OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #13

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Oh it's no doubt work! I have newborn multiples....it's a crap ton of work lol. But I still don't say it's my job as I'm not a SAHM (although I also say similar things jokingly). I just can't see myself speaking to a business contact about a possible sale and including parenting as being "at work" and as a reason that I couldn't return a call, especially when her kids were all on the older side.

This is O/T but sort of on topic for this post. I have a 5 month old. I hardly get back to anyone. As a matter of fact, I probably post stuff here that has already been discussed over and over because I have about 20 mins a day to look at the boards and add my 2 cents here and there.

I tell people ALL THE TIME that I'll get back to them - then I get home from work and life with my 5 month old takes the place of work and the outside world takes a backseat.

I totally get it that she didn't have time. When I stay at home with my baby, I don't have time to brush my teeth. She had multiple grandchildren, some living in her home - multiple children - work. Man, it exhausts me even typing all of the stuff she had on her plate.

Some things just take a backseat. And just imagine if they were doing the work for someone else - that the money was not theirs in the end. That CSR and FR were fixing up salvage cars and she was selling them for SOMEONE ELSE. Maybe it wasn't her priority since it wasn't going to be in her wallet....
If you're holding a gun on them you can force them to their beds, and Frankie had a black eye. Had he opened the door for them?

I was with you until here. If Frankie had opened the door to someone dressed as LE, BR would have remembered that. He was sleeping on the couch, he would have been right there.

Also, I can't imagine a scenario where a 20 year-old man, Frankie's size, with two kids and his fiancee in the house, gets back in bed, after opening the door, to get shot. He would screamed for BR to run to Grandpa's house, thrown himself over HHG and RR, blocked the door to the bedroom with his body, anything. He would not have been found in bed.

Have we heard anything about FR's whereabouts in the few days before the murders? Was there an altercation that lead to the black eye then? I tend to believe that HHG and FR didn't suffer head shots as BJM said she didn't see any, and RR was covered in blood. Multiple chest shots would do that.
I agree with the belief that they were ambushed. I also think that Chris and Gary had been entertaining their killer at Chris's place and that Kenny had been over there visiting with Gary since he was in town, and is the reason why he was killed and was only shot once. I believe that Dana, Frankie, Chris Jr and the two Hannah's were only eliminated because they were aware of who was visiting over at Chris Sr's place that evening. I think that video's from the grocery store/beer store may be helpful if there is anything in town that will show Chris Sr. and/or Gary with anyone other than the family that evening. Obviously, Chris Sr. was the target of someone's rage that night and everyone else was just in the right place at the wrong time. I can only imagine the fear that young mother of the 3 year old (CR) must feel because in my heart of hearts I believe that the killer was there at Chris Sr's when she dropped her son off to be with his Dad. Thankfully, with the distance and it bring night, she would have really nothing to be afraid of. It is apparent that the dogs knew the killer and obviously knew that the family had security cameras. I feel that the removal of the camera's not only was to avoid being caught but also to "hide" because they are ashamed of what they have done.
That is my theory also..from the beginning. I've read social media posts, hear says, news reports etc of family members immediately upon learning of the families name. My theory always came back the same, that the person or persons were already there .
This is O/T but sort of on topic for this post. I have a 5 month old. I hardly get back to anyone. As a matter of fact, I probably post stuff here that has already been discussed over and over because I have about 20 mins a day to look at the boards and add my 2 cents here and there.

I tell people ALL THE TIME that I'll get back to them - then I get home from work and life with my 5 month old takes the place of work and the outside world takes a backseat.

I totally get it that she didn't have time. When I stay at home with my baby, I don't have time to brush my teeth. She had multiple grandchildren, some living in her home - multiple children - work. Man, it exhausts me even typing all of the stuff she had on her plate.

Some things just take a backseat. And just imagine if they were doing the work for someone else - that the money was not theirs in the end. That CSR and FR were fixing up salvage cars and she was selling them for SOMEONE ELSE. Maybe it wasn't her priority since it wasn't going to be in her wallet....

And on this same note...this has probably already been discussed. BUT since Brentley always slept on the couch - they must have came in by window and left either by window or front door. If he was asleep on the couch and didnt wake as Mom theorized, then they didn't come through the front door. Apparently he was prob asleep still on the couch - never heard anything. Then Aunt Jo was knocking on the door, he said "who is it" (being a smart child and not answering without asking) and she said "Open the door for Aunt Jo" and that was the first he knew of anything happening.
I just don't think so. For someone to have killed KR for money it wouldn't have made sense to leave money on his body. There's disagreement as to how much money was left, it could have only been $100, but I think thieves would have taken that.

