Found Deceased KY - Savannah Spurlock, 22, left 'The Other Bar' with 2 men, Richmond, 4 Jan 2019 # 2

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College kids party too. If these guys had just met her how would they know anything about her really? Even if she told them she had kids that doesn't mean she is disposable. Is there any proof she actually did drugs? Saying she ODed is a leap. I don't buy the, "I was headed to the make a statement just now as I'm being pulled over " line lol.
I didn’t say she was disposable, but the men may have thought that

And my reference to the alibi was a “hmmmm” afterthought, as I debate myself

Never said college kids don’t party, but people tend to run with their own circle, haven’t seen ONE student come forward, have you? I’d bet money that her being in Lexington that night had nothing to do with spring semester about to start.

That doesn’t mean she should be missing, but I find the rabbit holes of conjecture to be distracting.
I don't know there probably is an app. I knew people that would use apps when they didn't have a phone that worked or they were using an ipod thing. It's kind of like using skype on an older ipad you use wifi. There are probably newer and scarier ways to contact strangers now lol.
You made me think about the face to face part. Teens. Scary. Wonder if thats why some have said they know many teens that use facetime. No trace left and face to face. Also not liking what I am thinking if you get my drift.
Thats right, along the lane toward the end, there maybe access there. I think next closest access (downriver) is the locks downriver, if there is current, then a body could be held up there...
Can you find it and send a link?
Thats right, along the lane toward the end, there maybe access there. I think next closest access (downriver) is the locks downriver, if there is current, then a body could be held up there...
Lock 8?
Not sure about where they're entering the river, but they have some looking around Logan Hubble. It's a park.
A few things discussed in this article I had not seen mentioned before:
According to her BFF:
1. The three men were not 'friends' but rather co-workers who decided to go out after work for drinks.
2. She would have "jumped out of the car" before she willingly went to a rural county with strangers
3. She was not ever nor would ever get involved with drugs.
One thing I have side-eyed this entire case is the fact that EVERYONE seems to be jumping to that conclusion. And while it is a possible...for some reason, in this particular case, I dont see this happening like this...I feel like everyone is taking from the fact that a bigger crime was committed by assuming drugs were (voluntarily) involved.

Spurlock’s best friend says she would have ‘jumped out of car’ before going to rural county with strangers
From the article:

"... She thinks the three are not close-knit friends, rather co-workers who decided to go out and pick up girls in Lexington on the night they met Spurlock. ..."

That's her opinion.

"...she went out in Lexington on the night of Jan. 3 with a female friend. At some point, the two got into a minor argument and separated. ..."

SS and female friend left Richmond in Mom's car. They went to male friend's apartment in Lex where all three left in male friend's car to go to the bar. Mom's car remained parked there with SS's other purse and coat.

JMO the argument with the friend was over SS wanting to stay out and party when the female friend wanted to go home. The female friend was dependent on a ride from SS in her Mom's car to get back to Richmond where she started with SS. The female friend probably had to crash on the male friend's couch in Lex waiting for SS to show up in the morning to go home to Richmond herself.

IMO SS was now alone partying with these guys at the bar. I think she went with them willingly in their car. SS tells her Mom she'll be home in the morning. What is less clear is whether she thought the 3 guys were giving her a ride to her male friend's house where she could meetup with her female friend, crash for a few hours, then the two drive back to Richmond. Or did SS intend to go wherever with these guys to continue the party, SS believing they would later take her to her Mom's car. Whichever, they did not take her to Mom's car because surely she would have retrieved her coat. This BFF in the article may be onto something that SS may have believed she was going to an after party in Lex and not way out in rural GC. Once the car is moving, it's not really so easy to jump out, or she could have been too drunk to know where she was going or ended up.

I do not like the way LE has reported that SS "was transported" in the backseat of the white car. It sounds like a body being transported rather than a person who willingly rode in a car to a party. I wonder if she was violently assaulted, conked on the head, perhaps raped. LE seems to think SS made it to the house though.
I didn’t say she was disposable, but the men may have thought that

And my reference to the alibi was a “hmmmm” afterthought, as I debate myself

Never said college kids don’t party, but people tend to run with their own circle, haven’t seen ONE student come forward, have you? I’d bet money that her being in Lexington that night had nothing to do with spring semester about to start.

That doesn’t mean she should be missing, but I find the rabbit holes of conjecture to be distracting.

I didn't mean you said she was disposable, but how would those guys know anything about her. And would they have returned her if she was a college student? It doesn't matter what she did she shouldn't be missing.
I appreciate this article being posted. I think it humanizes SS. I am usually suspicious of anything anyone says but I believe what the friend is saying. I am wondering how she would know about the relationship of the 3 men though I can imagine there is a great deal of info being shared by locals. I think her account of what may have happened is very believable.

"Speratos told Fox News that two of the three men appear to be in their early 20’s. She thinks the three are not close-knit friends, rather co-workers who decided to go out and pick up girls in Lexington on the night they met Spurlock."
Spurlock’s best friend says she would have ‘jumped out of car’ before going to rural county with strangers

I'll buy her perception of her friend. The stuff about the 3 men was mostly picked up from sm. jmo
I appreciate this article being posted. I think it humanizes SS. I am usually suspicious of anything anyone says but I believe what the friend is saying. I am wondering how she would know about the relationship of the 3 men though I can imagine there is a great deal of info being shared by locals. I think her account of what may have happened is very believable.

