Head blow vs strangulation

UK, I think you might be right about her never reaching her bed. But, do you think there was any altercation in her bathroom at all. There were hair ties all over the place, am I right??? And the rolled up turtleneck (which could have been there from earlier in the day. It does appear that there was some sort of altercation in that bathroom. What do you thing?

The bathroom altercation is the most likely start of the scuffle JonBenet had with Patsy. JonBenet was wearing soiled panties and Patsy attempted to clean up her daughter. Perhaps she wanted to give JonBenet a quick bath and JonBenet resisted. Let's assume that JonBenet was dressed in the play pants and red turtleneck and Patsy had somehow managed to get her undressed. She attempts to put JonBenet in the tub and a struggle ensues. Patsy either uses the flashlight to strike JonBenet or she pushes JonBenet in the tub and she hits her head on the faucet....
The blood on her panties...the drops do not correspond with the blood on her vaginal area meaning her underwear were changed.

I don't understand. How do they not correspond?
If you put the panties on JonBenet...the blood stains on the panties do not match up with the blood stains on her vagina.

I promise I am not trying to pin you down, but how do you know this. Why could it not have been blood that trickled down. I think this was discussed before. How can you possibly know this??????
Applying the kiss principle, JonBenet's bed did not look slept in precisely because she never reached it.

She was killed shortly after snacking pineapple, also information not released so far, but important, is were JonBenet's fingerprints on the spoon lying in the bowl?

Possibly because she shared someone elses bed that night, as she may have done the night she was killed?

Could you expand upon this, are you saying she was wrapped in the blankets before being taken down to the basement, or while she was actually down there?

Her pink barbie nightgown is like the pineapple its a give away, it was not clinging to the blankets it was lying on the floor close by but separate. You do not fake a crime-scene then leave a barbie gown lying about, its just as easy to remove it when leaving, just as allegedlly other items were removed.


In an interview when told about the Barbie nightgown....John says that it "wasn't supposed to be there". What is THAT supposed to mean? Here is my take on it....what he meant was...."During the staging, neither Patsy nor I left her Barbie Nightgown there. I don't know where it came from, because it wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't part of our staging...." John didn't stop to think that static cling brought the nightgown out with the blanket, when either he or Patsy pulled the blanket, that they wrapped JB's body in, out of the dryer. In other words...they didn't notice it, because it wasn't supposed to be there, because it wasn't part of the staging.
Just a comment on the bed -- is it possible friends straightened up the bed? I remember reading somewhere that the house was straightened up as it possibly further contaminated any possible evidence.
If you put the panties on JonBenet...the blood stains on the panties do not match up with the blood stains on her vagina.

??? The blood spots in JBR's underwear was hers. There were also markers found in the DNA under her fingernails that matched certain markers of the DNA in her underwear.

In an interview when told about the Barbie nightgown....John says that it "wasn't supposed to be there". What is THAT supposed to mean? Here is my take on it....what he meant was...."During the staging, neither Patsy nor I left her Barbie Nightgown there. I don't know where it came from, because it wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't part of our staging...." John didn't stop to think that static cling brought the nightgown out with the blanket, when either he or Patsy pulled the blanket, that they wrapped JB's body in, out of the dryer. In other words...they didn't notice it, because it wasn't supposed to be there, because it wasn't part of the staging.

John says that it "wasn't supposed to be there".

John is an intelligent guy, dont you reckon he is simply stating the obvious, regardless of how you interpret the barbie-gowns meaning?

You actually think he is halfway suggesting, Oh we messed up, we forgot to remove the gown, damn that wasn't supposed to be there?

Like another poster you do not explain yourself, why do you not think the barbie-gown is part of the staging?

We are discussing a deliberately faked crime-scene i.e. staged, where even JonBenet's size-6 underwear was removed, and a sexual assault hidden under clean size-12 underwear, where nothing else, other than possibly redacted items were left behind. So given this intent please explain how a barbie gown arrived in the wine-cellar, never mind the basement, and made its way onto the floor next to JonBenet's final resting place?

??? The blood spots in JBR's underwear was hers. There were also markers found in the DNA under her fingernails that matched certain markers of the DNA in her underwear.


