DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #1

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what is really scary is that the guy is now running scared because of the murder at the hotel that may be related to him :-( <---- and even if it is not.. he may think he will be accused so will hide out somewhere.)

I think a lot is going on behind the scenes that we will not hear about until they can find this guy and little Relisha
what is really scary is that the guy is now running scared because of the murder at the hotel that may be related to him :-( <---- and even if it is not.. he may think he will be accused so will hide out somewhere.)

I think a lot is going on behind the scenes that we will not hear about until they can find this guy and little Relisha
I will be shocked if the murder is not related to him. :( (As in, he is responsible for said murder) JMO

Unfortunately, after so much time has passed, I will also be shocked if this sweet little girl is still alive. :(
Too much hink coming from all parties involved.
I think when LE got involved is when his wife found out he was not taking her to school and my have followed him to the motel.
I want them to publish the name and photo of the "known sex abuser" if it's indeed not Tatum.

What ? The known sex offender is NOT Tatum? Arrgh!
Well I have a theory that adults do not hang out with SO's unless they agree with that kind of thing, so ....... if Tatum has buddies who are So's you can bet he's an SO who has not been found out yet.
Please dont be suffering little Relisha :(
This is getting worse with every minute.
I haven't seen Tatum's picture published in reports--without his face everywhere how is the AA supposed to be effective?!? We don't know the car, the nation doesn't know what he looks like, and he could be keeping Relisha in the car, in the back of the truck, etc. UGHL!
search expanded

The search for 8-year-old Relisha Rudd has expanded, as D.C. police have alerted the Richmond area that the missing girl may be in central Virginia.

Richmond Police scrambled to distribute Rudd's photo to local media, after D.C. police contacted them saying they had information leading them to believe she could be there.

Meanwhile, the truck linked to the little girl's disappearance was located in Prince George's County.
not sure if it was pointed out before.. but it was the SCHOOL that reported her missing!
Police said they were notified of the missing girl after Payne Elementary School officials told them Relisha was absent for a couple of weeks. Her mother, Shamika Rudd, refused to fill out a missing persons report, according to WRC-TV.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crim...#ixzz2wcFhh524


She did what??? :what: Refused to report her own daughter missing??? :eek:hdear:
Something stinks here to the high Heaven.
What ? The known sex offender is NOT Tatum? Arrgh!
Well I have a theory that adults do not hang out with SO's unless they agree with that kind of thing, so ....... if Tatum has buddies who are So's you can bet he's an SO who has not been found out yet.
Please dont be suffering little Relisha :(
This is getting worse with every minute.

Maybe the "known sex offender" was that second man they initially reported being with Tatum? The one whose name was taken off later?? I hope this is the case, rather than a new man, a RSO no less, being added to the mix! :please:
What is really bothering me: there are reports saying that Tatum took Relisha b/c she was friends with his granddaughter or was going to play with her or something to that effect (I've seen it worded different ways). However, the media all states that Relisha was last seen at the homeless shelter.

Has no one seen her since then? Tatum's family/friends? Has anyone come forward yet to say 'Oh she was staying at his home and playing with his granddaughter?'

Sadly, I don't think she ever saw that granddaughter once taken from the shelter. I think she was immediately trafficked. There's a possibility that she is no longer 'with us'. However... I think Tatum had her in the hotel room, and his wife caught him with her - or caught him letting someone else 'have her' (makes me sick). And that's why she was killed. I really think that's what happened with his wife.

I hope it's not too late to save Relisha.

This just made me break down. Probably true but I hope it's not. I have to believe she is going to be found alive. I see why missing families still cling to hope. I don't know this little girl at all but I have to hope. I just have to..
Maybe the "known sex offender" was that second man they initially reported being with Tatum? The one whose name was taken off later?? I hope this is the case, rather than a new man, a RSO no less, being added to the mix! :please:

A very quick search did not show Lyles as an RSO. Only one Lyles in the DC area and it's a much older man. I don't know if he could be in another county or state though.
I find it interesting that on Kahlil’s facebook he has pictures of he and his wife and some of the captions are very loving. In one he says they have been married for 21 years and love looks good on them. Another he says it’s a love like no other. Now supposedly she is found beaten to death in a motel room and he has supposedly abducted this little eight year old girl.

According to media reports, his job did a background check on him and he has never been convicted of a felony. Being an older man, you would think if he had some criminal tendencies, he would have had something on his record by now. This story seems very strange and there is definitely a lot more to it than is being told.
I find it interesting that on Kahlil’s facebook he has pictures of he and his wife and some of the captions are very loving. In one he says they have been married for 21 years and love looks good on them. Another he says it’s a love like no other. Now supposedly she is found beaten to death in a motel room and he has supposedly abducted this little eight year old girl.

