Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #54

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This is the same letter that his legal team supposedly destroyed, inciting the ire of the infamous pod casters and CWs folks?
It has now risen from the ashes for public consumption?
And is even more incriminating than it originally seemed to be?


Yes to all. I'm assuming to stay relevant and prove they did have actual sources.

If that letter is truth, it should have raised massive red flags - either that he was at risk, or that he was unstable, and someone should have done something. Not that I blame anyone else for this sorry mess, but I wonder if things would be different if his family had taken the letter to the police?

The story I recall was that it was sealed in an envelope and his family was instructed to open only if something happened.
It's very short and appears consistent with his handwriting. It simply says "To Whom it may concern, If anyone gets this letter, I would never do anything to hurt myself or my children or my wife. If anything happens to me, please investigate my wife. Chris Watts"

So significant, that even in this letter he comes first.

ETA - it was dated 8/6/18
The letter sounds Illogical, weird, and awkward, just like his interviews.

He might as well have said - If anything happens to my wife and children, arrest me.
Escaping all responsibility? Just trying to think of why he would do this if there is even an explanation for it.
Freedom...he wanted a complete out. A new start, but embolden by getting away with it the first time, he would have wanted out of another relationship, maybe with more kids and CW probably would have ended up killing the next wife, like Drew Peterson...he's that sick. Even Drew P didn't kill his children.
Justice has been done!

CW will now dis appear into the "belly of the beast" where he will live until he dies! No hope, no dreams, only passing time. He will be a target for a long time, because he is perceived as a celebrity (not the good kind) and because of what he did to his daughters. Maybe even by the guards. Guards do kill inmates.

I believe the Rzuceks family will heal and move forward, because of their strength and dignity, but their lives are damaged. I pray. in time, some happiness will return to them.

I hope the Watts family will heal and move forward. They will need to stop blaming others to do so.

Finally I hope all those that posted nonsense about; "SW did it", "CW was protecting SW", "it was a respectful burial", etc., will think about their words and motives, especially in regards to what we learned today!

The DA and LE did a magnificent job.
Special Kudos to NUA, NK, and the Thayers for courage and strength.
His body language was that of a broken, embarrassed, and fearful man.

He was slumped over, and he looked like he hadn’t slept. Juxtaposed with his porch interviews, this was a very different man.

I saw his face and upper body trembling. It wasn’t the shaking from someone bouncing their leg up and down, which is more pronounced and slower.

His body language was what I was hoping to see, but I really thought he’d speak.
He was definitely bouncing his left leg up & down. Denver 7 zoomed in on it.
I watched CW the entire time his mom and dad gave statements and I never saw one tear. He never looked up. The camera moves away from him a few times so maybe in those few moments he dropped a tear but I seen none.

The only time I saw CW look up was when his mom had finished speaking and the woman rep (atty?) said she would be reading CW's dad's statement on his behalf. That's the moment CW looked up at his dad (who remained facing the judge & did not turn to look back at his son). I swear I saw a flash of a questioning look in CW's eyes, much like how a kid looks at their parent when they think they might have disappointed them. It's the only genuine emotion I saw this guy show. This is strictly my interpretation, I'd be curious what others saw in CW's eyes at that moment.
Details of the crime from the hearing -