There are standard similarities in all DNA. The DNA found under JonBenet's fingernails has not been conclusively matched to the DNA found in the underwear she was dressed in. They have not been able to prove that both samples of DNA came from the same person, and it's based on those basic standard similarities that the RST tries to mislead the public into believing the two samples have been conclusively matched and came from the same individual. Shame on Erin Moriarty, and the RST buffoons who gave her incorrect information.

It's true that the bloodstains don't match up. The spots on her underwear did not align with the blood on her body, when location was examined.
There are standard similarities in all DNA. The DNA found under JonBenet's fingernails has not been conclusively matched to the DNA found in the underwear she was dressed in. They have not been able to prove that both samples of DNA came from the same person, and it's based on those basic standard similarities that the RST tries to mislead the public into believing the two samples have been conclusively matched and came from the same individual. Shame on Erin Moriarty, and the RST buffoons who gave her incorrect information.

It's true that the bloodstains don't match up. The spots on her underwear did not align with the blood on her body, when location was examined.

Oh, now I see what Toltec meant when she said the bloodstains did not match up. So could not they have trickled down?

John is an intelligent guy, dont you reckon he is simply stating the obvious, regardless of how you interpret the barbie-gowns meaning?

You actually think he is halfway suggesting, Oh we messed up, we forgot to remove the gown, damn that wasn't supposed to be there?

Like another poster you do not explain yourself, why do you not think the barbie-gown is part of the staging?

We are discussing a deliberately faked crime-scene i.e. staged, where even JonBenet's size-6 underwear was removed, and a sexual assault hidden under clean size-12 underwear, where nothing else, other than possibly redacted items were left behind. So given this intent please explain how a barbie gown arrived in the wine-cellar, never mind the basement, and made its way onto the floor next to JonBenet's final resting place?


My five year old daughter owns quite a few of those Barbie Nightgowns...and they are really bad about sticking to other clothing, or blankets in the dryer....especially if I don't use the "Bounce" dryer sheets. I believe that the blanket that JB was so "lovingly" wrapped in, had been in the dryer (how would an intruder KNOW this?), and that when one of the Ramsey's took it out of the dryer to wrap JB's body in, the Barbie nightgown tagged along, courtesy of static cling. I do not believe that the nightgown was part of the staging....it wouldn't make sense. How would the intruder KNOW that it was JB's favorite nightgown?? Why not leave her favorite doll, or something? Why the nightgown? I just believe that it wasn't MEANT to be there...that it was attached to the blanket that was pulled from the dryer, and went undetected. I believe that when JR said that the blanket wasn't "supposed to be there"....it was a slip of the tongue. But thats just my opinion.....
My five year old daughter owns quite a few of those Barbie Nightgowns...and they are really bad about sticking to other clothing, or blankets in the dryer....especially if I don't use the "Bounce" dryer sheets. I believe that the blanket that JB was so "lovingly" wrapped in, had been in the dryer (how would an intruder KNOW this?), and that when one of the Ramsey's took it out of the dryer to wrap JB's body in, the Barbie nightgown tagged along, courtesy of static cling. I do not believe that the nightgown was part of the staging....it wouldn't make sense. How would the intruder KNOW that it was JB's favorite nightgown?? Why not leave her favorite doll, or something? Why the nightgown? I just believe that it wasn't MEANT to be there...that it was attached to the blanket that was pulled from the dryer, and went undetected. I believe that when JR said that the blanket wasn't "supposed to be there"....it was a slip of the tongue. But thats just my opinion.....

I agree with you! Whenever they open their mouths, something goes wrong.
My five year old daughter owns quite a few of those Barbie Nightgowns...and they are really bad about sticking to other clothing, or blankets in the dryer....especially if I don't use the "Bounce" dryer sheets. I believe that the blanket that JB was so "lovingly" wrapped in, had been in the dryer (how would an intruder KNOW this?), and that when one of the Ramsey's took it out of the dryer to wrap JB's body in, the Barbie nightgown tagged along, courtesy of static cling. I do not believe that the nightgown was part of the staging....it wouldn't make sense. How would the intruder KNOW that it was JB's favorite nightgown?? Why not leave her favorite doll, or something? Why the nightgown? I just believe that it wasn't MEANT to be there...that it was attached to the blanket that was pulled from the dryer, and went undetected. I believe that when JR said that the blanket wasn't "supposed to be there"....it was a slip of the tongue. But thats just my opinion.....

Your theory goes along with mine...static cling.

