Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #32

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Welcome Lyanna, a new poster.:):):)
Your thoughts are possible.
BM would go into a rage and perhaps hurt SM, if he found she had snooped on him.
After the event, he worked on social media, perhaps after body removal etc.

When my friend, revealed, she had snooped on her husband due to his affair, he also really lost his temper.
She is fine.

Thanks :)

I'm pleased your friend is fine.
Isn't it ironic how the wrongdoers (cheating spouses/murdering spouses etc.) can feel so hard done by when they have been caught out, and then it is everybody else's fault but their own? smh
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Rule 7 - The Indictment and the Information

Rule 7 of Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure provides for delivering criminal charges by either 1) Indictment or 2) Information.

I think I posted this in the prior thread. In some states, all felony cases go in front of a grand jury and are charged by indictment, but in Colorado, the vast majority of cases are filed via information.

When a case is filed by information, the police officers will bring police reports and witness statements to the District Attorney’s Office ("DA"). At this time, they make a decision whether charges are warranted or not, and what those charges should be. The DA files a complaint and information with the court that outlines the charges against the defendant. This is the preferred method to file charges in Colorado according to the statues.

This doesn't mean that grand jury indictments don't happen because they are provided for in Rule 7, it's just seldom used here. In cases I've followed, I think I can only remember one time when grand jury was used -- 1999, JonBenet Ramsey.

In cases that are of public importance, involve public corruption, or where witnesses need to be protected, that's when Colorado will use a grand jury.
I certainly don't see a grand jury for this case.

If you follow Colorado cases, you'll recognize the following procedures: arrest, advisement, bond, and preliminary hearing, arraignment, jury trial, and sentencing.

It's the preliminary hearing that most of us here live for. (Also, a preliminary hearing isn't part of the "grand jury" procedure). It's one of the reasons why I personally prefer criminal charges by information.

Also, unique to Colorado's criminal court procedure is that cameras are only allowed in the courtroom for advisements and arraignments.

Preliminary Hearing: At this hearing, the District Attorney will be required to present sufficient evidence to prove that it is more likely than not that the accused committed the crime or crimes he/she is charged with committing.

The District Attorney is not required to put on all of their evidence or even the testimony of the victim. The court will allow statements of witnesses to come into evidence through a detective or other police officer. The accused will not testify. With few exceptions, only persons charged with a class 1, 2, or 3 felony or who are in jail on a class 4, 5, or 6 are entitled to this hearing.

Any person may waive their right to a preliminary hearing. Waiving the hearing is not unusual and is done to keep open a plea bargain. By waiving a preliminary hearing, the accused does not waive any other of his/her rights.

See attached links for definitions worth holding on to if you follow Colorado cases.

Rule 7 - The Indictment and the Information, Colo. R. Crim. P. 7 | Casetext Search + Citator

You're correct. About half of all states require indictments in major criminal cases & half do not require them. Here in Indiana, for example,
the vast majority of all cases are filed by information, though the grand jury procedure does exist.

In my experience (both as a deputy prosecutor & defense attorney), grand juries are typically used for politically sensitive cases. A grand jury indictment gives a prosecutor "cover" to pursue charges against a politically powerful defendant; a no-bill from a grand jury gives a prosecutor political cover to not pursue charges against a politically powerful person.
I hear this @trujac but it wouldn't fly as a justification. Not for an instant or an inch.

Suzanne LOVED life, and she was used to fighting for it. She had fought for it as a teen. She would never ever consent to being "taken out" like that. Her cancer was treatable and it was being treated without intense chemo (like the Red Devil)--she was doing maintenance treatment (which could have included immunotherapy). She was in good medical hands and she worked out regularly and rode a bike and lived a full and active life. If BM ever suggested a mercy killing at her bequest, he would just be doing more of that extensive and exhausting lying that has become his MO. MOO.

Love your posts. Your descriptions of SM are poignant as if from a close friend. MOO. Suzanne deserved better, and so did her daughters!
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It might have been a confession of an affair by Suzanne. Just adding to general speculation.

He could have been accusing her of having an affair, even if she wasn’t. She was talking to a friend about attending a wedding. He started picturing her being away, dressed up for an event, surrounded by men, and looking beautiful.

He may have been pathologically jealous of Suzanne paying attention to anything that wasn’t about him.
There are a few things that are not really adding up to me.
1. If BM is guilty why would he have brought insurance paperwork to the hotel, tossed it in the trash and left it there to be found? Jeff claims he thought it was an alibi... But if BM made reservations at the hotel why would he need more proof of him being there?
2. The cooler question is another thing. There is a picture of BM carrying a cooler I guess that picture is supposed to prove he owns coolers? But it looks like one of those Styrofoam coolers. Maybe he only grabs coolers that be tossed since he hunts and it gets messy?
3. Who on earth is Jeff Pucket? What is his story and why does he seem so angry and so ready to say BM is involved?

