WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 8

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Just a thought, maybe the reason SM put up with JB's bizarre behavior so long is that she threatened to have him deported if he said anything.

Probably not. If she wasn't willing to allow him visitation when he is a short drive away she certainly wasn't going to entertain the idea of cross continent visitation.

I'm surprised JB hasn't closed down her flickr account. It's getting a lot of hits. She could also make portions of it private very easily. Same with the recordings, I'm surprised they're still up.

I also noted this, I think in thread #7. To me, it speaks volumes that a) it was never set to private (seems one aspect of it was possibly made private because of that female friend) and b) that it is still not set to private (could be meaningful or could be indicative of her mental state at this time that she is unaware of it still being up and hasn't even checked. That said, I still think it's telling that it was never set to private).
I should make you guess Cubby :) (just kidding!) I bet you would get it right!

(SM's family)

and on thaaaat note... wonder why we haven't heard from Julia's mother?

I know you were kidding. We need a little humor, and mean so respectfully, to keep ourselves from going batty while sleuthing these cases.

about the deportation issue:

If you are married to a US citizen, you must still apply for a green card and provide evidence of your marriage. As well, you may be required to prove that you did not undertake your marriage in order to secure a green card. This is considered an offense and therefore immigration officials may investigate your marriage if the timing of the event seems suspicious. You and your spouse may be asked individually about your courtship and marriage and may investigate your marriage and living arrangements. Immigration officials may also speak to your friends and family to determine whether the marriage is legitimate. A marriage undertaken just to secure a green card is not considered legitimate and usually will result in a denial of a green card application, even if one of the partners is a US citizen. If an investigation by US immigration authorities determines that you have married a US citizen in order to gain a green card, this is considered fraud and in some cases deportation proceedings may be begun.


In every case, when you apply for a green card for your spouse, be advised that the permanent residency for your spouse will be conditional for two years. Within 90 days of your second wedding anniversary, you and your spouse must apply to the USCIS to have the permanent residency become permanent.

from here:

When a person receives a green card based on a marriage that is less than 2 years old when the person becomes a permanent resident, then the resident status is Conditional for two years. At the end of the two years, the resident status expires unless a petition to remove the condition is approved by the BCIS.

The petition to remove the condition is signed by both the husband and the wife. It is possible for a divorced spouse to sign the petition alone and then have the condition removed if it is proved that the marriage was genuine and not a sham.

The BCIS will consider a petition which is signed by the conditional resident alone only if the marriage has ended (usually by divorce)...in other words, a separated couple cannot have the condition removed unless both sign the petition or they end the marriage.

There are special rules for battered and abused spouses, for political asylum cases, for widows of US citizens, and other rules which are beyond the scope of this basic introduction.

This is a very brief introduction to a complex subject. This general introduction is not intended to apply to any specific situation. They say there are exceptions to every rule...

from here:
little promo on that kiro special said it is to be a one hour program
FWIW, my guess on her obsession with the toilet is the splashing which occurs while standing. It's not exactly as clean as sitting down. Though grown men can be aware of cleaning after themselves, especially when living with a woman.

God help her when it comes to little boys, toilet training boys to stand up. I remember training my son and having to repeat over and over not to lean on a disgusting public toilet while going. Not to mention, mine had to take of ALL of his clothing EVERY time he went in a public bathroom. (I warned my sister about that when she was training my now 3 yr old nephew.)

I can imagine her being obsessed about the cleanliness of the underside of the toilet seat and the rim of the bowl.

I don't know why they chose a property with a single bathroom, unless she was that obsessive about ALL the bathrooms in the house.

A perfect example of what I said earlier -- rules apply here at home but not in other settings. It might not make sense to us but it probably did to JB.

Exactly. OCD often (not always) stems from the need to control part of your life - to be fully in control of say, the bedrooms, in Julia's case. So that would not extend to elsewhere. Hope this makes sense...
All she had to do is put up a sign.

Oh no, and never mind little boys in public mens restrooms before they are taught not to try and pick up the urinal cake. :gasp:
I am completely puzzled as to how SM's visitation rights were not honored during the past 11 months to see his children. CPS must offer opportunities for children to visit with their parents . . . even in allegations of sexual abuse unless it is proven that the visits are more traumatizing to the kids. Essentially, refusing visitation between parents and children for extended periods of time constitutes a "termination of parental rights" as well as violates the child's right to visit with their parent. IF CPS were in charge of handling the case and visitation with the children between Mom and Dad, the State is required to offer services to assist the family in resolving the issues. For instance, the exchanges should have never been with each parent face to face. If there are restraining orders in place, this would violate the restraining order. If there were restraining orders filed on behalf of the children . . . then that changes the scenario.

If the children were kept from their mother for 7 months . . . it only makes sense that she would want to retalliate toward the person she felt was responsible (ie: SM). I am truly beginning to wonder if Sky reminded her too much of his Father . . . she clearly could not put her own needs aside to meet both of their children's needs - that pattern was established long ago.

My question would be . . . did any professional enter her home and check on the kids or the serious allegations made by SM? The pictures on flickr (which I will not link), there are hundreds of pics taken on specific dates. No infant pics of MM, very few pics of the kids over a long period of time. There were pics of MM at about 10 - 14 months old and then the pics jump to older pics of the 2 kids. The dates on the pics were probably under a handful of dates . . . but there were literally thousands of images of the same dates. Really strange to me . . .

I really wonder what JB's cell phone pings showed in the weeks leading up to Sky's reported disappearance.

Anyone wonder why JB never changed her name to her married name? Did she change it and then change back at some point?
Anyone wonder why JB never changed her name to her married name? Did she change it and then change back at some point?

respectfully snipped by me..

that is one heck of a good question wenwe!
Oh no, and never mind little boys in public mens restrooms before they are taught not to try and pick up the urinal cake. :gasp:

(OT: When DD was a toddler, DH had to take her into the men's room in public with him. While he was using the urinal, he kept telling her not to jump around, that she may fall - and he was worried about her touching the urinal and falling on the floor. Well, she tripped and fell - and grabbed at the urinal on the way down to landing underneath it on the floor. :no:)
respectfully snipped by me..

that is one heck of a good question wenwe!

It is pretty easy to change your name after getting married to your new name, although it is not required. You change you SSN with marriage licence then take both to the DMV, very easy. The problem is when you want to change it back, then it cost money and court.

I don't find it strange, I didn't change mine for a year (I was waiting for my DL to expire). When I was talking to the DMV lady she said she had been married for 7 years and still had not changed her's. MOO
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