Trial Discussion Thread #33 - 14.05.05 Day 26

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Now saying on whoop that CS saw a phone in the garage, on a charger.

Did anyone else hear her say that? I didn't.

Yes, she said this. She wasn't sure if it was the same phone from the kitchen though...
So, the part about the dogs being nice and very friendly to everyone was an explanation for why the dogs didn't bark at the "intruder", yes?
So Reeva had a huge hole in her head and she is trying to stop bleeding from her arm and hip?

IMO it was normal for them try to stop the bleeding from arm and hip and not do anything with the head wound especially considering brain matter was on the outside. Indeed, I sincerely hope nobody wanting to help a person with an open head injury ever tries to do anything because they risk causing even more damage. Demonstrating the complications of trying anything with head injuries, any first response course worth its name stresses not to remove a helmet unless there is no other option for administering mouth to mouth and iirc not even paramedics remove helmets unless absolutely necessary so depending on the circumstances some with suspected head or spine injuries are scanned and/or X-rayed with helmets on.
Roux wants to adjourn as he's run out of witnesses. And it's a public holiday in SA Wednesday and the judge only just found out.

Adjoourned. 9.30am tomorrow.

I don't understand why the judge has only just found out. She did mention it before they broke for 2 weeks and told them she expected them to work through the 7th. Very odd. I hope she doesn't have a memory problem. She is not exactly a spring chicken. That could be a disaster for the outcome of the trial though I guess the assessors would "fill her in".
So, the part about the dogs being nice and very friendly to everyone was an explanation for why the dogs didn't bark at the intruder, yes?

:seeya:Welcome to Websleuths Colonel Mustard!!!!!!:seeya:

And yes, I believe you are right regarding the dogs.
If there's that much brain tissue blown out, it should be obvious that person is dead.
Very very interesting to learn that Frank the gardener was at the scene. I wonder if we'll be hearing from him?

I wonder if he is still on OP's payroll. I mean, gardens need upkeep even if the house is unoccupied.

I am wondering whether Frank is another person whose employment mysteriously 'ceased' on the night of the crime like Baba.
IMO it was normal for them try to stop the bleeding from arm and hip and not do anything with the head wound especially considering brain matter was on the outside. Indeed, I sincerely hope nobody wanting to help a person with an open head injury ever tries to do anything because they risk causing even more damage. Demonstrating the complications of trying anything with head injuries, any first response course worth its name stresses not to remove a helmet unless there is no other option for administering mouth to mouth and iirc not even paramedics remove helmets unless absolutely necessary so depending on the circumstances some with suspected head or spine injuries are scanned and/or X-rayed with helmets on.

Thanks for the welcome AND I forgot to include the quote. So, deja vu:

If there's that much brain tissue blown out, it should be obvious that person is dead.
Quick! Wildabouts left the live feed on outside and the journos are having a row. They don't know they are live.

ETA: Too late - they just realized.

ETA: No, on again. Shots of floor and feet and journo cracking up.
Well d@mn... I can't believe both Standers are up and done that quick. Need to re-watch tomorrow and absorb.

Goodnight, peeps :seeya:
Anyone find it curious that this extremely attractive young woman knows her way around his house so well? Even upstairs where he keeps his towels.

Yes, especially since iirc her dad described OP coming over for coffee but said he'd never been invited to OP's.
I am wondering whether Frank is another person whose employment mysteriously 'ceased' on the night of the crime like Baba.

I think the quote was, " Frank who's staying with him."

Frank is the gardener?
Quick! Wildabouts left the live feed on outside and the journos are having a row. They don't know they are live.

ETA: Too late - they just realized.

ETA: No, on again. Shots of floor and feet and journo cracking up.

Did you catch what was being said?
what intruder?
both sides say no intruder.

Now, now Shane:floorlaugh:

I think Colonel Mustard meant that the fact that the dogs were so friendly would have been a good excuse for not being opposed to real guard dogs....if Oscar thought there may have been an intruder....which we all know there wasn't.
Robyn Curnow
Viljoen: wearing black, long hair over one shoulder. Shaky as she describes trying to stem Reeva's blood with plastic bags, towels. #oscar

Alex Crawford ‏@AlexCrawfordSky 2 Std.

#oscartrial Carice Viljoen has long blonde hair swept over one shoulder

Always nonconformity, not only in hair color. :facepalm:
Yes, especially since iirc her dad described OP coming over for coffee but said he'd never been invited to OP's.

She said that she's been over to his house occasionally for coffee. or for "coffee"?
I don't understand why the judge has only just found out. She did mention it before they broke for 2 weeks and told them she expected them to work through the 7th. Very odd. I hope she doesn't have a memory problem. She is not exactly a spring chicken. That could be a disaster for the outcome of the trial though I guess the assessors would "fill her in".

Well, I find that rather strange...its our national elections, its been advertised every where for the last few months already!
Did you catch what was being said?

Yes, they are still going on. It was all about camera angles and 'technical' stuff and 'center that camera' etc. Nothing about the case. The lady presenter was really funny.

Then she started talking to someone on her earpiece about the trial being adjourned, then finally, it's just cut.
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