I think two people could have committed all the murders, but I think it is likely there were more. In fact, I envision at least two people per crime scene. The problem I'm having trouble reconciling is my competing theories that A) there were many killers and B) at least some of them were very close to the family. The greater the number of killers, the less close the relationship to the family some of them are.

If this family was concerned enough to always be "on alert", (cameras to see who is coming on their property, flood lights, scary dogs, etc) why would they be comfortable leaving a key outside somewhere in case somebody needed to get into their house if they weren't home? just wondering
What I don't see is the car nor the truck which were towed the first day.

Sorry, I'm late to the party, but do we know what BJM was driving that day? Could the car be hers, and IIRC, the truck belongs to JM. The rollback hauling them looks like Heisted's which is just North of Waverly on Route 23.
This is O/T but sort of on topic for this post. I have a 5 month old. I hardly get back to anyone. As a matter of fact, I probably post stuff here that has already been discussed over and over because I have about 20 mins a day to look at the boards and add my 2 cents here and there.

I tell people ALL THE TIME that I'll get back to them - then I get home from work and life with my 5 month old takes the place of work and the outside world takes a backseat.

I totally get it that she didn't have time. When I stay at home with my baby, I don't have time to brush my teeth. She had multiple grandchildren, some living in her home - multiple children - work. Man, it exhausts me even typing all of the stuff she had on her plate.

Oh I get that she was busy - like I said I have newborn multiples. My boyfriend left me with only one baby for the day and it felt like a vacation compared to our normal day lol.

I certainly take a while to get back to people these days. I was just saying that I wouldn't say "I'm on my way to work - I have 3 jobs" (paraphrasing) in reference to going home and parenting. Someone else already found where she posted about a new job in October of last year, we just aren't sure what it was.
I've had quotes with mortgage including taxes and insurance and without.

By FAR, the cheaper way was paying it myself.

The mortgage payments would be like 400-500 a month higher with escrow, and if I paid myself the amount extra paying for them was like 150 per month. So.... I always paid myself.

If the bank overestimates the escrow amount, and this happened to me in a rather large way, the customer must wait until the bank readjusts their escrow calculations. It can take a long time before the overage is returned to the customer. If the bank isn't paying the customer interest on the overage, then my guess is the bank is probably earning interest on it. Sweet deal - for the bank. I think your Dad gave you some very good advice.
This is O/T but sort of on topic for this post. I have a 5 month old. I hardly get back to anyone. As a matter of fact, I probably post stuff here that has already been discussed over and over because I have about 20 mins a day to look at the boards and add my 2 cents here and there.

I tell people ALL THE TIME that I'll get back to them - then I get home from work and life with my 5 month old takes the place of work and the outside world takes a backseat.

I totally get it that she didn't have time. When I stay at home with my baby, I don't have time to brush my teeth. She had multiple grandchildren, some living in her home - multiple children - work. Man, it exhausts me even typing all of the stuff she had on her plate.

Some things just take a backseat. And just imagine if they were doing the work for someone else - that the money was not theirs in the end. That CSR and FR were fixing up salvage cars and she was selling them for SOMEONE ELSE. Maybe it wasn't her priority since it wasn't going to be in her wallet....

I understand where you're coming from. Been there. I could be wrong, but I feel like DR was a good person, who had a whole lot on her plate. If they were running high end, multiple, illegal, activities I don't see her working 2-3 jobs. One, yes, multiple, no. I really think the pot was all and it wasn't the cash cow people think it was for three partners, possibly four.
I was with you until here. If Frankie had opened the door to someone dressed as LE, BR would have remembered that. He was sleeping on the couch, he would have been right there.

Also, I can't imagine a scenario where a 20 year-old man, Frankie's size, with two kids and his fiancee in the house, gets back in bed, after opening the door, to get shot. He would screamed for BR to run to Grandpa's house, thrown himself over HHG and RR, blocked the door to the bedroom with his body, anything. He would not have been found in bed.

Have we heard anything about FR's whereabouts in the few days before the murders? Was there an altercation that lead to the black eye then? I tend to believe that HHG and FR didn't suffer head shots as BJM said she didn't see any, and RR was covered in blood. Multiple chest shots would do that.

We don't know what BR said to LE in an interview, he might not have woke up, or was half asleep. Do we know if a silencer was used in any of the homes? He might have more than a black eye for all we know, he could've been beaten up, what we do know is whatever happened to everyone of them they were shot in the head to ensure they were dead. Chris and Gary were more than likely beat up in the living room, yet were found in the bedroom, also.

