GUILTY KY - Sen. Rand Paul, Mowing Lawn, Attacked By Neighbor, Nov 2017

From the Daily Mail article cited above... an overhead view of the two properties.


ETA... of course, being the Daily Mail, there are other pictures of the properties, so everyone can see the compost piles for themselves.

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I truly hope that everyone sees the guy with six broken ribs and bruised lungs as the victim, rather than the guy who tackled him from behind.

Frankly, I'm appalled that the overall theme on this thread is that RP must have been a crappy neighbor so it's no wonder he was attacked. I'd sure rather live next RP than the nutcase violent guy.

New article, with some interesting snippets...

The 'socialist' doctor charged with cracking Senator*Rand Paul's ribs in a crunching blindside tackle may have harbored a secret grudge against his*GOP*neighbor for spoiling his lakeside views and 'devaluing' his home, can reveal.*

Rene Boucher, 59, told Paul in the wake of the mauling that he hadn't been able to sell his $740,000 house for ten years because the congressman's trees were 'in the way'.


A look at boundary maps and overhead photographs also shows many of the 'offending' trees are on Paul's land - although one realtor pal told the Boucher property probably didn't sell simply because it was overpriced.


Initial reports suggested the two men had fallen out because of various 'landscaping' issues such as Paul dumping leaves or discarded branches in Boucher's yard.

However when visited the exclusive gated enclave where the pair had lived alongside one another without incident for 17 years, both properties appeared tidy and well maintained.


Rand mowed his own yard. It was always presentable. That's a very lame excuse if that's the one they are choosing to use.

'If there was a genuine problem this gentleman could have brought it to the homeowners' association board and they would have evaluated the situation.


But they didn't ever mention one another. I didn't even realize they were neighbors.'


Boucher has marketed the property as high as $849,500 but tax assessors say the 7,500 sq ft, two-story home is actually worth $740,000.

'Everyone says it's priced too high. He tried to sell it himself because he didn't want to pay any commission to a realtor,' explained Bullington.


Boucher came closest to selling his house in April 2012 before prospective buyers Steven and Amanda Johnson pulled out of the deal to buy the house for $807,000, citing problems with the AC and a retaining wall.

He sued for breach of contract but the case was dismissed a year later.


I just don't think a person goes walking up the road, sees his neighbor out on the lawnmower and goes racing across the hillside and blindsides him. If he did that then he was mentally ill

Personally I might welcome him back but it would be better for this community for him to leave. It's hard to forgive and forget six broken ribs.'*

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I do see Rand as the victim. But I'm still not buying that there wasn't an ongoing dispute. I'm questioning the circumstances, not his victimhood.

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I truly hope that everyone sees the guy with six broken ribs and bruised lungs as the victim, rather than the guy who tackled him from behind.

Frankly, I'm appalled that the overall theme on this thread is that RP must have been a crappy neighbor so it's no wonder he was attacked. I'd sure rather live next RP than the nutcase violent guy.

New article, with some interesting snippets...

The 'socialist' doctor charged with cracking Senator*Rand Paul's ribs in a crunching blindside tackle may have harbored a secret grudge against his*GOP*neighbor for spoiling his lakeside views and 'devaluing' his home, can reveal.*

Rene Boucher, 59, told Paul in the wake of the mauling that he hadn't been able to sell his $740,000 house for ten years because the congressman's trees were 'in the way'.


A look at boundary maps and overhead photographs also shows many of the 'offending' trees are on Paul's land - although one realtor pal told the Boucher property probably didn't sell simply because it was overpriced.


Initial reports suggested the two men had fallen out because of various 'landscaping' issues such as Paul dumping leaves or discarded branches in Boucher's yard.

However when visited the exclusive gated enclave where the pair had lived alongside one another without incident for 17 years, both properties appeared tidy and well maintained.


Rand mowed his own yard. It was always presentable. That's a very lame excuse if that's the one they are choosing to use.

'If there was a genuine problem this gentleman could have brought it to the homeowners' association board and they would have evaluated the situation.


But they didn't ever mention one another. I didn't even realize they were neighbors.'


Boucher has marketed the property as high as $849,500 but tax assessors say the 7,500 sq ft, two-story home is actually worth $740,000.

'Everyone says it's priced too high. He tried to sell it himself because he didn't want to pay any commission to a realtor,' explained Bullington.