1. I think there could be a few explanations for this. First, he could have wanted to make sure everyone knew he was at the hotel on Sunday when his wife was reported missing. Second, it could have been insurance papers for his work which listed tools that were insured by that policy and he didn’t want law enforcement finding that in his truck and realizing that certain tools were missing. And third, BM might have either expected or requested his room to be cleaned before JP arrived but JP arrived to the room before the cleaning staff.

2. I think LE was just pointing out how unusual it was for there not to be any coolers at the house. BM hunts, the daughters (and maybe others) camp, and his job is in construction. Any one of those things would make owing a cooler(s) likely, let alone all three. I can’t imagine someone in construction using disposal styrofoam coolers every time they go to a job. That would be an expensive when you consider that he’s outdoors 2-6 days per week.

3. JP is a Salida resident who also works in construction. BM hired him and paid him to work on a job in Broomfield that never happened. I’ve never gotten the sense that JP is angry, what makes you say that? I also haven’t seen where JP has said that BM was involved. He did say his hotel room smelled strongly of bleach, there were towels thrown about, the bed was lied on, and there was BM’s mail in the trash and he felt like the hotel was BM’s alibi. And ironically, I think BM has pretty much said the hotel was his alibi (in not so many words)
I know what you’re saying. I said earlier that he was a “good guy,” who snapped. I guess what I mean to say, is that he was on the outside “a good guy who snapped.”

I don’t think there was an ongoing abusive streak that lead to this. But yeah, “good guys” don’t have that in them. I know for **** sure I don’t.
I know you’re not giving him a pass, MG. And I wasn’t trying to single you out. :)
I appreciate that things aren’t always so black & white. He may not have been physically abusive or really given indication that he was capable of THIS, and yes, looked like a good guy, but I do think he had the “monster” inside. It just finally came out.
Would LE want Barry to decompensate and continue to make statements that they can disprove? Or has all of this been covered in the 3 30 hours of interviews? If he says something different alibi wise to the press, can that be used against him? Do you think LE cares whether the media and the world is poking the bear?

Rule 7 - The Indictment and the Information

Rule 7 of Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure provides for delivering criminal charges by either 1) Indictment or 2) Information.

I think I posted this in the prior thread. In some states, all felony cases go in front of a grand jury and are charged by indictment, but in Colorado, the vast majority of cases are filed via information.

When a case is filed by information, the police officers will bring police reports and witness statements to the District Attorney’s Office ("DA"). At this time, they make a decision whether charges are warranted or not, and what those charges should be. The DA files a complaint and information with the court that outlines the charges against the defendant. This is the preferred method to file charges in Colorado according to the statues.

This doesn't mean that grand jury indictments don't happen because they are provided for in Rule 7, it's just seldom used here. In cases I've followed, I think I can only remember one time when grand jury was used -- 1999, JonBenet Ramsey.

In cases that are of public importance, involve public corruption, or where witnesses need to be protected, that's when Colorado will use a grand jury.
I certainly don't see a grand jury for this case.

If you follow Colorado cases, you'll recognize the following procedures: arrest, advisement, bond, and preliminary hearing, arraignment, jury trial, and sentencing.

It's the preliminary hearing that most of us here live for. (Also, a preliminary hearing isn't part of the "grand jury" procedure). It's one of the reasons why I personally prefer criminal charges by information.

Also, unique to Colorado's criminal court procedure is that cameras are only allowed in the courtroom for advisements and arraignments.

Preliminary Hearing: At this hearing, the District Attorney will be required to present sufficient evidence to prove that it is more likely than not that the accused committed the crime or crimes he/she is charged with committing.

The District Attorney is not required to put on all of their evidence or even the testimony of the victim. The court will allow statements of witnesses to come into evidence through a detective or other police officer. The accused will not testify. With few exceptions, only persons charged with a class 1, 2, or 3 felony or who are in jail on a class 4, 5, or 6 are entitled to this hearing.

Any person may waive their right to a preliminary hearing. Waiving the hearing is not unusual and is done to keep open a plea bargain. By waiving a preliminary hearing, the accused does not waive any other of his/her rights.

See attached links for definitions worth holding on to if you follow Colorado cases.

Rule 7 - The Indictment and the Information, Colo. R. Crim. P. 7 | Casetext Search + Citator

Thank you @Seattle1. Very informative. I missed some of the last thread because I never caught up before the new information came out. I hope you didn’t have to repeat too much but I appreciate your time & expertise and will save those links. This is my first case I’ve followed on WS in Co or anywhere for that matter. So it sounds like we can expect the D.A. to file a complaint and information and then a preliminary hearing will follow. I’m glad the witnesses will still be protected because that might be a very important part of the trial. Is the arraignment before the hearing? I will read and find the answers. I hope we do get to see him arraigned on camera!

