Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #53

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not a trap door to a basement IMO but we have attics. Also, I can't help but recall the "false" wall in a daycare that LE found - so I suppose it is possible they could have constructed something especially if they knew August 27 or 28 that they needed to cover for their son?
You don't think the FBI thought of this and eliminated it as a possibility long ago?
No kidding. She had it together more than I did at 22. I think it's still a wide open market, ie "influencer" although I hate that term as it was employed for Alexis Sharkey who had a BS in Biology with major honors.

All she had to do (Gabby) was break the mold, get out of that age-market she appeared to be focused on. Expand the blog to showcasing the "nature" of each camp site, each park, tie it to the past (Bridger.....Lewis & Clark) show the emblematic plants and animals, discuss the actual camp instead of all the rock climbing, and other stuff primarily attracting people her own age or younger. (IMO, sorry if I offend).

The parks have all that information online, all it would take is a photogenic gal willing to show viewers around, would attract old fogeys like me. IMO piling on Gabby because she wasn't prepared enough to instantly make big money is victim shaming. She's DEAD. What difference did it make if her big dream was sketched on the back of a napkin (like so many small businesses start out), and she hadn't taken a degree in business.

The youtube market is wide open, IMO, unfortunately she was not allowed to develop her dreams.
Her video has over 5.5 million views & the channel has over 100k subs. It kinda makes me sad that she is accomplishing her dream, but she’s just not here to see it. But it also makes me happy that even in her death, ppl still subbed to that channel & watched the video & made sure she accomplished her dream even after she was gone. BL never believed in her…she said that. & he was proven wrong.
Addressing these crackpot theories is the first time their coverage has gone off the rails, at least as far as I've seen. IMO.

They live in Florida which is basically a swamp. There are no basements or underground bunkers. This theory has no weight.
I usually try to keep an open mind to differing theories and provide alternative scenarios for something to be true or not true, but this one is just so out there I just can't.
I think it is very hard to predict or understand what someone would do in that situation which is why it is so dangerous IMO. You can "think" your son would act one way but he may impulsively do something else under the stress.

What makes it dangerous isn't his desire or propensity for suicide, but his willingness to do it himself. In many cases, people lack the nerve to take care of it themselves, so they resort to suicide by cop, and potentially aim to take out as many as they can before they're taken out. That's the scary part.
What if there is some sort of large pipe that runs from the property to somewhere closer to the reserve? Crazier things have been constructed like for the El Chapo escape (not that the L's are anywhere near that level). Or it could have pre existed and is simply being utilized. IMO.
250,000 will get companies to sponsor and make some money or free products from the sponsor. 2.5 followers will make a lot of money to live off of.

The more follower's the more sponser's will be interested in investing the advertising space to the user/owner and the money will start coming in for every post for the advertisers.

Gabby was no where near this during her trip. It was a couple of weeks ago where I read she had achieved 4 billion views of her sm. I've never heard that # before in sm followers.
You’re correct. 250k will get some brand deals for sure. 2.5 million subs on YouTube (depending on content) will get a good CPM for ad cents plus all the brand deals. It’s good money. But very hard to get to that point.
Her video has over 5.5 million views & the channel has over 100k subs. It kinda makes me sad that she is accomplishing her dream, but she’s just not here to see it. But it also makes me happy that even in her death, ppl still subbed to that channel & watched the video & made sure she accomplished her dream even after she was gone. BL never believed in her…she said that. & he was proven wrong.

Maybe she is watching from somewhere and smiling ....
I am very confused about the newer timeline now that SB has said BL actually left the parents home on 9/13 NOT 9/14. Maybe I have my timeline incorrect, but wasn't BL (with an older female) spotted at the AT&T store on 9/14? Also, I believe SB ALSO said the last time he had spoken with BL was on 9/14. How is that possible if BL left without his wallet AND phone?


