Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #17

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It's not this poor bloody guy that 'fizzchick' is referring to is it bearbear?

I think this is the same man (in the washed out blue t-shirt):

No offence meant to you, dear bearbear, as this is an MSM story regarding William's disappearance but this well-meaning man was a member of GM's community and genuinely wanted to help search for him. This so-called psychic nearly had him crucified, along with the neighbour who just happened to report him to police (and post his photo all over the web); much, much later.

I have had an extremely strange dream about who took William (and where) but I don't believe I'm psychic and didn't send a letter with a detailed description to LE. They have enough to do.

I come from the Harry Houdini school of thought about psychics, especially now when they drum up business on social media; they are charlatans IMO.

yes, she describes herself as psychic and says she has helped police cases in the past etc etc but in this sentence shes not describing that poor local man with folded arms, shes describing the person she believes took william to the detective and according to her the detective confirm shes right on two accounts, i just wondered if it was true what the detective said and what part of the description she confirmed to be correct
Maggie said the man she believes is the abductor was known to William's parents, was aged in his 30s and 'walked with his hands on his back pockets'.

She said he had drawn or sunken facial features and prominent eyes. She had sent all of her material to detectives investigating the case.

'When I spoke with one of them, she confirmed that I had "one thing right" in my description of him.
'I also said there was an underworld or drug connection and she said yes that was right too.
yes, she describes herself as psychic and says she has helped police cases in the past etc etc but in this sentence shes not describing that poor local man with folded arms, shes describing the person she believes took william to the detective and according to her the detective confirm shes right on two accounts, i just wondered if it was true what the detective said and what part of the description she confirmed to be correct
Maggie said the man she believes is the abductor was known to William's parents, was aged in his 30s and 'walked with his hands on his back pockets'.

She said he had drawn or sunken facial features and prominent eyes. She had sent all of her material to detectives investigating the case.

'When I spoke with one of them, she confirmed that I had "one thing right" in my description of him.
'I also said there was an underworld or drug connection and she said yes that was right too.

Gotcha, bearbear. I connect the psychic's sketches and notes to the 'mystery man' in the photos at the time because he was pictured in the same MSM story, along with the other woman's comments about reporting him to police because he gave her a 'creepy feeling'. Even though he was a genuine searcher, a lot of people thought he, and the sketch of the man made by the psychic, were one and the same. That's one of the reasons he was pilloried; not only on the internet, but in real life. I didn't make myself clear. It was the Daily Mail's sloppy journalism that linked them, not the psychic. Apologies.

Anyhow, I suppose you'd have to ask LE if her description/connection was right but I can't see them telling anyone anything (even her) due to the ongoing investigation and court suppression orders.
in april police seemed to have renewed optimism william was still alive.....when they discovered the p/ring

UPDATE April 18, 2015:
New information now leads the police to believe that little William Tyrell could be alive, seven months after his abduction last September, and in the hands of a paedophile ring operating on NSW’s north coast.

“We have information that could link William’s disappearance to a group of people suspected of paedophile activity,” Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin told The Saturday Telegraph.
Homicide Squad commander Detective Superintendent Mick Willing added, “From the moment the paedophile ring was discovered, this has become a very fast-paced investigation which is progressing rapidly. That’s all I can say at this point.”

another 6 months....not exactly rapid progression
IMO there is a link with paedophiles...but is it merely by association and area??
I don't know why but I think William was taken for other reasons ....not sure what obviously but its just a hunch
He wasn't taken for monetary gain .....which could have been possible........
Possible revenge act???....or more an emotional act????
just throwing some thoughts around
another 6 months....not exactly rapid progression
IMO there is a link with paedophiles...but is it merely by association and area??
I don't know why but I think William was taken for other reasons ....not sure what obviously but its just a hunch
He wasn't taken for monetary gain .....which could have been possible........
Possible revenge act???....or more an emotional act????
just throwing some thoughts around


As for the other things you ask, we don't really know for sure. Just because something hasn't been in the media, doesn't mean there aren't those aspects to this case we just don't know about yet.

Police seem to be releasing details on a 'need to know' basis only.
Looking back through old newspaper reports:

Man arrested over abuse of six boys (March 20, 2013; 10:04 am)

"Police will allege the six boys were aged between nine and 14 at the time of the assaults, with some of the boys assaulted on a number of occasions over a period of years.

The assaults are alleged to have taken place at Penrith, Kingswood Park, Narrabri, Wauchope, Tamworth and Moree. The man was a truck driver who had moved around various locations."

Hmm..I wonder who this was and where it led?

*dons deerstalker and picks up magnifying glass*
Would there be a recorded transaction of any scrap metal sales? Or is it more under the table? I know it can attract sketchy types who destroy houses for the copper etc. Wonder what AJ said he found that day and what he did with it.

anyone can collect scrap and cash it in. My kids do it all the time. Not much money in it this month but at one stage there was great money. It also unfortunately encourages theft.....all sorts of things get stolen for their value in scrap metal when prices are good. As a business you can have it collected and money deposited into your account, but anyone who can transport it to the Scrap Metal Merchants can get cash for it. Usually there are a few places (about 5 near me) and the kids ring around who will give them the best price and take it over there.
The ex-wife said she kicked AJ out in September last year.So what car was he driving when he left of did he leave on foot? In a taxi perhaps? So the white station wagon belonged to the ex-wife, she's kicked AJ out and gave her own car away. It doesn't make sense. If the car belonged to AJ and she gave it away, I could half understand but if it did belong to him, why didn't he take it. It's a station wagon. Lots of room to pack all your stuff in when you've been kicked out.

