Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #59

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Reread my post and realized that I should clarify- in this case, I don't necessarily think that Lori did the actual killing, whereas Susan Smith and Diane Downs did, but I think that she was perfectly fine knowing that someone else would kill her kids.
I think Lori must have been present for both her children's deaths. IMO Tylee was likely murdered in the middle of the night in Lori's apartment when JJ was fast asleep. Lori could be the person who duct-taped JJ. Since she had house guests that night, perhaps it happened at Alex's place.
And why, why was JJ killed exactly the night MG and DW stayed over at LV's house? Wouldn't it be easier to do it when no one was there? Not that LV hoped for an alibi. Any ideas?

Perhaps they were applying the rationale that the best place to hide something is in plain sight. Of course the vision presented was a “sleeping” JJ, but with people there to observe everything, Lori could claim nothing g was amiss. Yet there, or so I believe, was the body of a little murdered boy being taken away to be disposed of somewhere. Was all the business of trash bag ms and duct tape some kind of staging to hide that the boy had been killed right under everyone’s noses that night?
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Perhaps they were applying the rationale that the best place to hide something is in plain sight.
They certainly applied that principle when burying the bodies in Chad's backyard. When Larry and Kay visited Chad's property with a news crew in Feb 2020 Larry asked, pointing to the backyard: "What if JJ is right over there?"
They certainly applied that principle when burying the bodies in Chad's backyard. When Larry and Kay visited Chad's property with a news crew in Feb 2020 Larry asked, pointing to the backyard: "What if JJ is right over there?"

I continue to find the fact that CD and LVD buried the bodies right in CD's backyard, mind boggling.

Honestly, I think LVD had convinced CD that no one would ever care about JJ or Tylee. LVD planned to continue dodging everyone by moving to Hawaii. It was the ongoing insistence by Kay Woodcock that forced the police for a "well check" on JJ.

I am impressed by the quality of the officers in Idaho. It would have been "easy" for them to dismiss this, as a "crazy person". Kay Woodcock had absolutely zero standing for any actual legal rights for JJ. At most, she had more standing as an aunt. Even though she was a biological grandmother. Because any legal relationship was severed when JJ was adopted. LVD was his legal mother.

Kudos to these officers, who did their due diligence, and followed up on Kay Woodcock's insistence for at least seeing if JJ was okay.
JJ's wrists were bound. So were his ankles. Bound means tied together. JJ could not kick, hit, struggle, stand up or run away. I do not believe he was smothered, strangled or poisoned before he was restrained,

CNN, August 3, 2020
-Rexburg Police Detective Ray Hermosillo, testifying Monday at a preliminary hearing for Daybell, said JJ was buried in a black plastic bag in red pajamas and black socks and with a white and blue blanket on top of him. JJ's wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape. (CNN August 3, 2020)
Detective describes unearthing children’s remains, DESERET NEWS, August 3, 2020
-Rexburg police detective Ray Hermosillo said “JJ” Vallow’s body was found beneath fresh sod, under which were three large white flat rocks in a row and then a piece of wood paneling. He said the body was buried in a black plastic bag covered in duct tape.

He said when the body was taken to the medical examiner’s office, investigators found a white plastic garbage bag over the boy’s head covered with layers of tightly wound duct tape. Hermosillo said the boy’s wrists and ankles WERE ALSO bound with duct tape, and that more duct tape bound together his forearms over his chest.

Detective describes unearthing children’s remains in notorious Daybell case <- link

I really think the binding was done postmortem to keep the body nicely packaged for burial. I think they wanted him to take up very little space in his grave. My spidey sense tells me neither child was killed with physical violence, but with poison or sleeping draughts of some sort. Tylee's body was brutally disposed of, and they learned a hard lesson about cremation. This taught them to wrap up JJ into a virtual ball and bury him with methods that would prevent ground sinkage etc. But, this is just my spidey sense speaking.
Since CD was a gravedigger , I can imagine he trivialized the end result
and resting place of JJ & TR. You know the - they are not really there, etc. The phone call with LVD from his car, right before his arrest...IMO she knew what was going down...just keeping it light cause it was being recorded.
IMO she knew.

I agree…she knew

Here is a link with the phone call along with the transcript of it, if you want to try to listen again. He was mumbling pretty bad…

Transcript of Lori Daybell's call to Chad Daybell on day of children's discovery
I always thought that LVD actually may have been the one to kill JJ…. by over medicating him or even poisoning him.

Alex was seen by MG and her boyfriend picking up JJ at Lori’s house and appeared to be asleep. He could have been there to pick him up after he was deceased, or another thought was that Lori called him in a panic because he hadn’t died yet, then Alex wrapped him in plastic bags to smother him at that point. Either way, she’s involved in his death.

Although JJ was decomposed, he was still intact unlike his sister. I wonder if they were ever able to get some tox screening from his body.
I've wondered if they each had to kill a "zombie" in order to "level up". Or warrior up, whatever, MOO.
I've wondered if they each had to kill a "zombie" in order to "level up". Or warrior up, whatever, MOO.
There was a disproportionate number of zombies related to Lori's family (and seemingly none in peripheral cult members' families). It tells me that this wasn't about proving oneself by killing a zombie but about getting rid of her family (and Tammy) to be able to stroll with Chad in Hawaii. Using their victims' money of course.
He said when the body was taken to the medical examiner’s office, investigators found a white plastic garbage bag over the boy’s head covered with layers of tightly wound duct tape. Hermosillo said the boy’s wrists and ankles WERE ALSO bound with duct tape, and that more duct tape bound together his forearms over his chest.

