MO MO - Melissa Peskey, 40, shot and killed, Boonville, 13 Dec 2018

I’ve been so focused on Missouri that unbelievably, the thought just crossed my mind that 1-70 runs through here (Denver CO area).

Chances are slim, but just sayin, our freeway shootings just STOPPED (a few years ago). What if our NOCO shooter relocated over there. IF this is the case, well then we’ve been looking for him for a long time... (tears).

Unfortunately as with other types of cases such as abductions, etc, there are so many nut jobs running around at any given time in any given area so I’m less eager than I used to be to try to connect anything, BG for example—and then if they have multiple MOs...

This is going to be like watching water boil, waiting to hear from LE if they can either:

1. Rule out the husband
2. Rule out a random shooting

Boy, they’ve got a really interesting case on their hands. For those unfamiliar with NOCO, a special Task Force comprised of various agencies ended up becoming created— Some affiliated were so secret we didn’t even know who they were lol, @Foxfire and I quipped about that one time, iirc.

(ETA / For reference/ FB Link:

Northern Colorado Shooting Task Force )


This is like pins and needles waiting to see in which direction this will head:

NOCO or Chris Watts / PF (KB)


Please post map images if anyone can help with this, greatly appreciated in advance. Satellite, birds eye and street view screenshots would be most helpful, hint, hint, no pressure or anything :) )
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Interesting case.

My first thought is this could have been either a road rage shooting or maybe a gang drive-by shooting.

It was dark outside at that hour of the night so I am not leaning towards the husband yet. My initial guess is she had the kids laying down sleeping so another person or persons in another vehicle may have thought she was driving alone at night and for some reason they decided to shoot at her into her car as they passed alongside her.

I will have read up more on the case if we can find out which window was shot through on her vehicle. If it was her drivers window then it could be a passenger in another vehicle was shooting at her which could imply multiple people in the other vehicle that shot at her and it could lean towards some sort of gang activity. In my city we have way too many random drive-by shootings that happen from gangs which is why I am keeping that as a possibility.

If the shot came through her passenger window and hit her then I would lean to a road rage incident because it could mean a driver of another vehicle pulled up on her right side while passing her and shot at her through her passenger window as he was driving by on the right side.

If the shooter was by himself then I dont think its too common that the driver/shooter would reach over to roll down his own passenger window in advance of driving up on the left side of her car to shoot at her drivers side. Im thinking its more likely a single shooter would pull up the right side and shoot out his own drivers window and shoot through her passenger window.

Just trying to think this through to see if we could figure out if multiple people were in the shooters vehicle.

Determining which window on her car was shot out may help us here to know if multiple people were in the shooters vehicle. And that, in turn, may help us to know if the husband was involved or some other random type shooter(s).
(My palms are sweating, seriously, having a major anxiety reaction here, I’ll spare you guys the details but wow, I can’t even read @Hatfield’s post bc i thought I was going to pass out while scanning his post This is intense. I am not liking this at all and frankly just suddenly feel really scared and like I’m going to cry. Oh boy.

I need to update the NOCO thread with some information before I can go further. This is too much. How awful is the best case scenario that this was the husband??? Because if not, that means more people... I am balling. Self imposed timeout.

IF it’s not the husband then “best case scenario” is that this was an isolated incident then? Well what are the chances of thaaat??

I am sick. As if this situation could potentially get any worse.
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So random road rage usually happens with jammed up traffic. Someone cuts you off. Sounds like those stressors were missing here.

All it takes is someone giving the finger to another driver and the other driver could go balistic.

If the other driver is already in a bad mood , it doesnt take much sometimes to have a serious road rage incident.
All it takes is someone giving the finger to another driver and the other driver could go balistic.

If the other driver is already in a bad mood , it doesnt take much sometimes to have a serious road rage incident.


I learned that one that hard way when I flipped someone off one time.

Basically my poor sweet innocent boyfriend got his arse kicked when we stopped at a light, he was driving and didn’t do anything, I was the one who gave them the bird... :(

I’ll never do that again, I’ll tell ya that! I think I was in college at the time, so this was many years ago...)
Interesting case.

My first thought is this could have been either a road rage shooting or maybe a gang drive-by shooting.

It was dark outside at that hour of the night so I am not leaning towards the husband yet. My initial guess is she had the kids laying down sleeping so another person or persons in another vehicle may have thought she was driving alone at night and for some reason they decided to shoot at her into her car as they passed alongside her.

I will have read up more on the case if we can find out which window was shot through on her vehicle. If it was her drivers window then it could be a passenger in another vehicle was shooting at her which could imply multiple people in the other vehicle that shot at her and it could lean towards some sort of gang activity. In my city we have way too many random drive-by shootings that happen from gangs which is why I am keeping that as a possibility.

