Dr. Teresa Sievers - Alternate Motives and Theories (NOT involving MS)

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Funny how some can't think of not even one way this murder could have taken place without MS being involved while I come up with a new one everyday.... Problem is I can't talk about those theories on here...

Why not? I'd love to hear you theories!
Funny how some can't think of not even one way this murder could have taken place without MS being involved while I come up with a new one everyday.... Problem is I can't talk about those theories on here...
You could tell us by being very general and not naming anyone.
Just throwing this out there... no motive but... On Skinners thread he said MS told the police to check under TS nails since she would have fought. Is it possible he (MS) was the one who tipped off LE that CWW might be involved? Did he have suspicions? Is that why he was not on the news begging for answers? Is he staying out of the limelight but helping LE?
Just throwing this out there... no motive but... On Skinners thread he said MS told the police to check under TS nails since she would have fought. Is it possible he (MS) was the one who tipped off LE that CWW might be involved? Did he have suspicions? Is that why he was not on the news begging for answers? Is he staying out of the limelight but helping LE?
That thought crossed my mind as well (that MS might have tipped LE) because by July 2 the sheriff was assuring neighbors not to worry. But then again the tip could have come from Dr Sievers colleague (the person who found the body). Nevertheless it seems LE was on track right away (within 3-5) days.
There are some shades of self importance in this particular post. IMO

A typical M.D. is exceptionally busy and doesn’t have time to pursue all of the different angles of promoting a business.

Having personally worked for many doctors (M.D.s) for many decades, there was always someone (spouse, office manager, administrator, etc.) who worked very hard on advertising/promotion/production matters. I knew of just one M.D. who had their own marketing guru, who happened to be a friend of the doc.

If my job was to coordinate “all those business details“, and I helped my spouse attain some terrific opportunities, I’d be talking to friends about that success.

I’m really not seeing the problem with someone excited about his wife’s accomplishments, supporting those accomplishments, and helping her achieve some of those accomplishments.
In all honesty I have not heard one bad thing about the man.
Only here!
In all honesty I have not heard one bad thing about the man.
Only here!

Yes, IIRC, even news reporters haven’t interviewed anyone with negative comments about MS.

This recent news article has positive comments from a person in Missouri about Mark Sievers:

September 10, 2015 http://www.news-press.com/story/new...ers-murder-envelope-suspicion-broad/72004168/
"I said to (Lifka's husband) Ray, 'He's so nice, just a nice guy," she said.
Kitty Lifka said Mark Sievers was always very respectful and called her often to talk.
Lifka said she even received a letter from Teresa Sievers at one point, praising Mark: "She wrote that she never could have accomplished what she did without Mark.
I just have not seen heard or read anything negative about him.
A typical M.D. is exceptionally busy and doesn’t have time to pursue all of the different angles of promoting a business.

Having personally worked for many doctors (M.D.s) for many decades, there was always someone (spouse, office manager, administrator, etc.) who worked very hard on advertising/promotion/production matters. I knew of just one M.D. who had their own marketing guru, who happened to be a friend of the doc.

If my job was to coordinate “all those business details“, and I helped my spouse attain some terrific opportunities, I’d be talking to friends about that success.

I’m really not seeing the problem with someone excited about his wife’s accomplishments, supporting those accomplishments, and helping her achieve some of those accomplishments.

Well do not know she was tired of him. I have heard nor read that anywhere.
HElping her start her practice seems about right to me.

I agree and in addition to helping start it, he also helped run it. While it's a possibility like many other of our theories, it doesn't jibe (to me) with what everyone else was saying about her, about him and about them as a partnership. It makes her sound like an superficial or petty person. Do male doctors get tired of their non-degreed wives "riding their coattails"? because they're SAHMs? Not every relationship is about money or who earns the most. To me, in my opinion, it looked like a great partnership. MS was doing an awful lot of work both at home with the kidlets and at the practice. Doctors wives have been known to be a part of their husband's practices and no one bats an eye or thinks less of them. The Sievers would have had to hire someone to watch the girls, school the girls, and help run the practice if MS had a different job. It just seemed like something a lot of couples would love.

