Warren Jeffs FLDS compound in Texas surrounded by police #5

I have a poster on another forum who said this:

So you think FLDS is just a big phony baloney front organization for a secret society of pedophiles?

Maybe instead of reading current news all day, you should take a 1/2 hour break and read some of the history of the mormon church. I think it might help your perpective on the mentality of these people. I'm not saying I know that these guys AREN'T a bunch of pedophiles covering their activities with religion, but I'm just saying that when you really don't know, all you can do is pidgeon-hole them out of your own perspective. And unless your perspective is enhanced with contextual/cultural/historical knowledge, it sounds like the blind judgment of ignorance.

post # 261 here:


Would love to know what you all think of this post.
I've read the history, and yes,
the FLDS may in the beginning have broken off from the main church and kept to the religious
teachings as a "church."

However, IMO over time their mentality is that they have twisted the teachings to fit their
own agendas to include fraud and rampant sexual abuse. Having vivid imaginations and
teaching that the men will have a planet and rule as a God is no crime, and each can believe
what they wish. This sect however is discriminatory against women, children, African Americans,
not to mention the rest of us, and they routinely deprive their followers their basic human rights.

I grew up with friends who were Mormon and from what I observed within their home and of
their beliefs, child abuse, sexual or otherwise was not one of the main tenets of their doctrine.

There's been splits within the FLDS itself, with some refusing to follow the more restrictive
dictates of the FLDS leaders, so the mentality of the group as a whole is subject to change
depending on who leads. Polygamy, if between consenting adults is one thing, but
forcing by beating, threatening or coercing them or the women into it is brutality.

Edited to add: What this church did in the past as practice can be judged by the times
and social mores that existed THEN. Today is NOW and the practices they have been
doing are NOT legal nor are they morally accepted by society. It can and is being judged
by what they do NOW, not on their history.
Maybe he's a paid mouthpiece for 'em? :crazy:

I don't think so. He's posted on that forum for many years and is living in Hawaii. Of course, there's always that possibility...lol.
I don't think so. He's posted on that forum for many years and is living in Hawaii. Of course, there's always that possibility...lol.

OK. but just to say i am awaiting 'their' arrival on this site because there is sooo much damaging information here reaching sooo many people they'll be wanting to put a spoke in the wheels. IMO.

Thanks for your post. I am sure mainstream LDS members don't agree with what these FLDS members think is normal and right.

I'm also glad to know that some have split over the dictates. Maybe we will see more of that in the future.
OK. but just to say i am awaiting 'their' arrival on this site because there is sooo much damaging information here reaching sooo many people they'll be wanting to put a spoke in the wheels. IMO.

I would bet they are reading everywhere on the internet right now...maybe not posting yet.
I have a poster on another forum who said this:

So you think FLDS is just a big phony baloney front organization for a secret society of pedophiles?

Maybe instead of reading current news all day, you should take a 1/2 hour break and read some of the history of the mormon church. I think it might help your perpective on the mentality of these people. I'm not saying I know that these guys AREN'T a bunch of pedophiles covering their activities with religion, but I'm just saying that when you really don't know, all you can do is pidgeon-hole them out of your own perspective. And unless your perspective is enhanced with contextual/cultural/historical knowledge, it sounds like the blind judgment of ignorance.

post # 261 here:


Would love to know what you all think of this post.

I can hear some truth in the words for I can apply using judgement in any matter needs to be righteous and balanced.
I don't consider myself totally ignorant on the history of this church but I know I have been influenced by the stories I have read for decades from the women who escape.

Thanks for your post. I am sure mainstream LDS members don't agree with what these FLDS members think is normal and right.

I'm also glad to know that some have split over the dictates. Maybe we will see more of that in the future.
Hopefully so. Unfortunately within the splits I've read about, they too have the underage brides etc. (Bountiful for one, the AUB for the other.)

Yes, I've been influenced by the personal accounts of those who've left
the sect, but I've also paid attention to those who left who say that
the accounts are over dramatized. However, some of those persons
did not experience the level of abuse that the others did, or they
claim they didn't.
I am learning so much. I would love it if the teen girls would speak up and tell authorities exactly what their lives were like before the raid. If what we read is true, they will be afraid to say anything that doesn't put a perfect light on the church.

