What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?

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Some facts we've learned from interviews with national press with Kaine, and from LE provide timeline for Kaine vs. timeline for Kyron that day. We don't have every minute accounted for, but IMO, LE easily could have verified Kaine's timeline, based on what we do know about Kaine's day.

Today we learned for a fact from the LE presser that they've established that Kyron & Terri were both definitely at school that morning.

We don't have to worry about Kaine having caused Kyron's disappearance the day before, night before or morning before Kyron went to school. Because Kyron DID goe to school.

Kaine said goodbye to Kyron that morning at home and went to work. LE would be able to alibi Kaine for the morning through work witnesses - through the period of time where it is established Kyron went missing.

After working, (LE knows that time via Intel alibi) Kaine returned home where he was seen/alibied either by 1) Terri or 2) a babysitter perhaps? 3) cell pings, land line phone calls, internet use and work records of working from home.

My feeling is, it's likely Kaine's story & timeline matched with evidence of his timeline and LE took care of this some time ago. We don't know this for certain, but I think he might be far easier to track than Terri.
He said they went to the bus stop to pick up Kyron together with Terri? Did they come from the house or had they been somewhere else together before that? Was the baby with them?
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

For me, the fact that he left TH when he felt she wasn't cooperating with LE. And he took his baby girl to protect her.

What she said, plus his body language and the fact that he was not posting "going to the gym" or poking people and smiling on facebook. The fact that LE has zeroed in on TH and has given no indication they suspect him or Desiree, none of these can be backed up by facts in a news paper article just clearly my own opinion.
Some facts we've learned from interviews with national press with Kaine, and from LE provide timeline for Kaine vs. timeline for Kyron that day. We don't have every minute accounted for, but IMO, LE easily could have verified Kaine's timeline, based on what we do know about Kaine's day.

Today we learned for a fact from the LE presser that they've established that Kyron & Terri were both definitely at school that morning.

We don't have to worry about Kaine having caused Kyron's disappearance the day before, night before or morning before Kyron went to school. Because Kyron DID goe to school.

Kaine said goodbye to Kyron that morning at home and went to work. LE would be able to alibi Kaine for the morning through work witnesses - through the period of time where it is established Kyron went missing.

After working, (LE knows that time via Intel alibi) Kaine returned home where he was seen/alibied either by 1) Terri or 2) a babysitter perhaps? 3) cell pings, land line phone calls, internet use and work records of working from home.

My feeling is, it's likely Kaine's story & timeline matched with evidence of his timeline and LE took care of this some time ago. We don't know this for certain, but I think he might be far easier to track than Terri.

ITA with this. Imo, the only way he could be involved is as a co-conspirator or an accessory before/after the fact -- in which case I think TH would be droppin' the dime on him by now (or maybe not until she gets a plea deal).
I don't have any problem with Kaine giving those times that first weekend. It wasn't until later that week we started getting nothing but 'no comment' when trying to confirm any of it. They were giving out that information pretty freely, then.

That he very clearly left out 'taken to school by my wife' and used, 'dropped off' shows something, just not sure what.

I agree that his time line should be very easy to prove and they will have done so.

That said, I will not be voting for Kaine in the most Mr. Congeniality award. The guy bugs me. Which is not illegal.

I do think he comes across very differently in many of the great photos TH took of dad and son. Complete change. That I do like. That he took down the poster photo of Kyron for Father's day and put up the one with the two of them and the snowman touched me.
Can't quite find a thread for this to fit, but wanted to throw it out there. Imagine the compound tragedy here, if it were to turn out to be a stranger, and no family was involved whatsoever. But, due to existing infighting and lack of trust, we got what we saw this week.

At the very least, this thought is forcing me to examine my relationships within my family, where there might be tension or trust issues and thus a little fence mending might be in order. You never know when a tragedy might happen. It would be nice to think that a family has a strong enough foundation based on trust, that they could survive such an ordeal. Sorry about the sideshow...
I think the chance that he was involved is close to zero, as is the chance that *both* he and Terri plotted to arrange Kyron's disappearance.

Kaine is reported to have come home early from work meaning he was *at* work in the morning. This is so incredibly easy to verify that I'm absolutely sure LE verified it on Day One. Either a bunch of people saw him at Intel that morning, or they didn't. So we have to assume he was there. And the police questionnaire did not ask anyone of they'd seen Kaine in or around the school that day (presumably because they'd already solidly verified that he was at work at Intel during the entire relevant period).

