Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #56

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Just hypothetically and I in no way think this happened, but

Theoretically, she could have met up with friends, after a day or so he tired of them, and wanted to split. Gabby didn't want to, they argued perhaps he said he is leaving she said she isn't, I'm staying with them. He said you can't leave me hanging. She may have threatened this earlier. Brian alluded to this fear in Moab.

Obviously, MOO
But no one has come forward and this case is reaching the uk, Australia etc, I just find it very hard to imagine. I’d just like to point out at no point did I say he killed her I simply said it’s negligent to leave anyone without a vehicle or their home in this case and also to take the money source. It’s two accounts remember, he could have just taken one if it was innocent, and left her with the other one. He took both a credit and debit card. This is JMO
Sorry edit used two accounts. I’m getting a lot of replies so I’m not sure if this is the same reply as I was on about earlier. This thread is so quick.
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Personally, I see no reason to take CL to the swamp to see anything that can't be accomplished by showing a picture. So that reason makes no sense to me.

I CAN see it as a tactic to tell him he is needed and see if any conversation ensues with him that helps the FBI.
It just makes no sense to me at all. I have never seen this done.

I posted and now I am thinking further. One thing it also does is separate CL and RL. Maybe SHE is the one in contact in BL and the idea to separate would give her time to do that?

Or to isolate. A “verified insider/professional” could call Brian’s mom on the phone where she could speak. Alone…

I think all of these are possibilities.

Aa I said in my original post though, if they were acting on those assumptions doesn't it seem awfully careless to bring CL and his escort in there to possibly face a "cray-cray" with absolutely no protection? What if he just started shooting? They don't bring a civilian in to an uncontrolled environment like that in anything I've ever seen. It's not like when someone's holed up in an apartment and they get mom on the bull horn to plead with them. It just seems like they'd be open to all sorts of liability if something happened to CL. JMO

Maybe they don't think BL is in the reserve and primarily brought CL there for the other reasons.

If someone I know, or even barely know, is texting and calling telling me their child is missing, and I don't respond, would feel like I was being cold-hearted and downright weird IMO

But this situation goes further than that and is even worse. Gabby's family was asking for responses from the people who Gabby lived with. And the parents of the person she was travelling with. Asking if they had seen Brian or Gabby.

Ahh, so after you heard your son's story about killing his girlfriend, which would you feel more cold-hearted and downright weird about. Not returning their call? Or possibly saying more than you should which wouldn't bring GP back, but might potentially be the the thing that gets him the electric chair? That moralistic scale is weighed pretty heavy on each side.
On Aug 12th they didn't have money for a hotel room for the night. Five days later they had money for a five night stay and a round trip flight to FL. I keep hearing that line from Springsteen's Atlantic City: "So, honey, last night, I met this guy, and I'm gonna do a little favor for him..." I can't shake the feeling that there are more hands in all of this.

The question of how they suddenly acquired money for the hotel and flight has been preying on my mind for a while.

How did they suddenly have the money to pay for those things when they didn't have money for a hotel room for a single night before?

Did they each phone their respective parents and say they'd had yet another bust up, and subsequently BL's parents paid for his flight home, and GP's parents paid for her hotel stay in SLC so they could have a week away from each other to cool down?

Does anyone know if the flight that was booked from SLC to FL was a return flight? Was there always the intention to return? Was it booked as a one way flight, maybe with the intention of splitting up for good, but upon returning to FL, BL changed his mind (either in defiance of his parents, or possibly persuaded by his parents) and decided to fly back out to Utah?

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I read that GP was working 50 hours a week at Taco Bell before they hit the road. It makes me wonder if in addition to earning more, she wanted to spend as much time away from that home as possible. When Cassie's family moved out, perhaps the parents weren't thrilled to have GP there. Pure speculation but I don't think BL was as invested in van life GP was.

She purchased the vehicle and did the trip research. BL was up for the van prep and the fun but not the work involved to gain income from vlogging IMO. Were his parents in favor of this trip? I think maybe not.

We hear about communications while traveling between Gabby & her parents but not Brian and his. I'm curious about that.

Anything the FBI can do to increase their contact with the parents is good. I think we can get a break in the case that way. Getting the Dad out and interacting is promising.

Regardless of their lawyer's advice, the L's can help the FBI if they decide to for whatever reason - offer of immunity or whatever.

Until the L family retains criminal legal counsel & refuses contact, the FBI should seek out any way to interact with them face to face.

ChL and RL have counsel. LE would have needed to approach the Ls through SB, but they are certainly within their rights to tell their own lawyer they don't want/need him to be there for the actual "field trip."
The first LE reason might work if they knew BL was there.

As for the second LE reason and the first CL one -- has CL publicly called for his son to turn himself in?
I have been giving this some thought.

When was Brian named a person of interest? I think it was after he went missing. Likewise the issue of the arrest warrant for unauthorised use of credit and debit cards.