I don't lean one way or another regarding spousal involvement in this - I just don't agree that divorce for resentment is a reason for the points I've made already.

My vote is that CCW was acting on his own for reasons that we'll be learning as time goes on. Bottom line, to save his own skin in regard to criminal acts that impacted the Sievers without their knowledge. Everything would be jeopardized once they were discovered. MS had already gone out on a limb hiring CCW. Possibly, the Sievers been discussing things while at her sister's. He could have been snooping via the computer. He would know what the family's plans were and that TS was coming back early.

I don't see CCW paying JR that kind of money unless it was something incredibly huge and life changing and another felony conviction on top of meth manufacturing 2010 would put him away for a very long time. I can't see him brutally murdering someone as a favor. I can see him doing it to protect himself or out of jealousy or even hatred. According to what Skinner has said, CCW had plenty of money socked away. He's a bad, bad guy. Maybe he was the toxic relationship she was referring to – the bond of her husband and his friend.
I am in the process of developing a theory of CWW being the Mastermind of the murder and of him being the actual hammer-wielding murderer. And that MS was not involved in the murder, but that he suspected from Day1 that CWW had something to do with it.

I think CWW was doing something illegal. Something that, if caught, would put him into jail for a long time. Running drugs? MS may or may not have suspected that CWW was doing this. Or, he could have been a part of it.

Somehow (can't figure this out yet) Teresa learns that something illegal is taking place and that CWW is involved in it. She speaks to MS about whatever it is she has learned and she is very upset about it. She tells MS that she wants CWW out of their business and out of their lives - immediately.

Whether involved in illegalities with CWW or not, MS shares with CWW what Teresa has learned and how very, very upset she is. MS tells his old buddy that they are going to have to immediately discontinue their association.

CWW says okie-dokie to MS. But inside he is very angry - at Teresa - and feeling very threatened by Teresa having this knowledge about him. It means she has the ability to have him put in jail. It means the end of the lucrative money he had been charging the medical practice for IT services. And it means the end of his relationship with MS - his "brother".

If CWW had something going such as using Teresa's MD license number to order certain drugs from a drug supply house through her medical practice and having them shipped to a place where CWW could then retrieve and sell them, it would also mean an end to that income stream.

So CWW decides to get rid of Teresa. And the story goes on from there. The reason I think CWW may have been wielding the hammer is that it was likely someone who had anger towards her who would beat her head and face to being "unrecognizable".

Remember the doctor who got convicted of contributing to Michael Jackson's death? He was having Propophal delivered to his girlfriend's apartment! Because he no longer had his own office.

Once a doctor has an established account with a drug supply company and you pay your bills promptly, they have the MD license on file and just ship the merchandise as ordered. Possible to have an account the doctor doesn't know about? Yes. Possible to have an account the Practice Manager doesn't know about? Much more difficult, but perhaps possible.

Something like this could explain the Police guy saying that this is "convoluted" or "complex" or whatever word he used. Recently he sais there is "so much more to this". This theory would also explain the statement about more people being involved. CWW would be distributing the pills to others to deal them.

I would welcome any comments or additions to my theory.
Excellent post!! All of it. When I initially heard about this case, the seemingly convenient alibi for MS got my attention, and there have been other aspects that don't look good for him. It's too easy to start looking at every move he makes as suspicious. But I agree with you, and have said before, that it's very likely that this is all CWW for the reasons you mention. This murder was about CWW looking out for himself, not doing anyone a favor IMO.


