WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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I would feel even more optimistic if I knew for certain JB got the docs before he went to the hospital. Is anyone certain whether he got them Friday or today? I thought it was today.
Whether he received them today or Friday, he had to have known what they contained! You know how news travels around a courthouse, the legal community, throughout legal offices, etc. He had to have gotten drift of this somehow, someway, some where!

And it made him ill!
Fingerprint evidence would be the best of all scientific evidence. Especially if those prints (allegedly--though why in the heck I use that word is beyond me--are KC's) are at the point at the tape where it was torn or cut off. To say the KC reasonable doubt ship just hit an iceberg would likely be an understatement. Her defense and other various defenders can yak about "scientific mumbo jumbo" all they want...the devil of what she did is in the details. This is way more evidence (assuming what we all hope is true---that the docudump will reveal that KC's prints, etc...are all over the duct tape and possibly the trash bag etc...with the remains) than they had against Scott Peterson and we all know where that dirt bag is now.
I'm not ready to bet the farm on this just yet. I'll tell you this still scares the bejeebies outta me because as we've ALL seen in this weird, bizarre family, Gawd, only knows what they'll try to come out with about this.
Can't you just see it????/

Well, KC probably had the duct tape in her car. She even used in many times, on x, y and z items. Why of course, our innocent sweet sweet KC's prints are on the tape. She was going to use that piece of tape and decided she didn't need that much and rolled it back onto the roll....because you know KC is VERY frugal and doesn't like to be wasteful:eek::eek::eek::furious:

Because of course, then Zani they psycho, invisible nanny got the car and drove the body around and put the duct tape on it before SHE got rid of the car!

Hopefully, the lack of any other prints will quell that theory!
Nancy Grace is doing an "uncensored" special tonite...nice lead in to the upcoming doc dump, imo
Oh thanks! Just watched it. That Channel 2 newsguy-- who says the duct tape testing implicates KC--better not be playing with us, right? Grrrrr. LOL
He best not be...
Could be hazardous to his health!:yow:
I hope they enclose the description of the iron on letters in the documents as well..
I think they are C M A..
Then I think I can tell what LEE's weird eulogy was all about!
"When asked by WESH 2's Bob Kealing if Casey Anthony’s fingerprints were on the duct tape, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation said, "This is not going to be good news for the defense.""


Wonder if the "source" was LP. Putting that out there before the defense see's it is not a good thing.
KC's "Zanny the Nanny" are indeed on that duct tape because KC is Zanny. Zanny is the name of KC's own alter ego.
I know in the past someone from JB's office went to jail to notify KC of latest
news- Not knowing when JB actually went into hospital- this would be a great time to be a fly on the wall when, or if, she recieved this info-

I don't know how to access records of her visitors- but, this would be interesting -just curious what you think her reaction was or will be-
The JBP episode- she just turned and walked away- because she knew Caylee wasn't there- When Caylee was found- she reportedly dropped to her knees-Claiming- This can't be happening-

Will she scream- throw a tantrum, or become suddenly catatonic

KC ! Time for you to shut up-

You told CA and GA, yo were so upset, you can't even swallow.:boohoo:

Caylee's talking now !!!!! Mommy, That was a no no- I couldn't even breathe !!!!!!!:no::no::no::no::no:
When asked by WESH 2's Bob Kealing if Casey Anthony’s fingerprints were on the duct tape, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation said, "This is not going to be good news for the defense."

Why would the inside source need to be so cryptic? Why not just come right out and say her fingerprints were found on the duct tape? Leaks don't need to have the same double-speak that is common in public statements.

I'll take the unpopular 'sucker bet' for this one. I'll wager that no recoverable fingerprints were found on the tape. That could count as not good news for the defense (because 'nanny fingerprints' were not found).

Okay, you can tell me I'm nuts. This can mean nothing other than that KC's fingerprints were on the duct tape. Go ahead.
Or Zanny used the 'key' to the house to steal the roll of duct tape from the house; duct tape KC had used many times. "The last time I remember handling the duct tape, I remember that I had unrolled more than I needed, so I rerolled that part back onto the roll."