It sounds like the D.A. “pulls the trigger” on when an arrest happens. So it makes more sense why an outgoing D.A. might hold off for the sake of continuity and a better chance at conviction. And then LE has more time to gather evidence and find Suzanne. But if BM confesses that would start the ball rolling now so maybe it would be in his best interest to go ahead and turn himself in. Lol :D Go on BM...the longer you wait the worse it’s going to be for you...and for your family. Do the right thing, man up and like AM said don’t go out as a coward!
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I know you’re not giving him a pass, MG. And I wasn’t trying to single you out. :)
I appreciate that things aren’t always so black & white. He may not have been physically abusive or really given indication that he was capable of THIS, and yes, looked like a good guy, but I do think he had the “monster” inside. It just finally came out.
I'll bet SM knew of the "monster" in BM, but didn't expect it to come out in her ending up missing.
I'm sure she saw sides of him others had no idea of. And I'll bet she didn't tell and learned how to forgive and put it behind them, until the next time. I would imagine she walked on eggshells sometimes, if not usually. She knew who BM is, but just tried to deal with it when it reared it's ugly head. If he was a drinker (which I suspect) then I would imagine she blamed some of his behaviors on his drinking.
I expect we will discover this was an emotionally abusive marriage all along and SM had grown used to it and how to manage it, until she couldn't one day.
So many posts this morning echoing things that I’ve been thinking. I think she did find out something in BM’s life, something big, but maybe it wasn’t even that day. I think she was getting in his way of living the life he wanted to live and he finally did something about it. Probably unplanned, but already in his mind. The lack of any sign of remorse or care about anything but himself tells me so much.
I'll bet SM knew of the "monster" in BM, but didn't expect it to come out in her ending up missing.
I'm sure she saw sides of him others had no idea of. And I'll bet she didn't tell and learned how to forgive and put it behind them, until the next time. I would imagine she walked on eggshells sometimes, if not usually. She knew who BM is, but just tried to deal with it when it reared it's ugly head. If he was a drinker (which I suspect) then I would imagine she blamed some of his behaviors on his drinking.
I expect we will discover this was an emotionally abusive marriage all along and SM had grown used to it and how to manage it, until she couldn't one day.

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

I certainly won‘t be surprised if we find out there was a drinking/drug problem. It fits and sometimes can push someone to do things they might not quite have the gumption to actually do.
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I'll bet SM knew of the "monster" in BM, but didn't expect it to come out in her ending up missing.
I'm sure she saw sides of him others had no idea of. And I'll bet she didn't tell and learned how to forgive and put it behind them, until the next time. I would imagine she walked on eggshells sometimes, if not usually. She knew who BM is, but just tried to deal with it when it reared it's ugly head. If he was a drinker (which I suspect) then I would imagine she blamed some of his behaviors on his drinking.
I expect we will discover this was an emotionally abusive marriage all along and SM had grown used to it and how to manage it, until she couldn't one day.

ha! we were writing similarly at the same time. ya know, i didn't even really think that much about it (drinking/drugs) before i heard his recent rant with lauren. i thought something sounded off about his speech, though, and i can't let that go. it made me wonder if that's why he's avoiding interviews, i mean, in addition to being a hot head and a liar. i'm really trying to stay as open-minded as possible, and have even considered that maybe it wasn't him, maybe it was...a buddy, but his overall *advertiser censored* attitude is what is keeping my eyes on him only. i will not be surprised if he had some help, though.

and if we go by @Dr.StClements excellent diagnosis, BM could have been so concerned with his image, that if SM threatened to send him to rehab, or was holding that over him somehow, in a way that he felt threatened, his only way out was to get rid of her. just moo.
Yes, I agree...murdering a spouse--especially a long term my books, is crossing a thin blue line that most people would never come close to tripping over.
Maybe, Suzanne was the life long "star" besides BM: always pretty and attractive, never aging, always kind and gentle, with all the other perfect attributes, a wife should have had. In addition the praising of her by family members/friends/colleagues/employees/business partners/holiday aquaintances/who else. It's not easy, to hear only adoration always about your spouse, if you yourself are an well accepted, successful, very handsome man too. I think, it would become unnerving after a decade or two. Imagine, you will go wrong at some point (affair) and everyone falls on you, because you did this to your great, flawless wife! I could imagine, that there wasn't much left to break out into a rage: a charge about finances, a charge about an affair, a threat to try to thwart his future plans. - And then Saturday, May 9th came ..... MOO
Would LE want Barry to decompensate and continue to make statements that they can disprove? Or has all of this been covered in the 3 30 hours of interviews? If he says something different alibi wise to the press, can that be used against him? Do you think LE cares whether the media and the world is poking the bear?

