Found Deceased Australia - Samuel Thompson, 22, Albion, Qld, 7 March 2017 *Arrests* #3

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Yes, I did find one local that said Homicide....So I delved into it further, googling the adress etc, and it jogged my memory on the case involved..but it wasn't actually a Murder, but attempted Murder(Son, tried to kill the father apparently- by running him over). Was listed on crime Maps as 'homicide' though- unless another happened there, but I don't think so as the dates match up with the attempted Murder.
Oh ok, thanks for that. Agh, I'm addicted now! Haha
Haha! Guilty as charged! Only 1 offence at my house, however it apparently happened in the time we were living here, and it didn't!

I am so sad that this has only come into my life now with a month to go! I wonder how we can get onto the special VIP list when it goes invite only 🤔
Your theory is as good as any i have read. But when ST was found there were apparently signs he was badly assaulted, so it was more than one punch. We have no clue what else the coroner has found in the autopsy? If those two had a gun & shot him if they had a weapon is another possiblity, re sleuthing the robbery last year where there was a weapon involved as you can see on the video in msm that was posted upthread.

Sorry Karinna I probably should have elaborated. I didn't literally mean 'one punch killed Sam' - I was just referring to the 'one punch kills' campaign within Queensland (ie hit someone the wrong way or in the wrong spot and you can accidentally kill them)

I have no doubt that extreme violence was involved and potentially weapons as you have mentioned - but my point was that I think that they meant to severely beat him but not kill him.
all plausible and fits. only thing is AD and ST were long time friends (hearsay and JMO) so why would he have to hide? Unless it was unusual for Boscaino and AD to be seen together.

My main thought behind it was that even if ST and AD are friends/ do know eachother, IMO RB is the main dealer and is the key one ST has had the arrangement with over the past few years as AD has been in Syria.

ST would instantly know that something's up if he saw the Chrysler or AD out the front and would likely stay in his car and keep going - especially if AD was involved in the robbery last year.

Again - all very much assumptions and theories!
Have you a link for that Karinna?

He had no right to be there in the first place, what he did was illegal. Perhaps what i read is true that he failed the military psyche testing? If that is the case there was a very good reason to refuse him to get into the military.
Seeing someone else die in front of you would not cause someone to commit murder. I would imagine it would have the opposite effect. JMO
I have found some of the crime maps info to be correct but some missing. I find it interesting when there is 4 cases on a house its all the same date, making things worse then they seem! Also Items come up for the new build homes before they were built and it was just bush. Shocked by the amount of drugs :( Did anything come up on RB house?
I have found some of the crime maps info to be correct but some missing. I find it interesting when there is 4 cases on a house its all the same date, making things worse then they seem! Also Items come up for the new build homes before they were built and it was just bush. Shocked by the amount of drugs :( Did anything come up on RB house?

One unlawful entry from 2012.
For the people using the Crime Maps, have you been able to find any murder charges listed? Not for this case, but at all? I was looking at the Baden Clay house and trying to find a murder charge, can't see anything listed. I just wondered if murder was listed. I've seen a couple that just say "other".

when I was looking on the site a few months ago I noticed a homicide listed outside a venue in south Brisbane. This was for a one punch attack on a Saturday morning which led to a mans death (nothing to do with the venue however their CCTV led to the offenders arrest)
This is a crime map showing a homicide. Sam's homicide?? It is for Griffiths Street. Thanks to our wonderful, Cupcake! From earlier in the thread.

People had mentioned different versions of Crime Map, a more closed version and a more full version. As this seems to be a police version. Maybe that is why people are not seeing more cases of murder and such?

This is the crime map thingy from Queensland police site that i looked up the other day..

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Is anyone ever going to find out more on the guy who was arrested first? The guy whose house the murder occured at? The guy buying acid and a tomahawk? Literally the only information released on AD in this case is his car was caught following ST's and yet hes all this thread talks about. I was hoping locals would have known or heard more about RB too. Rather than focusing on the facts and deciphering truth in rumor everyone is giving their two cents on AD's state of mind based on a photo...

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Just for the record, examining somebody's physical appearance is a valid part of assessing their mental health. All psychologists and psychiatrists do just that. When a client enters the room, the first thing we do is assess their facial expression, eyes, skin, body language, how they hold themselves etc etc......

It's not some airy fairy waste of time - it actually gives the professional valuable insight into what is occurring for that person internally.

For example, people suffering from clinical depression will often present with flat affect, their eyes will be dull, they may walk heavily and slowly. Similarly if someone is experiencing a manic phase of bipolar disorder, they will enter the room quickly, their eyes often glitter and they are extremely animated facially.

(These are extreme examples, obviously. Most clients present with much more nuanced behaviours and expressions but I'm trying to give a clear example)

And as I have said numerous times, one look at AD's eyes in EVERY photo I've seen suggests to me that he is dissociated to some degree, whether by trauma or chemical drug use. To me, that's a valuable insight into exploring the mind of one of the accused murderer's in this case.

And the photo that I posted clearly indicates excessive drug use during the lead-up to the murder. To me, that's valuable to know. It suggests that at the time of the murder, he may have been strung out or quick-to-temper in a way that he may not have been if he was 'straight'.

Being judgemental of other people's posts doesn't serve Sam in any way imo. We are here to sleuth the case using whatever tools we think best. And as a psychologist, I believe that examining photos of the accused is valuable.


Just for the record, examining somebody's physical appearance is a valid part of assessing their mental health. All psychologists and psychiatrists do just that. When a client enters the room, the first thing we do is assess their facial expression, eyes, skin, body language, how they hold themselves etc etc......