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Okay. So the attorney statements have been really interesting to me and I've really just had the time to sit down and put them together. So here's a timeline based on what he's said to reporters and police reports to fill in the dates between what he's confirmed. I am only using Twitter-verified reporter's accounts to ensure the accuracy of the text messages.
8/17 - BL flies to Tampa from SLC to obtain "some items and empty and close storage unit to save money as they contemplated extending road trip." (10/5 Text from SB to Jorja Roman; Source: Jorja Roman Twitter)
8/23 - BL returned to SLC to rejoin GP. (Source: Jorja Roman Twitter)
9/1 - BL stops at CL's home before returning to parent's home. (Source: Justin Schecker Twitter.)
9/1 - License plate reader confirms the van entered the city of North Port at approximately 10:26 a.m.
9/4 - BL opens account with AT&T and purchases a new phone, which is the phone he left at home when he went on a hike on 9/14* (Note: References to the hike on 9/14 have been left as originally stated. It is also worth noting that at 2:25 p.m., SB stated he never confirmed the date the phone was purchased because he did not know the specific date, only that a phone was purchased and it was left at home. At 6:21 p.m., he'd apparently received the specific information and was able to confirm. 9/29 Text from SB Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/6 - 9/7 BL and parents check in at FDS campground. (9/28 Text from SB; Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.) (Note: Cassie Laundrie confirmed she also visited the campgrounds with the family on 9/6 in an interview outside her home; Source: Brian Entin Twitter)
9/10 @ 15:58 and 18:29 (3:58 and 6:29 p.m.) - NPPD record shows two separate phone calls received for public service at Laundrie residence. Reported "problem settled." All other information redacted. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/11 - Van was located at Laundrie residence in Florida. BL's parents refused to allow BL to speak with LE and directed officers to speak with their attorney. (Source: Search Warrant.)
9/11 - Three separate 911 called placed at Laundrie family home at 1:12 p.m. (follow up/investigation), 4:38 p.m (follow up/investigation) and 8:28 p.m (agency assist). (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/13- In an amended statement, SB states BL's parents now believe he left to hike Monday, September 13, not the 14th as previously stated. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter)
9/13 - SB speaks to BL. It is unclear whether he spoke to BL before or after he went hiking to know whether he would have been the last person to actually speak to BL before he essentially disappeared. (9/28 Text from SB; Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/14 - NPPD police report related to an abandoned vehicle at 6968 Reisterstown Road, which is the location of Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park. (Source: Your Sun.)
9/14 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/15- Mustang returned to Laundrie home. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.) (Note: The attorney confirms this on 10/5, but this was also pointed out in a live stream by Brian Entin prior to SB's text. It was also reported by Your Sun that the parents stated they picked up the car the next day.)
9/15 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/16 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/16 - Brian Entin reports Laundrie residence is very quiet, beginning to think BL and parents left. Police stated again they know where BL is but won't elaborate. (Note: Obviously he wasn't in the house, but thought it was relevant to note that LE stated they knew where BL was.) (Source: Brian Entin Twitter.)
9/17 - BL's parents report BL as missing person. (Note: If someone has the missing persons report for BL, let me know and I will link it. I didn't see one.) (Source: Your Sun.)
9/17 - Police return to Laundrie home twice. (Note: Presumably one of these instances is related to BL's parents reporting him missing.) (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/19 - SB releases statement: "The news about Gabby Petito is heartbreaking. The Laundrie family prays for Gabby and her family." (Note: SB has been very consistent in referencing BL and his parents separately. The wording of this implies the entire Laundrie family. At this point, BL has been reported missing, so I would have expected it to say Chris and Roberta or something identifying them apart. I can only guess he phrased it this way in an attempt to garner some sympathy for ALL of his clients, even though he would have no clue whether one of them was praying for her family or not, because he was missing.)(Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/20 - SB schedules and later cancels press conference pursuant to his conversation with FBI. (Source: Shannon Clowe Twitter and Shannon Clowe Twitter.)
9/23 - SB confirms: "The Laundrie's went to Orland to meet with their attorney." In a separate text, he clarified the attorney they met with was him. (Note: This is unrelated to BL, but I wanted to put it in to sort of show how SB refers to his clients and why I feel like the 9/19 statement about the "Laundrie family" was intended to include BL, despite having reported him missing.) (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter and Shannon Clowe Twitter.)
9/26 - FBI return to Laundrie residence. SB stated the FBI "requested some items belonging to Brian Laundrie to assist them with DNA matching and Brian's parents provided the FBI with what they could." (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/27 - Five 911 calls made from Laundrie home 8:06 a.m., 8:28 a.m, 1:29 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:13 p.m., 5:10 p.m. (Note: The article was published on 9/30 and states most recent records show calls made on Monday, so I'm assuming it means Monday 9/27. It does not indicate whether police responded to the calls.) (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/27 - SB releases statement: "Chris and Robert Laundrie do not know where Brian is. They are concerned about Brian and hope the FBI can locate him. The speculation by the public and some in the press that the parents assisted Brian in leaving the family home or in avoiding arrest on a warrant that was issued after Brian had already been missing for several days is just wrong." (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/30 - FBI return to Laundrie home to collect personal items belonging to BL to assist canines in search for Brian. (Source: Eileen Lepahmer Twitter.)
10/1 - SB states Cassie Laundrie saw her brother on 9/1 and 9/6.)
10/5 - SB confirms he only represents BL, CL (father, not sister) and RL. (Source: JB Twitter)
10/5 - SB amends original date parents last saw BL. He now states they believe he left to hike Monday, September 13. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter)