A number of people saw Kyron and his stepmother at the school during the hour or so before 9:00 AM when the science fair projects were being set up. Terri says she last saw Kyron at school, in the hallway, around 8:45AM. Kids on the bus said he hadn't been at school all day. One child in Kyron's class (the one whose irresponsible grandmother had him talk to the media) said a teacher's aide noticed Kyron wasn't there right around the beginning of the sit-down class period, which was apparently around 10:00. According to early statements by police, the last known sighting of Kyron at school was Terri's (they haven't been very interested in confirming that subsequently, but they've basically given *no* new information since the very first day or two, so I don't read much into that).

So if Kaine was responsible, and not Terri (i.e. as opposed to the two of them plotting together), Kaine somehow had to get away from work shortly after he arrived there, without anyone noticing him missing, then get to the school and somehow get Kyron out of the school building and away from the grounds without anyone noticing him there. And he had a *very* short window in which to do this.

It's really, really far-fetched to suggest that Kaine could have been responsible, but Terri not been responsible. Theoretically, the two of them could have plotted together, and Kaine could be helping Terri cover up what happened, and that would have been plausible up until a couple of days ago -- applying for a restraining order against her is hardly consistent with that. If this was a joint plot, then he'd need her to cover for his involvement too, and getting a restraining order against her and the taking her baby away from her, doesn't seem likely to keep her interested in covering for him. And it's mighty difficult to imagine *why* Kaine would have wanted to plot with Terri to get rid of his own biological son. It seems pretty clear that Desiree would have been happy to take Kyron in, if Kaine and Terri decided they wanted to focus on the baby they'd recently had together.
That he very clearly left out 'taken to school by my wife' and used, 'dropped off' shows something, just not sure what.


I was thinking of how I refer to it when I actually take the kids into the school or merely drop them off. If I "drop them off" I might still say I "took" the kids to school. But if I actually go in, I don't say I dropped them off. Does that make sense?

Otoh, I'm the one actually doing the taking and dropping. Plus, precise language usage is a professional hazard of mine. So, in this case, since KH wasn't doing the actual "taking" or "dropping" it just might have been the word that came to his mind first. If he ever "takes" Kyron to school, maybe he does just "drop him off." oy...this case is making me crazy!!!!!
Well many have posted that "we know for sure that Terri was seen, in the red mustang, on Sauvie's Island," with the candlestick!

Yes, even saying that license numbers were called in (of course her red Mustang doesn't have any numbers, but I digress) and that it was seen driving very fast and recklessly with a pickup truck and that said pickup truck went into a ditch due to the speed.

I have not seen this anywhere but statements in comments from people that say they live on the island. So, no proof. It makes for great drama, but try fitting it into any scenario of what may have happened that morning. You think your head hurts now!
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

For me, the fact that he left TH when he felt she wasn't cooperating with LE. And he took his baby girl to protect her.

However, if he were the guilty party, wouldn't he do exactly the same thing in order to keep LE focused on TMH?

I'm not saying he's guilty.
I'm not trying to sidestep this thread, but since we are discussing Kaines behavior lets look at it this way. If Terri is responsible for Kyron missing, than indirectly so is Kaine, he brought Terri into his life and Kyrons life, can you imagine how he feels about that?
The day Kyron went missing his stepmom took him to the science fair not his dad, the last person to see him was not his bio-parent but a step parent, how do you think that makes him feel?
His ex-wife is Kyron's mom is crying and begging on National TV for his current wife to cooperate with LE in finding his son. Can you imagine how that feels?
I am sure that on top of the obvious Kyron being missing that Kaine feels guilty about all of the above, blaming himself and is probably in shock and numb. At this point I am sure he is just trying to survive.

I was thinking of how I refer to it when I actually take the kids into the school or merely drop them off. If I "drop them off" I might still say I "took" the kids to school. But if I actually go in, I don't say I dropped them off. Does that make sense?

Otoh, I'm the one actually doing the taking and dropping. Plus, precise language usage is a professional hazard of mine. So, in this case, since KH wasn't doing the actual "taking" or "dropping" it just might have been the word that came to his mind first. If he ever "takes" Kyron to school, maybe he does just "drop him off." oy...this case is making me crazy!!!!!

Yeah, maybe it shows some very early suspicion on his part, maybe it is just because he is writing a business related email, or maybe he is just very anal retentive. I guess it bugged me then because we knew she had taken him in and stayed awhile with him. That is what made it stand out. Now, not so much.
But my friend got a little itchy about it all. Something about it just didn't feel right. So he did some more looking and discovered that the employee had written a little program that pinged certain websites on a random schedule of minutes (chosen between something like 1 minute and 15 minutes). All this activity looked legit but once they examined what the employee's actual activity was, it all fell apart.

It turned out that the guy was logging onto his work computer, turning on his little program and then going to get a couple hours' extra sleep in his office closet.