"Speratos told Fox News that two of the three men appear to be in their early 20’s. She thinks the three are not close-knit friends, rather co-workers who decided to go out and pick up girls in Lexington on the night they met Spurlock."
Spurlock’s best friend says she would have ‘jumped out of car’ before going to rural county with strangers

I am also wondering how she knows this. I'm like you and assume it's from talk around town. I'm less worried about SS's background than I am the men she was with. Are they known drug users? Do they have rap sheets? Are they good kids that possibly partied too hard and something went wrong?

When I say SS possibly could have OD'd, previous drug use doesn't play into this for me. Lots of things do. OD could be alcohol poisoning, it could be they slipped her something and she OD'd, it could be that it was the first time she ever tried drugs and OD'd.

My gut feeling is whatever happened was an accident and wasn't planned by the men. Covered up by the men, yes, but maybe not planned. Since her phone didn't go off until 8:30, I'm leaning towards they all fell asleep (or, possibly one or two of the men went home), he/they woke up and she had died during the few hours they were asleep. Man/Men panicked and disposed of her versus calling 911 because they knew she was dead. Alcohol poisoning is real as we all know and it's just possible she expired because of this. It's also very possible they wanted more from her sex wise than she was willing to give and things went horribly wrong. The background of these men would factor into several of my thoughts on what happened.

It would shock me if all three men (or even one) left their phones at home while taking her body somewhere. How can LE not yet know the pings of those phones, or, have a map of where they were? I'm SURE they do, just thinking outloud of how I'm surprised her body hasn't been located.

I still believe there is a SLIM chance she did leave on foot. As a teenager I was at a party and I had no idea where I was. Some bad things went down and I was scared to death and just left. I can see it happening if she was truly scared. Doesn't matter how cold or what shoes she was wearing, when you are scared for your safety, you get out of there. I don't think this is what happened, but I'm not 100% ruling it out. far did she get that they can't find her? I don't think it would have been far. Could she have called for a ride? Yes, does LE know who that was? Possibly, and possibly they are keeping it quiet while looking into that angle and why they are searching farther away (but I doubt it).

I still also find it confusing on the number of people she was, or wasn't, with. Are there more players? I'm like some of you, did they go anywhere in between? Did they stop at one house and end up at another?

2:30AM leaves bar to go 40 minutes away. An hour tops to get to the "searched" house? 3:30AM. Phone goes off at 8:30AM. What happened in those 5 hours? Did they make several stops? Did they go straight to the house that was searched, party another hour two, crash then wake up to her dead? Did something happen on the WAY to the house and she died? Did they dispose of her within those 5 hours only to find her phone in their car or at their house at 8:30 and turn it off then destroy it? Way easier to get rid of a phone than a body at a later time.

So many questions. I don't think she is alive at this point and that's heartbreaking to me for her family and children. She was 22. Yes, a lot of bad mistakes, probably not a lot of direction from the adults in her life. Did she deserve to die? Absolutely NOT!

These are just my rambling thoughts......
You made me think about the face to face part. Teens. Scary. Wonder if thats why some have said they know many teens that use facetime. No trace left and face to face. Also not liking what I am thinking if you get my drift.

If parents pay the bills you can stalk your child with their phone. You want proof they are somewhere have them facetime you. Also download some spyware or a tracker. That's a lot of effort. Cell phones give you some freedom but they also can work like a leash.
I didn't mean you said she was disposable, but how would those guys know anything about her. And would they have returned her if she was a college student? It doesn't matter what she did she shouldn't be missing.
Most likely they would make assumptions, right or wrong, based on the situation
She didn’t leave with her friends, but chose to stay with men she just met. People will make of that what they will
And I’m sure returning anyone anywhere wasn’t on their radar, continuing the party was
I just don’t think they had intent to kill her, but see an accidental OD, from alcohol, something slipped, or even alcohol with prescription meds mixed, wasnt she just a few weeks out of birth? I could see her having some sort of prescription for something...
Maybe SS hit the video call button on accident and really just meant to IM her mom. The buttons are close together in the app.

Lots of people use that app for IM and face calls.

College kids party too. If these guys had just met her how would they know anything about her really? Even if she told them she had kids that doesn't mean she is disposable. Is there any proof she actually did drugs? Saying she ODed is a leap. I don't buy the, "I was headed to the make a statement just now as I'm being pulled over " line lol.
If the SS girlfriend quoted in the article is correct that they are coworkers, and he was driving alone in his truck... if something happened to SS in the backseat of the white car... he may have just left wanting nothing to do with it at that point. ITA he wasn't on his way to talk to LE even if he did nothing, he wouldn't out his coworker/friends.

If they were coworkers, has LE checked their workplace, work vehicles, work sites?
Most likely they would make assumptions, right or wrong, based on the situation
She didn’t leave with her friends, but chose to stay with men she just met. People will make of that what they will
And I’m sure returning anyone anywhere wasn’t on their radar, continuing the party was
I just don’t think they had intent to kill her, but see an accidental OD, from alcohol, something slipped, or even alcohol with prescription meds mixed, wasnt she just a few weeks out of birth? I could see her having some sort of prescription for something...

It's possible the guys are only guilty of being crappy hosts and negligent when it comes picking up drunk girls. When they took her back to the house that was about 40 miles away were they anywhere near her home? If it's really out of the way what was the plan?
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