CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #2

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Wonder what size of construction boots this poi in downtown indecent incident, was wearing ?...
Pic. at link.

"The Toronto Police Service is seeking the public's assistance with an Indecent Act investigation.

It is reported that:

- on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, a 21-year-old woman was followed by a man, into the lobby of her apartment building in the Dundonald Street/Church Street area

- the man then followed her into the elevator and committed an indecent act

He is described as white or with an olive complexion, 30-40, 6', with a medium build, brown eyes, and short brown hair with grey. He was wearing construction boots and a construction-style jacket".

If LE have the DNA of the perp in Sonia's murder, can we assume that they also know his ethnicity? Maybe hair and eye colour as well? I believe they are pretty confident that they are looking for a male perp. Can we assume Sonia was sexually assaulted?
And every time, I read "horses" or "Equestrian", then always JV comes into my mind ...

IMO, he's a pretty good look-alike for the composite that was issued in Shelley's case.
Speculation, imo.

Murders are strange, interesting that Sonia's was considered so rare, that it received attention from wide variety of LE.
Could the perp. be from a foreign background and yet still be familiar with the area?
Given recent events, ie, parliament shooting, wondering now, if SV ever volunteered in volatile countries?

"Nurse's 'rare' murder pored over at summit"

"For three long days, top criminal profilers and investigators from across North America came together in a Toronto hotel to pore over the details of the summertime murder of Orangeville, Ont., nurse Sonia Varaschin.

The three-day "investigative summit" last week was unprecedented but warranted by the "very rare" nature of the crime, Ontario Provincial Police Det.-Insp. Mark Pritchard said at a news conference Thursday".


"About 25 experts met at a hotel near Toronto's Pearson International Airport last week to dissect the case "moment by moment, event by event," including visits to the three crime sites, to try to piece together a profile of the man who killed Varaschin.

In attendance were criminal profilers from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's Virginia-based behavioural analysis unit, Ontario Provincial Police and the RCMP, plus senior homicide investigators from several forces, including York Region, Toronto and Ottawa.

Also among those at the summit were several members of the OPP's behavioural sciences unit, who were involved in the case of Russell Williams, the former military commander who killed two women, attacked two others and broke into dozens of Tweed-area and Ottawa homes".
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but: I always assumed that there was something highly unusual about Sonia's murder that LE has not released to the public. I know the official explanation for the summit included reasons like Sonia was SUCH a low-risk victim, and US profilers were in the area, so-to-speak, and this was opportunity to generally share expertise, but: I have never been able to shake the feeling there`s a lot more about the scene or scenes we`ve not been told. Because I believe Audrey Gleave`s murder and Sonia`s could be connected, and because in AG`s case there has been much speculation about the "trophy" taken, I wonder a LOT about what we might not have been told here. To bring in fbi profilers? Hold a 3-day summit? To call this crime "very rare"? But, again, I know this kind of speculation likely doesn't help.
Speculation is not helpful if it interferes with an investigation, but is sometimes useful, if it keeps a case in the public eye, hopefully spurring conversation and reflection ,that results in tips, imo.
"Our investigators are as committed to finding Sonia Varaschin's killer today as we were when it began in 2010," Det.-Insp. Shawn Glassford said in a release. "We are determined to bring justice to Sonia and her family and to that end we will continue to follow up on all tips and leads we receive and are asking the public to continue provide information to our investigators. No tip is too small or insignificant in fact it could be the missing piece of the puzzle that we need to solve this case."


Link between sex attack and Varaschin murder?

Surveillance cameras captured the suspect as he was leaving the scene.
He is described as male white, with a stocky build and about 5-foot-9. He was wearing socks, shoes, a dark shirt and a light-coloured ball cap.
&#8220;The victim has been traumatized and is still recuperating,&#8221; OPP Sgt. Pierre Chamberland said on Sunday. &#8220;She is expected to recover.&#8221;
Police said given the violence involved in the assault, the suspect will be investigated by officers probing Varaschin&#8217;s murder, or other unsolved crimes.
Officers said the assault occurred less than 100 kilometres from Varaschin&#8217;s home in Orangeville.
Varaschin, 42, disappeared last year on Aug. 30. Investigators found the murder victim&#8217;s blood at her home and in her Toyota Corolla wheich was left in an alley. Her remains were found on Sept. 5 in a rural area in Caledon.

