Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #7

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Salve your feelings with this:

Earlier you said he had the best law firm in the state representing his interests.

Surely, they understand how to call for a change of venue, if warranted.

Doubtless they will put on a spirited defense of their (obviously guilty) client.

If this is a prosecution only trial, it will be a rarity!


I SO love seeing the word *salve* in a post, Cyber. :)
Well said, but save your breathe, this is about having a case study for Wudge's Law students, fodder for classwork if you will, not about an innocent murdered woman for Wudge. Something tells me he took his LSATS twice, for fun.
FACT: Nancy Cooper was murdered


FACT: The body was found at the end of an undeveloped cul-de-sac next to a retaining pond.


FACT: An undeveloped cul-de-sac is not where a runner in training would be jogging.

Not fact, we have seen photos of a jogger running past this exact spot.
Logic says if you are distance/time training as in marathon) you don't run down dead-end streets. My money says she had a regular route previously measured, and a stop watch every time she went out to jog.

FACT: Brad Cooper was the last person to have seen her alive (by his own admission)
Not necessarily that is only a presummed fact.
Wrong. It was he that said he was at home when she left to jog and never returned.

FACT: Their marriage was "troubled" (admitted by Brad)

correct, but not all troubled marriages end in murder by one spouse or the other. The rest of this statement is irrelevant.

FACT: Nancy was planning a separation and divorce (according to family members)

FACT: LE says this is an isolated incident and no reason to fear other joggers/neighbors are in danger.

LE have made this statement before and been wrong.
When? Where? That is your supposition, unsupported by fact.

FACT: In most cases with similar facts as stated above, a close family member is usually the perp.

Not a given 100%
Give an example? And note the word "usually"

CONCLUSION: 1 + 1 = 2. It is a safe assumption/speculation to conclude that Brad Cooper had motive, means and opportunity to kill Nancy.

I have seen nothing yet that raises a doubt in my mind about Brad's guilt. Show me something. Anything.
That is a good question.:clap:

It does not seem as though LE has looked at anyone else but BC. So does the autopsy say she died before 4 AM ?
Did they find the correct clothing and shoes at the crime scene ?

I personally do feel he did it but think it is only fair to spin a few more scenarios other than BC did it.
That is a good question.:clap:
You know, I second that! Usually the cops and family want exposure to the media because they want people to call in tips. A reward is generally offered and increased to intice tipsters to call in. Why isn't this happening? I haven't seen the family plead for help. I've only seen the family encourage the person who did this to take responsibility. That statement seemed directed at a specific person.
Just jumping in to agree with nan. :clap: Of course, some will say that this means LE has an agenda and isn't even looking for anyone else. *cough* :rolleyes:

I imagine there is PLENTY that LE and her family knows that we don't. I'm still very comfortable with what we know that BC is the guilty one here. It's just a matter of time. (Hopefully not as long as it's taking in the Michelle Young case. Grrrr)
It will be interesting to find out if Nancy's evening attire was soaking or washed in the washing machine. Of course, Brad will say that he ran out for her because she was out of a certain kind of bleach or detergent. That won't fly because he wouldn't even give her money for the children's needs. So, he definitely would not be running out to the store at 4 a.m. What normal person is up at 4 a.m., going to the store? Was this Brad's regular routine? I feel certain that it wasn't.

I actually think that he might have dumped Nancy first to get rid of her body and then headed to the store in the dead of night to get the bleach/bleach detergent to start the cleanup process. As one forensics analyst said, he won't be able to clean up all of the blood spatter.

I feel certain that they used luminol in the house.
Diana Duncan lives directly across the street from Nancy. Why would Nancy carry a license to walk across the street? Cell phone and keys I can understand, but her license has me curious. She did not have to drive down the street for the party Friday night. Was it put there by BC since it is what she normally carries, or is Nancy so organized to have it out the night before?:waitasec:
Have any of you heard the 'rumour' that Dr Baden let slip something on tv (Fox) about half an hour ago...talking about 'the knife' and Nancy being stabbed?
It does not seem as though LE has looked at anyone else but BC. So does the autopsy say she died before 4 AM ?
Did they find the correct clothing and shoes at the crime scene ?

I personally do feel he did it but think it is only fair to spin a few more scenarios other than BC did it.
As I said somewhere else, if she hadn't come home from the dinner party, that would have opened up a myriad of other possibilities. But Brad dug a hole by saying that she left to jog and never returned, making him the last person to have seen her before she disappeared.
Have any of you heard the 'rumour' that Dr Baden let slip something on tv about half an hour ago...talking about 'the knife' and Nancy being stabbed?

Really? Was it on Fox? I wonder if Fox will put that vid up? Interesting.
Speaking from personal experience, if she did know and confided in friends and family, they probably thought she was overreacting, or exaggerating. Remember, men like this dedicate their lives to keeping up the succefssful good-guy act. Everyone else thinks he is Mr. Wonderful, and he will work hard to keep it that way. They may think he is just driven to succeed, and even admire some of his obsessive traits. Famous last words..."We never thought he was capable of doing this!"...Yeah, he works hard to be sure you think that, too!

In Nancy's case, Brad was a serial aldulterer, and seemed to have no intention of embarking on a journey correct that. Divorce was probably the best course, but she would have been better off if she could have left with the kids before she let him know her plans. Unfortunately, most people would have advised her not to take such drastic measures, since they did not know the real Brad.

Excellent post!
Um, deflate the ego for a moment. I have to say I am getting a little tired of when some posters come on here for their own agenda and it has no contributory value to the matter at hand.

