GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #2

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She wanted to hurt him - badly. I firmly believe that.

All the post-it notes, and journal entries are all talking to someone. She was fully expecting her husband to come home to find the kids murdered and her OD'd on the floor. Those post-its (minus the ones on the door for carpool) were for Parker to find after the fact.
The one on the plate of chicken was very telling to me. it was like she was tattle telling on Calyx for not eating it. She was saying to him See? She wont even eat the food I made!!

After she murdered the kids, she sent Parker an email that said

"Get home soon — were waiting for you!"

How creepy.

Sounds like "Paranoid Psychotic Rage".
Respect is earned, do you think she earned it? Do I think that PS failed to show JS respect in front of his children? I honestly don't know. Children learn from what they are taught...IMO

I would think they learned much more from their mother than Parker since he worked, and was overseas quite a bit. I think she was probably a potty mouth mom who spewed out orders she expected the kids to follow and when they didn't all hell would break loose.

I doubt they respected her. I think she was often drunk and may have embarrassed them at times. She was probably even more offensive when she mixed alcohol with drugs. Its hard to respect someone that is drunk.

As you say respect is earned and not just given. And it isn't uncommon for a mother and daughter to have a more volatile type of relationship especially at CS age. She made mountains out of mole hills, imo. Most parents have to go through the stage where their children become rebellious.... so what she was experiencing wasn't rare by any means.

I imagine when Parker was home he called the kids down if they disrespected their mother in front of him. While he knew some of what was happening, I doubt he will never know all that was happening when he wasn't there.


The Prosecutor has to put forth evidence that she was not insane at the time. I think he is doing a fantastic job in proving that.

I don't know how Florida works. Would she be found Guilty but insane or would she be found NG by reasons of insanity?

In Georgia if the Prosecutor has proved his/her case BARD the defendant is found Guilty but by reasons of insanity (if that was bought by their jury). The defendant still gets the same sentence as anyone else who committed the same like crime. All it means is while locked up for life without parole they will be seen by mental health professionals and prescribed meds if needed. They still do their full time here in Georgia anyway.

Remember Hemy Neuman trial? His ended up that way. Even though the jury believed him to be insane at the time he murdered Rusty he still was found Guilty and received LWOP.

Don't know how Florida law works though.

I truly hope the jury doesn't take the bait. She isn't mentally ill. Someone who is mentally ill wouldn't be capable of this great planning for days ahead of time before they murdered, imo. This was a very calculated, long thought out plan.


You must not have any experience with people that are severely mentally ill.

She has a long history of Chronic Depression, Bi-polar and Schizoaffective Disorder. Many hospitalizations and treatments for the last 20 years. Mental illness is degenerative and it only gets worse not better. No cure. It's like having a brain tumor and meds constantly have to be monitored and changed. Her husband said she had been struggling with it through 20 years of marriage. Please do your homework.
I missed most of Parker today...can't find you tube can anyone help. Thanks.
Agree. She's definitely NOT "not guilty" -- she definitely oughtn't to be let out on the streets -- but the mental illness is certainly a mitigating factor

The evidence I have seen in this trial since it began shows she is indeed very guilty of careful preplanned murders.

There is just way too much evidence proving this woman isn't mentally insane.

She planned this out for days.

She was patiently waiting for the background check to be completed so she could pick up the murder weapon.

She executed her two children just like she carefully planned to do.

She knew she had to get them both either in confined small quarters so they couldn't have a chance to run or blindside them where they wouldn't see her coming. BS was in the car with her. He couldn't escape. CB had her back to her mother. Both had no time to escape.

She knew to park the car in the garage since the child she had murdered was still inside.

She knew that Parker would be back soon and could help her with the kids but she didn't want help........she wanted them dead so that is why she murdered both of them right before he was to come back home.

It was all timed..........all so calculated....and carried out.

It amazes me in so many of these mom murder cases they always fail in killing themselves but are very successful in murdering the children first.

