Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #71 *ARREST*

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Interesting how we heard from GD in LS video "is anyone curious about George" that it was HIM, who had to tell the sheriff's deputies they shouldn't be handling the bike the way they were but...

The deputy's body cam appears to reveal exactly the opposite, that him and Barry had to be told to stop touching it. :rolleyes:
Sunbathing in early May in Colorado... Did a weather search and looks like the high that day was around 63 degrees. Did BM convince SM to get in a bathing suit so that more skin would be exposed for a tranquilizer dart? Could have been a set up to get her in a bathing suit. Let's hang out by the hot tub ... JMO.
Indiana girls get swimsuits out in March so I’m not surprised she was sunbathing in that temperature- it is interesting to me she texted him to “get hottub stuff “
9:50 am BM text to SM: Want to go on hike?
9:52 SM to BM, Where? (No response) Later on, asking about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 SM to BM : Wanna meet to hike?
10:48 BM: No, coming home
10:48 SM: Get hot tub stuff
I listened to Chris last night with Tricia on YouTube and Chris was very into “the missing tree”. It most likely came in the container that was discarded during his trash dumping. Chris did his eye twinkle and smile thing and it did make me wonder. Did he plant a tree that night with Suzanne under it? Was the container the thing that he took her out of the house in?
These are vague memories and I may be remembering incorrectly, but didn’t Profiling Evil have details about a friend who was texting SM on May 9th about a wedding, and then the texts abruptly stopped on SM’s end?

Was that friend actually JL?
The men’s wear house is an odd location. It’s at a mall in Broomfield. The only thing of note is that there is a park and ride and bus stop in that immediate area. So perhaps that is where BM was spending his time seeing as how he had stopped at a bus stop previously for trash dump #1

One thing of note about Mens Wearhouse- there are two dumpsters and they are right out in front of the store and easily accessible. I thought that was an odd place to put dumpsters as they are usually around in the back and hidden or enclosed. At McDonalds and HIE they are enclosed by a tall wall/fence with a gate so they aren't unsightly and to keep vermin out, I guess. Sadly, this didn't keep Barry out of them. I think since Mens Wearhouse was probably not yet open and the dumpsters were so convenient, this is where Barry dumped the most stuff. I am just curious if stores like Mens Wearhouse were even open at that time. In Michigan, all stores other than essential stores were closed for some time. But, it is interesting about the close proximity to the Park and Ride. What could be the connotations of that? A helper waiting there? Did he leave his phone in his truck and hop on a bus to somewhere to do something else that was damning??
I think if LE can prove that BM got that 4-dart case right before Suzanne disappeared, they would be able to prove the timing of the tranq cap being found in the dryer.

There may be several sales receipts for LEGAL purchases. I think most tranquilizer darts are sold empty. The darts themselves can be bought off eBay, etc. It's the tranquilizer itself that's regulated.
I listened to Chris last night with Tricia on YouTube and Chris was very into “the missing tree”. It most likely came in the container that was discarded during his trash dumping. Chris did his eye twinkle and smile thing and it did make me wonder. Did he plant a tree that night with Suzanne under it? Was the container the thing that he took her out of the house in?

Chris did give a twinkle eye for the tree container. I recall during Andy's search, there was much excitement about a tree sales receipt.
Chris also verified that he knew about Suzanne's affair last fall and had confided this to Trisha.
He also stated that LE has important information from a past boyfriend of MM2, not her current one.
We should take a look at that, overlay a 95 ft radius (from garage?) on a photo of the house. I'm not good at that sort of thing, is anyone else?
If Barry knew enough to reboot his truck data, he might also know that Suzanne’s Range did not have a module. Move your truck out of the way, and use Suzanne’s.
These are vague memories and I may be remembering incorrectly, but didn’t Profiling Evil have details about a friend who was texting SM on May 9th about a wedding, and then the texts abruptly stopped on SM’s end?

Was that friend actually JL?
The friend is SO, and we haven’t quite gotten to the end of the timeline with Suzanne’s communication with her.

So either Andy was wrong, and it was only JL she was communicating with before her murder, or there is a bit more there with SO.
I am interested in what they know immediately following Barry putting the truck in reverse and backing it up 95 feet. Why that distance?
Maybe to back out another vehicle that was parked in front of the truck? It's a little bit more than the length of a basketball court if that gives you a visual (I need perspective on things like that too)
Chris did give a twinkle eye for the tree container. I recall during Andy's search, there was much excitement about a tree sales receipt.
Chris also verified that he knew about Suzanne's affair last fall and had confided this to Trisha.
He also stated that LE has important information from a past boyfriend of MM2, not her current one.

That's a little disturbing, actually.
If true, I'd like to know how he knew, since LE kept a very, very tight lid on this investigation.
Did he happen to mention how he knew about it?
Something I'm not so sure the lead investigators are happy to hear, that an outsider not privvy to this info suddenly came into possession of said info?
Hmm... if she were dead or incapacitated, he could have used facial recognition or thumb print for access??

IIRC, blood flow is required for fingerprint on modern phones, especially if using the more recent Qualcomm chips, and facial recognition can fail even with, for example, a nighttime dental guard, so not sure how well this would work for BM, depending on SM's state at the time (alive or dead, eyes open or closed, etc).

Why Dead Fingers (Usually) Can't Unlock a Phone
We should take a look at that, overlay a 95 ft radius (from garage?) on a photo of the house. I'm not good at that sort of thing, is anyone else?
I did it on google earth which has an easy to use measuring tool.
95ft is from the garage back out to the where the driveway comes up from 225 and meets the house.

Basically the distance from the garage on one end of the house to the other end of the house.
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That's a little disturbing, actually.
If true, I'd like to know how he knew, since LE kept a very, very tight lid on this investigation.
Did he happen to mention how he knew about it?
Something I'm not so sure the lead investigators are happy to hear, that an outsider not privvy to this info suddenly came into possession of said info?

Possibly from her family? By fall I'm sure that the affair info probably was known, maybe it took some time for it to be known who the guy was. BM's own mother alluded to someone close to Suzanne.
Indiana girls get swimsuits out in March so I’m not surprised she was sunbathing in that temperature- it is interesting to me she texted him to “get hottub stuff “
9:50 am BM text to SM: Want to go on hike?
9:52 SM to BM, Where? (No response) Later on, asking about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 SM to BM : Wanna meet to hike?
10:48 BM: No, coming home
10:48 SM: Get hot tub stuff

I find it interesting she asked him to get hot tub stuff too, especially since there was also mention that BM asked someone at Salida Stove & Spa about repairs to the hot tub.

Why would SM be asking BM to get stuff needed for a presumably operational hot tub if BM is talking with the spa folks about needed repairs?

I think the repairs weren't really needed. After that day, BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
I wonder when Barry stopped wearing his wedding ring (if that was one of Suzanne's 50 readons). Easily he could defend that decision due to occupational hazards....

I'm just curious if May 10th was the first time he started wearing it....

Narrative building.

Also wasn't one of the 50 reason to leave your lover the wedding ring? Wonder what that's about?
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