Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #30

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There's also another technology in use that nearly rivals GPS accuracy:

What is OTDOA | How OTDOA works,OTDOA applications,benefits

Advantages of OTDOA | Benefits of OTDOA

Following are the benefits or advantages of OTDOA (Observed Time Difference of Arrival):

• It is very popular among all the positioning techniques due to its accurate location measurement.

• In LTE, it is very easy to measure the RSTD (Reference Signal Time Difference) and hence estimate the UE position. LTE incorporates PRS ( Positioning Reference Signal) in the frame structure which helps in very accurate and effective determination of the UE position.

• It is used in the situations where A-GNSS is either not available or its service is limited.

• Often OTDOA is combined with A-GNSS to obtain better positioning performance.

• The OTDOA measurement method is not affected in the presence of obstructions in the form of building made of concrete/steel structures.

• It works effectively at various places viz. indoors, high buildings, forests etc.
Sorry, but I strongly disagree, I have all those things as well, and much more of a background in psychology as she was only on her second year in psych. That means she only has a few courses out of the way. I have always considered myself a strong person. But if I was being held captive and unimaginable things were being done to me, I think I would have broken by now. Sorry, but I just can't see that. I hope to God If she is alive that she CAN survive this. I just don't believe this is the case.
If she is being held, my hope is the abductor had a fascination with her and she can somehow make him think she feels the same way. It would hopefully make it easier on her until she can find a way to escape. I may watch too many Lifetime movies though.
Also keep in mind that triangulation off rural wireless towers is not as precise as in more populated urban areas. Find my phone would be accurate, if they were able to utilize that function.

Not exactly. It depends on terrain, topology, etc. Triangulation over flat, rural land with little to no tree presence presents with increased accuracy (in context) since signals are not reflected and coverage areas are clearly defined. Distances between cell sites may cause a triangulation target area to be larger than with closer / more cell sites but that's moot given the open space... in plain site, as it were.

Triangulation in urban areas can be more difficult even though there may be more cell sites and closer together. Office buildings, hotels, skyscrapers, lots of flat, vertical surfaces, indirect signal paths, etc, all lead to reducing any potential accuracy.
So in my earlier scenario posted just after thread re-opened—there is no cell reception between the Eastern and southern most points on the Mollie Map? Confused—how did they get a “ping” then?

Phone is always either connected or trying to connect. Unless it’s piwered off. Still it makes intermittent connections to keep time, etc current to Greenland meantime.
Signal may not be strong enough for the phone to remain connected long enough to make a call.

But in data records they would reflect that the phone made the attempt.

Way over simplified but easy to understand.
"If" this is an outsider it's going to be tougher to solve. Yet my gut tells me and has been telling me from Day 1 this is a local or somebody who once was a local. Seems the person knows Brooklyn all to well. IMO and all that jazz
Not exactly. It depends on terrain, topology, etc. Triangulation over flat, rural land with little to no tree presence presents with increased accuracy (in context) since signals are not reflected and coverage areas are clearly defined. Distances between cell sites make cause the target area to be larger than with closer / more cell sites but that's moot given the open space.

Triangulation in urban areas can be more difficult even though there may be more cell sites and as a result are closer together. Office buildings, hotels, skyscrapers, lots of flat, vertical surfaces, indirect signal paths, etc, all lead to reducing any potential accuracy.

And a cell doesn’t always connect to nearest tower. It usually connects to the nearest tower with the strongest signal.
I took a few days off here and was following the SW thread so I am behind. To do a quick catch up last night I played Nancy Grace's podcast of 8/16 on MT case. I am going to listen to it again to make sure I got it right because I was starting to fall to sleep but she said something about LE stating they believe they will have MT back within 10 days (of the 16th) and that the person had been involved in the search and attended the vigil for MT. Is this just hype on Grace's part or LE's or is there anything concrete to it. I see her dad has left for home and the discussion here still centers around the same unknowns as before which leads me to think nothing has changed.

The podcast can be heard here for Aug 16th
Crime Stories with Nancy Grace

That info came from a non-MSM digital rag, "the publication that shall not be named" here. It is not to be trusted, and should be taken with a 5 pound grain of salt.
Not exactly. It depends on terrain, topology, etc. Triangulation over flat, rural land with little to no tree presence presents with increased accuracy (in context) since signals are not reflected and coverage areas are clearly defined. Distances between cell sites make cause the target area to be larger than with closer / more cell sites but that's moot given the open space.

Triangulation in urban areas can be more difficult even though there may be more cell sites and as a result are closer together. Office buildings, hotels, skyscrapers, lots of flat, vertical surfaces, indirect signal paths, etc, all lead to reducing any potential accuracy.

You sure about all of this? What is an "indirect signal path" when talking about cell phone signals?
Morning all. Lots of thinking.


Per otto’s awesome map:

1 truck stop
2 car wash
3 hwy 385 (near Mollie's house-sit) and W. Pershing Dr
4 385 ave East out of the city
5 Guernsey area

I think differently.
  1. House sit (known location)
  2. Car wash/moms house (potentially sighted)
  3. Area east of Brooklyn near I6 (this to me is the least discussed area on this thread. Why is this point on the map?)
  4. Southern most dot (straight line from previous)
  5. Truck stop (leaving town).
If both 3 and 4 (per above) are as rural as they look, it’s an escape route and likely LE has her digital signatures here.

Maybe truck stop is on there because of cameras to see who was leaving town not who was coming in to town.

Have we considered that she was picked up at 2, something happened at point 3 (per above)—4 is back road—on the way to leaving town and dumping electronics or finally turning them off and 5 is leaving with her possibly concealed in the vehicle? There would have been a lot of places that he could have incapacitated her and hid her between my points 3 and 4. It does help the theory that she got a ride with someone she knew (at 2) and then it turned bad (at 3 or between 3 and 4). If she’s not in town- the public is no longer at risk, “per se” (meaning in Brooklyn).

Perhaps LE Is looking at cars that were by the cameras in town (by the car wash) and then left town later in the evening. The reverse of what has been discussed previously.

The only difference I see between my route and your route is that in your route the abductor stopped at the Truck Stop after abducting Mollie and before 10PM. Any thoughts on why the abductor would take the chance of stopping at a truck stop with a kidnap victim in the vehicle?


  • Mollie Fascinated1_Map.jpg
    Mollie Fascinated1_Map.jpg
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I just wish Mollie was found. As we all do......sigh. I have been following quietly as of late. Some cases you come off of suck the life out of you. It's amazing the work done here evident by the flying threads with so little to go on. Great work folks!
And a cell doesn’t always connect to nearest tower. It usually connects to the nearest tower with the strongest signal.

There are other factors that also affect to which cell site a phone connects, such as signal strength, signal integrity, compatibility (CDMA, GMS, etc.), channel availability, direction of movement, etc.
consider this. mollie is on her run, starts not to feel well, decides to take a short cut home, cuts across a field or woods, has a heart attack and dies. It happens with young people who are playing strenuous sports having no prior indications of a faulty heart. I think le should start the searches again

Good theory.


Sadly imo not probable.
The only difference I see between my route and your route is that in your route the abductor stopped at the Truck Stop after abducting Mollie and before 10PM. Any thoughts on why the abductor would take the chance of stopping at a truck stop with a kidnap victim in the vehicle?

BBM...I hope it is not the case, but she may have been more than a kidnap victim at that point, or may have been incapacitated and hidden in the trunk. Perhaps the perp needed something to come down from his adrenaline rush, or something as simple as needed gas, especially if it was really a crime of opportunity and not something that had been well-planned in advance. JMO
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