I agree and in addition to helping start it, he also helped run it. While it's a possibility like many other of our theories, it doesn't jibe (to me) with what everyone else was saying about her, about him and about them as a partnership. It makes her sound like an superficial or petty person. Do male doctors get tired of their non-degreed wives "riding their coattails"? because they're SAHMs? Not every relationship is about money or who earns the most. To me, in my opinion, it looked like a great partnership. MS was doing an awful lot of work both at home with the kidlets and at the practice. Doctors wives have been known to be a part of their husband's practices and no one bats an eye or thinks less of them. The Sievers would have had to hire someone to watch the girls, school the girls, and help run the practice if MS had a different job. It just seemed like something a lot of couples would love.

I don't lean one way or another regarding spousal involvement in this - I just don't agree that divorce for resentment is a reason for the points I've made already.

My vote is that CCW was acting on his own for reasons that we'll be learning as time goes on. Bottom line, to save his own skin in regard to criminal acts that impacted the Sievers without their knowledge. Everything would be jeopardized once they were discovered. MS had already gone out on a limb hiring CCW. Possibly, the Sievers been discussing things while at her sister's. He could have been snooping via the computer. He would know what the family's plans were and that TS was coming back early.

I don't see CCW paying JR that kind of money unless it was something incredibly huge and life changing and another felony conviction on top of meth manufacturing 2010 would put him away for a very long time. I can't see him brutally murdering someone as a favor. I can see him doing it to protect himself or out of jealousy or even hatred. According to what Skinner has said, CCW had plenty of money socked away. He's a bad, bad guy. Maybe he was the toxic relationship she was referring to – the bond of her husband and his friend.
I am in the process of developing a theory of CWW being the Mastermind of the murder and of him being the actual hammer-wielding murderer. And that MS was not involved in the murder, but that he suspected from Day1 that CWW had something to do with it.
If you suspect someone of being complicit in your wife's murder from DAY 1, why would you invite them to the funeral? Let them meet your in-laws, mingle with your wife's friends & patients?? HMMMM, that would require some awfully good acting, huh? from both MS and CWW
I think CWW was doing something illegal. Agree Something that, if caught, would put him into jail for a long time. Agree Running drugs? YES MS may or may not have suspected that CWW was doing this. Or, he could have been a part of it. I agree

Somehow (can't figure this out yet) Teresa learns that something illegal is taking place and that CWW is involved in it. She speaks to MS about whatever it is she has learned and she is very upset about it. She tells MS that she wants CWW out of their business and out of their lives - immediately. (Or wanted BOTH OF THEM OUT OF HER LIFE?)

Whether involved in illegalities with CWW or not, MS shares with CWW what Teresa has learned and how very, very upset she is. MS tells his old buddy that they are going to have to immediately discontinue their association.

CWW says okie-dokie to MS. But inside he is very angry - at Teresa - and feeling very threatened by Teresa having this knowledge about him. It means she has the ability to have him put in jail. It means the end of the lucrative money he had been charging the medical practice for IT services. And it means the end of his relationship with MS - his "brother".

If CWW had something going such as using Teresa's MD license number to order certain drugs from a drug supply house through her medical practice and having them shipped to a place where CWW could then retrieve and sell them, it would also mean an end to that income stream.

So CWW decides to get rid of Teresa. And the story goes on from there. The reason I think CWW may have been wielding the hammer is that it was likely someone who had anger towards her who would beat her head and face to being "unrecognizable". (And, just happens to know a 25 year old, neighbor who calls himself HAMMER on FB??)

Remember the doctor who got convicted of contributing to Michael Jackson's death? He was having Propophal delivered to his girlfriend's apartment! Because he no longer had his own office. EXCELLENT INFORMATION!

Once a doctor has an established account with a drug supply company and you pay your bills promptly, they have the MD license on file and just ship the merchandise as ordered. Possible to have an account the doctor doesn't know about? Yes. Possible to have an account the Practice Manager doesn't know about? Much more difficult, but perhaps possible. (Yikes, and if he looked like MS, with duplicate ID, he could open a bank account anywhere, huh?)

