AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #1

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LE really can't stop anyone from leaving the country, unless they are under arrest. A POI would be able to travel freely. It really isn't like the old movies, i.e "don"t leave town, mister". So I don't think much can be concluded if BF has travled, either way. I don't think anyone has been cleared.

I only posted that to see if you were paying attention. Lol:p
IIRC, the company produces wound care products. It's based in Switzerland, but has a few US locations. Yes, she would be in contact with lots of physicians/nurses/PAs as I am sure she went to wound care centers, physician's offices and hospitals (as all would use the products).

That's true, however I think it is a Swedish company. It's corporate headquarters in this country are in Atlanta, where she also traveled frequently.

About what she did, you are right on. Her home was right down the street from one of the largest trauma centers in the country. Both homes actually. Lots of doctors offices too.
I totally believe in ghosts. I owned a home for ten years that the owners had both died in. Older people. Natural deaths. I always felt a lot of comfort that Charles and Eleanor were there with me. ��

Actually, going back to that last house Allison owned, the one where she was murdered, it had been heavily renovated. That isn't the most expensive or high end area around but it is veer nice and very popular. The owner would have had no problem turning it.

I saw the before and after exterior pics and yea it was a huge improvement.
It was me..and that is true..I dont know what exactly medical sales she did, but if she were a drug rep she would have had contact with many young drs and interns etc.

Yes, she would. Before retiring I was a Materials Mgmt buyer for a hospital. We used Molnlycke products, mainly Mepilex and Mepiform. The final decision as to what products to use or what company to buy them from was up to Materials Mgmt. but the reps would often come in and demo to physicians and staff to try to sell them on it, as they did have some input into the buying decisions. In fact, Allison's name seemed so familiar to me that when I read she was with Molnlycke, I asked my former co-buyer if we had dealt with her. As far as I can find, she wasn't a rep for our region, but that doesn't always matter. She may have been a rep that we communicated with by phone, she may have trained our regional rep and come along with him on calls to our office, she may have covered our territory when our rep was out, or she may have traveled to our facility when we opened our hyperbaric/wound care/burn unit, to assist another rep in setting up a relationship with us. Like I said, her name just sounded so familiar to me.
I don't know. she looks kind of innocent and naïve to me, coming from the upper Midwest. I think she has values too. I can't see her living in a condo paid for by a boyfriend. It could be it was sold and she bought this home and then the condo sale fell through. If they say no forced entry, then how come the boyfriend was shown on camera, but not the next person who came to her door?!!!!! Sounds like this person came through a back window. so maybe my neighbor theory is all wrong.

Allison wasn't naive or innocent. She was traveling abroad with her boyfriend within six months of when they first began dating. Nothing wrong with that. We are in the 21st Century.

It was easy to capture Alex on the surveillance cam he was there in broad daylight. After dark it would be much more difficult.
That is a really nice house. I like what they did with it. That back fence area does bother me though..The whole backyard is just so secluded someone could get in and out via the back yard to easily IMO

From that link "BACK ON MARKET! Appraised and Inspected then Buyer doesn't perform! His loss, your gain!" Im betting whoever didn't buy that house in the first place is thanking their lucky starts now.
Yes, she would. Before retiring I was a Materials Mgmt buyer for a hospital. We used Molnlycke products, mainly Mepilex and Mepiform. The final decision as to what products to use or what company to buy them from was up to Materials Mgmt. but the reps would often come in and demo to physicians and staff to try to sell them on it, as they did have some input into the buying decisions. In fact, Allison's name seemed so familiar to me that when I read she was with Molnlycke, I asked my former co-buyer if we had dealt with her. As far as I can find, she wasn't a rep for our region, but that doesn't always matter. She may have been a rep that we communicated with by phone, she may have trained our regional rep and come along with him on calls to our office, she may have covered our territory when our rep was out, or she may have traveled to our facility when we opened our hyperbaric/wound care/burn unit, to assist another rep in setting up a relationship with us. Like I said, her name just sounded so familiar to me.

I know a couple of folks who knew her professionally as you described. They really liked her a lot. She traveled all over from what I've read. Could very well be your area was in her territory.