*Coldly and deliberately ended 4 lives
*Shanann was 34 Years old
*Married CW in Nov 2012
*Over the weekend of Aug 13 SW had been at a conference in Phx AZ
*Returned home early morning hours of Aug 13th
*Home at 1:45 am door bell camera shows her arriving back home
*Shortly thereafter according to the defendant they had an emotional conversation about the state of their marriage and what their lives would look like going forward
*Only CW knows what was said during that emotional conversation
*We do know shortly after that he strangled SW to death with his own hands
*He slow took her life the morning of August 13th
*We know it was NOT done in an uncontrolled vengeful manner as he described
*It was done in a calculated sickful manner
*Would have expected to see bruising of face, neck and shoulders, bone broken, defensive wounds on him as struggles NONE PRESENT
* Only marks one set of bruising on right side of neck finger prints or finger nails.
*2 to 4 minutes to strangle someone to death manually with their own hands
*Bella age 4 Celeste age 3 how they felt as the one man they trusted snuffed out their lives
* They both died from smothering, again man to the right smothered his daughters
*Horror in Bella mind as her life was taken, she fought back.
* Tissue between Bella upper lip and her gums had a cm and half laceration
* She bit her tongue multiple times before she died
* She fought for her life as her father smothered her
*Celeste had no such injuries
* Zero external injuries but was smothered also
* Calmly loaded the bodies into his work truck, not hasty or disorganized way
*He was seen from Neighbors camera backing his truck into the driveway
*Going back and forth into the house and back to the truck 3 times for each of their bodies
*He drove his truck from the family home one final time intent on hiding any evidence of the crimes just committed
*One final sign of callousness for his wife, daughters and unborn son he drove them to a location no one would find them
* He knew this was safe he had texted a co worker the night before he would head out to that sight and he would take care of it
*Carefully insured he would be alone to dispose of family in a place he hoped wouldn't be found
* Final measure of disrespect he made sure they would not be together in death and disposed of them in different locations
*Shanann and Nico buried away from oil tanks
*Each girl put in separate tanks
*Took girls and put in a hatch at the top of oil tank 8 inches in diameter
*Bella had scratches on her left buttocks from being shoved through the hole
*A blonde hair was found on one of the hatches
*CW told investigators Bella tank seemed emptier than CeCe's because of the sound the splashes made
*Co workers arrived at the tanks later that morning to a person they described as acting completely normal
*Emotionless interviews
*Many collateral victims
*Motive was for a fresh start with gf
*SW texted over and over to save marriage days and weeks leading up to death
*CW was saving gf pictures in phone and texting gf all hours of the night
*SW was sending motivational books and relationship counseling books
*One of the books found in the trash
*CW was searching the internet for secluded vacation spots to take is new love in researching jewelry
*While SW was with the girls in NC defendant was at car museums and sand dunes with new gf
*The stark contrast of Their internet and text is absolutely stunning
*Made several phone calls the same morning he killed and disposed of his family
*One call was to the school where the girls went letting them know the girls wouldn't be at the school anymore they were un enrolled, giving him more time before law enforcement would be notified of them missing
*Another call was to a relator to discuss the selling of his house
*Text with gf about their future

Compute freezing all I have for now
Honestly, I don't think ill of the Watts family for saying they forgive him. It's such an individual decision and not one I feel comfortable judging. It doesn't surprise me their statement was odd, too. There clearly seems to be some deep-rooted dysfunction in that family dynamic, so it would be stranger to me if the statement they had released was devoid of that. To me, it is enough that they acknowledged their previous interviews were out-of-line and that they now accept he is guilty. The evidence presented briefly in court was overwhelming, and I am sure having it laid out to them was extremely upsetting. I'm glad that they were able to admit that.

It infuriated me last week when they seemed to want to be treated as victims but had no sympathy for the other victims. But I do think they are victims in this, though not victims who have always behaved very well.
The DA was absolutely right. Had this been a spontaneous act of rage, Shanann would have born the brunt of a knock-down-drag-out fight.

The fact that she only had strangulation wounds, tells us that she was caught unaware.

She was dead before she ever walked in the door that night.
I have felt from the beginning that CW was lying in wait for her. Attacked her in the loft as soon as she came upstairs and that was why her phone was in the cushions.
That leg shaking was voluntary, many people do it without thinking when they are nervous. IMO.
What interests me more is his refusal to look at his mother. Because he can't stand to be seen in a negative light, which is why all of this happened in the first place. IMO
Yes to all. I'm assuming to stay relevant and prove they did have actual sources.

The story I recall was that it was sealed in an envelope and his family was instructed to open only if something happened.

Yes, but even that should have been concerning. And I fully believe Mama Watts would have opened it, the curiosity would have been too much. She would have been a diary-snooper for sure. MOO
HLN Reporter:

“Breaking News there you have it -
Chris Watts will never see the light of day again”

(pause, rewind)

“Breaking News there you have it -
Chris Watts will never see the light of day again”

(pause, rewind)
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“Deputies, I would respectfully ask that you take this defendant into custody and have him serve the rest of his life in the Department of Corrections.”

(pause, rewind)

“Deputies, I would respectfully ask that you take this defendant into custody and have him serve the rest of his life in the Department of Corrections.”

(pause, rewind)

“Deputies, I would respectfully ask that you take this defendant into custody and have him serve the rest of his life in the Department of Corrections.”

(pause, rewind)

Pleased the Judge stated CW's actions were Senseless, Vicious and disposing of the bodies was despicable.
Hope that is broadcast in Prison.
If that letter is truth, it should have raised massive red flags - either that he was at risk, or that he was unstable, and someone should have done something. Not that I blame anyone else for this sorry mess, but I wonder if things would be different if his family had taken the letter to the police?
I must have missed it but who specifically did he send the letter to?
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