When did they start searching for Brian - I think this was before he was named as a POI in Gabby's death and before the aarest warrant was issued.
So my question is, is he a fugitive or a missing person? Is there a difference because of the timings?
Exactly!! Anddddd that atty threw her under the bed. He has no business including her in his "all Laundries"

I believe we should, as has been mentioned, take the lawyer's tweets with a grain of salt, they could be nothing but subterfuge and diversion. MOOIMHOWADR

He threw her under the bus as well as the bed....
Imo,Did CL move his truck,under the tree into the shade..After an agent suggested it.
It would be difficult for covert placement in to vehicle outside their home.
Moo Moo
@NCWatcher posted:

"Yes, but BL may have told his parents they broke up & GP didn't want to talk to her parents about it yet. That she'd call them when she was ready. So his parents may not have listened to the messages left to know she was "missing." We just don't know what they knew or what they thought they knew. And while GP and BL had lived with them, they were adults...adults capable of planning a 4-month+ meandering tour of national parks. Young but not that young.


My understanding is that GP's family was texting in addition to calling.
I agree they're adults free to wander. But this was still Gabby's place of residence, and her family rightfully believed she was missing.
I have been giving this some thought.

When was Brian named a person of interest? I think it was after he went missing. Likewise the issue of the arrest warrant for unauthorised use of credit and debit cards.

When did they start searching for Brian - I think this was before he was named as a POI in Gabby's death and before the aarest warrant was issued.
So my question is, is he a fugitive or a missing person? Is there a difference because of the timings?
According to Fox News, he was named a POI on 9/15. He was reported missing on 9/17.
Gabby Petito fiancé, Brian Laundrie, named person of interest in disappearance case

Edit: Removing my original comment about the officer statement about why LE went to the Laundrie home on the 17th since I'm not sure where I read that. I did find this from the NY Post. Gabby Petito boyfriend Brian Laundrie is now also missing
Is this in anyway related?
Megan Myers


HAPPENING NOW- LCSO deputies are searching the area off of Pope Ct. in North Fort Myers. We are working to find out more information

View attachment 316350 View attachment 316351

Brian Entin says that area above is not where he followed (CL?) today. (I didn’t see the video, I don’t know who BE was following.)
They stopped briefly in that residential area and the black SUV pulled up beside CL's truck. I assumed they were talking back and forth for a moment. Then CL pulled out in front of the SUV and they continued on their route. Not long after that stop, the vehicles parted ways. I wondered if CL perhaps pointed the officer/agent in the direction of something/someone of importance.

Does this look like the area they stopped in?

I copied from a previous post but don't know how to copy the whole post here
There you go…no questions to be answered by Chris today…


asked #BrianLaundrie’s family attorney where Chris Laundrie is taking law enforcement today & if he’s answering FBI Q’s. He said he’s not on the phone with him through the process but “no questions to be answered by Chris” & he’s taking them to “places Brian was known to go”

Police hunting Gabby Petito's boyfriend Brian Laundrie find 'fresh campsite' in Carlton Reserve | Daily Mail Online
  • Christopher Laundrie joins search for fugitive son Brian as cops find 'fresh campsite' in Florida's Carlton Reserve

  • His cooperation comes as officials found 'fresh traces of a campsite' in Florida's Carlton Reserve near the area where Brian's Ford Mustang was found last month after he went missing on September 14
  • Christopher was at the scene guiding law enforcement through the trails the family frequents
  • While no new discoveries were made, the Laundrie's attorney said, 'Hopefully Brian will be located soon'

Christopher Laundrie, father of the missing Brian Laundrie, was spotted leaving his house on Thursday for the first time this week amid the hunt for this son


Christopher will lead officials through the trails the family is known to have frequented at the Carlton Reserve

He will continue to guide law enforcement through the area as they investigate a newly found campsite in the reserve
Christopher has agreed to finally aid in the search for his son after police spotted a fresh campsite in the Carlton Reserves, where Brian is suspected to be hiding at

Officials found a fresh campsite at the T. Marbary Jr. Memorial Reservation. Laundrie's abandoned Ford Mustang was found just at the outskirts of the area last month


  • upload_2021-10-7_16-11-54.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 22
I apologize if I wasn't clear. I wasn't making how I "feel about myself" a priority. I was conveying that IMO it would be abnormal, immoral, etc, if I did this, and also if others did this.

As for Gabby already being gone, did you mean if Ls knew that? IMO it would be even worse if they did.

IMO it doesn't matter if "her parents were not going to get relief from anything the Ls could tell them."
MOO It's not a valid reason to ignore a family desperately looking for info on their missing daughter who lives with Ls.
We can agree to disagree. All I know is that I always put my kids' physical and mental health before my own. I can't fault them for doing the same. They wouldn't have to do anything morally wrong or otherwise if he hadn't killed her in the first place. I'm going to focus on BL.
Seems odd to me that GP was working at Taco Bell. A girl with her looks and personality could surely do better than that, at least being a hostess in a nice restaurant. Maybe BL didn't want that kind of contact with so many people for her. But it seems she has had unskilled labor type jobs since graduating high school. I wonder why.

Working in the food service industry is honest and hard work for sure. Did it myself when young. But she could have done so much more in terms of jobs, choice of boyfriend/"fiance"' etc. Sure they are young but the ambition to be making a living from SM just feels weird to me with no apparent Plan B for life?

Not my intention to be victim bashing. Just trying to get inside her head I guess. She had such incredibly strong family support. Agree as others have said BL manipulation to get her away from that. But didn't one set of her parents also move to Florida?

Agree with earlier posts that maybe LE wanted to get dad L away from mom L to see if he would talk? But he seems to be the strongest link not to crack. But also don't understand why lawyer would ok this, as also stated earlier.

Just my speculation and opinion and trying to make sense of this horror.
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