IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #41

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Sex? Rape seems to be a far more appropriate word... imo. He planned all of it. When he was in the stalking mode planning to abduct Mollie. He had planned to rape Mollie once she was under his control. Then he planned to murder Mollie so she wouldn't be able to tell anyone about the abduction and rape including who was responsible.

Imo he knew Mollie wouldn't ever have 'Sex' with him willingly. He knew this all too well before he even started circling his intended pray.

I am so curious as to whether he had any type of wounds to his body from where she fought him. He is small in stature and I would think a girl in good shape could put up a good fight. That being said, I believe that he likely incapacitated her right away so she didn’t have a fighting chance. MOO
Spot on. I was just talking to a girl work with about men who have sent her unsolicited and unwanted pics of their genitalia. I don't get it, is that ever a successful approach? Just because it doesn't make sense to me and doesn't seem like a very successful approach doesn't mean it's not happening.

Oh my gosh. All the time. And no, it doesn't work. It gets them a block.
I once had a remarkable Jack Russel/Chihuahua 5lb mix dog that I lived with. He was bitten in the ribs by much larger a wolf-hybrid, and developed an abcess. It really hurt him to walk (he would have been dragging his tail in the mud, except that it wasn't raining).

Anyway, when we were walking up to the vet's office, his head was hanging until he heard dogs barking in the vet's kennel. His head and tail immediately snapped up, and he did all but beat the dust off his coat to look his best. He walked into that office with his head held high, and all but a sneer on his face.

Even a dog knows to NEVER show weakness or fear in front of his adversaries. That little guy taught me a lot. I still miss him to this very day!

Such a good reminder for all of us. Thanks for sharing this story!
When people want to hook up, don't they go to pubs or clubs? Who drives around alone stalking joggers when they want a mutually agreed on hook-up?

Maybe in your experience, but no, not everyone goes to a bar when looking to "hook up".

I didn't say his desire to hook up was based on it being a mutual agreement. Please don't put words in my mouth.
If he only wanted a hook up then he would have known instantly it wasn't going to happen and he would have driven away.

His own statement said Mollie wanted no part of him.

So by his own statement a hookup was the furthest thing from her mind. It didn't matter what Mollie wanted. This was about his own devious perverted preplanned desires to take what he wanted by fear and control. Imo
"Okay, thanks for your time. Have a great night and enjoy the rest of your jog!" I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that's not how CR handles rejection.
True but I am pretty sure he would know he was looking in the wrong place, as well as the wrong person. No-one I know would accept a date from a guy hanging out a car window, or running up behind them while they are jogging! CREEPY. Where are all the women on here?! What do y'all say about it?! Need some support here.

As a long time runner, I can tell you if a man tries to jog beside me, I’m going to try my best to get away quickly.
I guess more specifically: you don't think purported cell phone pings around WC's farm are related? To get a direct route to and from the field you'd have to assume either that ping didn't happen or it was off by miles.

Police stated long ago that there was a ping 10 miles SE of Brooklyn. Clearly that is significant. Police searched several farms in the area. Media reported on one farm because that man had a criminal record. Media did not report on other farms that were searched.

WC is not related to Mollie's disappearance.
You hard to really understand what living in these small rural communities is like until you've lived it. Driving around the same few blocks trying to make time with the girls you find is not uncommon here at all. I've done it myself albeit many, many years ago. And I can promise you it's going on on right now, tonight, in my community. I'm totally inclined to think that's what CR was doing because we know he's done it in the past and he was obviously making no attempt to not be seen in a small community with people who know him and can recognize him. How he managed to get away with it for five weeks totally blows my mind.

I can't fathom how it escalated into more than a failed pickup attempt...
Answer to last question is simple: Because it wasn't. As for the beginning of your post, I can imagine what it's like because I have lived in a rural community. Yes, of course guys attempt ( from the safety of their car) to pick up women. I've been startled plenty of times, as have many others on this site, by guys yelling or calling out the window of a car. Or even on foot. But where I'm from it's not necessarily " normal" unless it's someone you know, maybe from school ( talking specifically about kids now) trying to chat someone else up, or just making conversation, flirting, in the hope of hooking up. But it's different when it comes from a stranger or someone outside the group, not well known to them. He and Mollie barely knew each other. At the most they knew "of" each other. I just can't see that he would have thought he could accomplish this. Even from a small community, guys who go "cruising don't necessarily expect to get a date this way. They do it more for fun with the hope that just maybe this one time they might get lucky. Jmo
I believe he would still be gulty of kidnapping or abduction the second she was unable to leave under her own free will.

