VA VA - Codi Bigsby, 4, last seen at dad's home, Cory Bigsby (dad) named as POI, Hampton, 31 Jan 2022

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Hampton police have not said when Codi was last seen by anyone outside of his family, with the FBI post raising speculation that he has been missing since Christmas.

“We don’t have that,” said Cpl. Ernest Williams when asked if the boy was seen over the holidays. “We just reached out trying to get as much data on him as possible. So we just stretched it out a little more.”

Investigators trying to pinpoint sightings of missing 4-year-old, Codi Bigsby, since Christmas
Wow. A couple days ago I opined that this case would be resolved quickly but the latest news changes things - in the worst possible way. :(

Where are you little Codi?
Sarah Hammond

JUST IN: Hampton attorney Jeffrey Ambrose has been retained to represent Cory Bigsby. His office says he hasn’t spoken to his client yet. At last check, Cory was still at police headquarters voluntarily

Sarah Hammond

I just spoke with Ambrose. He tells me he went to the Hampton Police Division earlier today to speak with Cory Bigsby, but was not allowed to see him. He says officers told him that because he is there voluntarily and had not asked for an attorney, they couldn't talk to him...

Sarah Hammond @SarahHammondTV

“I am concerned that because he has been there for so long and is not being told about the presence of counsel, that his presence may not be voluntary," Ambrose tells me. "We are simply not being given access to him so that we can confirm that."

Lawyer says Hampton police denied access to Cory Bigsby |
Ambrose said he and co-counsel went to the police headquarters earlier Thursday afternoon but was told he wasn't allowed to enter, because Cory didn't request an attorney and was present voluntarily.

According to Ambrose, he requested that detectives inform Cory that legal counsel hired by his family was present. He said he was told that they wouldn't do so, and wouldn't answer further questions on the matter.

??? Weird.
From above link.

Ricky Matthews @WAVY_RickyM

Search crews are also searching Gosnold's Hope Park in Hampton in the woods near the BMX track. Also brought in a boat.



Feeling like something may break here soon
JMO but I think with all the evidence from the home and their previous conferences they may be close to charging his father.

As for finding Codi I think it may take some time as I suspect he's been missing for a few weeks rather than days.
Sarah Hammond

JUST IN: Hampton attorney Jeffrey Ambrose has been retained to represent Cory Bigsby. His office says he hasn’t spoken to his client yet. At last check, Cory was still at police headquarters voluntarily

Sarah Hammond

I just spoke with Ambrose. He tells me he went to the Hampton Police Division earlier today to speak with Cory Bigsby, but was not allowed to see him. He says officers told him that because he is there voluntarily and had not asked for an attorney, they couldn't talk to him...

Sarah Hammond @SarahHammondTV

“I am concerned that because he has been there for so long and is not being told about the presence of counsel, that his presence may not be voluntary," Ambrose tells me. "We are simply not being given access to him so that we can confirm that."

Lawyer says Hampton police denied access to Cory Bigsby |
Ambrose said he and co-counsel went to the police headquarters earlier Thursday afternoon but was told he wasn't allowed to enter, because Cory didn't request an attorney and was present voluntarily.

According to Ambrose, he requested that detectives inform Cory that legal counsel hired by his family was present. He said he was told that they wouldn't do so, and wouldn't answer further questions on the matter.

??? Weird.
This is concerning, I will not be shocked if a good defense attorney doesn’t get everything he has said ruled inadmissible in a trial.
Rhoda is a private citizen reporter that runs around the Hampton Roads area following stories. She's quite a colorful character with a large fan base. She does not work for the news stations.
I just watched her, she's delightful. The live interview with the sister was very good. Moo
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I swear I didn't see this before I posted above!!

Aesia Toliver @AesiaWAVY

#BREAKING An official source tells me Cory Bigsby has been arrested on 7 counts of child neglect stemming from incidents going back to December. He will be in court tomorrow morning for his arraignment.
Lol, just own your excellent intuitive skills, girl! :cool:

I've been trying to find links to an arrest roster and court dockets but haven't had any luck. The sheriff's office doesn't have an online search. Any other place to look?
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