OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #52

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Pike County: 'That's all we've got left. Just those kids.'

"...Tony Rhoden....
made a special trip out to visit Samantha Robinson, grandmother of Ruger's 3-year-old half-brother Brentley. Brentley is the son of Frankie Rhoden and Chelsea Robinson, who is Samantha Robinson's daughter.

Tony Rhoden asked her if he can remain in Brentley's life.

"That day, we talked for hours. We cried and we laughed,'' Robinson said. "Mostly we cried."

Tony Rhoden told her he would be there for Brentley: "He said he'll be even closer to him now," Robinson said.

And she said she would never keep her grandson from his great uncles, aunts or cousins.

"I told him don't be scared about that,'' she said.

"We are family,'' she said, "And no one can change that."
Strong families sticking together :

Pike County: 'That's all we've got left. Just those kids.'

"...Tony Rhoden....
made a special trip out to visit Samantha Robinson, grandmother of Ruger's 3-year-old half-brother Brentley. Brentley is the son of Frankie Rhoden and Chelsea Robinson, who is Samantha Robinson's daughter.
Tony Rhoden asked her if he can remain in Brentley's life.

"That day, we talked for hours. We cried and we laughed,'' Robinson said. "Mostly we cried."

Tony Rhoden told her he would be there for Brentley: "He said he'll be even closer to him now," Robinson said.
And she said she would never keep her grandson from his great uncles, aunts or cousins.

"I told him don't be scared about that,'' she said.
"We are family,'' she said, "And no one can change that."
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Pike County: 'That's all we've got left. Just those kids.'

"...Tony Rhoden....
made a special trip out to visit Samantha Robinson, grandmother of Ruger's 3-year-old half-brother Brentley. Brentley is the son of Frankie Rhoden and Chelsea Robinson, who is Samantha Robinson's daughter.

Tony Rhoden asked her if he can remain in Brentley's life.

"That day, we talked for hours. We cried and we laughed,'' Robinson said. "Mostly we cried."

Tony Rhoden told her he would be there for Brentley: "He said he'll be even closer to him now," Robinson said.

And she said she would never keep her grandson from his great uncles, aunts or cousins.

"I told him don't be scared about that,'' she said.

"We are family,'' she said, "And no one can change that."

Heartbreaking to read some of those old articles. Bless those kids, and families. :(
Thank you for providing my link for me. I remembered I read it but didn't remember where. lol

was staying up late at night and couldn't sleep."

That's why casinos stay open 24/7. There are a lot of people in casinos all night long. Some stay days if they are winning. I know this because I have family working in various jobs from security to management in casinos here. NA's are given priority for any jobs in their casinos so many tribal members work in them and most tribal members understand how they work. Some people go once a month for entertainment. Others are addicted to gambling and go daily. Most casinos have security that watch patrons and if they see them make too many trips to the ATM they will give them a 24 hour ban. They have 1-800 numbers for gamblers who think they have a problem posted all over the casinos. The problem is most gamblers with a problem don't think they have a problem but there has been many who realize they are losing too much so they ask to be banned from the casino for various lengths of time.

I suspect Reader found comfort in the thrill of winning in a casino as many people do. He could go there, not have to discuss the case, and be able to think about something other than the bodies of 8 people in what must have been a gruesome crime scene. Casinos are great for that.

I don't recommend gambling to get away from your problems as it tends to create more problems of a different kind, but I cannot find it in my heart to blame him for trying to take his mind off what he saw either.

Did it say that he went to casinos? He could be gambling while laying in his own bed in his own home on his own phone next to his own wife.
Post snipped by me because I'm posting about the Rita/Angie phone calls - just the little information we know about them from a Court Hearing in regards to the Motion to Revoke Rita's Bail.

November 20 - January 20 the phone calls between Rita and Angela are all about how they can't talk to each other.

First call November 20:

Miranda (sp?) Chris Newcome's girlfriend,
answers Angela's phone call and tells her, yes, Rita is home. Angela says she " wants to talk to Rita and tell her hi real quick" but Miranda says that "Rita is not allowed to talk to her."

Miranda then hands the phone over to Granny Beesler (Rita's mom) Rita shouts in the background "we are trying to get her to talk!" Angela says " absolutely not! Do not talk to Granny Beesler! "
(I have no idea why she said this, must be in regards to something that happened previously? Or Angela is mad that Miranda won't put Rita on the phone?)

November 28:

Rita hands phone off to Granny and Granny asks Angela if she wants to talk to Rita, Angela says "no I'm not allowed, we can't talk about the case. "

December 8:

Chris puts on the speaker phone and allows Angela and Jake to have a conversation.

