Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #13

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It certainly is Krig. I feel there's a strong tone of sensationalism within the article too. Still, quite shocking that the judge feels that way and it completely confuses things :-(
Agreed. With the next court date being in Victoria maybe we will get a better feel for things. This just keeps getting more odd by the day.

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I keeping thinking back to the house for sale directly across the road from the grandmother's property. Some of us discussed this house way back in an earlier thread. 35 Benaroon Drive was advertised for sale not long after William disappeared. The vendor was advertised as a 'he' and was wanting a quick sale. The photos of the interior of that house creeped me out. Such weird photos to advertise the sale of the property. When William was first reported missing some of the volunteer searchers apparently heard noises coming from that house but when they checked around outside, the house appeared to be vacant. It's not known if the police have followed up on this info, although they were made aware of it.

Just checked and this property was sold just over a week ago.

This is the front of 35 Benaroon Drive Kendall.


As you drive out of the driveway of 35 Benaroon Drive this is what you see directly in front of you. The rear of the grandmother's house where William was said to be playing.


Images sourced from Google Maps.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1suszUiAZ8xNRMfsLjiWmWkA!2e0

My point is (as has been discussed previously) did someone living in that house see William playing and quickly grabbed him within a matter of minutes? Was there someone hiding in that house when the search for William was underway? Was someone squatting in that house? Someone who wasn't supposed to be there? I'm wondering if the police did discover that someone was living there but they have never bothered to come forward to identify themselves to police. I learned from the real estate agent that all of the properties in that particular estate are on septic.

All conjecture on my part but as I mentioned, this house gave me chills when I first saw it. In fact it still does.

There was no 35 apparently vacant, next door to G/mas were away...
Can anybody clarify whether or not The Police have authority to force entry into the houses that were not occupied?
If yes well and good but if those properties were not inspected because The Police could not gain access that would have been a major setback.
I can't see The Police forcing entry into these houses but I sure hope they did...again, does anyone have the answer to this please?

That view of the G/mas yard gives me the creeps, I suppose only as William may have been snatched from there. If I had seen the same pic anywhere else hmmm I get the feeling it would still make me uneasy, I think it is the blind spot under the balcony (if you were upstairs) that does it.
WOAH-Here is something new- paraphrasing best I can

Article also states that the key witness claims that BS and another woman sexually abused children. The alligation is unrelated to his current charges and it is said basically that the judge does not believe the alligation.

Hopefully someone else picks up this article.

Have to admit I am with The Judge on this one.
There was no 35 apparently vacant, next door to G/mas were away...
Can anybody clarify whether or not The Police have authority to force entry into the houses that were not occupied?
If yes well and good but if those properties were not inspected because The Police could not gain access that would have been a major setback.
I can't see The Police forcing entry into these houses but I sure hope they did...again, does anyone have the answer to this please?

That view of the G/mas yard gives me the creeps, I suppose only as William may have been snatched from there. If I had seen the same pic anywhere else hmmm I get the feeling it would still make me uneasy, I think it is the blind spot under the balcony (if you were upstairs) that does it.

#35 is not next door to grandma's house. It is across the road. It was up for sale, and was deemed to be vacant. It is not the next door house where the neighbours were away. If someone was living at #35, they had a very strange setup inside. You may have to read back through the threads to find the useful info we found out about #35. As Makara said, a very creepy house, set well back from the road, with very strange interior pictures in the For Sale ads.
No, how dare the judge say that. That woman was probably a victim herself. Just because she doesn't express herself clearly what she said shouldn't be discounted
No how dare the judge say that. That woman was probably a victim herself. Just because she doesn't express herself clearly what she said shouldn't be discounted

I agree with you, Olli! I put myself in her position, and honestly...she probably expressed herself a lot more clearly than I would, if my daughter had been abused! There has to be background Info to this, bc I can't see a judge discrediting the mom so callously! Then again....
Unbelievable people who commit crimes are given handicaps if they're deemed "mentally incompetent" but if an ocd person testifies then they're discounted ?! Real fair ...
Unbelievable people who commit crimes are given handicaps if they're deemed "mentally incompetent" but if an ocd person testifies then they're discounted ?! Real fair ...

ABSOLUTELY....I work in mental health...the number of times I have witnessed people trying to express themselves, to the satisfaction of (well educated)....ahem...(normal) people.....its so hard and JUST because she doesn't fit into a Box she shouldn't be discounted.....damn damn judges grrrrrrr
Agreed. With the next court date being in Victoria maybe we will get a better feel for things. This just keeps getting more odd by the day.

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I haven't see anything about a court date in Victoria. As far as I know, he hasn't been charged with offences in Victoria.

For those who aren't familiar with the legal system, a person charged under state legislation, and most crimes are state based, will be dealt with in that state. If someone is charged with offences in two different states, the charges will be split up and each one will be dealt with in the relevant state.

Although that raises an interesting question about what happens when there is ongoing abuse of one victim in different states. I've never come across that. I'll have to think it through.
I agree with you, Olli! I put myself in her position, and honestly...she probably expressed herself a lot more clearly than I would, if my daughter had been abused! There has to be background Info to this, bc I can't see a judge discrediting the mom so callously! Then again....

