Tiger kills man at San Francisco Zoo

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FASSEN YOUR SEAT BEALTS: Mark Gergaros has been hired by the two brothers. I live near SF. On our local news this morning MG is saying "the Zoo employees waited thirty minutes to get the brothers help". Here is what is coming: The poor brothers are victiums of the very dangerous zoo.

I also heard this morning, sling shots were found on the bothers bodies when they were receiving medical attention. An empty bottle of vodka found in the brothers car.
FASSEN YOUR SEAT BEALTS: Mark Gergaros has been hired by the two brothers. I live near SF. On our local news this morning MG is saying "the Zoo employees waited thirty minutes to get the brothers help". Here is what is coming: The poor brothers are victiums of the very dangerous zoo.

I also heard this morning, sling shots were found on the bothers bodies when they were receiving medical attention. An empty bottle of vodka found in the brothers car.
I hope these 's don't get a damn thing!
I hope their stupidity is matched with their guilt upon being partly responsible for the death of their friend.
I hope these 's don't get a damn thing!

The reality is that even if the 3 guys who were attacked by the tiger were drunk, stoned, dealing drugs, engaging in gang activity and shooting stuff at the tiger, the zoo is going to pay some money here (and it should) because the zoo has an obligation to make certain the animals don't get out and attack people at the zoo.

Maybe it's fortunate that the zoo discovered this fact with these three victims as opposed to - say - a 5-year-old boy and his law-abiding, churchgoing family.
I agree baker and phil :clap: :clap:

If it is proven that these boys did in fact use a slingshot and torment/taunt this tigress then not only should they be charged with cruelty to animals and negligent homicide, but the Sousa family should file a wrongful death lawsuit against them. It is my opinion that it was their wrongful conduct that caused the death of Carlos, and by extension, Tatiana.

I realize that the zoo was at fault for not properly securing this exhibit, however, I feel that this animal would have never "broken out" if she were not being abused by these boys (I refuse to call them men). I just cringe when I think that they stand to profit from this incident.

IMO, this is akin to someone throwing rocks/sticks at your dog...who is fenced in...in your yard...and then the dog finally gets angry enough to scale the fence and go after/bite the person. Does anyone believe that the dog owner should be made to pay for the resulting injuries, medical bills, and/or pain and suffering that the rock thrower brought on themselves?

Self-accountability is sadly lacking in our lawsuit ridden, blame others for my bad choices, society. For once, I would like to see a judge laugh these people out of the courtroom. You play...you pay.


Thanks for your post Fermi, I agree 100%.
The problem i have with them being called boys rather than men suggests them being held less culpable (if they did taunt the tiger).

your thought about a dog owner: dogs should be restrained at all times to ensure they cannot attack even if they are provoked.

My dogs are restrained in their backyard at all times, unless curled up on my bed. The point being that if a person came by my fence and tormented my animals to the point that they react...then too bad for the person who has been tormenting them.
I agree baker and phil :clap: :clap:

If it is proven that these boys did in fact use a slingshot and torment/taunt this tigress then not only should they be charged with cruelty to animals and negligent homicide, but the Sousa family should file a wrongful death lawsuit against them. It is my opinion that it was their wrongful conduct that caused the death of Carlos, and by extension, Tatiana.

I realize that the zoo was at fault for not properly securing this exhibit, however, I feel that this animal would have never "broken out" if she were not being abused by these boys (I refuse to call them men). I just cringe when I think that they stand to profit from this incident.

IMO, this is akin to someone throwing rocks/sticks at your dog...who is fenced in...in your yard...and then the dog finally gets angry enough to scale the fence and go after/bite the person. Does anyone believe that the dog owner should be made to pay for the resulting injuries, medical bills, and/or pain and suffering that the rock thrower brought on themselves?

Self-accountability is sadly lacking in our lawsuit ridden, blame others for my bad choices, society. For once, I would like to see a judge laugh these people out of the courtroom. You play...you pay.


Great post Fermi! Well stated!!!
My dogs are restrained in their backyard at all times, unless curled up on my bed. The point being that if a person came by my fence and tomremted my animals to the point that they react...then too bad for the person who has been tormenting them.

I think emotionally, many agree. The problem is that in a court of law (and you KNOW how quick everyone is to sue SOMEONE) it WOULD boil down to "the fence wasn't high enough" as it will with the zoo situation.

I don't remember the financial settlement, but a drunk woman broke into a restroom window to rob an establishment, fell and knocked out multiple teeth and not only got dental & medical paid by the business but a financial settlement for pain and suffering. Seriously.

Now if someone came in your yard and attached your dog, you'd be on somewhat safer grounds, but not even 100% safe then. A really good lawyer could possibly get something out of you anyway. I don't agree with it at all, but sadly, it's the way things often are.
Do we know that Souza wasn't also tormenting the animal? If harrassment of the tiger was what encouraged the tiger to escape, Carlos could well have been involved. In fact, he was hanging out with the brothers there - I'm hard-pressed to think that if they were hassling the tigers then he wasn't. Just my 2 cents.

If this is the case then of course Carlos's actions resulted in his own wrongful death.

I was thinking the same thing. My grandmother used to say, birds of a feather, flock together!
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