too.
Oh Solomon, I wish you had a stronger backbone when you where living with Julia!

I can say, from firsthand experience, that when you are living in that surreal moment, you do whatever it takes to keep things calm and prevent total MELTDOWN in that specific moment. It takes extraordinary strength to do that. Many men would have become violent or done things they were not entitled to do by law, like take the kids and hide them.

It is extremely alarming while in the situation and you are doing everything you know you can do within the law and cooperating with psychiatrists and counselors.

Just thought I'd give you a look from within. During our own year in hell, I worried every day that my son would have a stroke or heart attack from the extreme stress. :(
Question: can flickr accounts be made private or are they always public? Was JB's facebook page taken down?
I have just sought off caught up but read through the legal document SM filed...whoa....I have disliked ALOT of women while being a member of this site...but this woman I really really really dislike.....she is manipulative, lying, contol freak and a user.....I also think she is one of the most self absorbed people I have ever come across....she is very scary and I know she has done something to this baby.......and it is to get back at the hubby.......uggghhhh
thank you smooth operator!!!!!!

about the year they were married... they were married when she was 1and he was 21 in a kitchen while he was facing deportation... what is up with thaaaat?

and here is a link:


Nurse,I assumed he could have offered her compensation to hurry and marry him right before
he was to be deported ..... I thought perhaps he met her price. As far fetched as I thought that was ...my hinky meter went off again
when she told the court he told her to prostitute herself...I doubted he said that....but now I think he knew exactly that is was she would do. I am wondering if that was a question on the lie detector test. I even wonder now if the illusion of religion was to keep people from taking a closer at where the money was coming from. I think she's a player.I have heard the term used 'no moral compass' but this takes it to a whole new level.

The new home in Kirkland expensive cars...a sandwich/card shop at the Pike Street Market
wouldn't cover their lifestyle. They paid $800000 for the house in Kirkland. Very smoky. MOO
I can say, from firsthand experience, that when you are living in that surreal moment, you do whatever it takes to keep things calm and prevent total MELTDOWN in that specific moment. It takes extraordinary strength to do that. Many men would have become violent or done things they were not entitled to do by law, like take the kids and hide them.

It is extremely alarming while in the situation and you are doing everything you know you can do within the law and cooperating with psychiatrists and counselors.

Just thought I'd give you a look from within. During our own year in hell, I worried every day that my son would have a stroke or heart attack from the extreme stress. :(

I understand as I have first hand experience in situations of being controlled. That's about as far as I will go with it! Thanks for your input.

Don't bother looking on my account. I don't really care what she did when she was 16.

Advanced search, keywords, show results as individual posts. Super easy and quick to find. So no worries.....

I haven't quite mentioned it, but she started dating her childrens father when she was 15. She's never been single as an adult, so I've thought about, but not posted about how that might affect her behavior. Not that it excuses how a 30 yr old woman behaves.

Oh man, that was the first time I read that. I hate to admit I giggled. "I thought it was unfair that my friends stole and had new clothes." That was her excuse for stealing? The woman cannot come up with a good story to save her life! She somehow managed to place blame on others ONCE AGAIN!

Sigh. Nothing's "fair" in her life, eh? Nothing. :maddening:
IIRC they began dating when she was 15 and he was 21, which puts it about 1996. They married in 2003 iirc.
Until the dating site and her dating membership has something to do with Sky's disappearance, I'll just dismiss it as irrelevant to this case at this point.

Respectfully, I think it's relevant to this case. If LE or anyone is closed minded, it can deter from finding out what happened to Sky. In the Susan Smith case, her motive for the deaths — to dispose of her children so that she might have a relationship with a wealthy local man who had no interest in a "ready-made" family.

It happens. It's reality. It's not something we should brush under the carpet, IMHO.


In trying to come up with a scenario where baby boy is alive and well, I thought this one up, and I haven't seen this theory yet, but apologize in advance if it's already been hashed over.