My belief is that JonBenet wet her bed the night of the 23d....she went to bed wearing her favorite pink barbie nightgown. I believe something happened to JB at the Christmas party to cause her to wet the bed.

In the morning, Patsy places JonBenet's sheets, blanket and barbie nightgown in the washer. JonBenet bathes, and goes about celebrating Christmas Eve.

She goes to bed wearing her pink pajama top and bottom. She wakes Christmas day, goes downstairs and opens her gifts. She did not wet her bed because she is photographed christmas day wearing the pink pajamas. I doubt John and Patsy would allow her downstairs without getting out of her wet pj's.

That is my theory about the barbie nightgown.
My daughter had one as well,and I think so too.It was thin and tended to stick to the other clothes,esp if fabric softener was used,and the housekeeper said PR didn't use one much.
If you had that time machine, would you set it for Dec. 24th and wait and watch it all unfold..from the Fleet's party to the very end..? Just to be invisible and follow JonBenet's every step.

I'd set it for the 23rd,starting at that suspicious party.
Your theory goes along with mine...static cling.

My belief is that JonBenet wet her bed the night of the 23d....she went to bed wearing her favorite pink barbie nightgown. I believe something happened to JB at the Christmas party to cause her to wet the bed.

In the morning, Patsy places JonBenet's sheets, blanket and barbie nightgown in the washer. JonBenet bathes, and goes about celebrating Christmas Eve.

She goes to bed wearing her pink pajama top and bottom. She wakes Christmas day, goes downstairs and opens her gifts. She did not wet her bed because she is photographed christmas day wearing the pink pajamas. I doubt John and Patsy would allow her downstairs without getting out of her wet pj's.

That is my theory about the barbie nightgown.

I believe that too. I also believe that the blanket that she was wrapped in, originally came off her her bed....when she wet the bed the night of the 23rd, not only the nightgown and sheets got wet, but also the blanket....Patsy threw them in to wash and dry...and because it was Christmas, the White's Christmas party and getting prepared for the trip on the 26th....she just never had the time to take them out of the dryer....thats why they both were still in there, the night that JB was killed. Just one fact alone....the fact that she was wrapped "lovingly" in a blanket....points to the parents doing it. (Not to mention the tons of other reasons why I believe the parents did it...way to many to mention). Why would an intruder, molest and kill her, and then wrap her "lovingly" in a blanket? Makes absolutely no sense at all. If the blanket was in the dryer with the nightgown...which I believe it was...how the heck would an "intruder" know this? Again, it makes no sense. My theory is, the blanket and nightgown were taken out of the dryer after the murder....the nightgown tagged along because of static cling, and because "it wasn't supposed to be there".....as John says in his interview.....it went undetected. JMO
My daughter had one as well,and I think so too.It was thin and tended to stick to the other clothes,esp if fabric softener was used,and the housekeeper said PR didn't use one much.

Yep, they are REALLY thin, the ones made from cotton are a little thicker, but the polyester ones...are extremely thin and cling to everything with fabric softener. The gown could also have been just bundled up in the blanket too....without static cling. Have you ever taken out sheets or blankets from the dryer, and found a sock, or something bunched up inside of it? It happens to me ALL the time. Regardless of how the nightgown got there, beside of JB's body....whether static cling, or just being bunched up in the blanket, when it was taken out of the dryer, the fact remains that in my theory, they both were in the dryer, and when the blanket was pulled out...by one of the Ramsey's....the gown came with it, and went undetected. Obviously it wasn't part of the staging, by John saying in his interview..."it wasn't supposed to be there". I have stated in many other posts....how in the world would an "intruder" know that it was JB's favorite nightgown, or where to find it? Masked Intruder: "Gee, now that I have molested her and killed her....let me take the extra time to find a blanket to wrap her body in, and find her favorite Barbie nightgown to place beside of her. I don't know WHY I have the urge to place her favorite Barbie nightgown beside of her, or what point it would serve....but, I am going to take more time in the Ramsey house, instead of getting the heck out of here...to find that Barbie gown and place it beside of the body, its the least that I could do....since I killed her and all. Now, where would I find that nightgown and blanket....hmmmmm....I KNOW...I will look in the dryer, they are both probably in there". Yeah, right!!!

Oh, now I see what Toltec meant when she said the bloodstains did not match up. So could not they have trickled down?
That's what I always thought too: that the blod trickled down into the underwear.

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