If the shot came through her passenger window and hit her then I would lean to a road rage incident because it could mean a driver of another vehicle pulled up on her right side while passing her and shot at her through her passenger window as he was driving by on the right side.

If the shooter was by himself then I dont think its too common that the driver/shooter would reach over to roll down his own passenger window in advance of driving up on the left side of her car to shoot at her drivers side. Im thinking its more likely a single shooter would pull up the right side and shoot out his own drivers window and shoot through her passenger window.

Just trying to think this through to see if we could figure out if multiple people were in the shooters vehicle.

Determining which window on her car was shot out may help us here to know if multiple people were in the shooters vehicle. And that, in turn, may help us to know if the husband was involved or some other random type shooter(s).
Good points, except I would roll down my window befor driving up. Broken glass in the car would be a red flag. Besides it is a hassle to replace.
All it takes is someone giving the finger to another driver and the other driver could go balistic.

If the other driver is already in a bad mood , it doesnt take much sometimes to have a serious road rage incident.
This is so true!!! Once at a gas station that was overcrowded, a guy zipped through and almost hit me. He made an obsence gesture as though it were me driving recklessly. I looked at him with my best, "You are the idiot" stare. It was just a facial expression. He slammed on his brakes, jumped out of his car, raced over to mine screaming, and started banging on my window beside my face. I was blocked in. I went to reach for my phone but I think he thought I was going for a gun. Other people were also yelling at him, and trying to call police. He jumped in his car and spun off. I am so glad I had my car locked. Taught me how unhinged some people are and how quickly they can fly into a rage over nothing...even something that is their fault. Now I try to keep my dirty looks to myself.
It is very bizarre to me that this case has not garnered more attention. It almost has gone cold and besides watching the YT post, there has been little to no local news coverage on the case.
I would imagine this kind of coverage is what every murderer hopes for. A mention in the news, and then the whole story just drops off the radar. No one is able to predict which case will garner a media frenzy. I hope this one does not go cold. Ocam's razor might be applicable in this case, MOO.
Good points, except I would roll down my window befor driving up. Broken glass in the car would be a red flag. Besides it is a hassle to replace.

(Ugggghhhj, IF it gets to the stage where we enter the “broken glass” discussion, I am opting out right now in advance hahaha, I am “broken glassed out” but pleeease my friends, do not let that stop you on my account..that does remind me of a crazy word I think I learned re: broken glass, I think it started with an “s”.., I’ll try to find it...)

(@Hatfield, btw, no worries, I know you didn’t try to make me cry hahaha!

See two things here:

1. That’s what I get for asking
2. That’s what you get for choosing to participate in a forum full of emotional women haha Jk, I’ll speak for myself!!)
Call me jaded. I am. She quit her job that morning. The children would still be in school - yet she took them out of school for this trip. She was running. From him. What are the chances this is random?

Ok....if this true and if he had been an MP in the I go flip flopping again on who could have done this or had a hand in this. I need to read much more now to better catch up.

Hopefully LE is all over this case and maybe we will see an update from them soon.
All it takes is someone giving the finger to another driver and the other driver could go balistic.

If the other driver is already in a bad mood , it doesnt take much sometimes to have a serious road rage incident.

(O:T, take a look at this, new thread that just popped up, I think this link speaks for itself and is an example of what we are talking about:

TX - 7-year-old girl shot and killed in car in Walmart parking lot; gunman still at large

TX - 7-year-old girl shot and killed in car in Walmart parking lot; gunman still at large

Girl, 7, fatally shot in car in Walmart parking lot; gunman at large: Authorities

"The girl, who has not been identified, was leaving the Walmart at 15491 Wallisville at Beltway in the Wallisville section at about 7 a.m. when an unknown man shot into their car, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

"Mother & daughter were in a car leaving a store when an unknown male began shooting into their car for an unknown reason," Sheriff Ed Gonzalez tweeted."

Re: the above posted crossquoted from
TX - 7-year-old girl shot and killed in car in Walmart parking lot; gunman still at large

This casual violence or whatever the heck one wants to call is it is out of controooooolllll....I mean we have always had crime sure, but it’s so awful to go into the New Year like this knowing it will unfortunately continue to be filled with mass shootings and random acts of violence, moo. End of rant.

Anyway, so is that what happened here, some random nut job, either road rage or premeditated did this? Or was this a deliberate act by her husband? That is the billion dollar question at the moment for me.


ETA: it appears the mother was also shot in the Walmart incident referenced technically another mother with child shot at...sighh
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That came up in Gray Hughes' most recent episode. He stated that information, which I think he got from someone he interviewed who knew her. I am not sure, though, who told him.

