AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #13

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I'd be surprised if she was free to come and go freely, for several reasons. We do not really know her parent's schedules, but we do know that her aunt was helping to care for her, getting her to and from her busy school activities. They lived enough out of town, and on a busy highway ( at least during the day), that walking was not safe. Also, her parents sound like they had close supervision over her and her activities.
Agreed. And by the sounds of it, this crime occurred after midnight. I doubt many 13 year olds are out that time of night, especially on a Sunday.
We would typically hear from a child's parents, but obviously that can't happen in this case. I think Jayme's aunts are very carefully following what the FBI is asking them to do in terms of making public statements. No one wants to make a mistake that could bring further harm to Jayme.

It's also important to remember that Barron is a very small town. They probably don't feel the need to give strangers on the internet any more information than police have provided. I personally don't want Jayme's friends to speak out because I assume they are children and with a deranged killer/kidnapper on the loose, I certainly wouldn't allow my minor children to make public statements or public posts. My children's safety would be my first priority. I would, however, allow my children to talk to LE. I am going to assume that's what's happening here. I believe LE knows what they need to know from Jayme's friends and family.
Excellent post. Bumping.
I don't know that we have established he was face up but the sheriff revealed on Ashley Banfield's show that his feet were visible and the door was ajar as the first LEO on scene approached the house. Multiple spent rounds were also observed and the door had been kicked in. I speculated previously that James may have been face up because the LEO's first impression on the dispatch log was suicide and then after seeing the rounds his second impression was that James had "answered the door" and he noted that the door had been kicked in. James being face up with his feet in the door way is just what makes the most sense to me with what we know so far, but I could be wrong. Some might be recalling my speculation and thought it was established he was face up? Sorry if that is where it came from. I try to be clear about what I'm speculating and what is fact.

Facts we know:
1. James' feet were visible in doorway on approaching the house
2. Door was ajar/open
3. First impression of LEO was suicide
4. Door was kicked in/damaged
5. LEO observed multiple spent rounds/casings at the scene
6. LEO's second impression was that James had "answered the door"
7. No gun found near body
8. Classification was quickly changed to homicide
9. Family members said someone "shot in" the door (they may be mistaken but this was their statement/belief)
10. The wooden door had a small window in it.

My Opinions Only:
1. Perhaps James had a head wound which would look like suicide at first glance.
2. Suicidal persons choosing to shoot at their head usually shoot themselves in the front forehean, side or mouth, not in the back of the head. Ergo, I reasoned he may have been found face up with a visible head wound.
3. If James was shot while facing the door, as if answering it, the force of the gunshot would push his body backwards and he may have landed face up with his feet in the door way.
4. James may have looked out the small window in the wooden door to see who was outside.
5. The perp may have shot James in the head through the window prior to breaking down the door.

I hope this helps explain why I think he was face up. It's only my opinion. Subject to change. ;)


It is logical he was facing the door when shot so the high velocity bullets would propell his body straight back causing him to fall on his back with his feet closest to the door.
I have recently been wondering if everyone was asleep when the door was kicked in. The perps original plan may have been to just tie Denise and James and take Jayme. Then, perhaps there was a scuffle or something that forced James to run to the door where he was shot and allowing Denise or Jayme to dial 911. Things had to proceed faster than intended, so perp killed Denise, the only other witness, and left with his original target, Jayme.
Has anyone considered the possibility that Jayme came in and interrupted someone? Maybe she was out somewhere for the evening? Came in via the garage expecting to say goodnight to her parents and ended up walking into to a horror scene? Maybe she vanished bc someone didn’t expect her to be there and she showed up at the wrong time? When she shows up mom has a surge of strength enough to make the 911 call and someone makes off with Jayme!?
She was 13 and these seem like very protective parents. I doubt that Jayme would have been coming home at 12 am.
That has become SOP for LE when a child is missing. They will continue to say this until they have proof that is not the case.

It gives the family hope and hope is very important when trying to cope with such trying circumstances


What's your instinct on this one, OBE. I'm always interested in your opinion.
Hi all,
I have been a little lax in following the jayme threads here since about thread 8. (It’s a full time job, which I already have one) ;)
Just curious, I watched the press conference with Jayme’s aunt talking yesterday, am I the only one who thought the aunt was attempting to coax a reluctant Jayme home? JMO

IMO I don’t think jayme did the deed but knows who did and is with that person, possibly willingly. -am I allowed to say that now?-

I agree and said so on day 2.
I can. Special function at the church? Youth group? Movie? Maybe the people LE told to get lost had dropped her off a bit earlier?
I thought it had been reported many times that she was last seen publicly at the family gathering that afternoon that she and her mom attended. No other reports of events or they would have been listed as her last sighting.
I don't know that we have established he was face up but the sheriff revealed on Ashley Banfield's show that his feet were visible and the door was ajar as the first LEO on scene approached the house. Multiple spent rounds were also observed and the door had been kicked in. I speculated previously that James may have been face up because the LEO's first impression on the dispatch log was suicide and then after seeing the rounds his second impression was that James had "answered the door" and he noted that the door had been kicked in. James being face up with his feet in the door way is just what makes the most sense to me with what we know so far, but I could be wrong. Some might be recalling my speculation and thought it was established he was face up? Sorry if that is where it came from. I try to be clear about what I'm speculating and what is fact.

