SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #13

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This is where my mind goes as well, but what gives me the itchy feeling is that if he honestly wanted to leave his wife like he said, then if she's responsible for something nefarious why wouldn't he use that against her to leave her? Is it possible that he didn't really wanna leave his wife but rather maybe wanted his cake & eat it too so to speak?

BBM. Maybe he didn't say it. Maybe the roommate misunderstood, or it was misreported (she was misquoted)?
This is where my mind goes as well, but what gives me the itchy feeling is that if he honestly wanted to leave his wife like he said, then if she's responsible for something nefarious why wouldn't he use that against her to leave her? Is it possible that he didn't really wanna leave his wife but rather maybe wanted his cake & eat it too so to speak?

Very possible. I think that HE was told what she wanted to hear in order to lure her out.(SM calling saying that he wanted to leave his wife and be with HE) SM's phone is the last communication with HE's phone. If he's involved and if he didn't act alone....anyone else involved can simply point out the last calls to him and how if they go down...he goes down. I also agree with another WS member that the last calls may have been to establish an alibi. HE was here...SM was there....or their phones were. Who knows where they really were and who knows where anyone helping or leading SM actually was?
"The (lady or in this case SM) doth protest too much, methinks" is a quote from Shakespeare where someone is trying to convince someone else that the opposite is true. I truly don't believe that SM is a victim here. He admittedly had an affair with HE and now HE is missing. SM has done Nothing to help with this investigation. The reason SS was cleared was that he cooperated right away and even took a polygraph. Sm has dirty hands and he has no standing to complain.
I have no pity for SM - his atonement for his actions on that Tuesday morning and thereafter hasn't even begun yet. All MOO.

I have no pity for the couple at all. If you didn't do something then get 'cleared' by LE. I always admired Polly's dad for saying get me 'cleared' so we can find the perp! If I loved someone (in an affair) and they were missing and I was innocent, I would be looking also. I would be out there helping. Yes, my husband would leave me, but an honest person would try. SM has a past history with the law.
Wouldn't he want to do right instead of fingers pointing at hm and family?
If I was having an illicit affair with someone almost half my age, and was the last person to talk to that person (at a very unusual time of day), and was then unlucky enough to have that person go MISSING, and I had nothing to do with it and everyone thought I did, I certainly would not be taking to Social Media (or having my handler do it) and taunting people who really just wanted to clear my name so the investigation could move on in the way it should. It doesn't even make any sense that an innocent person would want to remain under a cloud of suspicion when they could easily clear it up. IF they could easily clear it up IMO.

I do agree with you that misinformation has probably been put out there that is not helping the investigation.

I don't know if they have tried to do everything in their power to work with!E and clear their names. They could be each other alibis and bc of that, that is the only reason they are not clear. While I don't agree with the actions of this family apin some regard, I could equally same the same for many other people. There are many non innocent people in this taunt party. An affair was had and it is unknown the level of cooperation this family has done. What they suffered with people not having facts, to me is unacceptable. I believe in an innocent til guilty world. No one is a suspect. Yes, HE is missing. No one knows if they know anything or how involved they have been with the police. People should stick to facts before taking action into their own hands.
Very possible. I think that HE was told what she wanted to hear in order to lure her out.(SM calling saying that he wanted to leave his wife and be with HE) SM's phone is the last communication with HE's phone. If he's involved and if he didn't act alone....anyone else involved can simply point out the last calls to him and how if they go down...he goes down. I also agree with another WS member that the last calls may have been to establish an alibi. HE was here...SM was there....or their phones were. Who knows where they really were and who knows where anyone helping or leading SM actually was?

Any thoughts about why him saying he was leaving his wife would have made HE upset (if that is indeed true; if the roommate was correct about that)? Seems to me the only reason that would upset her is if she did not want it to happen?
There is so much suspicion surrounding some people but that suspicion is only there bc they're the ones that put it there. I'm counting down the time that names are given so we can post accordingly. Maybe they're responsible for Heather's disappearance. Maybe they're not. Really wishing the police and the media would release something so the public can help in a constructive manner. Because of the latest mob mentality that was forming, I'm sort of thinking its why le isn't releasing certain info.
Let's imagine for a moment that SM is telling the truth. He did tell her to stay away. They don't actually see each other that night.