December 28:

Angela says "the only people I'm not allowed to talk to is Billy, George, Jake, Rita and Freddie."

January 10:

Rita gets back from her pre-trial and Angie calls and Rita tells her that "in Court today she was told she couldn't talk to anybody"

January 18:

Granny and Angela are on the phone together and Granny tells Angela that Rita wants to get on the phone with her and tell her she loves her. Angela says "she's not allowed to do that."
Angela then asks granny how "Billy is doing" and says "she knows she can't pass messages to him and Jake and George but they can't begrudge her wanting to know how everyone's doing."
Angela tells Granny that Rita "sent her a letter" and that "she knows they aren't allowed to write each other or talk about the case. "

January 19:

Angela says "she received a written Court Summary telling her she's not allowed to talk to them. "

June - July
There are 11 phone calls where they start talking more:

Angie and Rita use/take advantage of Granny by putting her in the middle, now every time Angela calls she asks Granny to put Rita on the phone or Rita tells Granny to give her the phone.

June or July
Rita says "I know I'm not suppose to talk about this on here but," she then asks " where are the Custody Documents located? " Angela answers Rita that "there is a plastic tub with the words important stuff written on it and inside are the Custody Documents. "

Angela talks about the "date at the bottom of the document--April 2016--that this is when the documents were printed out" and she says she "copied it over and there are things her attorney is looking for." Rita tells her attorney about the tub of Custody Documents and her attorney wants them and files a Discovery Motion and brings up this subject in Court.

June or July:
Rita and Angela discuss the Case and Angela gives Rita certain "buzz words to use if Rita takes the stand to testify."Angela says "she thinks that will work to explain the Custody Documents."
Rita says she "hopes she doesn't go to jail, that she needs to get off the phone, she doesn't want to get into trouble for talking."

June or July:
Angela says "let me tell you what my attorney said, I'm probably not suppose to say this on here but here's what he said to me." Angela goes on to tell Rita the "theories her attorney has for the case that she can use in her trial. "

June or July:
Angie discusses "case strategy, what to say in court and what not to say." And she discusses with Rita "whether or not they should testify at their trials. "

Here are some of the dates of phone calls listed in Rita's Discovery:

June 11, 14, 17, 22, 27
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 21
Cool Cat posted this awhile back and it is a very good post, if you think about it why would Rita quote that she hopes she doesn’t go to jail, if she is innocent why say that? JMO
@Johnny B Bad
Cool Cat posted this awhile back and it is a very good post, if you think about it why would Rita quote that she hopes she doesn’t go to jail, if she is innocent why say that? JMO

Post snipped by me because I'm posting about the Rita/Angie phone calls - just the little information we know about them from a Court Hearing in regards to the Motion to Revoke Rita's Bail.

November 20 - January 20 the phone calls between Rita and Angela are all about how they can't talk to each other.

First call November 20:

Miranda (sp?) Chris Newcome's girlfriend,
answers Angela's phone call and tells her, yes, Rita is home. Angela says she " wants to talk to Rita and tell her hi real quick" but Miranda says that "Rita is not allowed to talk to her."

Miranda then hands the phone over to Granny Beesler (Rita's mom) Rita shouts in the background "we are trying to get her to talk!" Angela says " absolutely not! Do not talk to Granny Beesler! "
(I have no idea why she said this, must be in regards to something that happened previously? Or Angela is mad that Miranda won't put Rita on the phone?)

November 28:

Rita hands phone off to Granny and Granny asks Angela if she wants to talk to Rita, Angela says "no I'm not allowed, we can't talk about the case. "

December 8:

Chris puts on the speaker phone and allows Angela and Jake to have a conversation.

December 28:

Angela says "the only people I'm not allowed to talk to is Billy, George, Jake, Rita and Freddie."

January 10:

Rita gets back from her pre-trial and Angie calls and Rita tells her that "in Court today she was told she couldn't talk to anybody"

January 18:

Granny and Angela are on the phone together and Granny tells Angela that Rita wants to get on the phone with her and tell her she loves her. Angela says "she's not allowed to do that."
Angela then asks granny how "Billy is doing" and says "she knows she can't pass messages to him and Jake and George but they can't begrudge her wanting to know how everyone's doing."
Angela tells Granny that Rita "sent her a letter" and that "she knows they aren't allowed to write each other or talk about the case. "

January 19:

Angela says "she received a written Court Summary telling her she's not allowed to talk to them. "

June - July
There are 11 phone calls where they start talking more:

Angie and Rita use/take advantage of Granny by putting her in the middle, now every time Angela calls she asks Granny to put Rita on the phone or Rita tells Granny to give her the phone.

