Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #4

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There were some comments under this article that were interesting to me.Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

I suppose the commenter is suggesting that if Lori and Chad wanted to remove guilt they could have requested a baptism for the dead on their behalf? Who can see if that’s been done? Who requests those and who does them?
Baptism for the dead - Wikipedia

“The LDS Church teaches that performing baptisms for the dead allows this saving ordinanceto be offered on behalf of those who have died without accepting or knowing Jesus Christ or his teachings during their mortal lives.“

Oh come on! This is a stretch and has nothing to do with 2 kids missing
Has this been a big story in your news ?

For full disclosure’s sake, I do not have cable or access to local news other than online sources, but I do not believe that this case is being reported on much locally other than in summary along with other national news stories. There definitely hasn’t been any mention of the potential that they could be heading this direction due to the religious significance of the area (which I was not aware of).

I'll bet you didn't realize you lived on the remains of the Garden of Eden either. :)

Honestly, this is the first that I have heard of it! I definitely wouldn’t have picked Jackson County as the site of the Garden of Eden. LOL. Now, a place like Kauai I can understand. :p
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There are too many bizarre connections in this story to dismiss anything as coincidence. But my understanding is that LV and CV had no biological children together and CV was not JJs bio father so this statement is not to be taken the way it could if it she were springing on him that his kid wasnt his.

Plus JJ was born in Louisiana if I'm not mistaken. So we'd probably need a NS in Louisiana.

The way I read the document, it wasn't that Lori was telling Charles he is not the father of JJ. "Father" is being used instead of Charles' name. She was saying something to Charles like: "You are not Charles, you are Nick. Nick killed Charles and stole his identity so you must actually be Nick pretending to be Charles." (not an actual quote, just an example I made up). It's a delusion she had about who Charles was when she was talking to him. She could know someone by the name Nick or she could have completely made it up. The key is that she kept warning Charles (while calling him by the name Nick) that she was going to kill him. And later he ends up dead. Even if it's true that Alex shot Charles, what if Lori had convinced Alex that Charles wasn't who he said he was and needed to die? This is one dangerous woman. MOO.
Me too... so why did he dismiss divorce.
I guess I missed this tweet and part of the document.
Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter

MORE: Court docs say Charles got order of protection vs Lori. He tried to get her help but she refused. Community Bridges HC contacted Gilbert PD to take her in if contact was made.
See the doc image at the tweet link.
I have met a lot of folks who have active psychosis, and so much of it is related to religious beliefs. I have seen some really crazy stuff, nothing I can disclose here, confidentiality and all that...

How interesting it would be if Lori and Chad actually have a dual psychosis. A shared belief, usually there is one person who is deeper into the psychosis, but seduces another person into the same delusional thinking.

I think this actually has some merit. It may go even further than those two, hence the "cult" everyone keeps describing.

I grew up in a Pentecostal/evangelical church where speaking in tongues and being slain in the spirit were weekly occurrences. I'm agnostic now, so looking back, I can see how the euphoria and intensity I felt at the time was due to all of us feeding off each other's emotions, eventually resulting in what would be appear to be mass hysteria to anyone looking in from the outside. I don't find it impossible that this small group around Chad and Lori have worked themselves into a frenzy by silencing all critics, communicating in secrecy, and basically validating each other's worst instincts constantly.
Why western in ID and UT? I'd think Eastern OR and WA would be in the running as well, and NV.
Utah is barren. Full of mines and caves. Land is cheap. Western Idaho I expect to be the same below certain latitudes. I agree eastern OR and Washington as well However. LDS fringe magnets have not normally gone to the pacific. More towards Mexico (see the leBaron case, to which I’m related. Lol.).
There were some comments under this article that were interesting to me.Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

I suppose the commenter is suggesting that if Lori and Chad wanted to remove guilt they could have requested a baptism for the dead on their behalf? Who can see if that’s been done? Who requests those and who does them?
Baptism for the dead - Wikipedia