Something like this could explain the Police guy saying that this is "convoluted" or "complex" or whatever word he used. Recently he sais there is "so much more to this". This theory would also explain the statement about more people being involved. CWW would be distributing the pills to others to deal them.
I would welcome any comments or additions to my theory.

ALWAYS SHOCKED I so appreciate the work and thought you put into this post. I just inserted some of my agreements & thoughts in red, as it was easier to address. CWW looks so healthy & plump, so I didn't think he was on drugs. But, a person with Fibromyalgia usually finds DRIVING to be one of the difficult and stressful activities in their life. So relating a 1200 mile one-way trip, the same as you & me going to 7-11...**Big Red Flag** I would be just as "suspect" if someone told me they had Rheumatiod Arthritis but still runs 40 miles a week.
I had another idea based on Post#19 from Creepingskills about going to Walmart for "throw away phones." Maybe, but couldn't those have been purchased in Missouri? CWW's little buddy, JRR had told at least 2 people (gf & boss) he was going to Florida...so being on video in Florida, is not a big surprise. But, if JRR is not wearing the overalls in the store....WE'VE DEFINITELY GOT PREMEDITATION....because he then took the time to put them on before he entered the house, huh? And, since there was no secret in JRR going to Florida, I'm sure he texted his gf quite a bit...why not?
I agree and in addition to helping start it, he also helped run it. While it's a possibility like many other of our theories, it doesn't jibe (to me) with what everyone else was saying about her, about him and about them as a partnership. It makes her sound like an superficial or petty person. Do male doctors get tired of their non-degreed wives "riding their coattails"? because they're SAHMs? Not every relationship is about money or who earns the most. To me, in my opinion, it looked like a great partnership. MS was doing an awful lot of work both at home with the kidlets and at the practice. Doctors wives have been known to be a part of their husband's practices and no one bats an eye or thinks less of them. The Sievers would have had to hire someone to watch the girls, school the girls, and help run the practice if MS had a different job. It just seemed like something a lot of couples would love.

I don't lean one way or another regarding spousal involvement in this - I just don't agree that divorce for resentment is a reason for the points I've made already.

My vote is that CCW was acting on his own for reasons that we'll be learning as time goes on. Bottom line, to save his own skin in regard to criminal acts that impacted the Sievers without their knowledge. Everything would be jeopardized once they were discovered. MS had already gone out on a limb hiring CCW. Possibly, the Sievers been discussing things while at her sister's. He could have been snooping via the computer. He would know what the family's plans were and that TS was coming back early.

I don't see CCW paying JR that kind of money unless it was something incredibly huge and life changing and another felony conviction on top of meth manufacturing 2010 would put him away for a very long time. I can't see him brutally murdering someone as a favor. I can see him doing it to protect himself or out of jealousy or even hatred. According to what Skinner has said, CCW had plenty of money socked away. He's a bad, bad guy. Maybe he was the toxic relationship she was referring to – the bond of her husband and his friend.

Great post! The more I hear the more I'm leaning towards this theory. For a while I felt like there must be a "mastermind" behind this murder but now I think it may only be CWW (with his puppet JR) for the very reasons you stared.
I agree and in addition to helping start it, he also helped run it. While it's a possibility like many other of our theories, it doesn't jibe (to me) with what everyone else was saying about her, about him and about them as a partnership. It makes her sound like an superficial or petty person. Do male doctors get tired of their non-degreed wives "riding their coattails"? because they're SAHMs? Not every relationship is about money or who earns the most. To me, in my opinion, it looked like a great partnership. MS was doing an awful lot of work both at home with the kidlets and at the practice. Doctors wives have been known to be a part of their husband's practices and no one bats an eye or thinks less of them. The Sievers would have had to hire someone to watch the girls, school the girls, and help run the practice if MS had a different job. It just seemed like something a lot of couples would love.