We also don't know if any of them were witnesses to any big drug cases, or informants.
Like another poster said, I've never been much for the BJM theory, but I still have quite a few questions regarding the things that she's said in interviews....particularly the one about finding the bodies that went into more details. You can find that one here - http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/05/11/pike-county-not-leaving-those-babies-there/84194756/

Especially about the doors....
"She had a friend and his wife with her when she pulled into the driveway. She left her cellphone charging in the car and went up to the trailer. She turned the handle of the door and thought it was odd it was locked, she said. She also thought it was odd that Rhoden's two pit bulls were outside on the front porch, one sitting in a recliner. The animals normally stayed inside the trailer, she said.

She found the key and opened the door."

She then went to the next trailer to alert her nephew Frankie Rhoden that she had found his father dead.
But his front door was locked, too. She pounded on the door, calling for Frankie or for Brentley to open the door for “Aunt Jo.’

The toddler unlocked the door and let her in."

Why would someone keep a spare key hidden when they didn't normally lock their doors? Clearly BJM was there quite a bit helping out, so she would more or less know what to expect from a place she'd visited that much...and she had the presence of mind to not that the locked door was unusual.

While she doesn't say anything about FR and HG's place, she does mention that door is locked as well. I know a lot of people question a 3 year old's ability to unlock the door, but I truly believe these were the kind of doors like I have at my house. (This is speculation, of course) They look like this...(just for reference)


When I turn the piece in the center of the handle and shut my door as I am leaving, I cannot re-enter my house without my house key. However, if I turn it while I am still inside my house and shut the door, all I have to do is turn the knob as usual to get back out. I do not have to reset the center piece, it simply turns as it always does from the inside, but you cannot get back in if you shut the door. I have locked myself out of my house because of this stinking feature so many times over the past few years I've lost count....and it has basically become the soul reason I now have a hide a key!

So, the three year old may not have had to unlock anything....he just turned the handle and opened the door. I wonder if maybe the killer(s) didn't lock the doors on their way out...because why go back through a window when everyone is already dead?

We know KR's place was unlocked because DS mentioned in an interview that KR padlocked it from the outside when he was gone, and when he arrived, saw his truck and noticed that the padlock wasn't on. I don't know how they would lock in a camper like that, either....and DS never mentions needing a key like BJM does. As for DR's, I'm not sure on that one either. I wonder how far back DR was when James "saw her leg and backed out." The most recent pictures of her living room renovation show that her couch was against the wall right next to the front door, and we know she was up past 2 AM at least changing her FB pictures...so maybe she was asleep on the couch and was sleeping as such that her foot was the first thing JR saw...as he would be right next to it as soon as he walked in the door. I know after a long day I am the queen of falling asleep on the couch while watching TV...

Again...speculation. I just so badly want to make sense of it all! Sorry for my boring door knob talk! :)


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That is my theory also..from the beginning. I've read social media posts, hear says, news reports etc of family members immediately upon learning of the families name. My theory always came back the same, that the person or persons were already there .
ITA, and i think the killers opened up windows to stage it as though that is where they entered. The whole family knows them and the ones that knew that they were there that night can never tell. 😪 JMO Of course.

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If this family was concerned enough to always be "on alert", (cameras to see who is coming on their property, flood lights, scary dogs, etc) why would they be comfortable leaving a key outside somewhere in case somebody needed to get into their house if they weren't home? just wondering

My Dad had regular door locks, inside locks, ADT and still had a hidden key only us knew about. It wasn't anywhere near the door.
I was with you until here. If Frankie had opened the door to someone dressed as LE, BR would have remembered that. He was sleeping on the couch, he would have been right there.

Also, I can't imagine a scenario where a 20 year-old man, Frankie's size, with two kids and his fiancee in the house, gets back in bed, after opening the door, to get shot. He would screamed for BR to run to Grandpa's house, thrown himself over HHG and RR, blocked the door to the bedroom with his body, anything. He would not have been found in bed.

Have we heard anything about FR's whereabouts in the few days before the murders? Was there an altercation that lead to the black eye then? I tend to believe that HHG and FR didn't suffer head shots as BJM said she didn't see any, and RR was covered in blood. Multiple chest shots would do that.

We don't know for sure BR was asleep on the couch when this happened at FR's house. He most likely had a bedroom and could have been put in it each night after he went to sleep on the couch, then he'd get back up and wander back to the couch. It may have just been very fortunate that he was in his br, or, he may very well have slept through FR answering the door. (I've had kids and they can sleep through a tornado. And, even with a silencer there's going to be noise. It's not silent.) So, say he goes to the door and hears a familiar voice, opens it, and a couple people he knows are there and have weapons pointed at him, I'd do whatever they said to keep my child from waking up and being hurt. He may have thought that doing what they said would save HG, and both children, but probably not himself.
Like another poster said, I've never been much for the BJM theory, but I still have quite a few questions regarding the things that she's said in interviews....particularly the one about finding the bodies that went into more details. You can find that one here - http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/05/11/pike-county-not-leaving-those-babies-there/84194756/

Especially about the doors....
"She had a friend and his wife with her when she pulled into the driveway. She left her cellphone charging in the car and went up to the trailer. She turned the handle of the door and thought it was odd it was locked, she said. She also thought it was odd that Rhoden's two pit bulls were outside on the front porch, one sitting in a recliner. The animals normally stayed inside the trailer, she said.

