Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #36

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Okay. Thanks for the feedback. I'll avoid that topic unless or until it becomes noted on MSM.
Your welcome, and yes, there is really not much that has been reported at all. I do think she is a valuable witness and may have provided LE with a lot of important information.
She has her whole life in front of her and it's really a shame that her mother has put her in this situation.
I think she would be an excellent witness for the prosecution, as well as Gannon's little sister.

And a little sister (Laina)...

ETA: and possibly one or both of the dogs... but yes, basically her family and life as she knew it.
Well I don’t know that as fact. I’m certain if she has no involvement both LH and AS would continue to nurture a sisterly relationship between the 2 girls. I haven’t heard anything from either of them suggesting HH has any fault in her mothers actions. They will do what’s best for LS.
I’m personally not comfortable with discussing or suggesting any involvement of a young 17 year old until and if I am given reason to. I have an aunt with bipolar who has done some crazy things and some illegal. I can tell u her 2 children as teens and young adults were embarrassed of her and wanted nothing to do with her. They even now side with their father.
We just honestly know nothing about their mother/daughter relationship it’s unfair to speculate. Moo
Good gracious. Am I the only person who thinks the defense attorney just got choked? Like spit down the wrong pipe or something? It happens to me all the time, usually at the worst possible time, and it is mortifying.

You're not the only one. I believe that's exactly what happened to her. I was waiting for a full blown coughing spell but she pulled it together. It is mortifying when it happens.
Well I don’t know that as fact. I’m certain if she has no involvement both LH and AS would continue to nurture a sisterly relationship between the 2 girls. I haven’t heard anything from either of them suggesting HH has any fault in her mothers actions.

I agree with this, but was replying to your premise that she's lost both parents. I thought you were referring to her mom and AS, which would also seem to imply she no longer has access to Laina. I guess you may have been referring to her dad, my bad :rolleyes:
Neither she or her attorneys have even seen what they have on her. At least not as of yesterday. I doubt that there’s been much discussion beyond explaining to her what’s happening and telling her to not pile on to herself by opening her mouth or lashing out.

Dan May at the home, 107 warrants, video evidence, God knows what else (potentially blood and tissue), and they’re still awaiting test results on some things, while confident they can prove the 4 charges, is already anxiety provoking enough. When her counsel sees that affidavit and they start having real conversations with her about what she’s facing, that might change things. She looked like a cowering trapped animal yesterday, wanting to be anywhere but in that courtroom with a prosecutor, a judge, and Gannon’s parents. She surely now grasps that all sympathy goes to them and her child victim, not her.

She was boastful and arrogant and mad at the world when she was in charge of the story and the camera angle, but it’s different now. She made claims that LE obtained warrants unlawfully, but her lawyers are going to share the sad news that the warrants are solid, and it’s what’s in them and what evidence was found that’s her problem. She may not want to endure this for the next two years. I think she’s basically a coward who only feels powerful with people she can manipulate and frighten, and who enjoys secrets, and those days are over. She now has no more agency in this life, other than bargaining for perks in prison.

I don’t think it’s a given that she’s unbreakable. But with full hair and makeup for trial and a defense team, she may enjoy the ride. I’m not making predictions just yet.
Good gracious. Am I the only person who thinks the defense attorney just got choked? Like spit down the wrong pipe or something? It happens to me all the time, usually at the worst possible time, and it is mortifying. Both attorneys struck me as just being nervous. It's an extremely high profile case, then add the camera and the scrutiny that will surely follow. I don't know anything about the defense attorneys. Have they ever defended such a high profile case? Murder of a child? Been in hearing with media coverage? I'd be interested to know. However, even if they have, I don't think I could judge anyone for being a little flustered in that situation.

I watched live and I haven't yet had time to re-watch, but having spent a good amount of time in the court room, I didn't see anything that struck me as blatantly unprofessional or discourteous.

Regarding LS, who knows what reason she gave her attorneys for wanting to be off camera, but my bet is that she is VERY uncomfortable with her current appearance. As others have said, the lack of makeup, posing, filters... she doesn't want to be seen. I believe that is as deep as it gets. Nothing to do with shame, remorse, or anything of that nature. I'm fairly convinced she is not capable of those emotions.
GANNON is my hero! I agree w/ you on the majority of your post. however, I am not sure Leticia has much choice in seating arrangement...also, I want her to have very competent lawyers to make this process a single final process...we have all spent too much dark time trying to make sense of her warped mind and it has brought up too many memories for some of us...
Good gracious. Am I the only person who thinks the defense attorney just got choked? Like spit down the wrong pipe or something? It happens to me all the time, usually at the worst possible time, and it is mortifying. Both attorneys struck me as just being nervous. It's an extremely high profile case, then add the camera and the scrutiny that will surely follow. I don't know anything about the defense attorneys. Have they ever defended such a high profile case? Murder of a child? Been in hearing with media coverage? I'd be interested to know. However, even if they have, I don't think I could judge anyone for being a little flustered in that situation.