Thank you, Anais, for your professional opinion. My layman's opinion feels the same way. Body language and facial appearance counts for a lot, and are great indicators of what is happening with that person. Which is important to any case on here, not just this one.
There is a fine line between speculation and rumour isn't there - what are the rumours about AD that concern you? Most have speculated all three are involved in drug circles (quite reasonably IMO) - AD's trip to the battlefields of the Middle East were on the public record - people have speculated he has struggled with PTSD and the "fall out" of his trip.
Agreed, however, its gone beyond both speculation and rumor.
I would bet that if a poll were taken majority
would say:
AD was the one to murder ST
AD is suffering from some sort of mental break be it ptsd or ice withdrawal
AD was involved in robbery
AD spread rumors about murder (this one is the most interesting to me because if AD were the muscle behind the murder why would he do this?)

All of the above are rumors, not fact, but everyones "speculative" theories involve them. It isnt a good thing when people especially a group of people formulate their ideas based on hearsay. When this occurs it makes it very difficult to accept and understand the truth if it goes against ones already made up mind. I enjoy WS because we are encouraged and typically regulated to stick to the facts. This isnt tge case in tbis thread. Now although, locals typically have some amazing insight I feel its been overstepped in this case and taken way too far.

The facts we have so far would actually suggest that RB was the sole perp in the murder and AD was called after the fact for help. This is moo but I think its smart to keep an open mind and wait until more information is released.

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Just for the record, examining somebody's physical appearance is a valid part of assessing their mental health. All psychologists and psychiatrists do just that. When a client enters the room, the first thing we do is assess their facial expression, eyes, skin, body language, how they hold themselves etc etc......

It's not some airy fairy waste of time - it actually gives the professional valuable insight into what is occurring for that person internally.

For example, people suffering from clinical depression will often present with flat affect, their eyes will be dull, they may walk heavily and slowly. Similarly if someone is experiencing a manic phase of bipolar disorder, they will enter the room quickly, their eyes often glitter and they are extremely animated facially.

(These are extreme examples, obviously. Most clients present with much more nuanced behaviours and expressions but I'm trying to give a clear example)

And as I have said numerous times, one look at AD's eyes in EVERY photo I've seen suggests to me that he is dissociated to some degree, whether by trauma or chemical drug use. To me, that's a valuable insight into exploring the mind of one of the accused murderer's in this case.

And the photo that I posted clearly indicates excessive drug use during the lead-up to the murder. To me, that's valuable to know. It suggests that at the time of the murder, he may have been strung out or quick-to-temper in a way that he may not have been if he was 'straight'.

Being judgemental of other people's posts doesn't serve Sam in any way imo. We are here to sleuth the case using whatever tools we think best. And as a psychologist, I believe that examining photos of the accused is valuable.

I completely agree but this cannot be done based on a photo or video of someone walking off of a plane. Sure one can speculate but to formulate an actual diagnosis or opinion is way out of bounds <modsnip> until they were actually able to sit down with that person for multiple sessions.

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The more it think about this, the more I feel that my idea of what happened is the opposite to everyone else's opinions. And as I can't speak negatively about the victim on this site, I am going to have to keep my opinions to myself and gracefully say goodbye.
Agreed, however, its gone beyond both speculation and rumor.
I would bet that if a poll were taken majority
would say:
AD was the one to murder ST
AD is suffering from some sort of mental break be it ptsd or ice withdrawal
AD was involved in robbery
AD spread rumors about murder (this one is the most interesting to me because if AD were the muscle behind the murder why would he do this?)

All of the above are rumors, not fact, but everyones "speculative" theories involve them. It isnt a good thing when people especially a group of people formulate their ideas based on hearsay. When this occurs it makes it very difficult to accept and understand the truth if it goes against ones already made up mind. I enjoy WS because we are encouraged and typically regulated to stick to the facts. This isnt tge case in tbis thread. Now although, locals typically have some amazing insight I feel its been overstepped in this case and taken way too far.

The facts we have so far would actually suggest that RB was the sole perp in the murder and AD was called after the fact for help. This is moo but I think its smart to keep an open mind and wait until more information is released.

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All we need now is someone to take offence to RB being labelled the 'head honcho' and we might as well close up shop. lol
All we need now is someone to take offence to RB being labelled the 'head honcho' and we might as well close up shop. lol

My quote is actually to MMX post that Prime Suspect replies to above. don't know how to fix it?

I have never agreed to that at all and my personal opinion is different to that. I said that it could be a plausible theory when someone raised it. There are a lot of holes in everyone theories because face it, we don't have access to the myraids of CCTV and other info etc that the police have. It could show anything,even peoples faces for example when the CCTV across the road from the premise perhaps you could even see who was assaulting ST.
Because of all the holes, we are all trying to find how these three relationships work and the connections between them and thats the biggest hurdle to overcome. So I don't agree the facts so far RB was sole perp at all. If that was the case, AD would not be charged of murder, because it he can't be charged if he didn't participate in 'willfully' or "intentionally" trying to cause death or grevious bodily harm.
I completely agree but this cannot be done based on a photo or video of someone walking off of a plane. Sure one can speculate but to formulate an actual diagnosis or opinion is way out of bounds <modsnip> until they were actually able to sit down with that person for multiple sessions.

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There isn't a formal diagnosis being delivered here you have to remember.This is just information being shared on a web forum between users tossing ideas, opinions and information. MsAnais has provided some insight that comes from her profession <modsnip> JMO, hearsay etc etc etc.
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