Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #24

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Seems to me the important distinction between the people of Hartford and those closer to FD's home is their powerlessness.

His neighbors would have immediately protested a stranger stuffing garbage in their cans and would have called the authorities.

Obviously, that's not what happened in Hartford. Thirty-plus stops and no one called LE?
Who would come running for these people?

Unfortunately, and not necessarily coincidentally, these people wouldn't be predominantly white.

This is the way of the Deep South where I live. Perhaps it also is in Connecticut?

The problems requiring LE involvement up on Albany are far more serious than someone white, putting trash in dumpsters. It isn't that they wouldn't choose to care or respond, there are just so many more important dangerous situations to respond to.
Folks don't call LE into their neighborhoods if they don't absolutely have to, they don't have a good history.
I have lived about 10 minutes from Hartford and Albany avenue for 50 years now and worked in a depressed area of Hartford (hospital) for many of those years.
People are people and there are so many more good ones than bad. And, the bad ones don't discriminate as to who they prey on for the most part.
Gotta have a body for that though.

Whatever the issue with the clothes, I think it was totally practical.

He had just killed his wife, and his life and freedom were on the line. Time was of the essence, and any symbolism or need for degradation would probably have been much lower on his list.

He already got his revenge when he saw the terror in her eyes as he (likely) stabbed her to death.

No reason to make this any worse, especially when it seems unlikely at best. He had a body to get rid of, and evidence of the cleanup.


I agree and am very grateful to you for saying this as you did. I hope we’re right. Thank you.
I absolutely agree. What took so long to clean up?

IMO, FO attacked Immediately when JF returned home.

Was there really that much blood to take 2 hours, or was something else up?

Maybe this is How FO 'came into possession' of the Medical Statement with the $14,000 Charges?

OMG, Is this How FO has this information?

Wow, I had not thought about that before.

I just assumed that FO would want to get out of Dodge as quickly as possible.

What if FO really did go through the house?

By continuing to press the issue on JF's Medical Records, NP has opened FO up to questions on How he obtained the $14,000 Medical Statement.

If it can be verified that the statement was indeed mailed to 69WL, then the Only way that FO could have that statement is if he Stole it from JF's home.

This puts FO IN 69WL or at the very least, in JF's mailbox, which is a Federal Crime.

(Isn't that nice of FO - he cleans her garage and retrieves her mail)

The statement was for charges stemming from February 2019 to the end of April 2019, IIRC.

They would then be on a May, 2019 Statement that may have been sitting out on her desk.

(If JF did not want me to have/see the Statement, then why did she leave it on Her desk in Her home, that I Illegally entered?)

I am going to think about this in the morning and see where this takes us.


I have been wondering about this for weeks. It occurred to me that he stole it from her mailbox, because I was sure that it wouldn’t have been sent to 4JX. But I never thought FD would have had the nerve to pooch through the stuff in JD’s house, post murder, when he could have cleaned up the murder mess and booked it out of there. And then maybe he told NP that it came to his house in the mail. I think FD did take it. I’ll bet he regularly went through the stuff in her mailbox, in any event, regardless of where he ultimately got this statement.
I have been wondering about this for weeks. It occurred to me that he stole it from her mailbox, because I was sure that it wouldn’t have been sent to 4JX. But I never thought FD would have had the nerve to pooch through the stuff in JD’s house, post murder, when he could have cleaned up the murder mess and booked it out of there. And then maybe he told NP that it came to his house in the mail. I think FD did take it. I’ll bet he regularly went through the stuff in her mailbox, in any event, regardless of where he ultimately got this statement.
Most medical statements and correspondence like that come in envelopes with a window. So if he has her medical statement it will say at the top what address it was sent to. He can't hide that even if he threw away the envelope.
Interesting to ponder. Huh. I definitely would have thought the residents would feel insulted or that their property or turf was violated by some rich person and his girlfriend nonchalantly chatting on the phone while he leaves his “trash” at their houses. Even if they weren’t mad, I am offended on their behalf. I know (or think I know) that putting one’s trash out makes it fair game for people like investigators to go through it but having a trash can out at the street for the trash to be picked up doesn’t mean strangers ought to feel free to come put their trash in with the owner’s. I know it’s different but someone I used to work with told me her mom used to put her small weekly bag of trash in with the neighbor’s trash and that while the neighbor was fine with it, the trash-removal person saw her do it once and got upset and said it was illegal. That was just a low-middle-income neighborhood. I’m pretty much live and let live but I’d be bothered if someone put trash in my trash can out at the road—not over the trash but it would feel like a violation of my space or something. I would not be one bit surprised if someone out here in the country came out with a shotgun if the person saw someone putting trash into the property owner’s trash can. It wouldn’t be about the trash; it’d be about the presumption and sense of violation. Interesting. I need to think more about this. Thank you for sharing this interesting perspective! MOO.