No license??? Maybe??
But if the ex-wife called it in after the 60 Minutes interview, who initially told the police that the car had been disposed of? If it was AJ, surely the police would also have asked the ex-wife about it. She could have told them right there and then where it was but the police only learned about it from a call in after the 60 Minutes interview.

Could be that now he is locked up more people are willing to talk?? Look at his rap sheet....might be self preservation here too. At least the 60 minutes interview seems to have had some effect.
He couldn't take it to prison with him.

My initial thought was that AJ was arrested and charged sometime before 27 September when he was eventually jailed. His ex-wife learned of the charges and kicked him out prior to him going to jail. I'm finding it difficult to comprehend that she only learned of the charges the day he went to jail.
I believe she was referring to the previous history of charges and convictions, not the latest ones. (perhaps he was kept in prison after being charged because no one was willing to offer bail for him)
My initial thought was that AJ was arrested and charged sometime before 27 September when he was eventually jailed. His ex-wife learned of the charges and kicked him out prior to him going to jail. I'm finding it difficult to comprehend that she only learned of the charges the day he went to jail.
I believe she was referring to the previous history of charges and convictions, not the latest ones. (perhaps he was kept in prison after being charged because no one was willing to offer bail for him)

My understanding is that she was referring to the latest charges.

The woman, who has asked not to be named, found out in September last year that her husband Anthony Jones had been charged with indecently assaulting a child.

She kicked him out of the family home in Wauchope, NSW, after learning of the shocking allegations.

Last week, Jones, 59, was sentenced to at least two years behind bars after pleading guilty to two charges in August.

Looking back through old newspaper reports:

Man arrested over abuse of six boys (March 20, 2013; 10:04 am)

"Police will allege the six boys were aged between nine and 14 at the time of the assaults, with some of the boys assaulted on a number of occasions over a period of years.

The assaults are alleged to have taken place at Penrith, Kingswood Park, Narrabri, Wauchope, Tamworth and Moree. The man was a truck driver who had moved around various locations."

Hmm..I wonder who this was and where it led?

*dons deerstalker and picks up magnifying glass*

bbm red

Does fit well.
Family had no idea of paedophile Tony Jones&#8217; &#8216;horrific&#8217; history of crime

&#8220;Upon reading in the newspaper the charges (Tony Jones) has been convicted with over the last 40 years, I was horrified,&#8221; a statement issued on behalf of Tony Jones&#8217;s ex-wife reads.

&#8220;To discover that a lot of this was unbeknownst to me and his family was a shock to say the least. The horrific list of charges only cemented my belief that he was the true meaning of a misogynistic, condescending, egotistical (barely) human being.

The Daily Telegraph published Jones&#8217;s extensive criminal history on Wednesday, revealing a litany of serious crimes including the repeated assault of women and children, intimidating police and drug offences.

Jones, who was arrested on September 27 last year,

Judge Leonie Flannery said Jones had been held in protective custody for 12 months prior to sentencing and is Jones told the court &#8220;12 months felt like three years&#8221;. Due to time served, Jones will be eligible for parole on September 26, 2016.
Like this FG?

I can't do a thumbnail.


(Underworld) Debt collectors positioning in front of AJ's home, want to take the car if not money, Station wagon has disappeared to some neighbours, problem (NOT) solved. :cool:
But if the ex-wife called it in after the 60 Minutes interview, who initially told the police that the car had been disposed of? If it was AJ, surely the police would also have asked the ex-wife about it. She could have told them right there and then where it was but the police only learned about it from a call in after the 60 Minutes interview.

Possibly AJ took the car with him when his wife kicked him out last year. If this were the case, she would not have had any idea what subsequently happened to the car. When the police came looking for AJ's vehicle earlier in the investigation he could have told them any cockamamy story. Like it was destroyed, for instance. Fast forward, cue 60 min interview, unsuspecting neighbour sticks hand up, car is tracked. Or perhaps, observant neighbour of the neighbour with the car calls in to police. Hmm. Side thought: AJ purposefully got rid of the car. He could have hidden, burned, dumped, etc etc. Why did he give it to someone? I suppose on the one hand he gave the car because he had no option to sell (it not being his). But why to this person? Another one of our 12 POIs perhaps?
My first thought was that perhaps the car was registered in his ex wife's name (but mutual property) and during the property settling at the end of the marriage, it became part of his share and was in prison, so the neighbour was "looking after it" until his release. I have thought since it was towed away, that his ex was the one who called police after seeing the pics of the 2 cars in Benaroon Drive.
added: the cars in my household have always been registered in my name as I am the one who does all such things and it makes it easier than having to get signatures or present both of us to the Transport Dept. however, they are mutual property of the marriage.

Possibly. But if this is the case, why wouldn't AJ have simply told the police where the vehicle was? It seems to me he was hiding it one way or another.
Possibly. But if this is the case, why wouldn't AJ have simply told the police where the vehicle was? It seems to me he was hiding it one way or another.

Dont think he was the sort to go telling the police anything if it would help them. He doesnt seem to be their biggest fan.
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