Facts we know:
1. James' feet were visible in doorway on approaching the house
2. Door was ajar/open
3. First impression of LEO was suicide
4. Door was kicked in/damaged
5. LEO observed multiple spent rounds/casings at the scene
6. LEO's second impression was that James had "answered the door"
7. No gun found near body
8. Classification was quickly changed to homicide
9. Family members said someone "shot in" the door (they may be mistaken but this was their statement/belief)
10. The wooden door had a small window in it.

My Opinions Only:
1. Perhaps James had a head wound which would look like suicide at first glance.
2. Suicidal persons choosing to shoot at their head usually shoot themselves in the front forehead, side or mouth, not in the back of the head. Ergo, I reasoned he may have been found face up with a visible head wound.
3. If James was shot while facing the door, as if answering it, the force of the gunshot would push his body backwards and he may have landed face up with his feet in the door way.
4. James may have looked out the small window in the wooden door to see who was outside.
5. The perp may have shot James in the head through the window prior to breaking in the door (hence the door both being kicked in and looking "shot in" according to family).

I hope this helps explain why I think he was face up. It's only my opinion. Subject to change. ;)
I think he was lying face up as well, and that's what made them say he had answered the door. How would he have twisted around if he was facing the door? If he was on his stomach I would think LE would assume he was walking or running away from the intruder. And they would not have said he answered the door. Jmo
I must have missed this but was one of the Aunts at the press conference the caretaker of Jamey? The one reading or the one holding the dog? TIA
First time poster, but I've been watching this thread for a few days now.

The thing I can't make any sense of is the violent nature of the killing of the parents. It just seems really different to have done that if the goal was abducting Jayme.

The flip side of that is if the goal was revenge on the parent(s), taking Jayme still makes very little sense and doesn't seem like other cases I've heard before.

I think this is one of two possible scenarios:
1.) Random sociopath/killer who would indiscriminately kill anyone they felt like and for some reason chose this poor unsuspecting family to kill/abduct.
2.) Someone known to the family or where they worked, who is still in the area and trying to blend in as if nothing happened.
Was the door definitely kicked open? Maybe someone was breaking the door open with some sort of tool, made too much noise and dad comes to investigate forcing them to quickly finish the job with a gun shot or a shoulder to the door.

Even if the perp thought they were being quiet, it wouldn't take much to alert the dog. Mine will sense someone is in the garden from the tiniest of noises.
First time poster, but I've been watching this thread for a few days now.

The thing I can't make any sense of is the violent nature of the killing of the parents. It just seems really different to have done that if the goal was abducting Jayme.

The flip side of that is if the goal was revenge on the parent(s), taking Jayme still makes very little sense and doesn't seem like other cases I've heard before.

I think this is one of two possible scenarios:
1.) Random sociopath/killer who would indiscriminately kill anyone they felt like and for some reason chose this poor unsuspecting family to kill/abduct.
2.) Someone known to the family or where they worked, who is still in the area and trying to blend in as if nothing happened.
I love picking apart theories. I’ve got nothing on yours. I could see either of these as plausible scenarios.
Is there an LE quote stating that she did not run off? And how could they know? They are not saying clearly that she was taken. It is feasible she ran when she saw her parents shot. I really think they have no idea what became of her but the logical assumption is abduction yet they do not say so.
I have recently been wondering if everyone was asleep when the door was kicked in. The perps original plan may have been to just tie Denise and James and take Jayme. Then, perhaps there was a scuffle or something that forced James to run to the door where he was shot and allowing Denise or Jayme to dial 911. Things had to proceed faster than intended, so perp killed Denise, the only other witness, and left with his original target, Jayme.

One can push a select button ona smart phone 5-6 times and dial 911 if it’s set.

And due to all of this and the time passing I don’t believe she will be found alive. If she was the original target that could change but that’s not likely. . I’m sad and pray I’m wrong but it’s my opinion.

These abductions never really turn out well. I’m so very sorry for their family. It’s overwhelming to have to be forced to face.
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