Thanks for that info.
That is a really nice house. I like what they did with it. That back fence area does bother me though..The whole backyard is just so secluded someone could get in and out via the back yard to easily IMO

Yes. That old alley was the only real drawback to that cute little house. She did have security floodlights. You can see them in the photos. Of course we don't know if she turned them on. Like with the alarm system.
I still want to know who her personal beneficiary was.
From that link "BACK ON MARKET! Appraised and Inspected then Buyer doesn't perform! His loss, your gain!" Im betting whoever didn't buy that house in the first place is thanking their lucky starts now.
Yes. That old alley was the only real drawback to that cute little house. She did have security floodlights. You can see them in the photos. Of course we don't know if she turned them on. Like with the alarm system.

Yea but even with floodlights they only help if someone is actually able to see and is looking. JMO
From that link "BACK ON MARKET! Appraised and Inspected then Buyer doesn't perform! His loss, your gain!" Im betting whoever didn't buy that house in the first place is thanking their lucky starts now.

You can say that again. I'll bet it doesn't sell too easily now either. The seller has to disclose if a person died in the house and what the cause was. Most buyers would stay far far away.
Yea but even with floodlights they only help if someone is actually able to see and is looking. JMO

I think they are a big deterrent because someone up to no good wouldn't know if someone was looking or not. They would just know they are lit up like a Christmas tree. Putting a surveillance cam where the are would make them even better.


ETA: Obviously, however, they didn't work in this case.:(
Yes. That old alley was the only real drawback to that cute little house. She did have security floodlights. You can see them in the photos. Of course we don't know if she turned them on. Like with the alarm system.

Wonder if the lights were motion activated, and if when lights the go on; that's what neighbor’s security camera picks up - thus, that's how LE figures when killer left her place, but they don't actually see him...
Cluciano, there was a deed of reassignment on that house she bought that was recorded only a couple of days before her body was found. What do you make of that?

Wow! A great bit of sleuthing MissD - finding that reassignment! Really causing :discuss: :thinking: :discuss: here!
Allison wasn't naive or innocent. She was traveling abroad with her boyfriend within six months of when they first began dating. Nothing wrong with that. We are in the 21st Century.

It was easy to capture Alex on the surveillance cam he was there in broad daylight. After dark it would be much more difficult.

I don't know what difference the century makes. values are values, period. I would think she had motion detector lights in the back of her home. everyone I know does. So seeing she came across so many people in her line of work, I'm saying it could be absolutely anyone, especially with a trauma center nearby and maybe she mentioned she lived a short ways away. who knows. A single woman alone in a home, should not be revealed. She didn't even have a dog.
I don't know what difference the century makes. values are values, period. I would think she had motion detector lights in the back of her home. everyone I know does. So seeing she came across so many people in her line of work, I'm saying it could be absolutely anyone, especially with a trauma center nearby and maybe she mentioned she lived a short ways away. who knows. A single woman alone in a home, should not be revealed. She didn't even have a dog.

BBM: Are you kidding me!

^Foreclosure laws in Arizona.^

Her condo was basically empty for all we know for 10 months, she could have been sub-letting. If someone was living there, it may have paid her monthly loan on the condo. This may have been a wise investment on her part. My brother had bought, remodeled, and sold 2 homes (Tempe and Prescott) by the time he was 30. It fast tracked him to a fantastic credit rating. AF had been exposed to the boom and bust of the real estate market, Arizona was one of the last States to recover, "Buyer's Market".

The beneficiary is the mortgage company. Unless you, as a single person, pay cash on the barrel, banks and lending companies basically hold the deed until the property is paid off.

If AF had put another name on the loan and mortgage paperwork, THAT person (Successor Trustee) would be the responsible payee, unless there was "Mortgage Life Insurance" in which the mortgage would be paid off by the insurance company, the Successor Trustee being the beneficiary.

Jason Sherman was contracted by Green Tree to represent their interests in the condo. Someone from AF's family or a representative may have contacted the mortgage company. Quite possibly the SPD did when they were looking at her financials.

AF just doesn't seem the type to allow an investment to slip away...........going back to the docs to check out some other things.
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