It's very understandable how someone could pull off something like that while staying in the office building. But security is very tight at a place like Intel. Unlikely to be monitoring employees' whereabouts within the building at all times, but almost certainly monitoring entrance to the building, and video coverage of all exits. Remember, the FBI brought in specialists to this investigation by the second day. If there was any question as to Kaine's whereabouts during the morning hours of the day Kyron disappeared, the questionnaires sent out to parents and school staff would have included pictures of Kaine and asked whether anyone had seen him in or around the school at any time that day.

LE has simply shown no interest in Kaine at all, nor did it interfere with the judge issuing a restraining order requested by Kaine against Terri, which prohibited Terri from having any access to any of their children, and left him in physical control of their baby. If LE had *any* reason to believe that Kaine could possibly have been involved, I seriously doubt that they would have stood by and let him both get control of the baby and separate the baby from its mother.
I think this family has a secret.

I think that secret is so big the RO is nothing compared to it. It is not enough to make someone talk.

I think the grounds he got the RO were threats of suicide by TH.

I think she will get the child back in court.
There was something about Kaine's behavior during the first family press conference that didn't sit right with me. TH was glancing "furtively" around with her eyes and rubbing her arms for self-assurance with "I can do this, I can do this" behavior. Kaine seemed to be freaked out - but in a "I have to control this situation" kind of way. He just seemed more focused on making the presentation than on the fact Kyron was missing. It just struck me as odd. I apologize in advance if neither are involved in any way, but I learned a long time ago to never ignore my first feelings - that I can't ignore them.

If he already suspected at that point that Terri was responsible, then it wouldn't surprise me if he seemed "freaked out". He certainly knew that he was not free to say anything to that effect, and yet if that's what he was thinking, it was surely the number one thing on his mind. Plus I'm sure he (and Terri and Desiree and her husband) had been given a dizzying set of "don'ts" by LE, re details that should not be revealed in the press conference, and that would make anyone nervous, even it wasn't a situation where their thoughts were consumed with the recent disappearance of their child. Look what happened to the school principal when he said one "wrong" word in a press conference -- LE practically tackled him to get him away from the mike.
It's very understandable how someone could pull off something like that while staying in the office building. But security is very tight at a place like Intel. Unlikely to be monitoring employees' whereabouts within the building at all times, but almost certainly monitoring entrance to the building, and video coverage of all exits. Remember, the FBI brought in specialists to this investigation by the second day. If there was any question as to Kaine's whereabouts during the morning hours of the day Kyron disappeared, the questionnaires sent out to parents and school staff would have included pictures of Kaine and asked whether anyone had seen him in or around the school at any time that day.

LE has simply shown no interest in Kaine at all, nor did it interfere with the judge issuing a restraining order requested by Kaine against Terri, which prohibited Terri from having any access to any of their children, and left him in physical control of their baby. If LE had *any* reason to believe that Kaine could possibly have been involved, I seriously doubt that they would have stood by and let him both get control of the baby and separate the baby from its mother.

LE would not have been involved in the RO hearing, all it would take was Kaine testifying to the judge why he felt he needed to get the baby out of there. He would not need backup for his story at that point to get the emergency RO. Now when they do go to court on the RO she will be there and can testify and he could use any backup then.
I think this family has a secret.

I think that secret is so big the RO is nothing compared to it. It is not enough to make someone talk.

I think the grounds he got the RO were threats of suicide by TH.

I think she will get the child back in court.

IF this is what happened or the reason for the RO then that would be considered a medical issue so that would give the justification not to release the 911 tapes.
... Plus I'm sure he (and Terri and Desiree and her husband) had been given a dizzying set of "don'ts" by LE, re details that should not be revealed in the press conference, and that would make anyone nervous, even it wasn't a situation where their thoughts were consumed with the recent disappearance of their child. Look what happened to the school principal when he said one "wrong" word in a press conference -- LE practically tackled him to get him away from the mike.

I completely agree...
Look what happened to the school principal when he said one "wrong" word in a press conference -- LE practically tackled him to get him away from the mike.
Edited to focus on my question.

LOL! Is there video of this? What did the principal say wrong? I must have missed it. The principal is Mr Benjamin, right? But we've mostly heard from PISD from, is it Matt Shelby, I believe?
Here is proof that LE doesn't think Kaine is dangerous and therefore, was unlikely to have harmed his child:

A judge signed off on a restraining order allowing Kaine to be the only adult who has unrestricted parental rights to his toddler.

The judge could have ordered Child/Youth Services to put the toddler in protective custody when Kaine applied for a RO if LE had suggested that Kaine was dangerous to his children.
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