CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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I'm not going to get in to some LE bashing , I will just say in my experience LE are there to protect and serve and that they would not take a murder for hire plot lightly! Thats my experience and with many members of my family working in LE my life experiences may differenciate from your own! MOO
I am not LE bashing. I state what is reality - like any profession, there are good ones and there are not so good ones. And you don’t get to pick. I also know and have lived in some very tight-knit communities that would not take kindly to someone they don’t know, making serious accusations against someone they DO know.
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But you're surmising that KK's telling the truth that she was scared of PF because he allegedly threatened her.

How do you know that for a fact?
It may just be an excuse to cover her own backside.

Even if she was afraid, she still should have done the moral thing and told LE, a minister, KB, her family.

Instead she keeps quiet, tampers with evidence knowing a murder has been committed, and starts squealing after LE nailed her.

There are a lot of things we don’t know for a fact. We actually know very little at this point. Not enough to crucify the woman. Not enough to declare her an innocent victim, either. I’m just presenting possible scenarios. No more far-fetched than opinions that had KKL disposing of the body and cleaning up the crime scene. JMO
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Ha! Exactly.

Look, we don’t know exactly how this would play out if KK did the right thing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pass judgement on her for what she failed to do, and what she admitted to doing.

If it is EVER ok for someone to take no action when someone’s life is on the line, then sorry, I don’t find that remotely acceptable.

Can you imagine how many more people would be dead in plots like this, if everyone just kept quiet and blamed it on fear?!

Inaction may be easier, but when a life is on the line, the cost is too damn great.

So well put.
Feb 8, 2019

Patrick Frazee DID murder his fiancee Kelsey Berreth, says his mistress, as she breaks down in tears and admits to destroying the victim's phone while agreeing to testify against her lover

  • Krystal Lee Kenney, 32, confessed to destroying the phone of Kelsey Berreth after the young mother was murdered by fiance Patrick Frazee
  • She also said in a prepared statement that she learned on November 22 that Frazee had murdered Berreth, the last day that the young mother was seen alive
  • 'I moved the victim’s cell phone with the intent to impair the phone’s availability in the investigation,' said Kenney, who plead guilty to tampering with evidence
  • Kenney broke down in tears at one point and agreed to testify against Frazee, with prosecutors agreeing to wait until after that trial to try her
  • Officials have not found the body of missing mom, who had a daughter by Frazee
Patrick Frazee DID murder his fiancee Kelsey Berreth says his mistress as she admits to hiding cell | Daily Mail Online
tell ya what...if I'm terrified, I'm not worried about where my next corn dog comes from
A number of people have said this. Can you provide a link that verifies that KKL was at Sonic? It keeps coming up, but as far as I know not verified by LE or reported in MSM. Correct me if I’m wrong.

And by the way, I think scared people eat, too. JMO
Perhaps for a narc. It's certainly not how I would react to stress. Just sayin' :)
That’s good that you don’t:) And it isn’t a narc specific response at all. Often following trauma experiences.
Anyways, I might need to go get burger and fries and maybe even large strawberry milkshake after posting about this...
I can't even imagine...if KK has KB's purse..that is just the cherry on the top of the cake of disgusting disrespect. I hope this is not true, but if so, she knew at least once what was to happen and did zero, traveled down there while PF killed KB and did zero to help her, helps to cover up and mislead doing zero to help LE and KBs family, and then takes poor KBs purse on top of all of that. just rude. the final insult.
I don't give a flying fig newton if she had a salad and sushi that night- I understand stress eating, I understand being fat- hell, I am fat- what about it? Can we stop with the comments about her weight and pregnant? It just sounds so juvenile and high schoolish, grown adults talking like this. I get that most of us can't stand her- but tear apart her actions, not her body or her face.

Now back to KK: She is mad because she got caught, period. I bet she regrets the moment she told her best friend that PF asked her to help kill Kelsey three times. I bet she is even more angry at her best friend (she probably hates her now) for being so upset herself that she told her bosses, who are both lawyers, what was going on. KK had time to stop this, to prevent Kelsey's death and possibly her own, if PF threatened her in any way.

Not to mention, just how low would PF go, after getting what he wants the first, second, etc times he demands help from a woman? Would he have threatened her children or her family?