Boucher came closest to selling his house in April 2012 before prospective buyers Steven and Amanda Johnson pulled out of the deal to buy the house for $807,000, citing problems with the AC and a retaining wall.

He sued for breach of contract but the case was dismissed a year later.


I just don't think a person goes walking up the road, sees his neighbor out on the lawnmower and goes racing across the hillside and blindsides him. If he did that then he was mentally ill

Personally I might welcome him back but it would be better for this community for him to leave. It's hard to forgive and forget six broken ribs.'*

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Socialist? What in the heck is the point of that.

Upthread there is a discussion from the Pres of the HOA stating that Paul was a problem.The HOA had dealt with Paul in the past and he was not cooperative.

I lived in a regular neighborhood and a few years ago we had a neighbor who became a severe alcoholic. His wife divorced him and he got a gf who had all kinds of criminals in her family. Constant parties. Driving fast down our little road. Kids stealing from neighbors, All of us neighbors were at wit’s end. We had meetings discussing what could be done. We lived on a mile long road in the country which had been perfect until the neighbor went down the tubes.

Ome night he fell asleep on the couch in a drunken stupor , smoking. The house burned down and one child hid in a closet and died.

We all felt horrible.

Neighbors can ruin everyone’s life.
Socialist? What in the heck is the point of that.

Upthread there is a discussion from the Pres of the HOA stating that Paul was a problem.The HOA had dealt with Paul in the past and he was not cooperative.

I lived in a regular neighborhood and a few years ago we had a neighbor who became a severe alcoholic. His wife divorced him and he got a gf who had all kinds of criminals in her family. Constant parties. Driving fast down our little road. Kids stealing from neighbors, All of us neighbors were at wit’s end. We had get meetings discussing what could be done. We lived on a mile long road in the country which had been perfect until the neighbor went down the tubes.

Ome night he fell asleep on the couch in a drunken stupor . The house burned down and one child hid in a closet and died.

We all felt horrible.

Neighbors can ruin everyone’s life.
I think the Daily Mail was simply pointing out that it's probably Bernie's fault.

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But seven neighbors in the Rivergreen gated community told Secrets Wednesday that the Pauls are friendly homeowners who kept their property tidy.

“The Pauls' landscaping looks just like everyone’s place in Rivergreen. Wish I could get him to cut my lawn,” said neighbor Robert Warner.*


He added: “Speculation regarding Boucher’s motive has led to an unfair characterization of the Pauls and their home. The Pauls are and always have been great neighbors and friends. They take pride in their property and maintain it accordingly. Rand has enjoyed working on and maintaining his lawn for as long as I have known him.”


Stivers said she has served four years on the neighborhood association and said that there were no reports of problems between Paul or Boucher. “I am wondering how the media can describe what took place as an altercation. Is it an altercation when no words are exchanged and one person is attacked from behind with no warning? I must check my dictionary."

Ditto from Rina Malmquist, the current Rivergreen homeowner’s association president.


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Socialist? What in the heck is the point of that.

Upthread there is a discussion from the Pres of the HOA stating that Paul was a problem.The HOA had dealt with Paul in the past and he was not cooperative.

Snipped for focus...

No, the gentleman bashing Paul was the developer, who likely doesn't have a lot of ongoing involvement with the development.

I just posted quotes from the actual president of the HOA who said there were no complaints about RP

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Snipped for focus...

No, the gentleman bashing Paul was the developer, who likely doesn't have a lot of ongoing involvement with the development.

I just posted quotes from the actual president of the HOA who said there were no complaints about RP

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You are right.

Paul "was probably the hardest person to encourage to follow the (home owner's association regulations) of anyone out here because he has a strong belief in property rights," said Skaggs, who is the former chairman of the Warren County Republican Party.

Skaggs noted the 13 pages of regulations governing the gated community are extensive. But even from the start of Paul's residence in Rivergreen, Skaggs said Paul has been difficult to work with.

"The major problem was getting the house plans approved," Skaggs said. "He wanted to actually own the property rights and build any kind of house he wanted. He didn't end up doing that, but it was a struggle."
I truly hope that everyone sees the guy with six broken ribs and bruised lungs as the victim, rather than the guy who tackled him from behind.

Frankly, I'm appalled that the overall theme on this thread is that RP must have been a crappy neighbor so it's no wonder he was attacked. I'd sure rather live next RP than the nutcase violent guy.

