Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #44

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Has there been a medical report submitted saying that Savage has early stage dementia? If there was, I would have thought that his barrister might have mentioned that for MSM to report on. Because his client sure is looking very unhelpful at the moment.
Would they even have him testifying if this was the case ?
Has there been a medical report submitted saying that Savage has early stage dementia? If there was, I would have thought that his barrister might have mentioned that for MSM to report on. Because his client sure is looking very unhelpful at the moment.

There can be a long time before onset and diagnosis. It is surprising how much you will write off as just getting older.
I struggle to see this perspective, if he witnessed Williams abduction why on earth would he withhold that information?
what could an elderly man sitting on his verandah eating tea and toast possibly get out of keeping this information to himself?

a little boys life is in danger...…...right before his eyes.....and he decides to keep it to himself.
but wants to help enough to cancel his planned trip away that day and participated in a walk search.
even though he knows stuff..
just doesn't sit for me.

he may be confused at what he saw though, it may have seemed as innocent as a car pulling up and a little boy getting inside, he might have thought he'd sound silly if it wasnt important or relevant to william?
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Trouble with memory can be an early symptom of dementia. The changes are often subtle and tend to involve short-term memory. An older person may be able to remember events that took place years ago but not what they had for breakfast.

Other symptoms of changes in short-term memory include forgetting where they left an item, struggling to remember why they entered a particular room, or forgetting what they were supposed to do on any given day.

10 Early Symptoms of Dementia: Be Aware of Subtle Signs
Off topic while we are waiting. A shout out to all the firemen and women. We had a huge bushfire right behind our house yesterday and they worked so hard to keep everyone safe. They were still working at 3am this morning. Thank you so much. Risking your lives for others.
he may be confused at what he saw though, it may have seemed as innocent as a car pulling up and a little boy getting inside, he might have thought he'd sound silly if it wasnt important or relevant to william?

So, are you thinking that because he may have appeared silly he has withheld that info for 5 years?

While many resources have been used and spent, multiple parents have been grieving, a sister has lost her little brother and has been going through that massive adjustment, a darn good officer has been forced off the case, another officer has been reassigned to cold case review ....
Is he purposely being a useless witness?? Now he can't remember what he said a couple of days ago.

Is he still "doing his best' to help find William?

You can bring a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
I'd love to see him in a real court with a damn good prosecutor going at him hammer and tongs.
Club with ‘paedo’ link at Tyrrell inquest

The secretary of a grandparents club said to harbour a convicted paedophile implicated in the William Tyrrell case will appear at the missing boy’s inquest today.
From your link:

Jones has numerous child sex offence convictions

I didn't know that. I think I knew of one conviction in relation to one child. And numerous convictions on other matters.
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