Yes I agree. The use of the word "bizarre" when it relates to a person seems a bit odd. I can imagine a judge describing someone's actions or allegations as bizarre, but it would be very unhappy if my witness was described as bizarre. I wonder whether the journalist was quoting a report of some kind.
ABSOLUTELY....I work in mental health...the number of times I have witnessed people trying to express themselves, to the satisfaction of (well educated)....ahem...(normal) people.....its so hard and JUST because she doesn't fit into a Box she shouldn't be discounted.....damn damn judges grrrrrrr

I know it seems unfair but that's the way the system HAS to be. I truly believe that the system we have is the best it can be. And it continues to evolve.

Under our system a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. . And sadly, if a person has a history of making unfounded similar allegations against other people, then their allegations will not be treated the same as someone who has never made previous allegations. that doesnt mean that their evidence will be irrelevant. It just means that the court will need some sort of corobboration from another witness.
I haven't see anything about a court date in Victoria. As far as I know, he hasn't been charged with offences in Victoria.

For those who aren't familiar with the legal system, a person charged under state legislation, and most crimes are state based, will be dealt with in that state. If someone is charged with offences in two different states, the charges will be split up and each one will be dealt with in the relevant state.

Although that raises an interesting question about what happens when there is ongoing abuse of one victim in different states. I've never come across that. I'll have to think it through.
Oops meant to say Campbelltown. Sorry about that guys!

Yes that would be good to know Ksks if charges went to more than one state!
Documents presented during his bail hearing show a woman who forms a key part of the police case against him was previously found by a judge to have “a propensity to make alle*gations of misconduct of various kinds” against men.

The witness, who cannot be named, claimed Mr Spedding and another woman sexually abused children. These alle*gations, which were unrelated to the charges he now faces, were rejected by a judge, who said he was “reasonably satisfied” the abuse did not occur.

The judge found the witness may also have sought to influence the evidence of the children allegedly involved, the court documents show.

The witness, who has separately alleged Mr Spedding committed the offences for which he currently faces charges, was *“obsessive, compulsive and *bizarre”, the judge said.
A police facts sheet, also tendered in court, said Mr Spedding is alleged to have sexually *abused two young sisters in Sydney during 1987.

Police will allege there is medical evidence supporting the charges, as well as witness tes*timony from the girls allegedly involved.

Mr Spedding has denied the charges. He has also denied any involvement in the disappearance of William Tyrrell.
I keeping thinking back to the house for sale directly across the road from the grandmother's property. Some of us discussed this house way back in an earlier thread. 35 Benaroon Drive was advertised for sale not long after William disappeared. The vendor was advertised as a 'he' and was wanting a quick sale. The photos of the interior of that house creeped me out. Such weird photos to advertise the sale of the property. When William was first reported missing some of the volunteer searchers apparently heard noises coming from that house but when they checked around outside, the house appeared to be vacant. It's not known if the police have followed up on this info, although they were made aware of it.

Just checked and this property was sold just over a week ago.


My point is (as has been discussed previously) did someone living in that house see William playing and quickly grabbed him within a matter of minutes? Was there someone hiding in that house when the search for William was underway? Was someone squatting in that house? Someone who wasn't supposed to be there? I'm wondering if the police did discover that someone was living there but they have never bothered to come forward to identify themselves to police. I learned from the real estate agent that all of the properties in that particular estate are on septic.

All conjecture on my part but as I mentioned, this house gave me chills when I first saw it. In fact it still does.

Yes, weird to have the pot plants on the floor in the kitchen and the strange placing of the microwave and the TV turned away from the couches in the lounge room. Looks like the person had been in the process of moving out when it was advertised.

I think they would have searched the premises as they did all the others in the neighbourhood (several times apparently).
#35 is not next door to grandma's house. It is across the road. It was up for sale, and was deemed to be vacant. It is not the next door house where the neighbours were away. If someone was living at #35, they had a very strange setup inside. You may have to read back through the threads to find the useful info we found out about #35. As Makara said, a very creepy house, set well back from the road, with very strange interior pictures in the For Sale ads.

Of no consequence I suppose, and I'm sure there are unisex umbrellas, but hanging on the door of a kitchen cupboard is what I would normally call a man's umbrella. Then again, I have one the same and am female!!
Maybe they were in the process of moving out, but having lived in places being sold before, the photographers will move stuff around with the assistance/guidance of the selling agent to make the place look as best they can. Not just leave crap in the middle of the room. It's very weird.

Also, I noted yesterday that BS is the only named POI, but he is not the only POI in the WT case*. That gets lost in the news we get about his current court case. There are others out there we aren't talking about because we don't know who they are. We're missing big pieces of the puzzle.

*I literally read yesterday something like there are multiple POI but only BS is named... now I can't find it! Am looking.
Documents presented during his bail hearing show a woman who forms a key part of the police case against him was previously found by a judge to have “a propensity to make alle*gations of misconduct of various kinds” against men.

The witness, who cannot be named, claimed Mr Spedding and another woman sexually abused children. These alle*gations, which were unrelated to the charges he now faces, were rejected by a judge, who said he was “reasonably satisfied” the abuse did not occur.

The judge found the witness may also have sought to influence the evidence of the children allegedly involved, the court documents show.

The witness, who has separately alleged Mr Spedding committed the offences for which he currently faces charges, was *“obsessive, compulsive and *bizarre”, the judge said.

I haven't read the article, but the judge they are referring to, is it the judge from the recent bail application, or a judge from a previous time - i.e. when it was claimed the trial didn't go ahead to protect the girls from more trauma?
I haven't read the article, but the judge they are referring to, is it the judge from the recent bail application, or a judge from a previous time - i.e. when it was claimed the trial didn't go ahead to protect the girls from more trauma?

The judge for the bail application.
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