A few years ago a neighbor up the street from us dropped a dozen bags of garbage at the end of our driveway to be picked up by our carting company, without our permission or knowledge. We only knew about it because another neighbor called and asked us if we had really put all those bags out-she had had the same issue with the neighbor up the street, and looked for identifying info in a bag left at her place. Turns out, this up-the-street neighbor had philosophical issues with actually paying for garbage hauling of their own and just put her trash in other people’s cans regularly. So there are people who do this, and maybe the people who live on Albany Ave. saw this often enough. In any event, seeing a really nice truck stopping for trash dumping may have only mattered to some of the residents, because it meant more interesting dumpster and trash can diving.
Most medical statements and correspondence like that come in envelopes with a window. So if he has her medical statement it will say at the top what address it was sent to. He can't hide that even if he threw away the envelope.

Yes-but maybe Pattis isn’t planning to produce the statement in court, and doesn’t care if it was stolen...I had a moment when I thought Pattis wouldn’t even consider using a stolen statement to help FD’s defense, but then I decided that, while he might not bring it to court, he wouldn’t have any trouble blabbing about it in the court of public opinion-where he’d never have to produce it, just to get it into prospective jurors’ heads.
I just watched it again and then again. It actually made me feel a bit queasy watching the video twice and writing about this entire topic is difficult as its a minefield.

But I thought about trying to understand on a very basic level what made me feel so uncomfortable about listening to the video, so here goes.

I have such mixed thoughts on why the State felt compelled to make this particular statement at this exact moment? And why now after months of silence from the State on the JD Case? Why not make a statement about the victim or even speak about the investigation? But no, that isn't what the State believed to be most important when it came to speak with the public after 2 months of virtual silence. Nope. The State felt it was important to speak to the public about 'disrespect' and 'pinning this crime on a person of color' as it relates to the JD case.

What purpose does the Foley statement serve? Is the statement about "disrespect" based on evidence found in the case or was the purpose of the statement to cynically prejudice potential jurors by fanning the flames of racism?

Race baiting in the Cambridge Dictionary is defined as, "the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issue/s relating to race, often to get a political advantage". I hope this statement from Foley was not gratuitous race baiting and has some basis in fact using evidence found in the case investigation. But its honestly hard not to think otherwise. Really hope this is not race baiting, as Hartford and the State of CT don't need this ever IMO and certainly not now on this case.

I would like to give Foley the benefit of the doubt here but on the surface it appears that he tied a few facts together (why that neighborhood, no known ties, all minority neighborhood - all true, but are they connected or related to each other and how are they relevant to FD/MT? IDK but I hope Foley knows in great detail!) that we don't know if they are at all related to what FD and MT might have been thinking about, and drawn the conclusion that the disposal of evidence in Hartford was 'disrespectful'.

Foley is standing behind his statement 100% so we will have to see whether this trip down Albany by FD and MT was driven by factors that are truly 'disrespectful' and that this crime by FD and MT "was designed to pin it on a person of color"?

I just wish that this Foley comment and any associated evidence to support it had been presented in a court of law where I believe it appropriately belongs rather than at a press conference with zero context and the old school 'trust me I'm LE' bravado which IMO is patronizing to any thoughtful person listening that cares about all people.

I have no idea if anything being said by Foley in his statement was true as he gave a conclusion without supporting facts IMO. I just hope as a public spokesperson that he has facts to back up his statement relating to 'disrespect' and 'pinning this crime on a person of color' that these facts will be put forward in court at some point.

I would hope that LE was responsible in their statement about the event and that before calling it "disrespectful" that they had evidence from FD and/or MT to support that statement. Otherwise it seems to be fanning the flames of racial hatred and anger unnecessarily as the statements from Foley might simply not be based on fact.

IDK what to think but it made me personally very uncomfortable that Foley was asking me as somebody listening to him to trust him on this as he gave me no reason to as he provided zero in the way of information or context to make me at all comfortable trusting him.

This has been a strange WS case IMO as LE commentary has been minimal and I think we have only heard from the State Police 1 or 2 times through this entire case so far. Many on WS questioned why the trip down Albany happened and why might FD and MT picked Albany Avenue as a location to dispense with evidence in the JD case. Could the choice have been related to the racial makeup and been planned cynically by FD? Sure, many on WS believe this to be the case and its a personal opinion. I guess I hope the State Spokesperson to a higher standard than just his opinion and I hope his statements have alot of evidence to support them.

We have had none of the typical press conferences etc. that we routinely see in similar cases. So, we have no relationship with Foley (or even NCPD Chief K. for that matter) as we don't know him and he hasn't been with us all as we make our way through the public information on the case because Justice for Jennifer is important to us in some way. We really have had no relationship with any member of the State's Team even though we saw them working very hard under very difficult conditions to do their jobs.

Yet we now see a State Police Spokesperson asking us to believe with no stated proof, that the trip down Albany was "disrespectful" and "designed to pin this crime on a person of color".

Maybe Foley is correct but I will wait for the evidence to be presented in court to support his statements before believing that the trip down Albany Ave was racially motivated.