Great questions! MOO I follow the Letecia Stauch case. She couldn’t keep her mouth shut and every incriminating word she spoke and posted on social media will be used by the prosecuting DA in her upcoming trial for murdering Gannon Stauch. Until BM is arrested and given Miranda rights, everything is fair game for LE. Keep poking the bear, keep him talking! MOO
I know what you’re saying. I said earlier that he was a “good guy,” who snapped. I guess what I mean to say, is that he was on the outside “a good guy who snapped.”
I don’t think there was an ongoing abusive streak that lead to this. But yeah, “good guys” don’t have that in them. I know for **** sure I don’t.
I agree with you @MassGuy that he snapped and I doubt it was premeditated. Despite the fact there is no "history" per se of abuse, I'm not seeing that "good guy" part. I personally find BMs mannerisms, tone and speech to be intimidating. I obviously haven't met him so it's just a feeling. In contrast, I'm not at all intimidated by the PE guys Chris and Mike.
I know you’re not giving him a pass, MG. And I wasn’t trying to single you out. :)
I appreciate that things aren’t always so black & white. He may not have been physically abusive or really given indication that he was capable of THIS, and yes, looked like a good guy, but I do think he had the “monster” inside. It just finally came out.

I suspect once he's charged, arrested and safely behind bars, we will see SCORES of people in his past who will come out and describe incidents w/ him that unfurl the real man.

As many people as he's dealt with in his business, I'm sure he's bulldozed a bunch.
And maybe some more of SM's family and friends will come forward also.

I hope it's explained how his wife's demise has
been part of his long term plans for himself.
SM's friend will be key here. Often spouses'
arguments prior to crime hint at this.
IMO, this was not a one off spur of the moment
loss of control.
More likely, this was the culmination of many of his dark thoughts that he's harbored for awhile.
Remember in his mind, your either ON his team or not.
SM was not "the light" but instead she saw "the light".
With her, the gig was up.
another thought-
I wonder how involved SM was in doing the
back room work of helping BM with administrative work, maybe bidding jobs, maybe doing inquiries on jobs, etc.

Had a friend, divorcee w/ a pile of money,
who had formerly helped her first husband in
his construction work job. she did all the office work and learned how to acquire the work for him. Apparently there's places where a construction co. owner can get info on upcoming jobs and where bids are solicited.
She learned how to do all the work bids and actually got the jobs for their business.

In comes 2nd husband, she starts doing a
construction business setup for him also.
He was previously just a worker bee, or carpenter, not a business owner. She used her good credit and financial stability to bid jobs.

2nd husband's business did real well. They were flying high.
Until his character flaws come out. He started
cheating on her, he was cheating IRS on his taxes, not paying the bills, etc.
Long story short....SHE was the backbone of
the success of the business. SHE made it happen. SHE managed the 2nd hubby who had bad work habits. Yes, he did drugs and
had a drinking habit.
So I'm wondering how involved was SM in their business. Maybe the threat of her pulling out was also a factor in this crime.
Maybe BM got all the credit for their financial success but in reality it couldn't have happened without SM.
just food for thought.
I know you’re not giving him a pass, MG. And I wasn’t trying to single you out. :)
I appreciate that things aren’t always so black & white. He may not have been physically abusive or really given indication that he was capable of THIS, and yes, looked like a good guy, but I do think he had the “monster” inside. It just finally came out.

For me, the first glimpse of BM’s true character, was when he threatened TD at the end of the “Let me show you” video. To me, it sounded like a credible threat that he was quite prepared to follow through. He may have been more likely to be emotionally abusive to Suzanne, than physically abusive, but at heart I doubt he was a “good guy”.
I bet she found out he was spending/squirreling away money and he exploded in anger when she brought it up. Cancer treatment can be financially and physically devastating to a marriage and spouse's ego. I know from experience as a recently divorced bc survivor.
I wish they would take that down, as Chris later clarified that communication stopped at 12:30 pm local time.

I’m dying to know about those social media communications, and on what platform they occurred.

My guess is Facebook messenger, as perhaps she received messages that Barry was concerned would cause trouble (people would become worried) if “Suzanne” didn’t respond.

I’m confused about these messages from a “best friend” having taken place over a social media platform. I don’t ever use social media to communicate with my “best friends” unless one of our phones is temporarily out of order, or if we are making simple comments on each other’s social media posts. The latter would not warrant a statement of concern over communication suddenly stopping.

I’m close in age to SM. I communicate with my closest friends via text or phone call.

I suppose if I were to communicate with a close friend via something like Facebook messenger, another reason for this would be if I was concerned someone is monitoring my texts, and I don’t want them to. Hypothetically speaking.

Edited for clarification: I have now read two different versions; that she was communicating with a friend via text and that she was communicating with the good friend via social media. If it was the former, then disregard this post. ;)
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