GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #29 *Arrest*

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I cannot read the SW affidavit and agree with everything stated. They are very much putting forth their theory dotted with a few inserts of factual information wordsmithed into a viable reason to get the SW. Not necessarily the way it actually took place, but it is their version of events. Like putting the words into SB's mouth that what EA did was a sexual overture which then made him angry. That may not have been exactly what happened, but since SB agreed to what he then became a "fact". These "facts" are subject to change.

Do I have to believe everything LE puts out there? No. I don't. I have seen many LE departments make mistakes you could drive a truck through and end up having to backtrack on their assumptions.

If your quest is to attack LE's work, and assume they're stupid, count me out. Or rather, expect me to push back hard every time you do so. This is not about opinions that you're questioning - you're assuming that you can ascertain accurate time, and they can't. That's just wrong.

If you want to assert that they are screwing it up, and don't know how to investigate properly and are not to be trusted when they provide facts, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate what they have done wrong. "I don't know what they might have done" is not the same thing.
I agree with you. I think a public dumpster is the logical choice in the area near where the pings were north of SOL. He had time to dispose of her and her belongings.

It is an excellent idea for people to check out their personal property. It is a plea that should go out for the area within the range of the phone ping and done by LE.

Somehow (and I don't know how), landfills need to be searched... and sooner than later. I understand that it is too risky for dogs.. what are other options?
but I had a thought that just maybe these keys were not the house keys maybe these keys were to something else!
To something someone else wanted.

I have stated this same theory more than once. The keys could have been in CM's possession for safekeeping something for hf. The keys she texted to hf could have been proof she still had them.
Somehow (and I don't know how), landfills need to be searched... and sooner than later. I understand that it is too risky for dogs.. what are other options?
A landfill search is not as complex as it sounds. They are done by grids and know the area where the garbage was dumped from specific areas. It could be layers under more garbage, but they can tackle it with hands on work and the use of heavy machinery.
I have stated this same theory more than once. The keys could have been in CM's possession for safekeeping something for hf. The keys she texted to hf could have been proof she still had them.

I agree!
Or a hey Look what I have here with me!
Another thing!
Maybe LE have not checked landfills because they don't think she is in one.
Could they believe her alive somewhere?
As I've attempted to step back and just follow along with others theories lately, I'm starting to think we're giving EA too much credit for some detailed crime that he's pulled off cause we all watch too many crime shows on TV (I'm very guilty of this). IMO, this is a rather simple and barbaric crime by EA. If you look through the evidence, he's been sloppy from the get-go. CM has got to be close to where those cell pings were in Plano. That was the last trace of her and I don't think she ended up far from her phone. I understand the family/friends have searched for 4 months now...have the searchers gone to the doors of the people with private property for whom they can't legally search and ask those property owners if they can search their property? Are the property owners being open to searches on their land? Just trying to think how we're not finding CM after 4 months of searching in targeted areas.

I agree with your synopsis and I think it is because there are the "seemingly uncooperative party-goers", a drug dealer, key, text & phone issues that have all muddled what is probably, as you say, no more than a barbaric crime, committed by a sick, lying, sociopath. I just don't see any planning and if so, it was horribly done. JMO!!
Seems they are/have had to re-search some areas and I wonder if Jonni is still going to get billboard put up.

McElroy is broadening the scope of her search. She’s planning to erect a billboard—in Spanish—in Mexico along a known human trafficking route. She says she’s had visions of her daughter’s life currently. “I see her locked up somewhere being hidden in a solitary area, definitely not being treated right. I feel her being drugged, abused unfortunately. But we can heal her from that. Or I unfortunately see the worse. Was she sold for drug trafficking, is she involved in that? We live in very sick world, unfortunately.”
A landfill search is not as complex as it sounds. They are done by grids and know the area where the garbage was dumped from specific areas. It could be layers under more garbage, but they can tackle it with hands on work and the use of heavy machinery.

Thanks.. then in my opinion, that is what needs to be done!
I do NOT see trafficking in this case at all.
Seems they are/have had to re-search some areas and I wonder if Jonni is still going to get billboard put up.

McElroy is broadening the scope of her search. She’s planning to erect a billboard—in Spanish—in Mexico along a known human trafficking route. She says she’s had visions of her daughter’s life currently. “I see her locked up somewhere being hidden in a solitary area, definitely not being treated right. I feel her being drugged, abused unfortunately. But we can heal her from that. Or I unfortunately see the worse. Was she sold for drug trafficking, is she involved in that? We live in very sick world, unfortunately.”

Again, Jonnie is holding out hope that her daughter is still alive. This is a terrible situation and she needs some counseling to let go of her beliefs that cm is still alive. Jmo
If your quest is to attack LE's work, and assume they're stupid, count me out. Or rather, expect me to push back hard every time you do so. This is not about opinions that you're questioning - you're assuming that you can ascertain accurate time, and they can't. That's just wrong.

If you want to assert that they are screwing it up, and don't know how to investigate properly and are not to be trusted when they provide facts, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate what they have done wrong. "I don't know what they might have done" is not the same thing.
I thought I just did. One detective made an entire motive out of a suggestion HE made to a witness. Hmmm...not how I normally see things done by LE, but it helped obtain the warrant.

I don't have to prove anything about what LE does or does not do. It will come out in trial. I don't have to agree with the way they do things nor do I have to blindly accept everything because it came from them.

I have been doing this a very long time and I have seen many mistakes from the onset of cases to the last of the gavel drops. Some from LE, some from attorneys, and even some from judges, but people make mistakes which can be costly. I have learned I cannot assume LE does certain things because they are so simple even a layman would know to do them.

I will say I do have a lot of respect for Plano PD. I do believe they have an excellent department and are doing a good job on this case in many areas. They have handled themselves professionally for the most part and have dealt with things quite well to date.
Another thing!
Maybe LE have not checked landfills because they don't think she is in one.
Could they believe her alive somewhere?

We have to hope she is. But we can't limit the search to that hope.
Another thing!
Maybe LE have not checked landfills because they don't think she is in one.
Could they believe her alive somewhere?

I am curious to know why they would think a landfill is not a possibility..
Again, Jonnie is holding out hope that her daughter is still alive. This is a terrible situation and she needs some counseling to let go of her beliefs that cm is still alive. Jmo
I was taught a lesson by a grieving grandparent of a missing child. She asked, "Why would anyone want to take away my hope when it is all that keeps me going?"

The families of the missing live in a nightmare. They just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and believe whatever gets them through their long days/sleepless nights. We shouldn't wish the families their loss of hope since they have their entire lives to deal with the reality later when the proof comes.

However, it is one reason I don't feel having the families read here is a great idea when we discuss cases. We deal in reality and theories dealing with worst case scenarios and not fuzzy warm endings for the most part.
I am curious to know why they would think a landfill is not a possibility..

You would think that would be the first place to look.
I don't recall ever seeing it even mentioned.
Somehow (and I don't know how), landfills need to be searched... and sooner than later. I understand that it is too risky for dogs.. what are other options?

Before we get too far down this rabbit hole, what evidence (link) is there that landfills and dumpsters are NOT being searched at all?
Before we get too far down this rabbit hole, what evidence (link) is there that landfills and dumpsters are NOT being searched at all?

Actually we don't because the search locations have remained secret.
Granted, we don't know if they have or have not searched the landfill. However, we do know they have not found her yet.

Now...since this is my preferred could mean they have not searched it. I believe chances are good she is there because a dumpster is one of the most logical places for a lazy person to dispose of a body in the city.

Another logical choice would be Lavon Lake, but I do think they have searched there for certain.
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