Here's my revised theory given the above information:

There are really only two unaccounted-for dates, 9/12 and 9/13. I've been waiting for SB to come out and say they were mistaken about the date.

First, I can't recall when SB originally said the parents picked up the Mustang, but I remember there being confusion over when the Mustang was actually returned. However, it always struck me as odd that he went hiking on the 14th and the report of an abandoned car was filed on the 14th. If the car was parked somewhere illegally, like not in a dedicated parking space, then you would assume the vehicle would have been towed and/or received a citation, but that wasn't the case. It also doesn't make sense to assume a vehicle is abandoned after sitting there for less than a day. The abandoned car reported seemed to indicate the car had been there for longer than a day.

Second, SB said that BL and his parents went to other places on two different dates the following weekend but did not give the dates. There's a reason for that. I don't know what it is yet, but it's a big one. I think you can automatically rule out the 10th due to the police responding to the home on two separate occasions. You can rule out the 11th due to LE retrieving the van that day and asking to speak to BL but being refused.

That only leaves the 12th and the 13th. Wherever they went on those two dates is going to be key. He has confirmed all other dates, but those two dates. He left those vague and he didn't volunteer the info on where they went. When it came out they had visited the park, he was quick to say the dates they were there to make it seem like no big deal. If the places they went on the two dates after that weekend were no big deal, then why not go ahead and put that out there? Now all of a sudden they're backtracking on the actual date he went missing and it's because they're trying to get ahead of something that is going to come out at some point.

ETA: I have this feeling that BL will only be "missing" long enough for SB to determine what kind of case has been built against his client. There's not a single person, short of the interviews that Cassie has given in the last couple of days, urging BL to come forward or desperately seeking the public's help in locating him.

Second Edit - Added in 911 calls from The Sun report. If anyone has an actual list of the incidents with more details, that would be great.
Another thing to add.. the lawyer’s written statement dated Sept 14th.