( @grayhuze

YoooHooooo, where aaaaare yooouuuh!? Hi GH! :) I hope you can take the time to pop in sometime? Just extending the invitation! I know you’re probably super busy but boy it would be my dream come true to have one of your visuals here, holy smokes...a freeway version like you did of the bridge? Omgggg I would be the happiest person in the world, but you know, no pressure or anything!! Heehee :heart:..)
So...I recall seeing a distant pic of the vehicle MP was driving. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Gonna go check and see what I can find. Would be nice if we could zoom in on such a pic and rule in or out what window was shot through.

Off to search.
So...I recall seeing a distant pic of the vehicle MP was driving. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Gonna go check and see what I can find. Would be nice if we could zoom in on such a pic and rule in or out what window was shot through.

Off to search.

Good job :)

Earlier I had said “Considering the location and MO of this murder, LE is going to be extrachallenged in proving its case against the husband, should he be the one responsible for this incident.“. I would like to revise this statement some to include that this will depend of course on all this usual ping business, digital evidence, etc. and if this is present that points at the husband, well then maybe it won’t be so difficult. But IF the husband did this but there is not much digital evidence in existence then imo this case has the potential to be uniquely challenging to LE considering the distance location and MO.

I’m thinking the MDOT cameras have got to be/will turn out to be key here.


Here’s another thing, IF this was a random act, such as road rage, but not necessarily a “serial” shooter, then this also could be even more challenging to solve due to its “isolatory nature” (is that even a word lol, which reminds me I can’t find the new word I learned about broken glass because I can’t search for it because I can’t remember what’s is called nor can I remember what it meant either haha, I’ll think about it though, maybe something to do with refraction?? No, maybe it’s word for how glass breaks or something, grrr it’s bugging me now.)

So IF this turns out to be random (I should just make this my signature lol as many times as I’ve typed this so far), then we have 2 subcategories of “random shooting”. These would be:

1. Serial
2. Non-serial, as in isolated instance
a) Road Rage
b) Anything else?)

What about maybe he wanted to assault or rob her? Idk, fatal shot, kids in the car...perhaps unlikely.
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Ok so picking up on @Niner ‘s post about well we know he did it, the question is how, (respectfully paraphrasing), this is interesting because he or the hitman (or hitwoman) would have to have avoided many cameras it seems like, unless they took the back roads then intersected at some point off camera close to the crime scene, iirc the MDOT camera range was mile marker 91? 93? (Need to go back) and then iirc then he camera picks up again at 101ish (again will go back) so if this were the case, taking a back road, he would have to enter and exit the freeway within a certain range off camera to go undetected, which he would have to know about in advance.

Exploring the sniper angle (which imo is usually less likely in these types of incidents and a whole ‘nother ballgame), then again vantage point and range. Because if he’s not on those MODOT cameras, and/or logistics are not conducive to a vehicle entering and exiting the freeway without being captured on camera...that only lends itself to the possibility that the shooter was off the freeway, less likely imo. Point is I think a look at the map of where those MDOT cameras are and the entrance and exit points within that off camera range should be looked at to determine potential back routes, etc.

Additionally it can be noted that if this is a serial shooter than we have the sub classification of:
1. In vehicle (more likely, moo)
2. Off freeway (parked, rooftop, garage, window, on foot, ramp, trees, field, bridge, hill, etc etc.)

Also, as already mentioned upstream, dual or multiple people in the car wouldn’t surprise me (say gang drive by, joyriding)...argh, hope this wasn’t one of those initiations...

Going back again as I said to read everything all over again, what were the weather conditions at the time of the incident?

How long and far did the car skid, etc.


( I wonder what @katydid23 thinks about all of this...)


This case also reminds me of Tristan Beaudette’s case as far as random vs targeted (I wonder what the update is there...) @gitana , what do you think? It will be interesting to see how this turns out. I know you’ve followed Tristan’s...probably time to call the lawyers in anyway co side to f the possible implication with the husbands...iirc @PrairieWind is a VI attorney and followed the NOCO case, @haerfn (sp) and @Alethea may also find this case of interest.

Hoping we can get some more folks in here like you guys said!
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So...I recall seeing a distant pic of the vehicle MP was driving. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Gonna go check and see what I can find. Would be nice if we could zoom in on such a pic and rule in or out what window was shot through.

Off to search.
This article includes a picture similiar to her vehicle in case anybody recognises the vehicle and observed anything going on.

Missouri Highway Patrol: Sioux Falls woman died from gunshot wound

Sorry to double post, but I really fouled up my previous quote by replying to the wrong post! This is what I meant to reply to -- cpeacock1's post re the vehicle.

What kind of a vehicle is this? I can't figure it out.

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