“The LDS Church teaches that performing baptisms for the dead allows this saving ordinanceto be offered on behalf of those who have died without accepting or knowing Jesus Christ or his teachings during their mortal lives.“
That's not how baptism for the dead works. They can't remove their guilt by asking to be baptized for the dead, because they were already baptized while living and will have to answer for their own sins, either by not committing them or repenting. Baptism for the dead is done by doing genealogy work of those who never had a chance to hear the gospel when they lived on earth, so that they can accept or reject the work done on their behalf. I think more likely, Chad and Lori think they aren't sinning and they won't be held accountable since it's not a 'sin' in their minds. The problem is, they are no longer believing in LDS doctrines and teachings, they are out on their own, following their own weird version of a mix of unorthodox, heretical beliefs they've come up with. This is why the church and other church members don't have any influence with them anymore.
There were some comments under this article that were interesting to me.Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

I suppose the commenter is suggesting that if Lori and Chad wanted to remove guilt they could have requested a baptism for the dead on their behalf? Who can see if that’s been done? Who requests those and who does them?
Baptism for the dead - Wikipedia

“The LDS Church teaches that performing baptisms for the dead allows this saving ordinanceto be offered on behalf of those who have died without accepting or knowing Jesus Christ or his teachings during their mortal lives.“

That comment was kind of clueless. Yes, Mormons do baptism for the dead and there has even been some controversy and PR black eyes around it. But what that guy was suggesting made zero sense.
Thanks for that explanation. I shouldn’t have brought up something I can’t begin to understand. Especially when trying to understand a psychotic mind. I was thinking maybe they felt it was “helping” this supposed evil person by having a baptism for them after death. Not necessarily their guilt, they feel like a God, or she does anyway.

Ill delete post If too much drama comes from it. Just a question, not accusation or opinion was stated, fyi.
That's not how baptism for the dead works. They can't remove their guilt by asking to be baptized for the dead, because they were already baptized while living and will have to answer for their own sins, either by not committing them or repenting. Baptism for the dead is done by doing genealogy work of those who never had a chance to hear the gospel when they lived on earth, so that they can accept or reject the work done on their behalf. I think more likely, Chad and Lori think they aren't sinning and they won't be held accountable since it's not a 'sin' in their minds. The problem is, they are no longer believing in LDS doctrines and teachings, they are out on their own, following their own weird version of a mix of unorthodox, heretical beliefs they've come up with. This is why the church and other church members don't have any influence with them anymore.
Honestly, this is the first that I have heard of it! I definitely wouldn’t have picked Jackson County as the site of the Garden of Eden. LOL. They must have gotten a hold of some of the local moonshine back in the day to come up with that theory. :p MOO, obviously.

I didn't want to say it (MOO for me now) but yeah, I agree. :)
Me too... so why did he dismiss divorce.

I want to know that too. And also why/how did Lori end up with JJ living with her after she threatened to kill Charles and said all those delusional things? Did she take JJ by force or sneak away with him one day and then use JJ as leverage (i.e. threaten to harm him or lie and say that Charles harmed him) to get Charles to drop the divorce/child custody dispute? She reportedly did something similar with Tylee when Joe wouldn't stop pursuing custody-- Lori took Tylee away to Hawaii and then threatened to lie and say that Joe had molested her if he put up a fuss about Tylee not coming back for the court ordered custody visits. So I wouldn't put it past her to try something like that with Charles and JJ too. MOO.
For full disclosure’s sake, I do not have cable or access to local news other than online sources, but I do not believe that this case is being reported on much locally other than in summary along with other national news stories. There definitely hasn’t been any mention of the potential that they could be heading this direction due to the religious significance of the area (which I was not aware of).

Honestly, this is the first that I have heard of it! I definitely wouldn’t have picked Jackson County as the site of the Garden of Eden. LOL. Now, a place like Kauai I can understand. :p
@Countem, Here is a local report from Channel 8/ABC from a reporter who it appears was at the Daybell house when LE/FBI etc. showed up today. She reports that the Daybell family members initially would not allow LE access to the house and it was only after the warrant was shown and LE threatened to knock down the door that access was allowed.

<modsnip: removed info that was not supported with a link>

Law enforcement searching Daybell's home - Local News 8
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I cannot remember where I read it at the moment, but I'm positive I saw that she was with "other family members" during that time.


Locals, when is it the last time it snowed there. Looks like the white car in driveway by shed hasn’t moved since last snowfall.

We got about 8 inches on Wednesday. Just getting shoveled out.
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