In many states victims do not have to be moved from one place to the other.

Suspects have been charged/convicted with kinapping when the victim was held against their will unable to freely leave even if they were held captive in their own home.

Too many unknowns but for certain LE knows more than we do.

Due to blood loss, LE may have determined severe and violent trauma occurred at the precise location where CR later confessed he intersected with Mollie, long before they tracked down him and the Malibu.
As a long time runner, I can tell you if a man tries to jog beside me, I’m going to try my best to get away quickly.
Right! It's terrifying and I think he would know it!
Police stated long ago that there was a ping 10 miles SE of Brooklyn. Clearly that is significant. Police searched several farms in the area. Media reported on one farm because that man had a criminal record. Media did not report on other farms that were searched.

WC is not related to Mollie's disappearance.
Oh I know WC's not involved, I believe I was probably the first one here to say he's got nothing to do with it. But that farm was the first point of interest mentioned and remained a point of interest up until CR was arrested. I don't think that's a mistake. Something pinged in that area.
It's hard to really understand what living in these small rural communities is like until you've lived it. Driving around the same few blocks trying to make time with the girls you find is not uncommon here at all. I've done it myself albeit many, many years ago. And I can promise you it's going on on right now, tonight, in my community. I'm totally inclined to think that's what CR was doing because we know he's done it in the past and he was obviously making no attempt to not be seen in a small community with people who know him and can recognize him. How he managed to get away with it for five weeks totally blows my mind.

I can't fathom how it escalated into more than a failed pickup attempt...
I think it’s interesting how picking up girls differs in different communities.
Maybe in your experience, but no, not everyone goes to a bar when looking to "hook up".

I didn't say his desire to hook up was based on it being a mutual agreement. Please don't put words in my mouth.

I thought a hook-up is where two people want to have sex. That requires mutual agreement.

What is a hook-up where one person wants sex, the other doesn't?
Answer to last question is simple: Because it wasn't. As for the beginning of your post, I can imagine what it's like because I have lived in a rural community. Yes, of course guys attempt ( from the safety of their car) to pick up women. I've been startled plenty of times, as have many others on this site, by guys yelling or calling out the window of a car. Or even on foot. But where I'm from it's not necessarily " normal" unless it's someone you know, maybe from school ( talking specifically about kids now) trying to chat someone else up, or just making conversation, flirting, in the hope of hooking up. But it's different when it comes from a stranger or someone outside the group, not well known to them. He and Mollie barely knew each other. At the most they knew "of" each other. I just can't see that he would have thought he could accomplish this. Even from a small community, guys who go "cruising don't necessarily expect to get a date this way. They do it more for fun with the hope that just maybe this one time they might get lucky. Jmo
If this was a planned abduction, sa, murder, whatever - don't you find it odd that he's in plain site driving around in a community where people know him and can recognize him?
You don't know what it's like spending four hours driving around the same four blocks on a summer evening, do you? I wish I didn't know what it was like, but in my youth that was really common.
Ah, yes. The good old days -- at least for my own neighborhood.

It appears to me that people are dividing into at least two camps: the hook-up or the pre-planned rape attack.

Driving the same four blocks, hanging out with friends, grabbing a burger, driving more. Back in the day, it didn't lead to sex -- at least for my generation or that I knew of. It did lead to dates, then etc.

However, in the other camp, looking specifically for MT, the pre-planned attack and murder, speaks to me not of a lonely young man but a prior killer. Someone who has done this before.

I can make an argument of either, I think.

However, knowing that CR knew about that cornfield so far away makes me lean toward the prior episodes and crimes.
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Every criminal has a first offense...and some are caught the first time. This guys fits that criteria to me by how quickly he told LE what they needed. Jmo

I don’t know, Russel Williams did the same and it’s was definitely not his first rodeo.
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