This newspaper article isn't actual (Sept. 2011), but my thought today was: maybe/rather certainly the assault on Sonia was also sexual, if the police compared the two attacks?
Initialed bm, the driver in video did the responsible thing, wonder why, apparently, persons seen in cctv,at the gazebo did not?

" Police hoped was the driver would be able to help develop a timeline for when Varaschin’s white Toyota first appeared in the downtown alley — found Aug. 30 with its front doors and trunk open, and blood smeared on the back end.

While the released footage was grainy, recorded under the darkness of early morning, and the van passes through for only a brief moment, J D quickly recognized it as his own.

“It was kind of strange to see your video on TV. ... It did feel awkward,” D, a resident of Orangeville for 30-plus years said, noting he contacted police immediately to “clear the air.”
I don't know, how to explain to you without names, but I will try:

Today I googled Sonia as so often and I found a newspaper article, not actual, in which a close female friend of Sonia was mentioned, a nurse like Sonia (also teaching nurses), Zumba dancer, initiator of a fundraiser, married to ZB, Qu. M. Leader at hospital Sick Ch......... My interest isn't it to suspect innocent people. Though I was alarmed by the connection of Sonia's last work place (before changing to the pharma agency) and a friend respectively a friend's husband. The pic is giving a sympathetic impression, but that could mislead.
Are you on WS able (and willing :smile:) to find more important to this?
I went looking for video from when Sonia was first deemed missing and the police had taped off her house and spoke with neighbours. This video is gone now. It was through CTV and I have to wonder why it's gone now since the articles about it are still there. JMO
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but: I always assumed that there was something highly unusual about Sonia's murder that LE has not released to the public. I know the official explanation for the summit included reasons like Sonia was SUCH a low-risk victim, and US profilers were in the area, so-to-speak, and this was opportunity to generally share expertise, but: I have never been able to shake the feeling there`s a lot more about the scene or scenes we`ve not been told. Because I believe Audrey Gleave`s murder and Sonia`s could be connected, and because in AG`s case there has been much speculation about the "trophy" taken, I wonder a LOT about what we might not have been told here. To bring in fbi profilers? Hold a 3-day summit? To call this crime "very rare"? But, again, I know this kind of speculation likely doesn't help.

I believe LE have the perp's DNA in the case of AG as well? I believe it was used to exonerate the homeless man who was first picked up for her murder? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think if the two murders were related, LE would know this by comparing DNA from both scenes and there would be a much larger task force and much more urgency in regards to a serial killer on the loose. I think the two murders would have been linked as a warning to the public.

I believe LE have the perp's DNA in the case of AG as well? I believe it was used to exonerate the homeless man who was first picked up for her murder? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think if the two murders were related, LE would know this by comparing DNA from both scenes and there would be a much larger task force and much more urgency in regards to a serial killer on the loose. I think the two murders would have been linked as a warning to the public.


We've kind of always been uncertain as to whether David Laurie Scott was cleared BY the DNA evidence or whether there was NO DNA evidence collected at the scene in AG's case. I think many of us believe the latter, based on this statement by Scott's lawyer:

QUOTE: Scott&#8217;s lawyer, Charles Spettigue, said police had no DNA.

&#8220;We&#8217;re been poring through mountains of disclosure ... and the police have been flailing about trying to find some evidence to theoretically carry on with this,&#8221; he said. &#8220;The simple reality is they never had any evidence. They have no DNA, they have no-nothing.&#8221; UNQUOTE


I won't take time to cite the endless cases of serial sexual assaults and murders where the public was NOT warned about connections between crimes, but you can just think to the very famous Pickton case out west or read the work of Michael Arntfield even just on his view of serial killers in the history of London On, alone. While I think today LE is more apt to identify connections than in the past (in part because of public outcry, including legal action when warnings of serial predation are not given by police -- as in the famous TO case of Jane Doe), I also think they are VERY careful not to create public hysteria unless VERY certain of connection. I don't think SV and AG's cases are "certainly" linked, but there are some common elements (for example, both murders were described as brutal, both victims were low-risk, both attacked in home, and both at the end of the month, among all sorts of potential connectors not yet known). But more especially we know there was something particularly gruesome in AG's case; I won't repeat speculation/rumour from this site especially as several posts from AG's thread on this subject were removed -- but just think of Hrab's description of the scene. There were also media reports and rumours in SVs case that the media quashed -- and the fbi summit REALLY makes me wonder what it IS about this case that required such a level of expertise.

