Mitigating Factor:Could Casey Have Post-Partum Psychosis?

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Verified Attorney
May 31, 2005
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Hopefully this has not been mentioned elsewhere but I noticed in the interviews with Kiomarie that she said Casey was relatively normal until after she had Caylee. She seemed to imply that the lying and multiple boyfriends (hispanic guys, to anger her prejudiced mother), happened after Caylee's birth. This girl knew her for years and said she was different growing up. I also notice that other, long time friends stated that this is not the Casey they knew. I'm no expert on post-partum depression or psychosis. (I believe Andrea Yates seemed to have both). But, it would make sense of a lot of things in this case. Such as Casey not remembering conversations, lying in amazing ways, sleeping around like mad, stealing, etc. Just think of the the pressure of an overbearing mother, forcing her to keep an unwanted child and be the "perfect All-American girl" as Komarie said. Then, Casey, just wanting to go out and be young but here's this kid and this mom who I bet was saying things like: "Where do you think you're going? You have child now! You can't have fun all the time! Take some dang responsibility!" If she had any post-partum issues, like depression, maybe all the pressure turned it into something much worse, into a psychotic break that could have allowed her to harm her child. Just a thought.
Hopefully this has not been mentioned elsewhere but I noticed in the interviews with Kiomarie that she said Casey was relatively normal until after she had Caylee. She seemed to imply that the lying and multiple boyfriends (hispanic guys, to anger her prejudiced mother), happened after Caylee's birth. This girl knew her for years and said she was different growing up. I also notice that other, long time friends stated that this is not the Casey they knew. I'm no expert on post-partum depression or psychosis. (I believe Andrea Yates seemed to have both). But, it would make sense of a lot of things in this case. Such as Casey not remembering conversations, lying in amazing ways, sleeping around like mad, stealing, etc. Just think of the the pressure of an overbearing mother, forcing her to keep an unwanted child and be the "perfect All-American girl" as Komarie said. Then, Casey, just wanting to go out and be young but here's this kid and this mom who I bet was saying things like: "Where do you think you're going? You have child now! You can't have fun all the time! Take some dang responsibility!" If she had any post-partum issues, like depression, maybe all the pressure turned it into something much worse, into a psychotic break that could have allowed her to harm her child. Just a thought.

gitana, me and you think so alike!!
Yesterday I was posting this exactly, Post Partum Pschosis and I was making a few comparisons and when I hit reply,


So I didn't re-post.

The only thing I found that say why it might be, is that PPPschosis usually occurs DURING Post Partum Depression stage. But all I keep seeing is Post Partum Depression USUALLY ends after about a year.

I know not everyone is the same and how they handle stuff so with Caylee being almost 3 I wonder if she could still use this as a defense?? If she did, there isn't much out there saying CAN'T be it.

Let's keep an eye on this, agreed??:deal:
Three years down the pike!? That better not fly as a defense. I think she's mentally ill, but I think the diagnosis is different from PPD.
Umm-I think not. Let's review-her actions show complete pre-meditation IMHO-at best, however, she organized her actions after killing her child....slept with police officers, created a story line, hid a body, partied her little heinie off, avoided her parents....she was very crafty.

She has no defense that adequately covers her action-in a perfect world she would simply accept responsibility, explain where her child is and take the punishment.

She has chosen to avoid that at all costs...the clock is ticking.
I am sure she is going to try to conjure up a whole lot of "psychosis" to splain away her behavior. There is no excuse. She is calculated and cold hearted. I believe in no way anything else. Those grandparents I still feel for. Their child is dead. They dont want to accept it. I do not fault them for that....they need to do a favor to their other child Casey and for the first time in their life tell her that the BS stops here....Let her pay for her actions. It is the only way to truly help herself.
gitana, me and you think so alike!!
Yesterday I was posting this exactly, Post Partum Pschosis and I was making a few comparisons and when I hit reply,


So I didn't re-post.

The only thing I found that say why it might be, is that PPPschosis usually occurs DURING Post Partum Depression stage. But all I keep seeing is Post Partum Depression USUALLY ends after about a year.

I know not everyone is the same and how they handle stuff so with Caylee being almost 3 I wonder if she could still use this as a defense?? If she did, there isn't much out there saying CAN'T be it.

Let's keep an eye on this, agreed??:deal:
Umm-I think not. Let's review-her actions show complete pre-meditation IMHO-at best, however, she organized her actions after killing her child....slept with police officers, created a story line, hid a body, partied her little heinie off, avoided her parents....she was very crafty.

She has no defense that adequately covers her action-in a perfect world she would simply accept responsibility, explain where her child is and take the punishment.

She has chosen to avoid that at all costs...the clock is ticking.

