Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #35

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Yes, what is the source for the bigger size? Maybe poster is referring to the other holes, with 64 bolts, on the bottom, which would require the tanks to be drained and filled back up again?
We've been having this discussion all along, the dimensions, whether it was diameter or circumference. That fellow on AB seemed to know all about that type of tank, seemed to know what he was talking about. Also yesterday or the day before someone posted a photo of the tank from just above, showing the small hole on top along with the various pressure relief pipes, etc. But there was only one hole up there.
To be honest, I think that his own defense team finds this particular defendant repugnant. I noted their body language during the initial hearing, it seemed to me, that they were leaning away from him, turned away. Not too chummy or any other way teams act with their client.

They probably need to work on this for his trial. It would be painfully obvious to the jury that CW disgusts his own team.
I know PDs and other lawyers have to sometimes defend the scum of the earth. I just think I would be looking at him like he was a slug I just poured salt on, revolting, making me gag. How could this kill babies.
I was responding to what would a woman use because people were saying that they would take care of their child. I am wondering what an average woman, not a muscular man would. That’s obvious. I don’t have anything in my bedrooms. But I like stripped down so not a good judge

Looked around my bedroom. A metal reading lamp, a brass set of book ends, high heeled boots, [< for halloween lol]
Well we will have to agree to disagree on this one - it isn’t something to be argued, this is just my own personal experience. I have no doubt that yours is different.
The way I see it is in one instance the public interest is being protected due to the government's involvement in protecting children in regard to Child Protective Services or LE activities in certain situations, and in this instance the reason is because of the risk of public opinion in regard to the cause of death or other incriminating evidence, that may influence public opinion in regard to the defendent. But then again what do I know.
If memory serves, he did not "confess" until after the drone footage and bedsheet were seen near what looked like a shallow grave. I do not know if they had already gone to the grave site, but I believe he knew his goose was cooked because they had located the approximate site of the remains and he would be the only culprit, given the locked up house and security camera footage he already knew he was dealing certainly did not seem like a conscience come clean, IMO.
Yes, there is a big difference between confessing to acts and finally admitting to what LE presented to him that they knew, and evidence they had found. He had painted himself into a corner by then and there was no choice but to acknowledge what they charged him with. It was just time to change stories again...
Does any lawyers know what the process is for a name brand lawyer like Baez to try this case in Denver?

Do they have to get certified in each state prior to representing someone in that state?

Or do they just come in as a 2nd chair lawyer or something?
IMO: He saw "actively strangling" so it would fit a rage/passion downgrade of the murder of his wife and unborn child and on the monitor so as to create a tiny bit of leeway that it sparked the rage...but not in time to "save" the child (did not happen in front of him - had to run to room and "discover" deed was done).

Yes, I agree that he said 'active strangling' so he could use the statute of 'protecting others from harm' etc.

But in doing so, he has to then show that he was 'not in time' to save the child. But that will be impossible for him to prove to the jury, imo. Because he has no excuse for making that life altering decision that his baby, who was still alive moments earlier, was now beyond medical help.
We've been having this discussion all along, the dimensions, whether it was diameter or circumference. That fellow on AB seemed to know all about that type of tank, seemed to know what he was talking about. Also yesterday or the day before someone posted a photo of the tank from just above, showing the small hole on top along with the various pressure relief pipes, etc. But there was only one hole up there.
I have only seen them described as in diameter. I didn't even know there was a conversation debating whether it was diameter or circumference. Jmo
Well these tanks have standard sized man holes and from what I found, they were 18” to 21” diameter. I’m not sure where the 8” diameter came from.
Sensationalized TV programs that interview “experts” for their opinions based on conjecture.
I still believe the original reports of his admitting he killed all of them was what he actually said, and the only mistake was that it was reported by LE and a family member before the actual confession was signed or the final affidavit was written. And before he changed his story after speaking to his father. Jmo

This is inaccurate. CW’s story did not change.
I have only seen them described as in diameter. I didn't even know there was a conversation debating whether it was diameter or circumference. Jmo
Well I think the 8" diameter turns out to be about 25" circumference more or less so we're talking about the same measurement, whether or not it turns out to be correct. Seems believable to me (via his report and via the photos posted) that in this model of tank there is a small thief hole at the top, and the larger rectangular manway you referred to at the bottom. Also he gave the model of the tank for anyone to look up.
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Well these tanks have standard sized man holes and from what I found, they were 18” to 21” diameter. I’m not sure where the 8” diameter came from.

It came from an Ashley Banfield expert who said that was the diameter. Which was very upsetting to hear but I'm cautious about HLN or any media "experts" because they've been wrong before. Unless he's examined the tanks himself, how does he know for sure.

How do you know, BTW, the diameter? I heard these were CERVI something tanks? I'm not clear. I keep hearing different things.
Yes, there is a big difference between confessing to acts and finally admitting to what LE presented to him that they knew, and evidence they had found. He had painted himself into a corner by then and there was no choice but to acknowledge what they charged him with. It was just time to change stories again...
Really really dying to see the confession tape. I doubt he confessed voluntarily that he dumped his babies in oil tanks. Maybe Detectives asked him something like - Where are the girls? Are they in those tanks?
That's true but something as significant as him trying to save his children would certainly not be left out. It is a summary of the most important details of his description. If he had said he performed CPR, and checked her pulse or gave her rescue breaths before he became enraged and strangled his wife, it would be included in the affidavit. Imo

I think you are right. Those kinds of actions would have been mentioned in the affidavit, as they would have been very important details to include.

In addition, the affidavit states "Chris went into a rage and ultimately strangled Shanann to death". JMO, the way this is worded is odd, but it appears something else may have happened while he was in a rage and before he strangled SW to death and my thoughts are that it might be that SW sustained other injuries or another injury before being strangled.

JMO, he didn't say what that was in his statement, because I believe if he did, it would be shown in the affidavit.

All JMO.
I kept thinking about those terms that were used; "actively strangling," wondering what benefit it could serve CW to say "actively," vs stumbling in on SW with the girls already dead.

And then I thought about what benefit it would serve CW to introduce the image of him viewing the active strangling through the baby monitor, vs. seeing it in person.

I can't help but wonder if he might have told LE during the confession that SW had locked the door, preventing him from helping his children. And that maybe he felt the need to say "actively" and "through the monitor" to support his claim that she was the one who killed the girls. Complete speculation, and I don't believe it would've been true for a second. Just thinking out loud on potentially filling that gap in the affidavit on what CW might have said to LE leading up to him "ultimately" strangling SW. Jmo

I want to say, "Oh don't give the defense any ideas." But he's wedded to whatever he said in the interrogation which was undoubtedly recorded.
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