HE is upset now...she leaves the apartment. Could she have gone to PTL to get drugs and not to meet him?
Okay, thinking and typing a lot today.

With the mob reaction to the M family and the fact that LE hasn't come out to say they have been cleared, they must still be in the mix. Wouldn't LE try and protect these people if they KNEW they were innocent? Or are they trying to keep the attention diverted from where they are really looking?
BBM. Maybe he didn't say it. Maybe the roommate misunderstood, or it was misreported (she was misquoted)?

Not sure about that bc her roommate said she sounded like she was upset and crying. I was thinking Heather was getting over this man when she went on her date, SSM could have found out about it and tried contacting her to say he left his wife in an attempt to keep Heather.

I think it's important to actually find out who contacted whom first that night. Was it SSM that called Heather first? Or did Heather call him first?

Can't help but wonder if more was going on.
Let's imagine for a moment that SM is telling the truth. He did tell her to stay away. They don't actually see each other that night.

HE is upset now...she leaves the apartment. Could she have gone to PTL to get drugs and not to meet him?

From what I know of MB, one would not have to go to such a remote location to buy drugs, would they? I've never bought them, in MB or anywhere else, but my understanding is that they are pretty much everywhere. There is also the contradiction of what her roommate said the phone call was about and that the other man said it was about.
Let's imagine for a moment that SM is telling the truth. He did tell her to stay away. They don't actually see each other that night.

HE is upset now...she leaves the apartment. Could she have gone to PTL to get drugs and not to meet him?

but if she OD, she would of been there in the car or left or dumped by seller.
We have a problem here with a drug called 'theraflu' people are dying (24 IIRC)
and they are found with the needle still in their home, car, etc.
Okay, thinking and typing a lot today.

With the mob reaction to the M family and the fact that LE hasn't come out to say they have been cleared, they must still be in the mix. Wouldn't LE try and protect these people if they KNEW they were innocent? Or are they trying to keep the attention diverted from where they are really looking?

I think they just tried to protect them by releasing the harassment police reports. There have been other police reports filed in this case that they haven't discussed and per the mods we can't discuss. I think this is there way of saying stop. I think maybe they can't clear them 100%. Maybe they are each other's alibi. I have thought from the very beginning she left on her own OR if it was foul play it was going to take everyone by surprise. While, SM changed his answer about when he talked to her, there are many other consistencies and
and lies that have been told. People really need to rematch the videos and reread the articles and compare them to one another. Then sleuth a large group of people. I know we can't discuss SM, but the first month provided some insight.
Any thoughts about why him saying he was leaving his wife would have made HE upset (if that is indeed true; if the roommate was correct about that)? Seems to me the only reason that would upset her is if she did not want it to happen?

I do. I have 2 theories about that and I will give one of them. I think it's possible that HE was upset because she had probably heard SM say that he was leaving his wife several times before and she wanted to believe it but wasn't sure if this was just another lie to keep her hanging on. Married men who are having affairs do this a lot. I will keep the other theory to myself as I'm not sure that it would be allowed.
Okay, thinking and typing a lot today.

With the mob reaction to the M family and the fact that LE hasn't come out to say they have been cleared, they must still be in the mix. Wouldn't LE try and protect these people if they KNEW they were innocent? Or are they trying to keep the attention diverted from where they are really looking?

