Trial Discussion Thread #33 - 14.05.05 Day 26

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Oscar Pistorius calls to his live-in caretaker from Malawi. 'Frankie, Frankie. Please can you bring me my legs, brother.'

Taken from a daily mail article in 2012. For some reason can't read it though.
This is fascinating testimony. It's good for those that believe Pistorius version/s ;)

But there seems to be some interesting wording issues - I'm running in and out yet also trying to transcribe - and, this is maybe only my perspective, but he's using a similar belief and wording pattern to two of the last two interviews I watched about Uncle Arnold Pistorius...

"Talking points".
My internet connection dropped out for the morning and has only just come back :banghead: - have I missed much?!?!

Nothing earth shattering, I think. Just that Clarice Stander:

Heard a man scream, but did not hear shots.

The door was open a little when she arrived at the home.

The kitchen? light was on, with enough light to clearly see a bloodied Reeva.

She ran upstairs to get towels and guessed which cupboard they were in, and obviously somehow saw what she was doing.

Later, OP went up alone to get Reeva's bag with ID. When CS followed, it was so dark she saw nothing, just heard OP's steps on the tiles.

OP's sister also went upstairs later, with CS to get OP's clothes. A policeman was there the whole time though, with the sis. Although CS was allowed into the spare bedroom alone.

There was a phone on charge in the kitchen, which she and OP used.

Also a phone in the garage, on charge.

Early on, there was free access to the house and most rooms, it seems, and a lot of people in and out. It was tightened up later.

ETA: And she confirmed OP's sis was allowed to take a watch, with a police officer present when she did.
Oscar Pistorius calls to his live-in caretaker from Malawi. 'Frankie, Frankie. Please can you bring me my legs, brother.'

Taken from a daily mail article in 2012. For some reason can't read it though.

Ah. I imagined "caretaker" meaning handyman/gardener, but maybe Frankie was mainly there as a personal assistant/gofer because of OP's disability.
I am quite intrigued by this phone on the charger in the kitchen.

That's the elusive 5th phone, right? The one Carise and perhaps others used to call Carl P., Piet, Justin etc. It is also the one OP used to call Stander and Netcare.

So when did he go put it on the charger? Or did he run downstairs to the charging phone to call Stander and Netcare?
Ah. I imagined "caretaker" meaning handyman/gardener, but maybe Frankie was mainly there as a personal assistant/gofer because of OP's disability.

If you google Frank, it comes up with houseboy Frankie, but strangely you cant bring up the two articles in the Daily mail or a video.
Oh, and I think we maybe tightened up the timeline a little. Correct me if I'm wrong but:

I think there was about three mins between the Standers hearing shouts and OP's call? Then maybe five? to get dressed and drive there, in time to meet OP carrying Reeva downstairs.

He had also run down once already, to open the doors, and had made calls. So I guess the 'inaction' time where OP sat in the bathroom with Reeva is down to about five minutes?
If you google Frank, it comes up with houseboy Frankie, but strangely you cant bring up the two articles in the Daily mail or a video.

Try the link in Wayback.
If you google Frank, it comes up with houseboy Frankie, but strangely you cant bring up the two articles in the Daily mail or a video.

I need to remember there are cultural differences between SA and USA. Attaching "boy" to any male "of color" over 10 yo is anathema here. And even though I'm totally unfamiliar with servants beyond my KitchenAid mixer, I'm pretty sure they've been upgraded to "domestic help" and "servant" has gone to the politically incorrect graveyard along with "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me."
I read an article yesterday where Roux said he estimated finishing the defense case around the middle of May. The only reason that makes sense to me for his running out of witnesses today is that there are very few witnesses in any way helpful to OP, and he's trying to stretch out the process as long as possible to conceal the fact that, re OP's defense, there's no "there" there.

One little bit of info I found interesting was CS saying her (and her parents, I think) were in bed around 8.30-9pmish.

That makes OP's claim he and Reeva went to bed so early less outlandish. Perhaps early bedtimes are just commonplace on the estate?

That's what surprised me too! Do these people not have a life to live? How old is CS?
I think he maybe was on the witness list and therefore can be called by the DT but I did read at some stage he wasn't there that night. I don't know how true that was.

He is on the witness list.

Today's witnesses have confirmed that he was present, although no further comments were made nor questions asked.
Folks here said OP wasn't looking at the Standers today. Was he at least crying/upset as they described that day? Bizarre if he listened impassively. Roux seems to be banking on OP's demeanor post-murder saving him from prison, and Nel seems, at least to me, somewhat indifferent to what occurred after witnesses arrived.

Oscar was yawning during Mr. Stander's testimony. He didn't look up that I could see.

During Ms. Carice's testimony he didn't look at her, but he did hold his head in his hands covering his face.
Gutted I told a little white lie to the hubby this morning when he asked if we should go out for the day considering it's Bank Holiday. I told him I wasn't feeling well, feel a cold coming on but that he should go along with his brother and sister in law. Off he went to go and pick them up and get some cans, as he left I jumped up with glee. Got my duvet on the sofa, got some snacks from the cupboard, some cans of pop and got ready for a whole day spent on both web sleuth and wild about trials. You can imagine my utter dismay when I heard them talking about adjourning for the flippin' day... can you Adam and Eve it??? I've just text him to find out if it's too late for them to turn around and get me as I'm feeling remarkably better :)... he said no :( :( :(

All we have to do is "try" not to lie.
I didn't realise June Steenkamp was born in Lancashire ... it does make sense now as to why she's so stoic during all of this! Them Northern lasses are made of tough stuff!!!
And he was the first one Oscar called.

I have to hand it to OP as that was a clever story very quickly thought of about the intruder and then to call his neighbors rather than LE or ambulance was another clever thing to do to try to get people to see his side of things and be on his side.

There is just enough possibility that his story could be true that it makes it possibly believable. And for him to come up with this story so fast. IMO he had about 5 to 10 minutes maximum to develop what he was going to tell people. Unless he had thought of it even before he shot her.

Its possible he thought of this story before he actually shot her.

The totality of the evidence is important to keep in mind as we hear the pieces.
Journalist, Barry Bateman, just said on the local Oscar Trial Channel that Frank did have something to offer at first, but for some reason he clammed up and said he never heard of saw anything.
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