Still Missing CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021 *husband arrested* #5

...As for the refrigerator, no amount of scrubbing or bleach can remove all evidence; the forensic team would have been able to capture trace amounts and see residual blood patterns.
Maybe, but it would depend, and that's if they actually did any forensics testing on it, but I don't think they did any. It doesn't sound like LE was as interested as I was upon hearing of that freezer.

As long as the subject of the missing freezer is being discussed again, please let me include this news article with a pic of the actual freezer, which Billy Little, asked to investigate by the family, found at the relatives. (IMO, plenty big enough to hide a petite woman's body.) Apparently, LE didn't confiscate and do testing on that freezer as you think they would. A wrapped bagged body could have been put in that freezer and LE perhaps didn't test it at all. All this is My Own Opinion.


Attorney describes walk-through of Maya Millete’s South Bay house |
from the article:

Inside the garage, Little said he discovered a freezer was missing.

“I called Chula Vista Police and I said, ‘Hey, there's a freezer missing from the garage,’” said Little. “Then there was no action, so I found the freezer myself. I went over and found it from one of Larry's relatives.”

The relative claimed he had planned on picking up the freezer for some time, according to Little. The attorney said he snapped a photo of the freezer in the relative’s home.

For months, Little said he has been collecting evidence in the case, including hundreds of text messages sent in 2020 by Maya’s husband to friends and family.
Maybe, but it would depend, and that's if they actually did any forensics testing on it, but I don't think they did any. It doesn't sound like LE was as interested as I was upon hearing of that freezer.

As long as the subject of the missing freezer is being discussed again, please let me include this news article with a pic of the actual freezer, which Billy Little, asked to investigate by the family, found at the relatives. (IMO, plenty big enough to hide a petite woman's body.) Apparently, LE didn't confiscate and do testing on that freezer as you think they would. A wrapped bagged body could have been put in that freezer and LE perhaps didn't test it at all. All this is My Own Opinion.


Attorney describes walk-through of Maya Millete’s South Bay house |
from the article:

Inside the garage, Little said he discovered a freezer was missing.

“I called Chula Vista Police and I said, ‘Hey, there's a freezer missing from the garage,’” said Little. “Then there was no action, so I found the freezer myself. I went over and found it from one of Larry's relatives.”

The relative claimed he had planned on picking up the freezer for some time, according to Little. The attorney said he snapped a photo of the freezer in the relative’s home.

For months, Little said he has been collecting evidence in the case, including hundreds of text messages sent in 2020 by Maya’s husband to friends and family.
Thank heavens for BL. CVPD….smh.

Amateur opinion and speculation
snipped.... Will appreciate hearing others thoughts on the likelihood of where MM's remains rest. Buried? Water? Cavern/cave/mine? Down a ravine?
Bumping your initial post, which was very thought provoking. Hoping others will share their thoughts. Maya's Search Teams have worked tirelessly for over a year. It'd help greatly to have found the remains before LM's on trial. Prayers.
The only thing we may disagree on is the appliance. I remember it being a small deep freezer, but you keep calling it a refrigerator. o_O
She could still be in some other freezer in a different area, garage, warehouse, or in a drum in a storage unit. . Perhaps she is not hidden in land or water …but in a thing

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She could still be in some other freezer in a different area, garage, warehouse, or in a drum in a storage unit. . Perhaps she is not hidden in land or water …but in a thing

You bring up an excellent point. He does seem creepy enough (think of that altar), to go “visit” her remains….

amateur opinion and speculation
She could still be in some other freezer in a different area, garage, warehouse, or in a drum in a storage unit. . Perhaps she is not hidden in land or water …but in a thing


I believe there are a few reasons that have led to family and LE speculating that she is dumped in the desert or wilderness somewhere. The three biggest points being:

1) the day following her disappearance, when her family went to check on her, they made an observation that Maya's jeep (the vehicleLarry took to dispose of her in) had air let out of the tires. Being that they were all active outdoors and camping specifically, they knew this is what you do when driving on sandy services or sand dunes. So they believe he went somewhere east in those 10 hours.

2) I can't recall specifically, but there was something about them believe he may have gotten lost at one point in those 10 hours, as he had very briefly turned on the car's GPS, although they couldn't detect from where he did so. This may indicate he purposely went somewhere he hadn't been before, or somewhere extremely remote, in order to dispose of her body.