So I am not saying the 2 cases are connected. I am, rather, suggesting that it's equally not possible to wholly dismiss connection.
moo :)
The sickkids farmers' market comes to life every tuesday morning until the end of october on the driveway of sickkids hospital at 555 university avenue..

SV loved farmer markets, if I don't remember wrong.
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but: I always assumed that there was something highly unusual about Sonia's murder that LE has not released to the public. I know the official explanation for the summit included reasons like Sonia was SUCH a low-risk victim, and US profilers were in the area, so-to-speak, and this was opportunity to generally share expertise, but: I have never been able to shake the feeling there`s a lot more about the scene or scenes we`ve not been told.

IMO, US profilers don't hang around on Canuckian soil and spontaneously attend a 3 day think-tank that just happens to be going on in the hood ;)

Not trying to sound the alarm here, but the last brain-storming session of this nature that I recall was one in the Edmonton serial killer cases (where they did take the highly unprecedented step of releasing a partial profile of the perp).

IMO, US profilers don't hang around on Canuckian soil and spontaneously attend a 3 day think-tank that just happens to be going on in the hood ;)

Not trying to sound the alarm here, but the last brain-storming session of this nature that I recall was one in the Edmonton serial killer cases (where they did take the highly unprecedented step of releasing a partial profile of the perp).

Could you be hinting ?..Reading Snoopster's last post,*Arrest*&p=11262780#post11262780 in this thread below, has me wondering..*Arrest*&p=11262851&posted=1#post11262851
wow, dotr! I'm kind of shaking.... Wouldn't it be something if this monster is responsible for some of our very violent unsolved cases in Ontario? Minden is two-and-a-half hours drive from O-ville! And also within easy-ish driving distance to Hamilton. He has a long criminal history of violent assault.....
thank you for drawing attention to those cases out west and to this arrest, and to his Ontario connection. It is the first glimmer of hope I've had in a very, very dim horizon! I'm going to read as much as I can....
Audrey, Shelley and Sonia - Have not had justice served. They might all have different culprits but they, all three, have been denied justice. Not a peep from those formally "investigating" and time passes...

Audrey's only forum ("voice") for quite a time was here on WS. Even that has been denied her. Google her, not much comes up. So much discussed and researched on her case and it all went "underground".

They are linked


National News: Statements on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Grinspun says one way to help women is with widespread adoption of a Best Practice Guideline the association developed to screen for abuse. Developed for nurses, the guideline includes a protocol in which all females over the age of 12 are asked if they've ever experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse. "That kind of exchange can help start a conversation and could lead someone to disclose abuse in their lives," says Grinspun adding, "the guideline can be used in any health setting including an emergency room, a health clinic, a school, or during a home care visit."

Despite the existence of the screening tool, RNAO President Vanessa Burkoski acknowledges nurses themselves aren't immune to violence. "They experience it in their workplaces and in their personal lives," she says recalling the murders of Lori Dupont, a nurse from Windsor and Sonia Varaschin, a nurse from Orangeville. This past weekend, another nurse, Zahra Abdille, was found dead in her Toronto apartment along with her two children. Although police are still investigating the circumstances that led to her death, it's been reported that she had experienced abuse at the hands of her partner.

"Violence is a health issue, and that's why this weekend's 25th anniversary of the killing of 14 women in Montreal is so important to mark. We have an opportunity to recognize that gender violence continues and must be tackled head on. If we don't, many more anniversaries will pass before we see an end," says Burkoski. She says a first step at the federal level would be Prime Minister Stephen Harper's call for a national inquiry into the missing and murdered aboriginal women. At the provincial level, RNAO urges universal screening of physical, sexual or emotional abuse from age 12 and on.
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