Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #14

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I agree Makara
I was just watching again and while I am sure this has been discussed before it did remind me the children were giggling, laughing and roaring having fun and that would certainly have blocked out the sound of a car driving slowly up the street.

Absolutely. I live in a very quiet area and I honestly couldn't say how many cars drive by in a day. I know they do, I just don't take any notice. The only time I'm aware of a car is if I'm expecting visitors.

I'm only guessing here but I'd say that William's father probably gave his wife an estimate of how long he would be gone. So say for example he said he would be back at 11:30am, William's mother and grandmother wouldn't have taken much notice of a car driving into the street and stopping down the road. On the other hand little William, at three years of age, would have no concept of time. He just knew that daddy would be back soon. It is so heartbreaking to think that William may have run down towards the road thinking it was Daddy's car he could hear or see. And then some creep says "Hi Spiderman.....".
Absolutely. I live in a very quiet area and I honestly couldn't say how many cars drive by in a day. I know they do, I just don't take any notice. The only time I'm aware of a car is if I'm expecting visitors.

I'm only guessing here but I'd say that William's father probably gave his wife an estimate of how long he would be gone. So say for example he said he would be back at 11:30am, William's mother and grandmother wouldn't have taken much notice of a car driving into the street and stopping down the road. On the other hand little William, at three years of age, would have no concept of time. He just knew that daddy would be back soon. It is so heartbreaking to think that William may have run down towards the road thinking it was Daddy's car he could hear or see. And then some creep says "Hi Spiderman.....".

Yes I agree again
William's Mum said in the 60 minute interview she remembers saying can you see Daddy's car and there was nothing, no answer.

Which you could look at 2 ways I guess. Dad was expected and Mum had said Dad will be back soon and William was off to his meet dad.
Or a car was heard if only by William.

But there is one thing for sure BS new William would be at grandma's. imo

ONLY days before William Tyrrell was abducted, his grandmother told repairman Bill Spedding she was expecting a stay-over visit from her family and could he fix her faulty washing machine.

That revelation calls into question toddler William’s trip to the mid north coast being a total “surprise” that nobody other than his parents could have known about.
I've just watched the video. It's on YouTube.

What shines through is that William was and is deeply loved by his parents. I thought the programme was very informative. I was pleased that the detective shared my thought that someone may have used the "hey Spider-Man" phrase to build a rapport with William. Seeing videos of William singing and dancing and his georgeous glorious laugh makes it seem oh so more real. You get so much more of a feeling of what William was really like. I think the detectives are tightening their grip. I think they have to make so sure that they are following are solid leads. I also think that the detective is ensuring that the media shares only what he wants them to know. So many unknown search warrants. And I wondered about the car sightings. At first I wondered why they hadn't mentioned it, but then I think they are using this like a jigsaw. If they believe that these cars may be involved but it may lead to uncovering a paedo ring if they can link it, then maybe they wanted to hold on to it and releasing it now might make people think, what with the paedos operating behind the Grandparents Group, it might make better connections.

It was a very very good programme. I hope it leads to a break in this case
I've just watched the video. It's on YouTube.
It was a very very good programme. I hope it leads to a break in this case

Thank you for this blefuscu.
I have many problems with paywalls and programmes from here, so this is really good to know.
Also for your comments which were very interesting, but I snipped them for space - hope you don't mind.
I have not been able to watch the video yet. Was it said if there were people seen in the cars or was that left out?

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No mention of people in the cars. But both cars had their windows open

This article details the last moments William's mother heard him from outside while she was making a cup of tea.

What strikes me is that she was obviously listening carefully. Wouldn't she have heard a car pull up?

If the 2 cars are suspicious is this not a planned crime?

Also interesting is that Jubelin said abductions by childless couples are statistically younger kids and pedophiles older kids, and that this case is rare.
Replying to Makara #356
It is unbelievable that this information has been withheld.
Seeing it in picture - so close to were William may have run.

We have heard it said so many times you would hear a car coming up the street... now we hear two cars were parked across the road.

The neighbour whose fence sits just 10m from where William was taken, heard him and his sister playing earlier that morning before she headed into town to run some errands.
“I don’t think it was an opportunistic grab from someone who just happened to be here *because we don’t get strangers wandering around.”

“I didn’t hear anything, so if the person who took him came down Benaroon Dr, they did it without panicking or driving fast or taking off like an idiot, because I would’ve heard,” Ms Heslop said.
“That’s pretty good luck. Especially at 10.30am on a Friday when there should only be one kid on the street, which is mine.”

It seems as though some in the street are not buying opportunistic.

I think it's like that famous Sherlock Holmes quote -- once you rule out the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
I wish they had said at what time Williams mum saw the cars, can anyone figure out where the cars were in relation to the " creepy" house.

I still believe the mum was making an appeal to the same specific person as last time even saying " you may have coffee with him"
I'm sure this person will be getting a visit from Jubelin today to check her mood. Loyalties can change over time.
No mention of people in the cars. But both cars had their windows open
Thanks blefuscu! Wonder why that piece of info was not mentioned? But I guess it is probably the same reason that the info about the cars has not been mentioned until now.

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I am not advocating anyone break the law, BUT couldn't the hackers of the Ashley Madison site also use their time hacking the membership lists of sites like these?