1) No one claims to have seen Sky for 2 weeks prior to disappearance.
2) Child(ren) likely left unattended for ~13 hours for a 12-hr mediation.
3) I read in Sm declaration that M was trained to sleep until 2, and believe that she would have been well-trained enough to self-survive a long stretch at home alone -even convinced that it was a game, and a big reward if she did exactly as Mommy told her that day.
4) Sky is not old enough to manipulate in that way, or to be able to self-survive that period of time.
5) Again, no one had seen him for 2 weeks.

Did she in fact whisk him out of the country more three weeks ago?

It is only a couple hours up I-5 to the border into Canada. Then from there, a flight out of Vancouver B.C. to Russia.

Have police and FBI checked all surveillance of Border Patrol from the time he was last seen?
Have they checked all flight manifests from, not only Seatac, but also PDX (there are direct flights to Frankfurt from PDX) and from Vancouver (B.C).
Have they vetted every single family member, and their friends and cross-checked them with manifests to check any recent travel?
Have they checked all possible people's computer hard drives for searches for air travel?

The biggest hole in that theory is why only secret Sky, and not M too? Is it possible that because she is old enough to resist, ask questions, tell someone "you aren't my Mommy" in front of an airline attendant? Could she have been planning to wait til things die down with the, "kidnapping" and then run with the girl? (uh, fatal error...)

I am just trying to come up with a possibility that leaves Sky in alive. Anyone have thoughts about this? Could it be true?
What sort of parenting choices was her own mother making? Sure marry that boy, you can drive a car now...sounds good. Bye!
In trying to come up with a scenario where baby boy is alive and well, I thought this one up, and I haven't seen this theory yet, but apologize in advance if it's already been hashed over.

1) No one claims to have seen Sky for 2 weeks prior to disappearance.
2) Child(ren) likely left unattended for ~13 hours for a 12-hr mediation.
3) I read in Sm declaration that M was trained to sleep until 2, and believe that she would have been well-trained enough to self-survive a long stretch at home alone -even convinced that it was a game, and a big reward if she did exactly as Mommy told her that day.
4) Sky is not old enough to manipulate in that way, or to be able to self-survive that period of time.
5) Again, no one had seen him for 2 weeks.

Did she in fact whisk him out of the country more three weeks ago?

It is only a couple hours up I-5 to the border into Canada. Then from there, a flight out of Vancouver B.C. to Russia.

Have police and FBI checked all surveillance of Border Patrol from the time he was last seen?
Have they checked all flight manifests from, not only Seatac, but also PDX (there are direct flights to Frankfurt from PDX) and from Vancouver (B.C).
Have they vetted every single family member, and their friends and cross-checked them with manifests to check any recent travel?
Have they checked all possible people's computer hard drives for searches for air travel?

The biggest hole in that theory is why only secret Sky, and not M too? Is it possible that because she is old enough to resist, ask questions, tell someone "you aren't my Mommy" in front of an airline attendant? Could she have been planning to wait til things die down with the, "kidnapping" and then run with the girl? (uh, fatal error...)

I am just trying to come up with a possibility that leaves Sky in alive. Anyone have thoughts about this? Could it be true?

There are cases of US children being internationally abducted by way of Canada but iirc in those cases the children already had passports. I wonder how easily it would have been for JB to obtain passports for the children without dads permission. I realize we've discussed why she would secret one and not the other. Perhaps she was expecting to meet a Russian/Ukranian man and flee with her daughter at another time? Maybe and probably a stretch, but after seeing the link to that sugar daddy 'dating' site, I wouldn't put anything past this woman.

Why is Sky wearing his shirt while swimming in all these images? His sister is topless?

I don't really know, but one nagging thought keeps coming up: if JB was narcissistic, and I now believe she is VERY much so, then her daughter M may have existed as Julia's "mini-me". As the mirror reflection of Julia herself, Julia may have very much promoted the sexualizing of M, but not Sky. When Soloman refers to Julia's unnatural 'obsession' with M, I think this might be the reason behind it.

ETA: and also her cleaning obsession might have much to do with earlier childhood sex abuse, always trying to clean her 'dirty' self and eradicate those nasty memories
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