WASHINGTON - A Texas congresswoman wants the House Armed Services Committee to look into a federal contract awarded to a company linked to the polygamous sect raided earlier this month and under fire for alleged child abuse.

Rep. Kay Granger, a Republican from Fort Worth, wrote to committee chairman Ike Skelton and ranking GOP member Duncan Hunter asking for a hearing to look at the vetting process for Department of Defense contracts after news surfaced that one worth $1.2 million was awarded to New Era Manufacturing, a company formerly based in Hildale, Utah.

Granger says that according to news reports, the company is affiliated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the "same church sect" raided by Texas authorities after allegations of physical abuse.

"As a Member of Congress, I am concerned that federal tax dollars may have been misused to fund this sect's illegal activities," Granger wrote in a letter earlier this month.

WASHINGTON - A Texas congresswoman wants the House Armed Services Committee to look into a federal contract awarded to a company linked to the polygamous sect raided earlier this month and under fire for alleged child abuse.

Rep. Kay Granger, a Republican from Fort Worth, wrote to committee chairman Ike Skelton and ranking GOP member Duncan Hunter asking for a hearing to look at the vetting process for Department of Defense contracts after news surfaced that one worth $1.2 million was awarded to New Era Manufacturing, a company formerly based in Hildale, Utah.

Granger says that according to news reports, the company is affiliated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the "same church sect" raided by Texas authorities after allegations of physical abuse.

"As a Member of Congress, I am concerned that federal tax dollars may have been misused to fund this sect's illegal activities," Granger wrote in a letter earlier this month.


WASHINGTON - A Texas congresswoman wants the House Armed Services Committee to look into a federal contract awarded to a company linked to the polygamous sect raided earlier this month and under fire for alleged child abuse.

Rep. Kay Granger, a Republican from Fort Worth, wrote to committee chairman Ike Skelton and ranking GOP member Duncan Hunter asking for a hearing to look at the vetting process for Department of Defense contracts after news surfaced that one worth $1.2 million was awarded to New Era Manufacturing, a company formerly based in Hildale, Utah.

Granger says that according to news reports, the company is affiliated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the "same church sect" raided by Texas authorities after allegations of physical abuse.

"As a Member of Congress, I am concerned that federal tax dollars may have been misused to fund this sect's illegal activities," Granger wrote in a letter earlier this month.

This is great news! Let shine the light of day on the financial structure of the FLDS! :woohoo:
This is definitely off topic, but does fit with the subject matter.

Three Children Removed From New Mexico Apocalyptic Church Compound


"He acknowledged having sex with three women — the wives of two of his followers and his daughter in law. He said it was at the direction of God and the instigation of the women."
Wayne Bent

yeah, yeah — and G_d 'told' you to . . . :rolleyes:
This is definitely off topic, but does fit with the subject matter.

Three Children Removed From New Mexico Apocalyptic Church Compound

I read that before coming to the board this evening. Sickening. The perps who do this don't care that it scars the children for life, they're more concerned with their own gratification.
An arrest warrant has apparently been dropped for the man fingered as an abusive husband in a phone call that triggered the raid on the Fundamentalist LDS Church's YFZ Ranch.
"The warrant is no longer active," Tom Vinger with the Texas Department of Public Safety said Friday.
Dr. Phil McGraw joined "Larry King Live" on Thursday where he talked about some of the stories in the news. He touched on topics ranging from the removal of children from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sect to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright to the Austrian family affected by incest.

Cookie Hickstein, neighbor to the FLDS compound in Custer County, said she hopes more people will understand what is in our back yard and that more will be done to watch and see what is really going on out there. The same thing could happen here, you know, she added. She questioned whether the county would be ready to help if one of the girls here called for help. The people of Custer County need to realize that these are the exact same people here as in Texas. Some of these same people have been in Texas and Short Creek (Ariz.) and other compounds that they have. Custer County needs to understand that there is polygamy going on here just by the religion that these people live, that young ladies are married as first, second, third or more wives and start having babies as soon as possible with men that could be their grandfather. I truly don't think most people understand the situation that is here and not going away.

Last July, Cookie said her husband, Richard, was riding his horse around 6 a.m. when he heard a woman screaming. He had no idea why they were screaming, Cookie said. We feel as if our hands are tied. There isn't much you can do or say when you know that all will be denied (by them) if law enforcement shows up.
That's frightening.................to hear a woman screaming and know that something is happening but not be able to do anything about it.

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