ITA BBM LE surely doesn't want a murder to happen with mob mentality so why not give more first I even thought it could be that LE stolen car and an imposter of an LE. Surely even if LE wanted to keep certain things secret, wouldn't they calm Heathers family down by saying the M family wasn't their only lead??? This is getting a bit to much. The locals should demand to know if LE is looking for a SK and if other young girls could be victims.....Public safety announcement at least!:please:
maybe SM did say the affair was over and he was NOT leaving wife and HE did cry and was upset because she still wanted SM. Then the calls went back & forth for hours. SM said lets meet & talk. wife who has children in bed and that would get up in a few hours got furious and wanted this all to end......and something bad happened.....JMOO
Most women that I know (even if their life is awful) put on a front of 'perfect'..........
Agree with a lot of posts. There seems to be a lack of claiming and trying to prove innocense, but rather the reaction is filing their own charges against the victims family member and others. There was also a very early kneejerk reaction with the SM drama where names were called of the victim.

If one was innocent, it seems they would try to work with LE and the family to help them rather than make them worse of an enemy than they already are. This to me makes no sense.
Agree with a lot of posts. There seems to be a lack of claiming and trying to prove innocense, but rather the reaction is filing their own charges against the victims family member and others. There was also a very early kneejerk reaction with the SM drama where names were called of the victim.

If one was innocent, it seems they would try to work with LE and the family to help them rather than make them worse of an enemy than they already are. This to me makes no sense.

This is the red flag that stands out the biggest and brightest to me.


A certain somebody in Samantha Koenig's case did the same thing. That person happened to be innocent. Sometimes it totally sucks that I always have that case in the back of my head but its just that I learned so much from it. Never judge too quickly or without merit, especially a parent or loved one of a missing person, or even a loved one of someone whom the public is focused on...bc people put in those situations aren't given a handbook prior. There's no rules on how to act or things to say. Common courtesy & decency should remain good values at the top of the list but not always are they practiced.

Still though, bc of the nature of the context in this case, very bad taste and IMO held a hidden agenda.
Okay, thinking and typing a lot today.

With the mob reaction to the M family and the fact that LE hasn't come out to say they have been cleared, they must still be in the mix. Wouldn't LE try and protect these people if they KNEW they were innocent? Or are they trying to keep the attention diverted from where they are really looking?

Yes, they would, IMO. LE quickly came out and said specifically that the date has been cleared and is NOT a suspect in any way. He was the other obvious "first choice" in terms of potential suspects, and LE wanted it known from the beginning that he was not involved. They did not do the same for SM/TM, and that is telling, IMO, in that they likely CAN'T clear them. Obviously, it doesn't make them prime suspects, either, unless LE has other more direct evidence that we don't, just potential POIs.
Agree with a lot of posts. There seems to be a lack of claiming and trying to prove innocense, but rather the reaction is filing their own charges against the victims family member and others. There was also a very early kneejerk reaction with the SM drama where names were called of the victim.

If one was innocent, it seems they would try to work with LE and the family to help them rather than make them worse of an enemy than they already are. This to me makes no sense.

Right, but on the flip side, if you were guilty why would you be so obnoxious?

I'm having a hard time putting myself in her position. We have very different lives. So what I would do may be totally opposite of what she would do. If my husband had an affair and I was pissed, I'd ruin him financially. But he probably doesn't have the finances to get ruined that way. And please don't let that sound snobby...

Agreed, Rochestergirl..
Riding down the road taking pictures and placing missing persons posters nearby a residence is not a violation of the law, imo.

I've often wondered how I would react if it was my daughter that was missing and foul play suspected. Actually, I know exactly how I would react. I would want answers, and would stop at nothing until I got them.. Damn, the consequences of a bunch of petty charges..
After almost seven weeks, imo TE has been very cooperative with HCPD investigators, considering their past record of solving missing/murdered persons cases.
It would be expected for TE to put up missing posters all over the area and particularly in the vicinity of suspicious people. If I were an OMW in this situation, I would have kicked that cheating SOB to the curb!!! She definitely has grounds to take him to the cleaners.

The biggest victims here other than Heather are her family. I don't know what it is like to have a missing family member but I lost a 20 year old brother in an accident (((my hands shake to even type that...tears...))) I have absolute and complete sympathy for TE. I can't see him without thinking about my dad and what he suffered. How dare someone attack them? How can other parents have such a total lack of empathy? How dare someone complain about a father putting up missing posters for his daughter!!????

I pray for peace and justice for this family.
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