She found the key and opened the door."

She then went to the next trailer to alert her nephew Frankie Rhoden that she had found his father dead.
But his front door was locked, too. She pounded on the door, calling for Frankie or for Brentley to open the door for “Aunt Jo.’

The toddler unlocked the door and let her in."

Why would someone keep a spare key hidden when they didn't normally lock their doors? Clearly BJM was there quite a bit helping out, so she would more or less know what to expect from a place she'd visited that much...and she had the presence of mind to not that the locked door was unusual.

While she doesn't say anything about FR and HG's place, she does mention that door is locked as well. I know a lot of people question a 3 year old's ability to unlock the door, but I truly believe these were the kind of doors like I have at my house. (This is speculation, of course) They look like this...(just for reference)


When I turn the piece in the center of the handle and shut my door as I am leaving, I cannot re-enter my house without my house key. However, if I turn it while I am still inside my house and shut the door, all I have to do is turn the knob as usual to get back out. I do not have to reset the center piece, it simply turns as it always does from the inside, but you cannot get back in if you shut the door. I have locked myself out of my house because of this stinking feature so many times over the past few years I've lost count....and it has basically become the soul reason I now have a hide a key!

So, the three year old may not have had to unlock anything....he just turned the handle and opened the door. I wonder if maybe the killer(s) didn't lock the doors on their way out...because why go back through a window when everyone is already dead?

We know KR's place was unlocked because DS mentioned in an interview that KR padlocked it from the outside when he was gone, and when he arrived, saw his truck and noticed that the padlock wasn't on. I don't know how they would lock in a camper like that, either....and DS never mentions needing a key like BJM does. As for DR's, I'm not sure on that one either. I wonder how far back DR was when James "saw her leg and backed out." The most recent pictures of her living room renovation show that her couch was against the wall right next to the front door, and we know she was up past 2 AM at least changing her FB pictures...so maybe she was asleep on the couch and was sleeping as such that her foot was the first thing JR saw...as he would be right next to it as soon as he walked in the door. I know after a long day I am the queen of falling asleep on the couch while watching TV...

Again...speculation. I just so badly want to make sense of it all! Sorry for my boring door knob talk! :)

Maybe they kept the doors unlocked during the day when they were there but if they left off the property they locked up. As for the spare key lots of family seem to be coming and going kids etc.....possibly it was hidden in case someone forgot their key or instead of making 10 different keys only 2 had keys and the spare was there for let's say CRj or HR dropped by, even in case of emergency. Having a key hidden seems pretty normal to me I guess because I have teens and often hide a key if I'm not going to be home in time etc....I have no idea what kind of locks they had but considering the age of the trailer I would venture to say older unless they had installed new ones themselves which imo is highly probable.
, what we do know is whatever happened to everyone of them they were shot in the head to ensure they were dead.

Do we know what everyone had a head shot? I don't remember that detail from the ME presser, but a lot has happened since then...
Well, we know there were cameras somewhere, so it's not illogical they would have better locks. My question is why BJM thought it odd it was locked at that time of the morning if it normally was.... Plus, I did see some folks questioning little man's unlocking the door for BJM, and it was the simplest solution I could think of. At this point, I'm probably reaching...

Honestly, if I didn't have a key hidden, I would be spending a heck of a lot of time in my back yard just loitering because I lock myself out so much. Seriously, at this point, it has become a joke around here! I cannot for the life of me figure out why I keep doing it!
Well, we know there were cameras somewhere, so it's not illogical they would have better locks. My question is why BJM thought it odd it was locked at that time of the morning if it normally was.... Plus, I did see some folks questioning little man's unlocking the door for BJM, and it was the simplest solution I could think of. At this point, I'm probably reaching...

Honestly, if I didn't have a key hidden, I would be spending a heck of a lot of time in my back yard just loitering because I lock myself out so much. Seriously, at this point, it has become a joke around here! I cannot for the life of me figure out why I keep doing it!

I'm thinking she thought it was odd because CRs and even maybe FR were usually up by that time, and their vehicles were there so they obviously were there. Normally I'm guessing once they were up they probably let the dogs out to use the restroom and then brought them back in and probably never locked the doors unless they left
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