Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #35

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Yes. It all comes to a halt. But f they volunteer info after that without being questioned, it comes in. They've just waived the right to remain silent.

But it appears clear to me at least that he didn't ask for an attorney, then confess to killing his whole family after further interrogation, then say he would tell the truth and waive the fifth if he could talk to his dad, etc.
Would not the two LE officers that reported he confessed to killing his whole family be risking something? Would that come up during the trial?
The 'actively strangling' component sounds like legal advice, to me.
I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s more than likely that LE paraphrased that.

“I saw my wife strangling my kids on the baby monitor,” would become “CW said he saw his wife actively strangling the kids.”

Both have the same meaning, although the second one contains “LE speak.”
I shudder to wonder if he already practiced it.

I've been wondering if there were liquid level sensors in the tank, the contents were valuable. Maybe 2 bodies in one tank would trip the sensor alarm?

My nephew, who works in the Texas oil fields, said sensors are always used in large tanks, for safety reasons. It can be dangerous if the volume expands due to gases etc, and a tank overflows.

The sensors ALERT computer systems in the main office, so CW wouldn't want that to happen at all.

ETA; BUT he also said the girls body weight might be too little to trip the Alarm. The thing is though, they are unpredictable, and they may or may not be triggered by small changes.
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It came from an Ashley Banfield expert who said that was the diameter. Which was very upsetting to hear but I'm cautious about HLN or any media "experts" because they've been wrong before. Unless he's examined the tanks himself, how does he know for sure.

How do you know, BTW, the diameter? I heard these were CERVI something tanks? I'm not clear. I keep hearing different things.

I have been under the impression that the CERVI319 referred to tank location, not manufacture. I thought the tanks were located on the Cervi Ranch and 319 was a tank location specific number.
There's been a lot of speculation about whether they were bagged. I would imagine he wouldn't want to see them at all after they were dead so yeah, he likely rolled them up on something. Pgreerobably their blankets though and then maybe it was plastic.

Iirc?? The evidence number on the plastic bag was In the 40s? that means they have quite a bit more, at least in the 30s? And my guess is even more after they went back to the house?

I am sure I'm incorrect in the evidence number, but I'm sure somebody here knows the correct evidence number by recollection. I just know it was a large number as to the bag.

And I would assume therefore, those numbers are before they even went back and had a search warrant at the house?

ETA, down thread I have been corrected on the number.

"The bag was #26 ;)
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Sorry for back tracking, I was trying to catch up and missed being able to post in previous thread.....

From the article(s) posted regarding autopsy reports: "The custodian of the records has the burden to prove an extraordinary situation and that the information revealed would do substantial injury to the public" (snipped by me for focus).

I am hoping one of our attorneys can answer: Why did the Coroner's office not request the reports to be sealed to protect potential witnesses and jury pool if they are custodian of the records (as indicated in article regarding prior case)? At what point does the Prosecution become the custodian of the reports (if they do), and have the ability to urge the court to keep such information confidential?

I (personally) have no problem with the reports remaining sealed when complete. Was just curious as to why it was requested by the Prosecution and not Coroner's office.
El Paso County coroner seeks to hide Flick and Zetina's autopsy reports
Autopsy reports are generally public records in Colorado, but judges can decide to seal them under certain conditions.

Prosecutor reportedly filed the motion in an abundance of caution. In the motion filed by the prosecution on Sept 17, 2018, the People respectfully requested the Court issue an Order finding that disclosure of the contents of the coroner’s autopsy report in this case would do substantial injury to public interest thereby permitting the coroner to deny any such request made pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) and C.R.S. 24-72-201 et. seq. (emphasis added).

Although the custodian of the records (i.e., coroner) bears the burden of proving that disclosure may cause such injury (Denver Post Corp. v. Univ. of Colorado, 739 P.2d 874 (Colo.App.1987). 3.), the coroner also works in cooperation with law enforcement and the prosecution-- who files the motion on behalf of the People.

As of this date, neither the prosecution or defense have received copies of the autopsy reports. The judge in the case will issue a court order on the prosecutor's initial request after the defense views the autopsy reports and responds to the motion to seal the reports from the public.

Prosecutors call Watts autopsy reports 'critical evidence,' ask for block
Yes. He absolutely could have. But it appears he didn't. Thankfully.

What I have learned from following trials to ask/say... I being detained?

#2... am I free to go?

#3... I would like a lawyer.

I would never be arrested (promise!!) or anything like that, but is that correct lawyers?
Unless rigor set in, then he'd likely have to break bones to cram them into that little opening.
I measured a 6 year old, head, shrugged slumped shoulders and hips, all would (barely) fit through 8". That said this child is 2 years older than those lil angels, but while standing up straight and proper the shoulders would not fit. IDK, maybe I'm just looking for some comfort about breaking bones.....
I think sensors go off when tanks are opened? Not sure on this.

But really, I completely thought he was a blockhead for hiding bodies in a place that would be like a bright red light bulb, "He did it". If the bodies had been randomly dumped in a pond, shallow grave, open water reservoir, weighed down, there is at least a reasonable doubt that they were killed by a stranger.

Better yet, he should have put them all in SW's car, and drove to a place, put the car in a ditch, ravine, water area, and left. He seems fit enough to get home, an hour run away. Come in the back yard and avoid all the pesky neighborhood cameras.

In Florida, recently, they found a submerged vehicle, no one was even sure how long it had been there.

I am not familiar with the area, but I am sure that a better hiding place than his own work, area of employment could have been easily found.
Yes. I have wondered if he said tearfully to a family member, ' I don't know, I can't even believe it, but I must have lost my mind, and killed them...' and maybe the family member said 'are you sure it was YOU that killed them?' ...

Yes, he gave his family members a life sentence on living with having him as a son and or sibling. Devastating!
OK. Thank you for the kind correction.
In your opinion, could Jose Báez, for example, who is licensed to practice in FL, represent CW in CO? I believe that was the poster’s question.

Yes if he filed a motion pro hac vice.

Baez is not licensed in Massachusetts and that’s how he represented Aaron Hernandez in Massachusetts.

He would ask an attorney licensed in the state to sponsor his motion.
He did not confess to killing the children and then change is story to state he only killed his wife.
He did not confess to killing the children and then change is story to state he only killed his wife.
Well, we do know that he changed his story at least once, from them all being missing, to admitting he killed Shanann.
BTW, Frankie Rzucek, SW's brother posted immediately on being informed by LE that " he has admitted to murdering my entire family He killed my pregnant sister and my two nieces". To this date he has not altered that statement
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