I'm not trying to defend this person. I do think she's a monster! I also don't think post-partum should be a defense because she obviously knew what she was doing. If I felt crazy thoughts that I knew to be wrong, I'd go to the doctor. But premeditation does not mean she does not have a mental illness. There is a difference between being mentally ill and being not guilt by reason of insanity. Two different things. I think there are degrees of mental illness and I think there is no way Casey fits into the mold of being not guilty by reason of insanity. She was not so ill that she did not know what she was doing or did not know that what she was doing was wrong. Like Andrea Yates. If you read all my posts on the subject of this case, you will see that I will never defend her. I have stated all along, that Casey killed her child intentionally and I feel maliciously. However, a post-partum psychosis or depression would explain a serious change in a person's behavior patterns. But, if this was so, Casey would still be 100% responsible for the child's demise, in my opinion. In any event, it was just a thought based on Kiomarie's interview and others. I lean more towards personality disorders but there is a chance that a post-partum issue exacerbated such a disorder and I think everything is worth expolring just a little bit.
My thoughts are not at all is she post partum depression..she does not have anything but a sociopath diagnosis ..obviously the lies started before Caylee's birth, to her parents. to Jesse, to his family..and I am sure her Friends. No this chick has ice water inside of blood in her viens..she has been lying since she figured out how to..probably age 2 or 3 and hasn't stopped since. She is also only out for herself..many disconnects with family friends..there is no commardary..just doing what one has to do to get by and get over on people. She is a user and has been since she was atleast 5 years old..she found how to manipulate her world to her advantage through lies and subterfuge and she has done so.
Three years down the pike!? That better not fly as a defense. I think she's mentally ill, but I think the diagnosis is different from PPD.

Mickey mentioned that the other night on NG and I almost fell of the couch.
My Dh was a little shocked.
I was/had servere PPD after my son was born, I only had thoughts of hurting myself never my children NEVER.
I starved myself, and other stuff, and I finally got help because I was hurting them by not being there for them emotianally.
So I hate to hear that brought up.
I know every case is different , but she was 3 year old.
My thoughts are not at all is she post partum depression..she does not have anything but a sociopath diagnosis ..obviously the lies started before Caylee's birth, to her parents. to Jesse, to his family..and I am sure her Friends. No this chick has ice water inside of blood in her viens..she has been lying since she figured out how to..probably age 2 or 3 and hasn't stopped since. She is also only out for herself..many disconnects with family friends..there is no commardary..just doing what one has to do to get by and get over on people. She is a user and has been since she was atleast 5 years old..she found how to manipulate her world to her advantage through lies and subterfuge and she has done so.
I do agree with you, but do we know for sure if Casey was always like this? Since age 5? Where is that info reported? What struck me about the interviews is that people who knew Casey for many years stated this was not the person they knew. Like she changed. I can't remember one interview from someone who knew her for more than a couple of years that said she was always this big liar. I'm just speculating but, like I said, I do tedn to lean towards a personality disorder or disorders. She fits the mold of many bordeline, narcisstic, histrionic anit-social people I have known, through my business. What strikes me is that there are no reports of this type of behavior from people who have known her for her whole life. So, it's confusing to me and I'm trying to throw something out there to see where it lands.
Mickey mentioned that the other night on NG and I almost fell of the couch.
My Dh was a little shocked.
I was/had servere PPD after my son was born, I only had thoughts of hurting myself never my children NEVER.
I starved myself, and other stuff, and I finally got help because I was hurting them by not being there for them emotianally.
So I hate to hear that brought up.
I know every case is different , but she was 3 year old.
Yes, but there is a ton of info from people who actually have thoughts of harming their children in the midst of this disorder and not just one thought but repeated, pervasive, obsessive thoughts that they need to get rid of the child. And, many women, from what I have read, with this disroder, have harmed their children. Yes, three years seems a long time, but, if it was not treated at all, and got worse, maybe it could persist or turn into something more permanent. Once a person is psychotic, without treatment, I think it is hard to recover. Still not saying it is a defense though! Just trying to explain the difference in people' perceptions of her.
Andrea Yates did try to seek help. There was documentation to that fact. I honestly believe that woman was very sick and I also feel that she has remorse for what she did. She also didn't send the nation on a wild goose chase and lie about her actions. You have to be somewhat 'sane' ( I use the term loosely) to send the nation on this wild goose chase CA has. Not to mention she has shown no remorse.
With all Casey has done to point blame at everyone else around her (even imaginary friends) I believe she acknowledges her wrongdoing, she is only unwilling to accept her responsibility in all of it. And for that, I don't think she's unpunishable for any 'mental' condition JB may try to offer up. It's too late. I really could care less what CA's problem is anymore.
Yes, but there is a ton of info from people who actually have thoughts of harming their children in the midst of this disorder and not just one thought but repeated, pervasive, obsessive thoughts that they need to get rid of the child. And, many women, from what I have read, with this disroder, have harmed their children. Yes, three years seems a long time, but, if it was not treated at all, and got worse, maybe it could persist or turn into something more permanent. Once a person is psychotic, without treatment, I think it is hard to recover. Still not saying it is a defense though! Just trying to explain the difference in people' perceptions of her.