According to media reports, his job did a background check on him and he has never been convicted of a felony. Being an older man, you would think if he had some criminal tendencies, he would have had something on his record by now. This story seems very strange and there is definitely a lot more to it than is being told.

Now you've got me thinking. As well as the statement that they believe she is with an RSO ( known sex offender, vs . registered. I do not know if the fellow is registered) Could Tatum NOT be the ' primary' abductor and the RSO is ? Could possibly an RSO have stolen her from Tatum and killed Tatum and his wife but Tatum's not been found yet? I don't want to give the guy too much credit at all but all we have are speculations, so what if Tatum was the 'good guy' helping out mom with her child and enter some RSO who turns the place upside down and steals baby Relisha ? Unlikely yes and I don't even believe it , just thinking aloud.
Is there any where in reports that state if the motel had any cameras? At least they could tell us what they were wearing at that time. I may have missed that info?
Now you've got me thinking. As well as the statement that they believe she is with an RSO ( known sex offender, vs . registered. I do not know if the fellow is registered) Could Tatum NOT be the ' primary' abductor and the RSO is ? Could possibly an RSO have stolen her from Tatum and killed Tatum and his wife but Tatum's not been found yet? I don't want to give the guy too much credit at all but all we have are speculations, so what if Tatum was the 'good guy' helping out mom with her child and enter some RSO who turns the place upside down and steals baby Relisha ? Unlikely yes and I don't even believe it , just thinking aloud.

well we do have tatum"grooming" her in the shelter.

we do have him in charge of her but yet she's not in school.
the little info we do have points to him being the offender.
well we do have tatum"grooming" her in the shelter.

we do have him in charge of her but yet she's not in school.
the little info we do have points to him being the offender.

All of that assuming the mum and the boyfriend told the truth. I am not entirely sure of it...
Now you've got me thinking. As well as the statement that they believe she is with an RSO ( known sex offender, vs . registered. I do not know if the fellow is registered) Could Tatum NOT be the ' primary' abductor and the RSO is ? Could possibly an RSO have stolen her from Tatum and killed Tatum and his wife but Tatum's not been found yet? I don't want to give the guy too much credit at all but all we have are speculations, so what if Tatum was the 'good guy' helping out mom with her child and enter some RSO who turns the place upside down and steals baby Relisha ? Unlikely yes and I don't even believe it , just thinking aloud.

This is just speculation, but I do not think that Tatum is the sex offender they were mentioning. Maybe it was Lyles which has now been accounted for and is no longer suspected of being with Relisha. That is what is bad about the media just throwing out tidbits of information; it leaves too much speculation.

When you say known sex offender – what does that even mean? Does that mean people know he is but he hasn’t been convicted? I did look both men up in the database and neither are registered as sex offenders, and the media said besides some minor stuff twenty years ago, Tatum did not have a record. Also Tatum worked for a non-profit organization and they did do a background check… if he had been a sex offender, he would not have been hired.

I did see pictures of he, his wife, and his granddaughter which was supposedly friends with Relisha… at least I am assuming that is who the little girl is.
All of that assuming the mum and the boyfriend told the truth. I am not entirely sure of it...

yes I would bet some money the truth is not being told here.
but I appears to me it was common knowledge that this man took some interest in that child.

1.it was sinister
2.it was paternal...........I chose#1.
well we do have tatum"grooming" her in the shelter.

we do have him in charge of her but yet she's not in school.
the little info we do have points to him being the offender.

I agree 100 % . However, acts of kindness towards a child from a person who is NOT a pervert, are simply acts of kindness, right? I'm just speculating. The other person who is a ' known sex offender' has me worried. Is LE saying Tatum is the known sex offender? What is the criteria for a ' known sex offender' . If they were convicted and registered, wouldn't they call that person an RSO and if they believe shes' with RSO , why not release that person's name and picture?

ETA I think to know what a known sex offender is when LE says it is important. They cannot say that about someone whos' been accused of a sex crime because of innocent until proven guilty and it might be slander or something? When they say " and a known sex offender'' , maybe they are not talking about a second person , but the same person, Tatum. What is a person listed as immediately after being found guilty of a sex crime but prior to registering? Sometimes they don't make them register as a sex offender until after a release from prison so , there could be a period of time, days, weeks ( longer if they fled ) before they are technically ' registered'.
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