I don't lean one way or another regarding spousal involvement in this - I just don't agree that divorce for resentment is a reason for the points I've made already.

My vote is that CCW was acting on his own for reasons that we'll be learning as time goes on. Bottom line, to save his own skin in regard to criminal acts that impacted the Sievers without their knowledge. Everything would be jeopardized once they were discovered. MS had already gone out on a limb hiring CCW. Possibly, the Sievers been discussing things while at her sister's. He could have been snooping via the computer. He would know what the family's plans were and that TS was coming back early.

I don't see CCW paying JR that kind of money unless it was something incredibly huge and life changing and another felony conviction on top of meth manufacturing 2010 would put him away for a very long time. I can't see him brutally murdering someone as a favor. I can see him doing it to protect himself or out of jealousy or even hatred. According to what Skinner has said, CCW had plenty of money socked away. He's a bad, bad guy. Maybe he was the toxic relationship she was referring to – the bond of her husband and his friend.

If I understood your post correctly, it sounds like you believe CWW acted alone and the Sievers weren't aware of CWW's shenanigans or illegal activity. Is that right? I have no doubt that CWW had been up to no good, and I think it may include some computer/medical practice fraud. It would have to be something really serious to warrant murdering someone. I enjoyed reading your post, even if I'm still leaning towards some involvement by MS. It's interesting to hear other people's viewpoints so I can consider other options.
ALWAYS SHOCKED I so appreciate the work and thought you put into this post. I just inserted some of my agreements & thoughts in red, as it was easier to address. CWW looks so healthy & plump, so I didn't think he was on drugs. But, a person with Fibromyalgia usually finds DRIVING to be one of the difficult and stressful activities in their life. So relating a 1200 mile one-way trip, the same as you & me going to 7-11...**Big Red Flag** I would be just as "suspect" if someone told me they had Rheumatiod Arthritis but still runs 40 miles a week.
I had another idea based on Post#19 from Creepingskills about going to Walmart for "throw away phones." Maybe, but couldn't those have been purchased in Missouri? CWW's little buddy, JRR had told at least 2 people (gf & boss) he was going to Florida...so being on video in Florida, is not a big surprise. But, if JRR is not wearing the overalls in the store....WE'VE DEFINITELY GOT PREMEDITATION....because he then took the time to put them on before he entered the house, huh? And, since there was no secret in JRR going to Florida, I'm sure he texted his gf quite a bit...why not?

IQuestion: Thanks for your input. Yes, you are correct, why would MS invite CWW to the funeral if he was not a part of the plot but he suspected as soon as he learned Teresa was murdered that CWW had something to do with it?

On the theory that MS is innocent:
Could CWW have just "shown up" for the funeral in Florida without being "invited"? Just wanting to be a supportive friend, you know. And even though MS knows of the criminal background of CWW and that he just recently told him about Teresa finding something out about current criminal activities, he did not know for sure that CWW was involved. Plus he was in shock over the murder, so he did not say anything about his suspicions to anyone.

In addition, MS could have felt that in a way he had actually caused Teresa's murder. And/or, if he knew CWW had been suspected in 1996 in the disappearance of Ron Bolin (and I wonder how widespread the knowledge the police considered him to be a person of interest was to the public at large?) MS could have feared for the safety of himself and his children when CWW showed up in Florida for the funeral.

On the theory that MS is part of the conspiracy to murder Teresa:
It was pre-planned for CWW to come to Florida for the funeral because it would "not look right" for the best friend and "brother" of MS to not come.

If MS and CWW were conspiring to purchase opioids through the medical business, there WILL be a paper trail from the Pharmaceutical Supply House they were using. These supply houses must send regular reports to the DEA on which opioids they are selling, who they are selling them to, and how much they are selling to any one doctor.