It shows what a coward she really was. She easily could have put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger, ending it. She didn't because imo, she had no intentions of killing herself.

Even her journals shows how narcissistic she truly is. Even after she has murdered her children she is talking about "ME ME ME." and what SHE wants done.

Is being bi-polar considered a mental illness? I know it isn't when it comes to the criminal justice system standards. She just has to know right from wrong and from the evidence entered it shows she did. If bi-polar really left someone incompetent then she would have never been tried in the first place because every defendant is evaluated to see if they are mentally competent to stand trial.

If I was on her jury her mental condition wouldn't sway me from the facts that she premeditated these two murders.

You must not have any experience with people that are severely mentally ill.

She has a long history of Chronic Depression, Bi-polar and Schizoaffective Disorder. Many hospitalizations and treatments for the last 20 years. Mental illness is degenerative and it only gets worse not better. No cure. It's like having a brain tumor and meds constantly have to be monitored and changed. Her husband said she had been struggling with it through 20 years of marriage. Please do your homework.

No, I don't have any experience with any type of mental illnesses

Respectfully, but so what? Many inmates that are in prison for life or on death row have these disorders and a disorder is not classified a mental illness but is classified as a disorder.

I thought the student doctor at the military hospital is the one that came up with Schizoaffective Disorder?

Millions are chronically depressed and are bi-polar. They aren't executing their own children in cold blood.

I don't believe her mental condition interfered with her carefully planning and carrying out the massacre of her two children.

In fact if they show the video of her purchasing the gun I think she will act as normal as anyone.

You must not have any experience with people that are severely mentally ill.

She has a long history of Chronic Depression, Bi-polar and Schizoaffective Disorder. Many hospitalizations and treatments for the last 20 years. Mental illness is degenerative and it only gets worse not better. No cure. It's like having a brain tumor and meds constantly have to be monitored and changed. Her husband said she had been struggling with it through 20 years of marriage. Please do your homework.

A diagnosis is just that. A diagnosis. I am waiting for the mental health witnesses to enlighten us as to her treatment. JS was obviously non compliant which is not atypical. The goal of any diagnosis is proper treatment. There are many people who are maintained through proper meds and therapy. They all do not get worse, but the non compliant ones are the most difficult to treat. I for one, appreciated your posts and OBE posts.
No, I don't have any experience with any type of mental illnesses

Respectfully, but so what? Many inmates that are in prison for life or on death row have these disorders and a disorder is not classified a mental illness but is classified as a disorder.

I thought the student doctor at the military hospital is the one that came up with Schizoaffective Disorder?

Millions are chronically depressed and are bi-polar. They aren't executing their own children in cold blood.

I don't believe her mental condition interfered with her carefully planning and carrying out the massacre of her two children.

In fact if they show the video of her purchasing the gun I think she will act as normal as anyone.


Do you remember James Holmes the Batman Movie killer? He had been planning for months. Do you not think he was insane either?

I am in no way excusing what she did. It's horrific just like Andrea Yates but we have a big problem in the country with the mentally ill because nowhere to house them since no more Insane Asylums. Like the old days. When they go to psych hospitals they try to send them home or in the streets after a few days unless psych Dr extends it. When they are over 18 medication can't be forced. It's hard to get a MI patient kept in the hospital very long. This is why the jails, prisons, and streets are full of MI people. It's very difficult for families to live with severely MI loved ones.

So you can have a severely mentally ill family member and nowhere to place them since they have to either commit a crime to go to jail on 5150 or self commit because danger to self or others by being evaluated voluntarily. It's is a struggle for family members.

I wonder why PS knowledge of 2 decades of her MI he never filed for a conservatorship? He would have been able to commit her into a hospital or treatment against her will and release of information. With her past history he would have been granted conservator fairly easily. Family members can be co-conservators. I've been one I know.

She isn't mentally ill. Someone who is mentally ill wouldn't be capable of this great planning for days ahead of time before they murdered, imo. This was a very calculated, long thought out plan.