New article, with some interesting snippets...

The 'socialist' doctor charged with cracking Senator*Rand Paul's ribs in a crunching blindside tackle may have harbored a secret grudge against his*GOP*neighbor for spoiling his lakeside views and 'devaluing' his home, can reveal.*

Rene Boucher, 59, told Paul in the wake of the mauling that he hadn't been able to sell his $740,000 house for ten years because the congressman's trees were 'in the way'.


A look at boundary maps and overhead photographs also shows many of the 'offending' trees are on Paul's land - although one realtor pal told the Boucher property probably didn't sell simply because it was overpriced.


Initial reports suggested the two men had fallen out because of various 'landscaping' issues such as Paul dumping leaves or discarded branches in Boucher's yard.

However when visited the exclusive gated enclave where the pair had lived alongside one another without incident for 17 years, both properties appeared tidy and well maintained.


Rand mowed his own yard. It was always presentable. That's a very lame excuse if that's the one they are choosing to use.

'If there was a genuine problem this gentleman could have brought it to the homeowners' association board and they would have evaluated the situation.


But they didn't ever mention one another. I didn't even realize they were neighbors.'


Boucher has marketed the property as high as $849,500 but tax assessors say the 7,500 sq ft, two-story home is actually worth $740,000.

'Everyone says it's priced too high. He tried to sell it himself because he didn't want to pay any commission to a realtor,' explained Bullington.


Boucher came closest to selling his house in April 2012 before prospective buyers Steven and Amanda Johnson pulled out of the deal to buy the house for $807,000, citing problems with the AC and a retaining wall.

He sued for breach of contract but the case was dismissed a year later.


I just don't think a person goes walking up the road, sees his neighbor out on the lawnmower and goes racing across the hillside and blindsides him. If he did that then he was mentally ill

Personally I might welcome him back but it would be better for this community for him to leave. It's hard to forgive and forget six broken ribs.'*

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OH. MY. GOSH! It just gets weirder! No. I do not think it is okay to beat up Rand Paul (or anyone), however it has to tell you something about Rand when people seem to lean that way.
OH. MY. GOSH! It just gets weirder! No. I do not think it is okay to beat up Rand Paul (or anyone), however it has to tell you something about Rand when people seem to lean that way.

BBM. Not sure it tells me much about RP, but it does tell me a whole lot about others.

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BBM. Not sure it tells me much about RP, but it does tell me a whole lot about others.

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Apparently he's ticked off a lot of "others". j.s. I don't know the man, only the myth.
Rand Paul's wife speaks out on attack, says media 'victimized' her husband

Kelley Paul accused some outlets of “delighting in hateful headlines like ‘Not A Perfect Neighbor,’ and concocting theories about an ‘ongoing dispute,’ based on nothing more than speculation from an attention-seeking person with no knowledge of anything to do with us.”

“This was not a ‘scuffle,’ a ‘fight’ or an ‘altercation,’ as many in the media falsely describe it,” Kelley Paul wrote. “It was a deliberate, blindside attack. The impact left Rand with six broken ribs, three displaced, pleural effusion and now pneumonia. This has been a terrible experience; made worse by the media's gleeful attempts to blame Rand for it, ridiculing him for everything from mowing his own lawn to composting.”
MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt seemed happy that Republican Sen. Rand Paul suffered six broken ribs and a buildup of excess fluid in his lungs when he was attacked earlier this month, before quickly apologizing for her on-air statement.
People suck.

Any bad behavior, whether civil, criminal, or simply immoral, is excused and justifiable if it serves their agenda.


How different would reactions have been if Bob Smith was attacked by Dave Jones?


Our country has really lost something.

When Reagan was shot and going into surgery, he joked with the surgeon, "I hope you're a Republican."

The surgeon's response?

"Today, Mr. President, we are ALL Republicans."

The surgeon was a registered Democrat.

What would be the reply today?

I'll apologize in advance, I'm sure this will be snipped, but why can't people see people as PEOPLE first, and set aside politics when someone is harmed???

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The bar is so low. Hard to say how low it will go. I was astounded when making fun of a person with cerebral palsy was accepted. And now having distinguished vets who saved the world stand looking at a portrait of a man who made horse reins out of Indian skin defies all sensibilities to me.

I don’t know how much lower we will go

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