If somehow a red flag was raised by communication from the DEA to the Pharmaceutical Company, would the Pharmaceutical Company then have contacted the doctor directly about this? Or would the DEA perhaps contact the doctor? Because the legal responsibility for the purchase of opioids is to the individual doctor who holds the license. Did Teresa find out something was going on within the practice that could result in her losing her license to practice?
An 85 year old woman knows he is bad news, but his bro hires him . SMH

I know, it really does defy common sense (in my opinion) to have that kind of person involved in your family's lives however peripherally. I really am conflicted on husband involvement, but soooo many things continue to accumulate to form contradictory pictures of incredible denial or naivete, blissful ignorance of his brother/friend's long history of criminal activities (which seems unlikely if they're really that close and especially that he had to have known about the meth manufacturing) or he's been a baddie all along and flying under the radar. I say that, because there's no way I would have a "friend" with that serious lack of judgment and character: the lifestyle of manufacturing the most evil of drugs (I have no problem with pot even though I don't partake myself). The character issue determines the choices and decisions one makes in all aspects of their lives. I believe and know some people can absolutely do a 180, but many cannot. I've cut friends loose because of a potential of me or my family being collateral damage to their tornado of a life. It's sad, but the flip side is a REAL FRIEND doesn't do anything to jeopardize you or involve you even unknowingly in anything bad.

Maybe MS was fully aware and believed that CWW would never do anything to hurt him or his family. Ripples in a pond as they say and via MSM we're seeing the ripples spreading out far and wide from CCW.

Loyalty is one thing, but then there's denial.
I know, it really does defy common sense (in my opinion) to have that kind of person involved in your family's lives however peripherally. I really am conflicted on husband involvement, but soooo many things continue to accumulate to form contradictory pictures of incredible denial or naivete, blissful ignorance of his brother/friend's long history of criminal activities (which seems unlikely if they're really that close and especially that he had to have known about the meth manufacturing) or he's been a baddie all along and flying under the radar. I say that, because there's no way I would have a "friend" with that serious lack of judgment and character: the lifestyle of manufacturing the most evil of drugs (I have no problem with pot even though I don't partake myself). The character issue determines the choices and decisions one makes in all aspects of their lives. I believe and know some people can absolutely do a 180, but many cannot. I've cut friends loose because of a potential of me or my family being collateral damage to their tornado of a life. It's sad, but the flip side is a REAL FRIEND doesn't do anything to jeopardize you or involve you even unknowingly in anything bad.

Maybe MS was fully aware and believed that CWW would never do anything to hurt him or his family. Ripples in a pond as they say and via MSM we're seeing the ripples spreading out far and wide from CCW.

Loyalty is one thing, but then there's denial.
Makes you wonder if MS was loyal to CWW by default. CWW could have had something on MS from way back when.
I posted something previously about one theory in which MS had no hand in the death. CWW knew there were valuables ( cash, guns) in a safe or safes in the house. ( I knew of one doctor that kept all cash in a safe in the home for years....a lot of $$$$). My theory is that CWW knew about something like this. He also knew TS would be coming home alone. He has JR enter the home, forcibly. JR is to get the safe combination from TS. She resists, or maybe even identifies CWW during the robbery, and JR freaks out, and in a fit of rage and panic, kills TS. MS knows nothing of this and is truly shocked and not acting in a rational way, declares the practice will go on. JMO
I posted something previously about one theory in which MS had no hand in the death. CWW knew there were valuables ( cash, guns) in a safe or safes in the house. ( I knew of one doctor that kept all cash in a safe in the home for years....a lot of $$$$). My theory is that CWW knew about something like this. He also knew TS would be coming home alone. He has JR enter the home, forcibly. JR is to get the safe combination from TS. She resists, or maybe even identifies CWW during the robbery, and JR freaks out, and in a fit of rage and panic, kills TS. MS knows nothing of this and is truly shocked and not acting in a rational way, declares the practice will go on. JMO

I have thought this very similar theory.

In this theory, he (CWW) knows there is $10,000 in the safe and that is the payday JR mentions he is getting while he is there.
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