*snipped by me*

"Mentally ill" too, someone with Bipolar, schizoaffective disorder with psychotic features CAN plan very intricately every detail for weeks, even months, even in a delusional state.
Jared Loughner is a prime example, paranoid schizophrenic .
It's the paranoid schizophrenic and schizoaffective (schizophrenia with Bipolar or Depression) that which can turn an individual suicidal or very rarely, homicidal when they become psychotic.

The symptoms of Schizophrenia include, but are not limited to:
Delusions (strange beliefs that are not based in reality and that the person refuses to give up, even when presented with factual information)
Hallucinations (the perception of sensations that aren't real, such as hearing voices)
Disorganized thinking
Odd or unusual behavior
Slow movements or total immobility
Lack of emotion in facial expression and speech
Poor motivation
Problems with speech and communication

Add a bit of psychosis and anything is possible.

"Psychosis refers to an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality"."
Psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This trial is going to have a lot of psychiatric terms and conditions put out there. We need an understanding of those, medications, side effects, and meds combined with alcohol.

My ex-husband had the same disorder. I lived with his mental illness for 15 years, 5 of which he was undiagnosed.

From my personal experience, she fits the bill.
You must not have any experience with people that are severely mentally ill.

She has a long history of Chronic Depression, Bi-polar and Schizoaffective Disorder. Many hospitalizations and treatments for the last 20 years. Mental illness is degenerative and it only gets worse not better. No cure. It's like having a brain tumor and meds constantly have to be monitored and changed. Her husband said she had been struggling with it through 20 years of marriage. Please do your homework.

If anyone follows katiecoolady's blog, you know how difficult navigating the mental health system can be. In the military, with the constant relocating, consistent care is difficult. The VA has actually been at the forefront of diagnosing and treatment of PTSD with returning soldiers and their research has benefitted many people. Like me. Many people within the mental health system are misdiagnosed and subsequently not treated correctly. As KCL will attest, getting her brother on the correct meds, in a program that worked, and services he was entitled to has been an arduous journey. I would imagine it was the same for PS, trying to get his wife the help she needed while he was working. My heart goes out to anyone dealing with loved ones with mental illness. Tough as it gets.
*snipped by me*

"Mentally ill" too, someone with Bipolar, schizoaffective disorder with psychotic features CAN plan very intricately every detail for weeks, even months, even in a delusional state.
Jared Loughner is a prime example, paranoid schizophrenic .
It's the paranoid schizophrenic and schizoaffective (schizophrenia with Bipolar or Depression) that which can turn an individual suicidal or very rarely, homicidal when they become psychotic.

The symptoms of Schizophrenia include, but are not limited to:
Delusions (strange beliefs that are not based in reality and that the person refuses to give up, even when presented with factual information)
Hallucinations (the perception of sensations that aren't real, such as hearing voices)
Disorganized thinking
Odd or unusual behavior
Slow movements or total immobility
Lack of emotion in facial expression and speech
Poor motivation
Problems with speech and communication

Add a bit of psychosis and anything is possible.

"Psychosis refers to an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality"."
Psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This trial is going to have a lot of psychiatric terms and conditions put out there. We need an understanding of those, medications, side effects, and meds combined with alcohol.

My ex-husband had the same disorder. I lived with his mental illness for 15 years, 5 of which he was undiagnosed.

From my personal experience, she fits the bill.

You and me both. It's a living hell that's for sure. Mine is my Son, going on 12 years now.
I agree Janx, I think mostly she wanted to hurt her husband. The *only* decent thing in all of it is the children died very quickly and were spared any lengthy suffering.

I wish Fla. had 'guilty but insane' that the jury could consider and sentence her to a lifetime in a mental health ward, I think she most definitely qualifies for that. Although I think she does have deep mental problems, I can't quite get myself to think of her as 'not guilty by reason of insanity' as she seems to have had enough sanity to have permeditated this. The defense hasn't gone yet so I'm still somewhat undecided, but they'd have to do a whole lot of convincing.