Also, according to the lawyers in their interview, KK's best friend told them that KK thinks that he might have killed before. So, what gave her this impression? Is there possibly another victim out there, perhaps not recent, that he might have done the same? I would love to find out why KK thinks that- he must have said something to make her feel that he murdered before.
Yes, and more YES! WHY would she say this. I want to know! Enquiring minds "want to know."
With great respect Rio, because trust me, I have the utmost respect for your profession (I am mother to and wife of....) I will never forget Karla Holmolka. While I know it was an anomaly, I also know that criminals are well-rehearsed liars who always minimize their own involvement and can never, not for one moment, be trusted. I understand (even if I don't like) the need to make deals. This particular one feels very off to me. (That is my opinion, I have no proof to back that up, just an opinion, so I have been extra testy about it.)
Me too ... very testy. If only PF made some videos ... I don’t think it’s an anomaly ... I watch and listen to way too many crime shows NOT to give women equal credit for being evil.
There are a lot of things we don’t know for a fact. We actually know very little at this point. Not enough to crucify the woman. Not enough to declare her an innocent victim, either. I’m just presenting possible scenarios. No more far-fetched than opinions that had KKL disposing of the body and cleaning up the crime scene. JMO

I don't believe anyone is "crucifying" KK.

I do think people are flabbergasted and horrified that she didn't go straight to LE when she was solicited to help carry out the murder of a young mother who could not defend herself -- I know I am.

Because my conscience would not allow me to rest unless I did something to try to help prevent a killing that was completely unnecessary and cruel, even *IF* I had been threatened by the killer. And I believe that 99% of people would feel the same way, especially women.

And I personally don't think KK was threatened by PF that he would harm her children if she didn't participate. Even MORE reason to go straight to LE, tell an attorney/minister/family member. Anyone who threatened my children would find themselves on the wrong side of the law before they could say hamburglar.

She's an RN and homeowner, so I don't think she is an anti-govt scofflaw about car insurance especially with young children. Not paying the car insurance bill may be a sign of money troubles...

Or executive functioning issues (as seen, for example, in ADHD).
I am not LE bashing. I state what is reality - like any profession, there are good ones and there are not so good ones. And you don’t get to pick. I also know and have lived in some very tight-knit communities that would not take kindly to someone they don’t know, making serious accusations against someone they DO know.

Well i guess that would be on the cops then, I myself haven't watched "pineapple express" in a long time. But Imo doesn't take away from the fact that a decent human being should contact LE when they are asked to murder someone and then after supossedly saying no, they then not go on to help cover up said murder that they knew was bound to happen for months...MOO
There are a lot of things we don’t know for a fact. We actually know very little at this point. Not enough to crucify the woman. Not enough to declare her an innocent victim, either. I’m just presenting possible scenarios. No more far-fetched than opinions that had KKL disposing of the body and cleaning up the crime scene. JMO

We actually do finally have enough evidence to declare our feelings about this woman. She plead guilty.

Her morals, values and ethics are not acceptable. Is she a horrid person- yes, on this parameter. On other parameters who knows? Maybe she was a good mother, but I would argue, a good mom does not allow another mother to be murdered if she can do anything about it. Nor do something that could mean she is in jail and not there for her kids.

Kids at risk- BS. Lots of relatives and friends she could have sent them to, to protect them if needed.

I could go on and on. But I don't need to. She plead guilty
Ha! Exactly.

Look, we don’t know exactly how this would play out if KK did the right thing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pass judgement on her for what she failed to do, and what she admitted to doing.

If it is EVER ok for someone to take no action when someone’s life is on the line, then sorry, I don’t find that remotely acceptable.

Can you imagine how many more people would be dead in plots like this, if everyone just kept quiet and blamed it on fear?!

Inaction may be easier, but when a life is on the line, the cost is too damn great.

And that is very easy for you to say, when you’re the person with no dog in the hunt, respectfully. It’s always easy to say, “Well I definitely would have made a different decision than THAT person” when you weren’t in their shoes. Couple that with in this case we still know little about her “shoes”.
When a child's life has been threatened, I've personally found LE to be incredibly reactive to the point of immediately filling out a police report so that the mother can use it to obtain a protection order. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever if KK had taken PF's threats about her children to her local police they would have reacted immediately and also would have alerted the WP police.

I don't believe PF threatened her children. I think that is a flat-out lie and just one of many out of KK's mouth.

She was speaking to her friend in confidence when she alleged that he had said that. What reason would she have to lie to her friend? And what reason would you have to give HIM the benefit of the doubt that he would not have done that, and that she would make it up? Seriously, who was the murderer?
It may seem weird to us that KK would go get junk food if she was that scared. However, stress eating and emotional eating are both common reactions to both acute and prolonged stress. Cortisol levels remain elevated with prolonged stress and trigger increased appetite.

KK getting fast food might actually fit with her reported experience of stress and fear. Yes, she knew PF had killed KB. And she felt hungry/had an appetite.

Still totally bizarre behavior for us onlookers.

Not saying this is now validating that she was feeling frightened by PF. Just saying eating is a very common coping skill in such /QUOTE] Omgosh! Laughed out loud when I read this dry humor. Must be my excuse as well...
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