The question I am "begging", is have you ever heard of the terms theory and hypothesis?
This is a forum for the possibility of developing those, I find it insulting that you perpetuate that people on here would not have the adaptability to comply/participate in a real voir dire and subsequent empaneled juror situation. You have no idea of the background and experience of WS posters on here and therefore I find it is you that is "judging" and reaching conclusions based on opinions posted in an anonymous forum.
Furthermore, riding the rail of antagonism rather than stating a specific theory to defend is, well, tired already.

Well said, Blink. Thank you very much!:blowkiss:
...or, if you are out of detergent, you need to do laundry and your wife is going running, first thing in the morning.

The stores around here aren't 24hr, but I work from home and watch the kids. Numerous times, I've ran to the store as soon as they've opened (before my wife has left for the office), where I could get what I need without having to drag the kids.
Wish they could clone you!
You know, I second that! Usually the cops and family want exposure to the media because they want people to call in tips. A reward is generally offered and increased to intice tipsters to call in. Why isn't this happening? I haven't seen the family plead for help. I've only seen the family encourage the person who did this to take responsibility. That statement seemed directed at a specific person.

I agree, from the wording the police have used since her death was named a homicide and the choice of words used by Nancy's family, and the lack of requesting clues/tips/ info from the public, it sounds like they know who is responsible. If that is Brad Cooper, I don't know. From the information avalible, (even with excluding internet rumors) it looks like Brad. Only time and a fair trial can tell.

Wudge, I think your expectation for the entire public to presume Brad's innocent is unreasonable. There is a reason why both the prosecuting and defense attorneys get a say on which jurors are chosen for a trial. It is human nature to form opinions based on the information around them. That is a reason why jury selection is not done at random. You suggested alternative amounts to thought policing and I for one do not wish to live in an Orwellian society.

Brad does have a right to a fair trial with an unbiased jury. I'm sure his defense attorny will make sure of that if he is charged with Nancy's murder.

Brad is not entitled to having everyone to think he's the bee's knees, just as any of us. People have the right to think feel and say what ever they like. Positive public opinion is not a god given right.

The only place where brad is entitled to non-biasness is in a court of law and only from people deciding his guilt and from the judge.
I don't think LE can ever attempt to say no one saw her there thereby use it as evidence.

I find it doubtful they can canvas every car that would have passed that way. They'd never be able to find all the drivers from last Saturday on this Saturday morning. Unless they could do that I would never believe it.

(ETA) BTW my DH drove by that Saturday morning, early, to go to a local breakfast spot...he didn't see any joggers but that doesn't mean they weren't there...there are always bikers though.

I've said it before, imho, it is not that unlikel she could have been jogging there. If you google maps and use the satellite visuals, you'd notice from her house to this location, it is really a short jaunt.

I fully believe this was not her usual course, but maybe she wanted a change of pace, heck, she had an awful lot on her mind and maybe she didn't want to be on the crowded trails...maybe she was curious about the subdivision. I know I've driven through new subdivisions going up around me.

I too believe this was likely an unexpected accident/turned tradgedy. I doubt no one would have planned to dispose of a body in that location...too busy of a spot for construction crews, runners (as seen in the photo) and dog walkers...plenty of other close places to hide a body (like the swampy area close by) IDK, just so sad and bothersome.

(ETA a second time--this doesn't mean that she did or that I believe she was jogging there...I just don't think it could be totally ruled out and would be so unbelievable as to give it consideration)

If this was such a busy spot, why was her body not found until Monday evening 7.30 pm (est)?....60 hours after she was alleged to leave the house to jog?

Do you think the body was put there later?
Have any of you heard the 'rumour' that Dr Baden let slip something on tv (Fox) about half an hour ago...talking about 'the knife' and Nancy being stabbed?

Oh I have not heard that one. Hmmmmm. I am very curious as to the manner of death.

I'm new here, btw, and live in Cary, about 4 or 5 mi away.

This is a SAFE community; there are no strangers lurking about at SEVEN AM waiting for someone to happen by. How many crimes have been committed at SEVEN AM on runners in this area? It's daylight, people are up and out even at that early time.

Nope. The community is safe, as the PD stated. They issued that statement for very specific reasons. If there were some random perp on the loose they would say so.

BTW, my limited dealings with the Cary PD have been VERY positive in the past. One night a nuisance dog barking was going on for hours and I finally called the PD and they spent a lot of time figuring out where the barking was coming from as the sound bounced around in my area and it was hard to pinpoint. The officer left a long detailed note on my front door letting me know that he had finally figured out where the noise was and what they had done to research and the outcome. I was gobsmacked at the communication and follow-through.

And of course the reason they can spend so much time on something as small as nuisance barking is BECAUSE this community is so safe and quiet that they don't usually have to contend with violent crimes and murders here.
Hi again, I posted in the last thread, but not sure if anyone caught it. I am new here. Can you refresh my memory. I don't remember reading about the liscence. I skipped a few (not many) pages here & there to stay caught up, but I don't know anything about the liscence. Where was it found?
I joked about murderous gypsies camping on the cul-de-sac last night to play with some folks theorizing about a defense plant. But, the reality is that when I was in my 20s, we'd often cruise the roads in that immediate area to smoke dope and we'd have unprotected sex in the neighborhoods under construction. And, we'd do it in that particular area because it was convenient to Cary, but not in the town limits, so the likelihood of encountering a county cop was slim to nil.

After all, we can assume that the victim's body was dumped early on Saturday morning, but it wasn't found until late Monday.
Ok...forget the cloning. (Just kidding!)
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