3) as far as we know, and based on their pleas for tips on people who may have seen the jeep around that day, they could not find the jeep on any security cameras or traffic cameras. This would make sense if he was out on remote highways or roads where there are no such cameras, and very little to no people.

You bring up an excellent point. He does seem creepy enough (think of that altar), to go “visit” her remains….

amateur opinion and speculation

Although I agree on his creep factor and his obsessiveness supporting this socio behavior, LE was on him quite quickly, and I don't think he would have ever had the opportunity or would have risked "checking" on her body. Many murderers have been caught this way.
Thinking about where Maya might be, and looking at aerial maps. I find it hard to fathom that smallish-man LM would be able to tote MM (despite her petite size) very far on his own...

What ever became of the alleged vehicle captured on video pulling up in front of his home in the early hours of the fateful morning? What ever became of that refrigerator that was given to the relative shortly after MM disappeared? Anyone know the status of the relatives who took possession of that refrigerator?

I wonder if LM had any gym weights in his home that he could have weighted MM down with before depositing her in a body of water? Otherwise, a water burial seems less likely

While I'm sure there are plenty of remote coastal areas where MM could have been dumped in to the ocean, it seems risky for LM.

What are these two bodies of water that show on the map close to the San Diego Wildlife refuge? Would those be likely dumping grounds? What about the wildlife refuge? Anything there that could lend it self to subterfuge, or too traveled?

My theory shys away from LM burying Maya; he doesn't appear to be particularly robust, and burying someone would be an arduous task. I think he dumped/concealed her. If forced to chose, I would say dump/conceal vs. water, unless he had heavy gym weights at home. Weights sounds still too physical for LM, whereas dumping seems more likely to a steep hill, in to a ravine, etc. Sorry to be so graphic.

Will appreciate hearing others thoughts on the likelihood of where MM's remains rest. Buried? Water? Cavern/cave/mine? Down a ravine?

Amateur opinion and speculation
i feel like occatilla area makes sense. very desolate.
i feel like occatilla area makes sense. very desolate.
It has been years since I've been out there, Ocotillo Wells and Anza Borrego, those wind caves out there. People get into some remote areas with their dune buggies and ATVs. If she's out there in that vastness, I pray for divine intervention to help in finding her before the trial.
It has been years since I've been out there, Ocotillo Wells and Anza Borrego, those wind caves out there. People get into some remote areas with their dune buggies and ATVs. If she's out there in that vastness, I pray for divine intervention to help in finding her before the trial.
View attachment 338235
i know :(
Hello, local cv resident here.

I’m not sure if this is relevant but it hasn’t left my mind since May went missing.

On January 7th 2021 10:57 AM to be exact ( I have a pic) I took my kids to salt creek park off Otay lakes road and we could see a cloud of smoke by the old golf course which would be close to her mount Miguel home.

I know they say her phone was last active on the 8th but could it be possible he tried to get rid of evidence a day before?

No one ever really knew what caused that fire btw.
Hello, local cv resident here.

I’m not sure if this is relevant but it hasn’t left my mind since May went missing.

On January 7th 2021 10:57 AM to be exact ( I have a pic) I took my kids to salt creek park off Otay lakes road and we could see a cloud of smoke by the old golf course which would be close to her mount Miguel home.

I know they say her phone was last active on the 8th but could it be possible he tried to get rid of evidence a day before?

No one ever really knew what caused that fire btw.
Send this as a tip to the Chula Vista PD.
You never know.

amateur opinion and speculation
My uncle went missing for 5 years (found deceased) when my mother was in high school.Ambiguous loss is extremely painful & paralyzing. I pray every day May’s family gets her back because it’s almost impossible to put one foot in front of the other.

I believe the suspect had accomplices. His uncle maybe. border is only 10 minutes away. no checking going into mexico. They had waaaay ample time to dispose any evidence or body. Its been a while so i dont even remember, but it was months until they went to uncle Ricky's house to check up on the freezer and confiscate the guns. Hopefully they checked on his suv/truck for any trace of anything.

I cant believe it was a dump and run, because any trace of the body wouldve been noticed. Its been over a year. Almost 1 1/2 years. San Diego is so densed, with dog walkers, joggers, hikers, beach goeers. In land, some evidence shouldve came up. In sea, something mustve washed to shore by now. Body dumped way into the ocean..where you need a boat.. any records of anybody he is in relation with would've turned up.

the Prosection probably has all that and all the evidence to prove that already. Trial will end shortly. I wished it was televised though. This case hits home really. God Bless MM.