Okay. So the attorney statements have been really interesting to me and I've really just had the time to sit down and put them together. So here's a timeline based on what he's said to reporters and police reports to fill in the dates between what he's confirmed. I am only using Twitter-verified reporter's accounts to ensure the accuracy of the text messages.
8/17 - BL flies to Tampa from SLC to obtain "some items and empty and close storage unit to save money as they contemplated extending road trip." (10/5 Text from SB to Jorja Roman; Source: Jorja Roman Twitter)
8/23 - BL returned to SLC to rejoin GP. (Source: Jorja Roman Twitter)
9/1 - BL stops at CL's home before returning to parent's home. (Source: Justin Schecker Twitter.)
9/1 - License plate reader confirms the van entered the city of North Port at approximately 10:26 a.m.
9/4 - BL opens account with AT&T and purchases a new phone, which is the phone he left at home when he went on a hike on 9/14* (Note: References to the hike on 9/14 have been left as originally stated. It is also worth noting that at 2:25 p.m., SB stated he never confirmed the date the phone was purchased because he did not know the specific date, only that a phone was purchased and it was left at home. At 6:21 p.m., he'd apparently received the specific information and was able to confirm. 9/29 Text from SB Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/6 - 9/7 BL and parents check in at FDS campground. (9/28 Text from SB; Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.) (Note: Cassie Laundrie confirmed she also visited the campgrounds with the family on 9/6 in an interview outside her home; Source: Brian Entin Twitter)
9/10 @ 15:58 and 18:29 (3:58 and 6:29 p.m.) - NPPD record shows two separate phone calls received for public service at Laundrie residence. Reported "problem settled." All other information redacted. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/11 - Van was located at Laundrie residence in Florida. BL's parents refused to allow BL to speak with LE and directed officers to speak with their attorney. (Source: Search Warrant.)
9/11 - Three separate 911 called placed at Laundrie family home at 1:12 p.m. (follow up/investigation), 4:38 p.m (follow up/investigation) and 8:28 p.m (agency assist). (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/13- In an amended statement, SB states BL's parents now believe he left to hike Monday, September 13, not the 14th as previously stated. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter)
9/13 - SB speaks to BL. It is unclear whether he spoke to BL before or after he went hiking to know whether he would have been the last person to actually speak to BL before he essentially disappeared. (9/28 Text from SB; Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/14 - NPPD police report related to an abandoned vehicle at 6968 Reisterstown Road, which is the location of Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park. (Source: Your Sun.)
9/14 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/15- Mustang returned to Laundrie home. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.) (Note: The attorney confirms this on 10/5, but this was also pointed out in a live stream by Brian Entin prior to SB's text. It was also reported by Your Sun that the parents stated they picked up the car the next day.)
9/15 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/16 - Police return to Laundrie home. (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/16 - Brian Entin reports Laundrie residence is very quiet, beginning to think BL and parents left. Police stated again they know where BL is but won't elaborate. (Note: Obviously he wasn't in the house, but thought it was relevant to note that LE stated they knew where BL was.) (Source: Brian Entin Twitter.)
9/17 - BL's parents report BL as missing person. (Note: If someone has the missing persons report for BL, let me know and I will link it. I didn't see one.) (Source: Your Sun.)
9/17 - Police return to Laundrie home twice. (Note: Presumably one of these instances is related to BL's parents reporting him missing.) (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/19 - SB releases statement: "The news about Gabby Petito is heartbreaking. The Laundrie family prays for Gabby and her family." (Note: SB has been very consistent in referencing BL and his parents separately. The wording of this implies the entire Laundrie family. At this point, BL has been reported missing, so I would have expected it to say Chris and Roberta or something identifying them apart. I can only guess he phrased it this way in an attempt to garner some sympathy for ALL of his clients, even though he would have no clue whether one of them was praying for her family or not, because he was missing.)(Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/20 - SB schedules and later cancels press conference pursuant to his conversation with FBI. (Source: Shannon Clowe Twitter and Shannon Clowe Twitter.)
9/23 - SB confirms: "The Laundrie's went to Orland to meet with their attorney." In a separate text, he clarified the attorney they met with was him. (Note: This is unrelated to BL, but I wanted to put it in to sort of show how SB refers to his clients and why I feel like the 9/19 statement about the "Laundrie family" was intended to include BL, despite having reported him missing.) (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter and Shannon Clowe Twitter.)
9/26 - FBI return to Laundrie residence. SB stated the FBI "requested some items belonging to Brian Laundrie to assist them with DNA matching and Brian's parents provided the FBI with what they could." (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/27 - Five 911 calls made from Laundrie home 8:06 a.m., 8:28 a.m, 1:29 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:13 p.m., 5:10 p.m. (Note: The article was published on 9/30 and states most recent records show calls made on Monday, so I'm assuming it means Monday 9/27. It does not indicate whether police responded to the calls.) (Source: The U.S. Sun.)
9/27 - SB releases statement: "Chris and Robert Laundrie do not know where Brian is. They are concerned about Brian and hope the FBI can locate him. The speculation by the public and some in the press that the parents assisted Brian in leaving the family home or in avoiding arrest on a warrant that was issued after Brian had already been missing for several days is just wrong." (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter.)
9/30 - FBI return to Laundrie home to collect personal items belonging to BL to assist canines in search for Brian. (Source: Eileen Lepahmer Twitter.)
10/1 - SB states Cassie Laundrie saw her brother on 9/1 and 9/6.)
10/5 - SB confirms he only represents BL, CL (father, not sister) and RL. (Source: JB Twitter)
10/5 - SB amends original date parents last saw BL. He now states they believe he left to hike Monday, September 13. (Source: Jossie Carbonare Twitter)

Here's my revised theory given the above information:

There are really only two unaccounted-for dates, 9/12 and 9/13. I've been waiting for SB to come out and say they were mistaken about the date.