In reference to paying to volunteer, do volunteers in Australia have to pay for their background checks? Only recently did our public schools require any type of background check on adults and I do not know if the volunteers at the schools have to pay for them. (I do not know the requirement because our children went to a private school that did not require checks.) Also, we have had our children in AYSO (non-profit soccer) which relies on volunteers and AYSO pays for background checks. I guess I assumed it is typical for employers that require background checks also pay for them.

I have the Blue Card form in front of me (my daughter is applying for one).

Paid employee (such as in after school programs, private tutors, school crossing supervisors etc) pays $81.40, a volunteer or a student (such as a student teacher or student child care worker for example) do not pay a fee.

That is from the Blue Card new/renewal application form.

When I was at uni our Blue Card was free but in my occupation I no longer need one as I automatically get a police check every 5 years paid for by my employer or professional organisation (I can't remember which).

Hope that helps.
The mother saw 2 cars parked on the road in Benaroon Drive with the windows down on the morning of Williams disappearance? The police think it is suspicious and are interested in finding uut out what they were doing there?

I had not heard this reported anywhere before.

My first throught when they mentioned the dark colored sedan was the talk about the grey Camry or Camira or whatever it was that supposedly seen leaving the area that day. But then I wondered if the cars were there to look at the house for sale. We are in a rural area, we have two houses nearby that are for sale and I have seen some cars parked out the front, on the road, having a look at them (we don't have nice roads or gutters or footpaths like Benaroon Drive does though). They park just pulled off the side of the road because the houses have locked gates and probably don't want to pull up in the driveway.
How many cars are made as station wagons? That narrows it down. Then was it a medium sized car? White cars used a lot in crime because they are common.

Was there any distinguishable marks on the vehicle? If not,then more chance its dodgy.

I'm pretty sure that many cars used to commit crimes would most likely be stolen and chosen at random. Where I live that seems to be the case except for when the regular thieves have a game where they choose certain 'types' of cars, like V8s one week, 4WDs the next etc. For most car thefts it's opportunistic - if it has the keys in it or nearby then it's 'fair game' :(
The parents keeps saying, somebody knows something and they should come forward. Why wouldn't they offer a reward?

Probably because they're foster parents and there's a lot of red tape and bureaucracy preventing them from doing so. Maybe the biological parents have not given permission to do so, either.
Mum wouldnt answer that though.
The interviewer said "would BS have known you were there?". She said "I dont know, i cant answer that". I thought it was odd. Because surely in the last year, you've drilled your mum about whether she mightve mentioned it earlier in the week when he came!! I think she did.
I also noticed they showed framed pics around the house. If he was in the house, he knew what william looked like. Its just a matter of whether he knew he was coming.

I'm pretty sure they were at their own home, although I wondered why they didn't conduct the interview somewhere neutral. I'm sure their friends would know who they are but with all of the general secrecy surrounding them I would have thought they'd not show any part of where they live (but if it was for personal comfort, which I totally understand, I can see why they chose to stay home).
Below is a screen grab of the cars from the 60 Minutes video I posted upthread. The fence of the house is very distinctive and it was easy to find in Google street view. I've also included the Google images below. There is no indication that the residents of that house are involved. I'm sure the police would have spoken to them in depth.

What blows me away is that the sighting of the cars is only just coming out now. Unbelievable! Two cars, driver's side windows down and how easy would it be to bundle a little one into the back of a station wagon?




I wonder if the dark car is a Hybrid or electric type of car? Those cars make next to no noise so they might not have been heard driving off. The nose of it looks a bit like a Prius or Civic at first glance. But my first thought watching the story was it could have been the car reported by the truck driver, the Camry or Camira.

Edit - the new FB post out by the police about the vehicles list both cars as older cars, I don't think the cars I suggested would necessarily be classed as old cars.
Makara - Please delete if not allowed.

I have noticed a lot of posters here are also on the Wynarka thread - (have posted links on the Wynarka thread) - GAPA has an association with the "River City Community Quilters Group" - Quilts were given out to all "new" children to their group...

for those interested...

Ooooo, I haven't read there for the past two days, I'll pop over after I've finished reading here. Thank you :)
Is it confirmed that they are foster parents? I've been wondering if this is the reason they can't be identified?
Absolutely. I live in a very quiet area and I honestly couldn't say how many cars drive by in a day. I know they do, I just don't take any notice. The only time I'm aware of a car is if I'm expecting visitors.

I'm only guessing here but I'd say that William's father probably gave his wife an estimate of how long he would be gone. So say for example he said he would be back at 11:30am, William's mother and grandmother wouldn't have taken much notice of a car driving into the street and stopping down the road. On the other hand little William, at three years of age, would have no concept of time. He just knew that daddy would be back soon. It is so heartbreaking to think that William may have run down towards the road thinking it was Daddy's car he could hear or see. And then some creep says "Hi Spiderman.....".

The only time I really hear cars driving down our street are if they are the local hoons (we a are a long, straight dead end road so it's tempting for them to hold it flat for the kilometre or so our street is :( ) or if they are a noisy car like a V8 because our area is so quiet.

The scene where they are standing out the front of the house and Jubelin said "Hi Spiderman" just got me. My kids used to stand by the letterbox when they were little in their little dress ups, waiting for the parcel man at Christmas time, and it made me think how easy it is for someone to take advantage of something like that :(
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