Agreed here as well, with the stipulation that we don't know that she was insane. I don't believe she was. She was very drunk and high and passed out before she could seriously contemplate shooting herself (as she claimed in notes found at the scene). I mean, c'mon. She had this drama planned, she executed her children in a terrible fashion, and then she was so high and drunk that she passed out on the patio!
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Your son is so lucky to have you advocating for him.

Thanks I appreciate it. Thank god he has never hurt anyone. He is in and out of jails, psych hospitals, prison, goes missing etc... It is a nightmare to say the least.

He was a straight A student all through school. Graduated with high honors. Teachers loved him, he was popular, athletic, nice looking, sweet and kind with a heart of gold. Went off to college joined a fraternity. He got addicted to Adderrall which brought out the Schizoaffective to the surface. He joined the Air Force got kicked out. Still going through this hell today. It only keeps getting worse.
*snipped by me*

"Mentally ill" too, someone with Bipolar, schizoaffective disorder with psychotic features CAN plan very intricately every detail for weeks, even months, even in a delusional state.
Jared Loughner is a prime example, paranoid schizophrenic .
It's the paranoid schizophrenic and schizoaffective (schizophrenia with Bipolar or Depression) that which can turn an individual suicidal or very rarely, homicidal when they become psychotic.

The symptoms of Schizophrenia include, but are not limited to:
Delusions (strange beliefs that are not based in reality and that the person refuses to give up, even when presented with factual information)
Hallucinations (the perception of sensations that aren't real, such as hearing voices)
Disorganized thinking
Odd or unusual behavior
Slow movements or total immobility
Lack of emotion in facial expression and speech
Poor motivation
Problems with speech and communication

Add a bit of psychosis and anything is possible.

"Psychosis refers to an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality"."
Psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This trial is going to have a lot of psychiatric terms and conditions put out there. We need an understanding of those, medications, side effects, and meds combined with alcohol.

My ex-husband had the same disorder. I lived with his mental illness for 15 years, 5 of which he was undiagnosed.

From my personal experience, she fits the bill.

Thank you. I haven't read that she thought she heard voices speaking to her.

She seemed very organized in how she planned these executions out.

She may be schizophrenic...I really don't know. There are quite a few schizophrenics in prison and others with all sorts of mental disorders of some type or another.

That is still not a viable insanity defense imo when it comes to being in the criminal justice system.

She did know right from wrong and that is why she parked her vehicle out of sight where she never parked and she knew she had to give a reasonable explanation for wanting to purchase the gun.

I see nothing yet that shows me she was in a psychotic state for days on end.

Her weird way of walking and acting when arrested was due to the abuse of alcohol and drug combination imo.

No one has testified that I am aware of that this woman was acting differently in the few days prior to the murders.

Thanks I appreciate it. Thank god he has never hurt anyone but he is in and out of jails, psych hospitals, prison. It is a nightmare to say the least.

We have had struggles with our son and I know how heartbreaking it can be. Unfortunately, you are living the nightmare that happens to so many who suffer from mental illness. It is something that affects/impacts every member of the family. My heart goes out to you and yours and please know, there is a lot of support within these forums. Many if not most of the kindnesses, compassion and support I have received has come from people on WS that I have never met. It would be an honor to pay it forward should you ever need it too. Xo
I believe she does have mental illness but that's not what caused all of this. I think she is definetely an addict & I think the psychosis was drug/alcohol induced. This, to me sounds like a killing out of spite/ to get back at the father.she may not remember the actual act bc of the drugs but all the journal entries, purchase of gun, post it notes tell me she knew Exactly what she was doing.I'm a recovering addict myself and know those drugs,especially mixed and abused are a cocktail of forgetfulness. This woman needed to be institutionalized for a miriad of issues but sounds like she wanted to indulge in her self pity and downward spiral instead of getting help.that is normal for addicts/mental health sufferers, yet they don't take it to this disturbing and sinister extreme..I don't know, its heartbreaking nonetheless...
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