GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #2

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Depending on the timing, maybe the state is trying to show that TM was not in this relationship, like she claimed. She was trying to establish one with him to corroborate her story of an open marriage, but she waited too late to do that. Or I could be wrong. Dot dot dot . . .
I don't know what point the defense is trying to make, or if there is one.

However, I am worried, as I was with the Home Search Warrants.
The Defense must have their plan. They possibly are not useless.
I hope, with time, they don't bring all this together, and surprise us, with their reasons for seemingly, unhelpful Cross.
Regardless of the reason the state put him up, we just want the truth to come out whatever the truth is. Certainly this shows that her character is lacking that she would have a sexual relationship online and on the telephone with an old flame while married. <modsnipped information with no MSM link to substantiate>
It doesn’t put a positive light on any of them.
In some twisted way she apparently thinks this is good for her ego…
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I think one of the things the state is using him to prove is that he wasn't so much a "boyfriend" because they never met in person and it only lasted a few months.

I wonder if his records will show contact with Tammy where her records are unavailable/missing?
I think this last witness was called to lay a foundation, as someone mentioned up-thread. Nancy only asked for the phone numbers to be added into evidence, correct? Then the defense asked for the text messages themselves to be entered. Could this have been a strategic move on behalf of the prosecution, to get the defense to enter evidence, as opposed to having the defense object? IDK dot dot dot. Just thinking out loud dot dot dot.
I'm not sure if this will work but I created a GIF of one of yesterday's highlights.



I'll try to do another for the awesome performance of Ms. Joyce today.
That GIF is awesomeeee!!!!
I had to leave as soon as he took the stand. I need to watch his testimony to form an opinion as to why but you all make great theories. I can see it being a piece of the puzzle that the State has for their closing as they mentioned laying out the pieces in their opening.

P.S. b/c I'm petty, TM never held a candle to Heather. It's a shame SM didn't realize that and leave her sorry butt.

Something the prosecution sbould address again – an expert witness today brought up that Heather‘s telephone pinged last in the Waccamaw Wildlife Refuge. We had always been told it was last on at Peachtree landing.
Hope they will elaborate on this ping & will show a map of the it.
We had always been told her phone was last on at Peachtree Landing & this expert states that as well but added the info about the last ping.
Someone should explain the date of the ping, who got it, and also whether or not that area was searched for the phone and for Heather, by whom & when.
Having all of the facts available will help as opposed to just bits and pieces.
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