CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #44 *ARREST*

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His name was on the affidavit, mentioned on many MSM news sources . Is he any different than MS or MG at this point? We are open to talking about them- what’s the difference here?
He didn't know, they all did. They went to great lengths to help her out. She lied to him about where she was,and who she was with.
Easier to make the long trek after no sleep with 2 drivers just saying.
If another person was with KK, we would know.

Most importantly, law enforcement would know. We would have certainly seen charges if that was the case.

Especially if it was the person she borrowed the car from.
I have a lot of questions. Why is she living with her ranching, rodeo, cattle, horse and Australian Shepard breeding ‘ex’ husband since divorcing in 2016? How many of those trips to Colorado also involved ranch animal business between them- was it just KK involved in the business transactions with PF or was her ex also acquainted more than he lets on. Who’s male DNA was in KB’s sink? Why does PF say he’s being railroaded. Obviously KK is throwing him under the bus, but is there more to the story?

I'll take the last question and leave the rest to others:

PF didn't need KK to throw him under the bus.

He put his evil murdering chaps under it and KK offered up the proof to save herself.

Okay, I'll take the one before that too:

PF says he's being railroaded on the outside chance he can sway one airhead juror.
KK has two aunts: "Auntie K" resides in Colo, and sat in the car parked in alley when KK took coffee to KB. Agent Slater said she Aunt K was unaware.

It was an unnamed Aunt in Idaho that drove KK to Boise to retain lawyer just before KK made deal with DA to cooperate.

Live blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing
Realistically :D, what are the odds that blabbermouth KK didn't share something about KB/PF to her Auntie K? 'Oh Imma just drive several hundred miles and have you wait in the alley while I take this unknow lady a cuppa joe for this other unknown reason?' Nothing to see here folks....

Nope, not buying what KK is selling, and no, my loathing of her doesn't play into this at all. o_O

In Slater's interview I wonder if he was stating that KK said Aunite K was unaware or CBI believes she was unaware?
Unfortunately, I think he disposed of Kelsey’s remains immediately, and that would mean that she was long gone before he was ever on law enforcement’s radar.

It’s possible that they saw him do incriminating things, but I’m not sure if they are the basis of this landfill search.

maybe they have other video or another tip or witness statement about him at the landfill or at some other place (that would send trash to the landfill) disposing of remains
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Could be - IDK? I'm going off what was stated in court and on the arrest affidavit.
True that- but it’s a sticking point for me that he is quoted saying that in the affidavit, but the actual divorce record shows differently. Did they divorce for reasons other than a break up? Given they continued to live together, and he was still a willing partner to drive her to town for a new cellphone. I know the obvious sentiments will follow- amicable... but can it not be something else? Did she really have a romantic relationship with PF or was this just a story concocted for her to play the victim to him? Tight friends and tight business associates- blood in blood out rodeo compadres? It may sound outrageous after her ‘testimony’ given, but I’m not ready to take in what she’s selling. There could be an entirely different truth at play here.
Hey Dave, good to see you here. I don’t know anything about Hansen, Idaho but I am certain she won’t have a lot of support after the townsfolk there read about what she did during the cover up of this crime. Regardless of how close knit the community may be, those are real people who likely won’t want to be within a hundred feet of anyone
Ike her. Siberian Forest may be her best bet.

I don't know..............would she be required to take all of her friends with her? IMO
Just when I thought I couldn't feel more sad for Kelsey, you have broken my heart anew, gitana.

Remembering that this was a vulnerable, depressed young mother away from family on a holiday is heartbreaking.

Her hope for more magnifies the pain.

you forgot that she was up most of the night and early a.m. checking cattle for her murderer and getting her murderer meds at Walmart. she would have been safer in a tiger cage at the zoo.
You are assuming he didn’t know. Can we question that? Seems since his name has become MSM now and in the affidavit, it’s up for debate.
Seriously. Nope.
Once again. She had her friend Megan lie about who she was with,and where. Because she was going off to help the man she was cheating on him with murder the mother of his baby.He's a victim,along with his their children.
Plus it's against TOS
KK texted on KB's phone from Idaho.
From Idaho and didn't call LE. Did she really think she was helping PF because she thought KB abused her daughter? PF really did a snow job on her.
I can’t wait to hear PF’s story when the trial comes!

After KK’s told her version, my thoughts are PF will add in missing pieces that KK conveniently left out or twisted.

We were all floored as to the actual involvement KK admitted to, but we have only heard a tip of the iceberg compared to her actual involvement. JMO.

I'd be shocked if he testified. He's followed the advice to shut his trap this far. He may be so mad, though, that he wants to take her down with him (and he's going down, imho).
I'd be shocked if he testified. He's followed the advice to shut his trap this far. He may be so mad, though, that he wants to take her down with him (and he's going down, imho).
Yeah. He was smart enough to lawyer up and say nothing, so I expect more of the same at trial.

Him testifying would open way too many doors to the prosecution, and would prove devastating.
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