Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #38

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It didn’t happen. That was his (CR) attempt at victim blaming.
Actually I'm not sure we know that she didn't threaten to call police. If this is what LE reported, they must find it somewhat credible. I would imagine he would try to come up with a better story than that if he really wanted to make her look bad. There is also a chance if he was circling around the area that she had already seen him. So I can kind of see why she would say that if he approached her, but he just got to her so fast she didn't have the chance.
USUALLY migrant housing is changed back to each worker. However it is minimal. There are tax issues associated with it.
The article said the worker didn't have to pay rent and it is a benefit. Benefits are tax deducted as expenses for the employer. I wouldn't use the term "migrant" to describe CR because he had lived there for four years.
The Yahoo article posted a few responses ago about CR harassing another woman also says this:

"Cristhian Rivera was arrested earlier this week after police saw him talking to Tibbetts on a neighbor's surveillance video the night she disappeared."

Have we heard that before? I thought investigators so far just said they saw him drive past a few times. Did they in fact see him try to engage her in conversation?
Not sure where you got that misinformation. To quote your link above:
..."Investigators say the video shows Rivera following Mollie before she disappeared."...

Don't see anything about CR talking to Mollie on video, especially given that LE barely got the color /shape of the car, and no license number or video of driver.
Actually I'm not sure we know that she didn't threaten to call police. If this is what LE reported, they must find it somewhat credible. I would imagine he would try to come up with a better story than that if he really wanted to make her look bad. There is also a chance if he was circling around the area that she had already seen him. So I can kind of see why she would say that if he approached her, but he just got to her so fast she didn't have the chance.
It sounded like they were relaying the story he gave them. I don't think that means they find anything that he said credible. Other than her body was where he said it was. Obviously if he was telling tales of memory blocks, that conveniently began about the time that he abducted her, he could be telling partial truths, re-arranged truths, or absolute lies.
Found this info on the living arrangements, sorry if posted already

The couple — along with her husband’s brother Craig Lang and his wife — own farmland outside Brooklyn that includes trailers where some of the dairy’s employees live for free as a benefit of their employment, farm spokeswoman Eileen Wixted confirmed.

She said Rivera lived there for the duration of his employment, and about half of the farm’s other 10 workers do so as well.

Under the arrangement, the farming company pays the couples to rent the land but workers do not have to pay, she said.

The Man Accused of Killing Mollie Tibbetts Lived on Land Owned by GOP Fundraiser
RBBM. kpm, I know you didn't write this but are only quoting. The article's composition is so horrid that you can hardly understand what the writer is trying to say!
Do we think it means that the other 5 workers live in the same house/trailer lot too?
Irregardless, I would be humiliated to be a landlord of this property and connected to allowing my employees to actually live in these conditions.
I wonder:

How did LE initially interrogate CR, via interpreter or not? It seems to me they didn't have enough time to request for an interpreter but it is likely they have someone capable given the possible makeup of the local workforce.

LE must have run a DNA by now, waiting for CODIS?

CR didn't seem nervous or confused during the initial hearing. I thought he appeared as still angry. Anyway, it seemed to me as if he'd been through such an experience previously or, at least was familiar with the procedure.

What made CR sh** where he eats? Sorry to be graphic but I think a direct and raw analogy is appropriate in this instance. That, plus that CR seemed so forthcoming to LE regarding what happened is it possible he really wanted to get caught, at least subconsciously? No death penalty, life in prison, a prison in which he wouldn't have to work and worry about raising a family and feeding himself. Three hots and a cot. Then again, he want to significant length to hide his crime.

If CR truly is illegal will DHS want to deport him? I think the DA would want for a full prosecution and internment, regardless if Iowans would have to pay for a lifetime of his internment.

Prisons require prisoners to work. They are required to keep the facility clean, grounds clean, work in the kitchen, etc. I think CR confessed so he wouldn't be deported. That may have been the "deal" LE made with him. His tracking of del Narco shows he's worried about violence in Mexico by drug cartel gangs. Mexican journalists have been murdered just for reporting on it. A young man was deported from Des Moines in June and he was violently murdered by gangs. That may have been weighing on his mind.
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Thanks, that's what I was assuming because benefits are tax deductible.