This must have broken their hearts, even with all their experience.
There was a disproportionate number of zombies related to Lori's family (and seemingly none in peripheral cult members' families). It tells me that this wasn't about proving oneself by killing a zombie but about getting rid of her family (and Tammy) to be able to stroll with Chad in Hawaii. Using their victims' money of course.[/QUOTE
Agreed. No financial gain from tge death of adult children. The youngest Daybell was out of reach. All that were killed/died provided income in some manner. Alex is the only unknown. I have not heard if he had life insurance and if so, who was beneficiary. If he had a will, was his sister or wife left his estate. Jmo
This is just a guess, but I would bet that whatever drug was used to kill TD, was also used to kill JJ, Tylee, and Alex. My thoughts are that they found some sort of substance that would kill and they used it faithfully--because if something works--why change the method?

I really don't think any of them died from physical violence, but that's just MOO.
Jolynna said:
He said when the body was taken to the medical examiner’s office, investigators found a white plastic garbage bag over the boy’s head covered with layers of tightly wound duct tape. Hermosillo said the boy’s wrists and ankles WERE ALSO bound with duct tape, and that more duct tape bound together his forearms over his chest.

Hopefully there are a LOT of fingerprints on all that duct tape & the plastic bag!
There was a disproportionate number of zombies related to Lori's family (and seemingly none in peripheral cult members' families). It tells me that this wasn't about proving oneself by killing a zombie but about getting rid of her family (and Tammy) to be able to stroll with Chad in Hawaii. Using their victims' money of course.

And Chad is the one who manufactured all those dark beings. The ones that were smart enough to figure him out were marked for extinction. JMO

I think it's a miracle KW and LW are still alive.
And Chad is the one who manufactured all those dark beings. The ones that were smart enough to figure him out were marked for extinction. JMO

I think it's a miracle KW and LW are still alive.

.. and the karma that L&K are using the monies to support their travels etc etc etc to give witness to each and every thing with the $ she thought she was going to get after Charles' death.

I just saw the new Lifetime Movie (new last night) on the Erin Corwin case. I hope the one for this case (I forget when it's going to be released for this case) is a 180 as the one last night was............... bad MOO. I'll not go into here as would be O/T for this thread, I posted opinion on her thread.
I just saw the new Lifetime Movie (new last night) on the Erin Corwin case. I hope the one for this case (I forget when it's going to be released for this case) is a 180 as the one last night was............... bad MOO. I'll not go into here as would be O/T for this thread, I posted opinion on her thread.
Isn't one also just coming out on the Dulos case, with a blue-eyed actor playing FD? These are being churned out to make a quick buck. Similar with books.
Can I vote #2? She wouldn't be the first mother to kill her kids because they got in the way of a new relationship where the guy didn't want the baggage of the kids. Think Susan Smith and Diane Downs. Then again they also aren't the first couple to think up killing off their spouses to be free to be with each other, and (IIRC the Mormon religion frowns on divorce). There's also the financial gain from all these killings- Lori wasn't aware that Charles changed the beneficiary on the Life Insurance. And they cover it all up using excuses to justify the murders/disappearances (Charles was abusive, JJ was acting up, Tylee went off to college, Tammy died a natural death, as did Joe Ryan and Alex), and all were "zombies/dark spirits" that deserved it according to their beliefs.
Chad might have been the one to murder the kids, or help Alex do it. Alex was definitely planned to be the fall guy/trigger man. One more thought about this- when Lori told the police in Hawaii that the kids were "safe", I think that there's a kernel of truth in her belief/statement in that once the kids were dead (she knew), they were safely buried in the backyard and couldn't be hurt anymore. Also, she asked her friend Melanie to lie for her that JJ was with her, so she knew that the kids weren't stashed with anybody.
I think that they stored the toys to buy time, didn't think about the surveillance cameras at the storage rental place.

Ugh, the idea that someone can kill their children to start a new life with some dude is just the grossest thing I can imagine. As a dude, I can totally imagine being wistful. "I wish we could be together, but circumstances and timing aren't working in our favor." But if she came back to me after that and was like, "They're gone, we can finally be together now," I'd be like, "I'm sorry, what?" No, I was interested in spending time with the non-murderer, thanks anyway. Enjoy prison. Also I'd worry that a person who could kill their kids would one day kill me.
Chad has managed to mostly survive off control.
Evidently he got Tammy to move to Idaho & be the breadwinner!
I will be curious to see what he and his attorney come up with that adds up to innocent?! Alex & Lori are not present to be questioned by the state if they (in absentia) are pushed on to this sword.

Ugh, the idea that someone can kill their children to start a new life with some dude is just the grossest thing I can imagine. As a dude, I can totally imagine being wistful. "I wish we could be together, but circumstances and timing aren't working in our favor." But if she came back to me after that and was like, "They're gone, we can finally be together now," I'd be like, "I'm sorry, what?" No, I was interested in spending time with the non-murderer, thanks anyway. Enjoy prison. Also I'd worry that a person who could kill their kids would one day kill me.
MOO, yes that twould have happened when CDs insurance money from Tammy ran out.
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