I sort of agree with Foley, and said so, before Foley’s public statement. It’s possible that some residents and business owners have told him that they resent the use of their dumpsters and trash cans, because some jerk thought it didn’t matter that these people paid for their own hauling, and this guy in a nice truck was stealing their services. And it is exactly that-theft of service. I resented having a neighbor who wouldn’t pay for her own hauling, and just dumped her trash at various different neighbors’ homes on garbage night-and it wouldn’t surprise me at all to know that LE got that from some residents on Albany Ave-that some white guy in an expensive truck was seen dumping his trash all along their street. And when these residents realised that murder evidence was in that trash, I imagine that at least some people there were po’ed to imagine that it was left there for a reason other than convenience, and made that known to police.
While we are waiting, I’ve been looking at how the house is presented in the realtor’s listing photographs for 4 JX.

4 Jefferson Crossing, Farmington, CT 06032 - MLS 170138671 - Coldwell Banker

On the whole, as previously observed, it has a sparse and fairly bland interior. Jennifer, presumably, took all the personality with her when she left.

Very few clues as to FD’s persona. But there are a few, nonetheless.

Photo 1 - all the lights are blazing (normal for a sales photo) except in two ground floor windows towards the right of the house. What does he keep in there that he didn’t want the realtor to see.

Photo 4 - framed family photos. A b&w one, presumably of FD’s father, and another of a blond lady holding a child. If it’s his sister, that kind of leaves a gap. But then, I guess it would be slightly weird having a framed photo of the mother you had had run over.

Photo 6 - what is that in the watercolour on the wall. An old butcher’s shop?

Photo 11 - as discussed, drink features fairly heavily. The booze bottles aren’t out of the reach of children, so I do wonder what is in the cupboards below, the ones with the locks on them.

Photo 13 - Chessboard. Hmm, yes, we know he likes to think he’s a master strategist.

Tacky statue of female form. No idea what it is about that pose, hands together above head, that appeals to him.

Photo 22 - the office makes me laugh, with its empty desks. Wait, it’s been de-cluttered for the photographs you would think?

But if that’s the case why leave these items in the pictures:

Photo 12 - mangy old coat, mangy old dog leash

Photo 19 - mangy old shower scraper, mangy old shower buff/sponge.

Ah. We get the message Fotis. You’re an outdoorsy guy who is always hiking through the woods. And showering, and cleaning showers, is of paramount importance to your every-day life (not just the murder days).

Photo 25 - can anyone identify the well-thumbed novel with the blue cover, on top of the reading pile? A murder-mystery-with-a-watery-grave-theme?

Photo 28 - his medieval war games room. So sweet.

If we look again, we may find a carefully-placed glove, and a dustpan and brush.

Eta: Photo 29 - the playroom. I had noted the sad fact that there’s a nursing chair in there, where Jennifer used to sit while she watched the children play. In a gloomy basement room with no windows. But the staged message is ‘Look! I haven’t had the heart to have the housekeeper tidy up in here since they left. The toys have been left as they were when Jennifer spitefully removed the children from their home’.

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Several things come to my mind as I have been reading over the thread.
What is the take on all this down along the Gold Coast in Bridgeport and Norwalk for instance, because that is the jury pool until otherwise indicated.
Second, we here on WS are immersed in this 24/7 and have discussed every conceivable aspect of this case with high quality results, however, the average soul here in Connecticut is getting only what is in the Courant and the local papers down near New Caanan.
I live near Hartford and belong to several groups, and consider myself to be "in the community", out and about, so to speak and honestly this is not on everybody's day to day radar. It is not a topic of conversation and the few times it has been the folks don't have enough facts to have an opinion.
In fact, I am willing to bet the average citizen (jury pool) up here has no idea LE is searching reservoir again and would understand the significance of the search.
My husband is a SCUBA diver and has a large suitcase type thingy that he carries his equipment in that is on wheels and that can be pulled over uneven ground etc. I wonder if FD has something similar for his water skiing equipment that would easily hold 88 pounds and could be pulled over the uneven ground from his house to the reservoir.
My husband is a SCUBA diver and has a large suitcase type thingy that he carries his equipment in that is on wheels and that can be pulled over uneven ground etc. I wonder if FD has something similar for his water skiing equipment that would easily hold 88 pounds and could be pulled over the uneven ground from his house to the reservoir.

I’m sure FD does have one. But perhaps unlikely to use it as it could easily be traced back to him?
My husband is a SCUBA diver and has a large suitcase type thingy that he carries his equipment in that is on wheels and that can be pulled over uneven ground etc. I wonder if FD has something similar for his water skiing equipment that would easily hold 88 pounds and could be pulled over the uneven ground from his house to the reservoir.
I considered a water ski bag or snow ski bag similar to a travel golf bag could have been used for body transport IMO otherwise I think there would be a lot of blood remaining in the Tacoma seats that were removed JMO
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