I guess we do it differently we provide housing for our fish crew. It all has to be reported as a non monetary benefit.

That way all expenses associated with housing ie utilities property tayes maintenance and general replacement if furnishings all deductible as expenses. It works out more beneficial for us that way. I thought farming and fishing ran under like rules. Farmers must take expenses for housing as an overall business expense.

I’d hate to think of the utilities, simply because there would be no incentive for employees to shut off lights or close doors and windows tight in the winter.
They certainly would have run his DNA by now.

Most first time killers, commit their crimes in an area in which they are comfortable and familiar.

I don’t read much into his demeanor during court, we don’t have a baseline as to how he usually looks and acts.

He will serve his entire sentence in Iowa. If he were to be released, he would be released into the custody of DHS and deported. This won’t ever happen.

New laws, or at lease new policies in place that may take precedence over State. ICE, Inc.
If there is a trial, it is the lawyer’s job to put whatever spin he can come up with to try to mitigate the crimes. Just as it is the jury’s job to dismiss or accept his claims/version. Of course it will sound ridiculous to us. But it is done in all kinds of cases. All cases, really.

I’ve heard some defence attourneys justify taking a case to trial regardless, as per the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, which states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".....”
Presumption of innocence - Wikipedia

Not to overlook the fact the defence also has a vested interest in financially benefiting or receiving public exposure.....
Prisons require prisoners to work. They are required to keep the facility clean, grounds clean, work in the kitchen, etc. I think CR confessed so he wouldn't be deported. That may have been the "deal" LE made with him. His tracking of del Narco shows he's worried about violence in Mexico by gangs. Mexican journalists have been murdered just for reporting on it. A young man was deported from Des Moines in June and he was violently murdered by gangs. That may have been weighing on his mind.

Prisoners are required to work, but they do not have to work (penalties apply) but they still get three hots and a cot.
I’ve had this happen as have my daughters. Most times it is someone benign asking for directions but one never knows. I always tell them to keep walking, scream as loud as you can and no matter what even if they have a weapon refuse to get into a vehicle. But all of that really means nothing until they are in that situation. What would they really do or would they have the ability to do anything. I am just thankful that this is not the norm and many of us will never experience this.
Something that stands out to me, in this case, is Mollie. Us ladies are always told to be confident, yell, stand your ground, fight back. From what I gather, she did just that. As the case unfolded, I would see videos of her, I read her tweets, she seemed like a very strong woman. We’re told, if you’re confident, predators are less likely to prey on you, which makes me think that this was pre meditated, he was prepared. If this were more random, maybe she would have successfully scared the predator off, but it wasn’t to be. I think that’s one reason this case resonates with me as I try to be that confident woman too but sometimes that isn’t enough.
I have seen and hear of men doing this in other cities. Music on and slow driving beside a walking or running female. They follow quietly along with the sexual remarks with their heads hanging out the car window.

I have wondered too if when she took off he might have hit her with the car to stop her from using her phone to dial 911.

She had to be scared to death. All the self defense classes and all the MeToo marches could not save a girl jogging on a lonely road with a killer and a knife.

I see the rings and little key chain mace but when it comes right down to it...we don't really have a chance in such circumstances.

I was at the grocery store behind a very masculine young man and following this story of Mollie made me realize I would never have a chance. I think my only defense is to be careful and not allow myself to be in vulnerable places where I might become the next victim.

Yes women have a right to run and dance and have fun but there are a lot of bad people in this world of ours and we owe it to ourselves and our families to be as safe as we can be. It's a jungle out there!
Curious cricket and cardinal 47 this is a very likely scenario, I think! Makes so much more sense than him jogging along beside her and the car being too far away from where he assaulted her. I bet he figured that would sound more mild than following beside her in the car, and it's so close to the same as jogging beside her, which frankly when you imagine it sounds ridiculous.This makes perfect sense. He never actually got out of the car at all until he snatched her ( maybe)
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