Strong agree. I think the lambasting of the defense team was unneccesary.
Here for Gannon!
In the Durst trial, the prosecutor is cracking jokes about the tie he chose to wear (hoping that the jury won't think he has only one tie), claiming that no matter what tie he wears he'll still be fat, lots of mutual snickering from other counsel and the judge. I really couldn't believe it. I think it was opening arguments day 1 part 3. Close to the part where they were describing how Durst butchered one of his victims like a chicken before dumping his body parts in plastic bags in the bay.

Same type of thing happened in the McStay trial, lot of joviality in the courtroom and I don't think it is warranted. Saw it yesterday in the Gannon Stauch court room too.
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I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.

It's hard to assess what is in the mind of any murderer, but to me in the photos she looks pretty expressionless devoid of emotions. I dont see fear, but defiance instead or smugness/arrogance.

This flatline unemotional attitude is very commonly seen in murderers. Jmo, it's because they are without a conscience, and have no regret even when taking the life of children.

Perhaps she's convinced herself the DA wont be able to prove the case BARD as long as Gannon's body isn't located. If so, that is very stupid thinking on her part.

In the last 10 or 15 years missing body murder cases are won over, and over again. In fact I can't remember one at the moment in recent years where the DA didn't get a conviction.

Imo, I dont think she will confess, but it won't matter one way or the other.

It's very obvious LE/DA are very assured the evidence they have amassed is more than enough to prove the first degree murder charge against her. If not, they wouldn't have charged her.

So she can keep her mouth shut or won't make any difference. LE is long passed needing a confession from her. And like all murder cases the investigation will continue all the way until trial time.

I'm sure the defense attorneys are capable and will provide the best defense they can for LS. I think it's wrong to bash them. JMO

Ultimately, they are just as important as the prosecutors and the judge in seeking justice for Gannon. In all likelihood, they are even more creeped out and disgusted by T than we are, but they still have to spend hours with her and maintain their professionalism. I do not envy them whatsoever.
I tend to look at things a little differently than most of you in regards to whether or not TS will fold and tell us where Gannon is.
Her #1 priority at all times seems to be herself and self-preservation.
I think if it gets down to the nitty-gritty and a plea is offered that she thinks will "save" her, she will break but try to spin the whole thing as Gannon's fault.
This is just based on the behavior we have seen from her so far and the behavior of people I know personally who act just like her.

That's an interesting thought, but since she's looking so spaced out lately I would guess she would commit hara-kiri before she ever confessed. I don't know if it's drugs or what but she appears zombie like to me. Dissociated maybe?
In the Durst trial, the prosecutor is cracking jokes about the tie he chose to wear (hoping that the jury won't think he has only one tie), claiming that no matter what tie he wears he'll still be fat, lots of mutual snickering from other counsel and the judge. I really couldn't believe it. I think it was opening arguments day 1 part 3. Close to the part where they were describing how he butchered one of his victims like a chicken before dumping his body parts in plastic bags in the bay.

Same type of thing happened in the McStay trial, lot of joviality in the courtroom and I don't think it is warranted. Saw it yesterday in the Gannon Stauch court room too.

The Durst trial DA is a friend of mine and he is an incredibly competent and professional prosecutor. That trial is just so high profile, and he’s been working on it for literally years. We need some levity too. We’re just human.
Prosecutors announced they have not ruled out the possibility of pursuing the death penalty in this case. The death penalty repeal measure passed recently will apply to those charged on or after July 1, 2020.

Stauch is expected back in court on April 14 for a status conference. Prosecutors said they have to go over 100 search warrants in this case and some of those warrants are from South Carolina, while the majority are local.
Prosecutors not ruling out possible death penalty case against Letecia Stauch

OK- help me here. If the reinstatement of the death penalty applies to CHARGES made on 07/01/20 or later, how can they consider the death penalty in this case?
I think the evidence they have in this case is huge and the DA has no question they will get a guilty verdict on all charges.

When he said they aren't looking for any type of deal they are ready for court is what did it for me, he knows what the evidence is and we don't, they must have some damning stuff to be that confident, I just wish Gannon would be found.
The Durst trial DA is a friend of mine and he is an incredibly competent and professional prosecutor. That trial is just so high profile, and he’s been working on it for literally years. We need some levity too. We’re just human.
I understand that all the various counsel are under stress, have been working on it for years, and finally here it is. Same as with surgeons joking around in the operating room, levity to help deal with it. Still, to a layperson (like me) who tunes in to see someone get prosecuted for a horrible murder, it is jarring.
Strong agree. I think the lambasting of the defense team was unneccesary.
Maybe for anyone not on an immune suppressant,or any one without a compromised immune system, or anyone who not elderly. Watching cough into her hand just made me cringe. That incubator coughed into her hand. ( My drive into Northgate for my immune suppressant yesterday was eerie. I-5 Was pretty much free,and clear the whole way from Kent,and back) because of COVID 19. So to see someone so disrespful,and dismissive of how this pandemic gets spread has me rightfully shocked,and angered. MOO
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