I think the ONLY thing lazy Casey ever used duct tape for was to hold her flag together at the "no clothes" party. I don't think she got ready for the "no clothes" party at the Anthony house...it would be hard to say a flag is "work" attire.

Betcha that duct tape won't just have fingerprints. IMO, there will also be carpet fibers from Casey's room. Casey didn't go further than a block from her parent's house on June 16 until she headed for Tony's apartment.

I don't think Dr. Lee will say much to settle Baez's nerves after the duct tape evidence comes out.
If there are fingerprints on the duct tape or DNA on the duct tape, this case has truly become an easy walk in the park for the prosecution - although I almost don't want to say that because I am afraid I will jinx something.

the defense will be reduced to trying to discredit the science as their only strategy - and I don't think they are going to be able to 'explain away' all of it. I think it will still go to trial though, because when you get down to the nitty gritty, KC is the one who makes the final decision on what to do, and she will never admit to anything. she may come up with an alternative scenario that throws someone or more than one someone under the buss, but she will never admit what she really did. But that is ok with me, this way she has to serve what the jury decides she deserves, and I don't think the jury is going to be very sympathetic to her.

Fingerprints and/or DNA on the duct tape would certainly be great for the pros. I hope it is there. I am also wondering about something in that video of the defence attorney where he is saying that the duct tape evidence "implicates" KC. He says that it shows an "intentional act" and could put the DP back on the table. So, I am wondering if there is DNA on this duct tape, could it be little Caylee's, showing that she was still alive when the tape was placed on her? I shudder to even type that!
A little experiment: I tried this...try cutting, tearing, taping stuff with duct tape while wearing gloves. Hmmm...I believe in my heart that there will be prints on that tape, that those prints will solely belong to KC...and that there was no other phantom conspiracy other than KC is evil and killed her daughter. I believe her parents will likely revert to it was an accidental death...in defense of KC...publically. Privately, who knows. I hope that they do seek help...because if they do not...they will be more collateral damage of the disgusting anathema that is KC.
CMA should really stand for CAN MAKE AMENDS. Only if your heart is pure. Right? Only if you admit what you have done. Only if you face the facts. You can be forgiven if you ask for it. If not, CMA, should stand for Caylee Marie Anthony, the one person who has been crying out from the grave to expose all of this. I truly believe that this is the case. Finding the remains, remains that have a direct and immediate link to the house, finding those remains, right after the A's show a photo that has a girl in some mall that resembles Caylee...right before embarking on a nationwide tour of hope and reasonable doubt that their Caylee is alive and in danger from a nebulous nanny and KC's sketchy friends (right). ENOUGH> KC is guilty as sin and this was NO accident. No one ducktapes a dead body's mouth closed. God Rest, sweet Caylee.
I disagree, slightly. I think she didn't want to be caught and took steps to avoid detection. But, she's not bright and she's incredibly lazy, so she didn't do it well. :)

:clap::clap::clap: I gotta agree with the way you think.
I dont want this info - I am afraid to hear that caylee's prints are on the tape and she struggled, I dont want her to have known what was happening or be afraid. I feel sick :(
I hope they enclose the description of the iron on letters in the documents as well..
I think they are C M A..
Then I think I can tell what LEE's weird eulogy was all about!

i often wondered what that was all about? the iron on letters found with caylee, found that bizzarre, and now that u mention that....i get it....and if those are the letters found with caylee then (again) KC IS A VERY SICK GIRL
just so bizarre....
I dont want this info - I am afraid to hear that caylee's prints are on the tape and she struggled, I dont want her to have known what was happening or be afraid. I feel sick :(

It is gonna be a long wait 'till Wed. i hope if she plea deals we still get answers. I have many questions.

O/T My avatar is beautiful!

She will never plea deal. I just don't see it happening.
Thank you God, I needed to hear this! I just returned from having to put my 22 yr old kitty (Mr. Magoo aka 'Gooey') to sleep, I have never had to do this before. I came home feeling sad and lost and now I have hope for Caylees justice to be done!!!!
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