CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #3

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Remember there was a comment with photo in red shirts not Thing the ired shirt.. saying 9 months will have baby 13, but baby 13 doesn't match with current toddler age.

Thanks for your work on this

Hi Arkansasmimi! Yes, I'm guessing she may have miscarried that baby, as it never appeared in subsequent family posts or photos (eg.Las Vegas, facebook, etc). She did announce it quite early on Facebook ("in 9 months"). If she lost it, that would fit with the 2-yr old being the current Baby 13. (Looks to be about 6-9 mos in the 2015 Halloween vow renewal).


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The dark circles under his eyes... is it possible any of the family fought with him or does it look more like a medical condition?

Something about the 2 yr time frame and the 17 yo being brave enough to seek help.

It does seem like she was trying to protect the youngest from facing a life of abuse doesn't it?
She was more of a mother than the Turpin woman IMO.
RISKING everything to save her siblings and the one child who now, will never know a life of abuse like her siblings did!

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Where did I lump all homeschoolers together?

Where is this defensiveness coming from? All I have said is oversight, oversight, oversight.

I, too, have close friends who homeschool. I don't give a bug's butt what kind of schooling people choose. I simply want to see some oversight in all cases.

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Not you, just in general. There have been so many comments about the lack of accountability. There is accountability for many people and it angers me that they were able to fly under the radar.

I am extremely angry that these monsters were able to do this. My answer regarding oversight was in response to your comment but the rest was just venting over the situation. I apologize that it came across directed specifically at you.

There is oversight and accountability in many places. Obviously CA isn’t one of them. This whole thing makes me sick. How can anyone do this to children? Why would they?!? As in every case where helpless children are involved....why didn’t someone say something!!

As I am working with my children today I just can’t fathom how someone could do what they did. It is beyond comprehension to me.
Does anyone have a screenshot of the very last Facebook post on the LouiseDavidTurpin account? All I am wondering is what the date of the last post was? No need to post any screenshots. Thanks

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The shots I saw were much more close where you could see the bumpy pores, maybe it was the lighting or angle but
they were distinct. Thanks you OSU for trying,
I’m not caught up yet but I did read updates after the presser. I’m still in shock. I read it out loud to dh and cried. We were out grocery shopping without our six kids, and I just wanted to go home and hold my own babies. I can not understand how evil these people have been towards their children. And it makes me incredibly sad that the youngest wasn’t malnourished. Obviously, I’m happy she was taken care of (or at least fed) but it’s heartbreaking to think the older kids likely were taken care of as infants and a day came where they were no longer loved on. I just can’t imagine.
I don't think anyone in this thread has implied this. The conversation has been about oversight, not homeschooling itself. I haven't seen a single post that leads me to believe that anyone in here is anti-homeschooling. Many people are simply pro-oversight.

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I understand that. But my point is that as long as homeschooling is legal, these people could've (and would've IMO) flown under the radar. If there were more regulations, they just simply would've not registered to homeschool at all. What would've stopped them? I don't think anyone would've reported them as truant given that a lot of people saw a lot of strange things over the years and nobody turned them in. If there was more regulating homeschoolers, and they just didn't register or file an intent, how would anything change?

That's my point. Short of outlawing homeschooling altogether (THEN someone might've reported them, seeing that they weren't physically in a school), I don't see how more regulations would've helped. Do y'all really think they would've let a teacher into their home once a year to test the children? MOO
disgusting. They need to keep these angels far, far away from ALL sides of their family! Is there any way we as the public can make it known to officials they shouldn't be around any family??

No doubt if they're placed with LTs side they'll be pimped out for money and paraded around like a circus act. If placed with DTs side they'll be brainwashed into thinking they deserved this, and that they lied and ruined their parents lives.

from watching videos, I find it interesting that the two who seem kind of mentally challenged were kept shackled more often..curious if the parents couldn't deal with their disabilities?

I posted something similar last night... about not being able to deal with issues as a parent. So sad.

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The way I'm interpreting this class is that it was an individual class - not something that required enrollment in a college or community college as a full-time student. Plenty of colleges and community colleges and community centers offer classes that are open to anyone - and that's what I'm assuming this class was.

I could be wrong, but I don't think he was actually enrolled in a college.


That makes sense. I just assumed dual enrollment. I didn’t think about classes opened to the community.
Not you, just in general. There have been so many comments about the lack of accountability. There is accountability for many people and it angers me that they were able to fly under the radar.

I am extremely angry that these monsters were able to do this. My answer regarding oversight was in response to your comment but the rest was just venting over the situation. I apologize that it came across directed specifically at you.

There is oversight and accountability in many places. Obviously CA isn’t one of them. This whole thing makes me sick. How can anyone do this to children? Why would they?!? As in every case where helpless children are involved....why didn’t someone say something!!

As I am working with my children today I just can’t fathom how someone could do what they did. It is beyond comprehension to me.
So that's what I think everyone is talking about here - that we need to have common sense regulations (that may already be working in other states) become widespread.

I honestly haven't seen a single anti homeschooling post in here. I just see a lot of defensiveness from some homeschoolers. Many homeschoolers have, however, not taken offense to those of us calling for more oversight, and are calling for it with us.

In light of this situation, I don't see how anyone wouldn't see the need for it.

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I would love to hear from the college professor who taught the child that was allowed to attend college. Was his work on par with the other students? I assume he was required to take the SAT or placement tests when he enrolled. My daughter takes dual enrollment classes and there is a great deal of work involved. There is no way she would be able to do it as a high school student if she were behind educationally.

I believe it was San Jacinto __________ , possibly a community college with open enrollment. HS Diploma or GED
is all that's required. Or maybe he was taking a GED Prep course. Not likely the course was for college credit if he
had no HS Diploma.
There are red flags with the Turpin. A pattern all too common.

My thoughts exactly. When, when, when are we going to learn that individuals who do these things to animals are NOT SAFE and bear extreme watching. We KNOW this, yet we don't really do anything to "watch" them.....
Ok I think most of us on WS agree that homeschooling sure needs an overlook in some states whereby more checks need done.

Please can we move on from this...
My thoughts exactly. When, when, when are we going to learn that individuals who do these things to animals are NOT SAFE and bear extreme watching. We KNOW this, yet we don't really do anything to "watch" them.....
This is why Animal Control officers, child welfare professionals, and mental health professionals are all trained to look for child abuse and neglect when they see an abused or neglected animal in the home. They can absolutely connect.
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