-all speculation
I believe the suspect had accomplices. His uncle maybe. border is only 10 minutes away. no checking going into mexico. They had waaaay ample time to dispose any evidence or body. Its been a while so i dont even remember, but it was months until they went to uncle Ricky's house to check up on the freezer and confiscate the guns. Hopefully they checked on his suv/truck for any trace of anything.

I cant believe it was a dump and run, because any trace of the body wouldve been noticed. Its been over a year. Almost 1 1/2 years. San Diego is so densed, with dog walkers, joggers, hikers, beach goeers. In land, some evidence shouldve came up. In sea, something mustve washed to shore by now. Body dumped way into the ocean..where you need a boat.. any records of anybody he is in relation with would've turned up.

the Prosection probably has all that and all the evidence to prove that already. Trial will end shortly. I wished it was televised though. This case hits home really. God Bless MM.

-all speculation
Agree he had helpers at some stage of his dastardly mission.
I thought of crossing the border initially, and you are right that they don't check going in. However, there are Policias everywhere with machine guns; a poor choice for a novice criminal to be moving around with a dead body. Committing any crime in mexico is a very bad idea; our prison system is a resort in comparison to theirs. Besides, they would have known if he crossed the border; they do take a snap shot of your car plate crossing.

As far as not having found her body, I'm not surprised. Finding remains outdoors is incredibly difficult, and most especially so in the terrain in the extended area surrounding Chula Vista. I think those of you who have suggested she was dumped inland around the Otay area, are on the right track. Moving a dead body (even a petite one), would be no small task for a smallish man like LM. Unless he had gym weights at home to weigh her down, it's unlikely she ended up in water. I do think she was tucked away somewhere, or dumped down a ravine. Digging a grave would be a lot of effort, and I don't see little LM doing that either; too much physical work for a man used to a desk job.

Regardless, it doesn't matter. He's not smart enough to know that there will be trace evidence in areas in the home he wouldn't have thought to clean, but where blood would only travel to by means of trajectory via a stabbing or shooting. There will likely be trace evidence in the vehicle as well, and certainly in the freezer. No amount of bleach can remove it all.
He just isn't the brightest tool in the shed.

All the energy and vitriol expended attempting to discredit MM, should be focused on trying to cut a deal with DA. All just amateur opinion and speculation, of course.

As for the beautiful and accomplished one can kill the love and admiration her children, friends, and family have for her; that will endure. You have to ask yourself how someone's mind could become so warped and poisoned that they would take the life of such a beautiful spirit, and in the process damn their own. Then again, we see thread after thread on WS, where this is sadly the case.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I believe the suspect had accomplices. His uncle maybe. border is only 10 minutes away. no checking going into mexico. They had waaaay ample time to dispose any evidence or body. Its been a while so i dont even remember, but it was months until they went to uncle Ricky's house to check up on the freezer and confiscate the guns. Hopefully they checked on his suv/truck for any trace of anything.

I cant believe it was a dump and run, because any trace of the body wouldve been noticed. Its been over a year. Almost 1 1/2 years. San Diego is so densed, with dog walkers, joggers, hikers, beach goeers. In land, some evidence shouldve came up. In sea, something mustve washed to shore by now. Body dumped way into the ocean..where you need a boat.. any records of anybody he is in relation with would've turned up.

the Prosection probably has all that and all the evidence to prove that already. Trial will end shortly. I wished it was televised though. This case hits home really. God Bless MM.

-all speculation

It took almost 4 years for the McStay family to be found after being buried in the desert. Despite being so populated, there are still places in SoCal where crossing paths with others is unlikely (some of these have been pointed out by other posters).

Mexico is an interesting thought.
Hello, local cv resident here.

I’m not sure if this is relevant but it hasn’t left my mind since May went missing.

On January 7th 2021 10:57 AM to be exact ( I have a pic) I took my kids to salt creek park off Otay lakes road and we could see a cloud of smoke by the old golf course which would be close to her mount Miguel home.

I know they say her phone was last active on the 8th but could it be possible he tried to get rid of evidence a day before?

No one ever really knew what caused that fire btw.

Are you thinking of this?

A brush fire burned 20 acres in east Chula Vista on Thursday morning, officials said.

Firefighters were called out to Mount Miguel and Proctor Valley roads in Chula Vista to battle what is being called the Miguel Fire, which started around 10:30 a.m.

Chula Vista Brush Fire – NBC 7 San Diego

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