First, I can't recall when SB originally said the parents picked up the Mustang, but I remember there being confusion over when the Mustang was actually returned. However, it always struck me as odd that he went hiking on the 14th and the report of an abandoned car was filed on the 14th. If the car was parked somewhere illegally, like not in a dedicated parking space, then you would assume the vehicle would have been towed and/or received a citation, but that wasn't the case. It also doesn't make sense to assume a vehicle is abandoned after sitting there for less than a day. The abandoned car reported seemed to indicate the car had been there for longer than a day.

Second, SB said that BL and his parents went to other places on two different dates the following weekend but did not give the dates. There's a reason for that. I don't know what it is yet, but it's a big one. I think you can automatically rule out the 10th due to the police responding to the home on two separate occasions. You can rule out the 11th due to LE retrieving the van that day and asking to speak to BL but being refused.

That only leaves the 12th and the 13th. Wherever they went on those two dates is going to be key. He has confirmed all other dates, but those two dates. He left those vague and he didn't volunteer the info on where they went. When it came out they had visited the park, he was quick to say the dates they were there to make it seem like no big deal. If the places they went on the two dates after that weekend were no big deal, then why not go ahead and put that out there? Now all of a sudden they're backtracking on the actual date he went missing and it's because they're trying to get ahead of something that is going to come out at some point.

ETA: I have this feeling that BL will only be "missing" long enough for SB to determine what kind of case has been built against his client. There's not a single person, short of the interviews that Cassie has given in the last couple of days, urging BL to come forward or desperately seeking the public's help in locating him.

Second Edit - Added in 911 calls from The Sun report. If anyone has an actual list of the incidents with more details, that would be great.
Its not a stretch to believe both GP and BL planned and paid for their adventure together. The nuts and bolts of it are their individual goals. What did they want to accomplish and are those goals the same?

I seems she wanted to broaden her interaction with the world, while he saw the trip as a means of distancing himself from the world. He belittled her efforts for that reason, and it became a fiery contention between them. He just can't seem to get her to cut the societal cord, to leave all communication behind and become one with a frugal, lonesome isolation. That's just not her. She's not fully into the game and it sticks in both their craws.

For all the discussion of the where's and whens, the most important is the whys. The inner dynamics of two personalities hoping for more, yet clashing at the epicenter where they should comfortably meet. They go through the cursory motions, but they have this immovable obstacle. Once met, the sad result is physical. They're simply out of reasonable ways to overcome the glaring abyss of difference living in the hub of their wheel. Her innate embrace of this world and everything in it, and his complete rejection of it for the world of self. Tough stuff and a flashpoint when youth, emotional immaturity,inability of compromise and raging hormones meet.

“The only thing I could say is they were ‘couple goals,’” said Nicole Kalanich, a former co-worker. “They were very happy never would expect this from Brian or Gabby.”

The couple worked at a local Publix Supermarket, Petito in the pharmacy and Laundrie in the grocery department.

“They were saving up for this trip, I guess because he got her in to work at Publix,” Kalanich said.

Search for Gabby Petito's Fiancé Continues in Florida, Warrant Issued for His Arrest
Does the FBI website list Brian Laundrie as a missing person?
To my knowledge, he never was.

I'd been checking Most Wanted — FBI since GP was reported missing and continued after she was found and the indictment on BL was handed down. You'll note the site has very specific drop down categories for fugitives, and his present indictment does not seem to fall within those boxes. This is why I think he may not be listed as a fugitive, that or it's some technicality like they would have to prove he knew of the indictment. Not sure, but that doesn't "not" make him a fugitive. MOO.

I distinctly noticed he was never listed as a missing person either.
I am very confused about the newer timeline now that SB has said BL actually left the parents home on 9/13 NOT 9/14. Maybe I have my timeline incorrect, but wasn't BL (with an older female) spotted at the AT&T store on 9/14? Also, I believe SB ALSO said the last time he had spoken with BL was on 9/14. How is that possible if BL left without his wallet AND phone?

Yea that is something I was thinking about too, who was the older lady? Is she the one helping him potentially
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