June or July
Rita says "I know I'm not suppose to talk about this on here but," she then asks " where are the Custody Documents located? " Angela answers Rita that "there is a plastic tub with the words important stuff written on it and inside are the Custody Documents. "

Angela talks about the "date at the bottom of the document--April 2016--that this is when the documents were printed out" and she says she "copied it over and there are things her attorney is looking for." Rita tells her attorney about the tub of Custody Documents and her attorney wants them and files a Discovery Motion and brings up this subject in Court.

June or July:
Rita and Angela discuss the Case and Angela gives Rita certain "buzz words to use if Rita takes the stand to testify."Angela says "she thinks that will work to explain the Custody Documents."
Rita says she "hopes she doesn't go to jail, that she needs to get off the phone, she doesn't want to get into trouble for talking."

June or July:
Angela says "let me tell you what my attorney said, I'm probably not suppose to say this on here but here's what he said to me." Angela goes on to tell Rita the "theories her attorney has for the case that she can use in her trial. "

June or July:
Angie discusses "case strategy, what to say in court and what not to say." And she discusses with Rita "whether or not they should testify at their trials. "

Here are some of the dates of phone calls listed in Rita's Discovery:

June 11, 14, 17, 22, 27
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 21
Cool Cat posted this awhile back and it is a very good post, if you think about it why would Rita quote that she hopes she doesn’t go to jail, if she is innocent why say that? JMO

Thankx. I'll put this in the Media Timeline No Discussion Thread.
Media & Timeline NO DISCUSSION - Pike Co, OH 8 Family Members Murdered

Rita was afraid her bail would be revoked--putting her back in jail--because Angie kept calling her even after Rita told Angela this:

Rita says she "hopes she doesn't go to jail, that she needs to get off the phone, she doesn't want to get into trouble for talking."

Note Rita tells Angie she's afraid of going to jail if they keep talking. Note Angie still calls and talks. ?? Care about mom much?..:confused:

Why does Angie ignore her mom's concerns? Rhetorical question I know...

A question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
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Has anyone looked at the body language that the 4 Wagners displays during their trials, Billy comes out trying to be a bully almost like he is trying to intimidate the judge and prosecution,
Angela pulls her hair back behind her left ear and let’s the right side of her hair to droop down so she doesn’t have to look at the victims families when she is setting down,
George 4th is constantly rubbing his hands and fingers, he bites his lips and all the time has shifty eyes almost like a display of fear,
Jake Wagners
He is the one that displays the most of being proud of what has happened, he makes sure that the victims family sees him smiling and laughing with his attorneys and the judge, Jake thinks he has some kind of entitlement that the court system owes him something and I hope he gets it, the Wagners has guilt written all over their body language, JMO
I just wonder if Rita new her family where going to murder the Rhodens/Gilley when she helped forge the documents?
@Johnny B Bad
Cool Cat posted this awhile back and it is a very good post, if you think about it why would Rita quote that she hopes she doesn’t go to jail, if she is innocent why say that? JMO

Thankx. I'll put this in the Media Timeline No Discussion Thread.
Media & Timeline NO DISCUSSION - Pike Co, OH 8 Family Members Murdered

Rita was afraid her bail would be revoked--putting her back in jail--because Angie kept calling her even after Rita told Angela this:

Rita says she "hopes she doesn't go to jail, that she needs to get off the phone, she doesn't want to get into trouble for talking."

Note Rita tells Angie she's afraid of going to jail if they keep talking. Note Angie still calls and talks. ?? Care about mom much?..:confused:

Why does Angie ignore her mom's concerns? Rhetorical question I know...

A question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.

Thanks! Remember to include the links!

Was it this hearing?

Media & Timeline NO DISCUSSION - Pike Co, OH 8 Family Members Murdered
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This is just a few, watch other hearings of the 4 Wagners and you can see all the strange body language, the LE pays close attention to body language when interviewing suspects, IMO

Thanks, but I was wondering if the details about the phone conversations between AW and RN were included in the August 2019 Bail Revocation hearing for RN. I suppose I'll have to sit down and listen to that one again just to make sure that's where this info comes from. It's rather long, IIRC, lasts over an hour and a half.
Thanks, but I was wondering if the details about the phone conversations between AW and RN were included in the August 2019 Bail Revocation hearing for RN. I suppose I'll have to sit down and listen to that one again just to make sure that's where this info comes from. It's rather long, IIRC, lasts over an hour and a half.
The conversation was CC, came from thread 51 around post 89
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