I am not diputing all cases are the same , I am just mean bring it up in this case.
I didn't mean , anything like its notreal.
JMHO on the subject for this case and for myself.
You know it's strange, but I was thinking this same exact thing today. I was watching something about Britney Spears - and I'm pretty sure she was hit hard with some mental illnesses post partem. I also have a good friend whose wife went pyschotic after each of her kids was born - getting worse with each one. (She spent time in psych wards and they eventually got divorced - she was so doped up on drugs, suicidal, sleeping with anything that moved, partying, she was a mess!) So this may very well be the case for CA.
I had PPD with psychosis. I did have thoughts and fears that I would harm my child, but I didn't want to, so i decided to kill myself instead. I didn't want to hurt my child, but I felt I was posessed by something, and the only way to save my daughter was to kill myself...had the plan and was leaving the house to do it. But I was so out of it it was completely obvious to my ex-husband what I was up to. I wasn't making any sense.

I already had a therapist, and my ex-husband, while not a great husband, was a good friend. I got help...great psychiatrist. Later, I was diagnosed with bipolar. Also found out my mom had severe PPD. It is hands down the WORST, most painful thing I have ever been through. I lost my confidence in myself for could I have lost myself so badly? Incomprehensible to me...and terribly frightening. It was a huge reason for my decision to not try for more children.

I was lucky...people wanted to help me. I'm not so sure the Anthony's were all that helpful to Casey. I think they would have just told her to suck it time for moping, you're a mom now, take responsibility...and on and on. The worst thing that happened to CAylee, other than her probable murder, was not being put up for adoption like Casey wanted.

All that said...after reading how Casey had a huge history of lying her butt off, and manipulating and weaving tales, I don't buy PPP. Andrea Yates heard the cartoons telling her the kids were posessed by satan. I heard voices telling me I had murdered my child. I don't think Casey had anything like that.

I just think she's evil...jmo.
Andrea Yates did try to seek help. There was documentation to that fact. I honestly believe that woman was very sick and I also feel that she has remorse for what she did. She also didn't send the nation on a wild goose chase and lie about her actions. You have to be somewhat 'sane' ( I use the term loosely) to send the nation on this wild goose chase CA has. Not to mention she has shown no remorse.

I agree. I alway felt bad for Andrea Yates...and of course her poor children. The husband knew something was wrong, and didn't do near enough to get her the help she needed.
And I must point out - unless you are a MD or psychiatrist you can't say what she did for sure or if she was sick. This is speculation. I heard a detective on TV say that he teaches all of his newbies to hold their judgement until all the evidence is in. And we do not have it all. We only have select pieces!
I do agree with you, but do we know for sure if Casey was always like this? Since age 5? Where is that info reported? What struck me about the interviews is that people who knew Casey for many years stated this was not the person they knew. Like she changed. I can't remember one interview from someone who knew her for more than a couple of years that said she was always this big liar. I'm just speculating but, like I said, I do tedn to lean towards a personality disorder or disorders. She fits the mold of many bordeline, narcisstic, histrionic anit-social people I have known, through my business. What strikes me is that there are no reports of this type of behavior from people who have known her for her whole life. So, it's confusing to me and I'm trying to throw something out there to see where it lands.

They are able to cover their deficits for years successfully . My own
sibling hid it for 40 years - when our father died - off the cliff into
the abyss it went . These people seem normal on the surface
it isnt until you spend alot of time with them over an extended
period of time that things start to not add up ....... its little things
which alone dont mean alot - but eventually its 5 of them then
10- then 25 then hundreds . The pattern of lying manlipulation
and complete lack of a moral compass becomes apparent
Fooling people is what they are good at - their survival depends
upon it and they have been practicing it since early childhood
some of them pre verbal.
My sibling wasnt abused in the traditional sense - it was the
golden child ( think Scott Petersen ) up until Scott actually
murdered his wife and child no one suspected him and by
careful investigation his web of deceit was uncovered. The depth
of which was staggering.
Most of us take others at face value and we assume tht
we are being told the truth - so we dont dig for the validation
of facts to back up what we are being told.
Casey has been pulling the wool for decades ---
Andrea Yates did try to seek help. There was documentation to that fact. I honestly believe that woman was very sick and I also feel that she has remorse for what she did. She also didn't send the nation on a wild goose chase and lie about her actions. You have to be somewhat 'sane' ( I use the term loosely) to send the nation on this wild goose chase CA has. Not to mention she has shown no remorse.
Yes, she is NOT like Andrea Yates. I did not believe in the beginning but changed my mind after reading more about her life, that Andrea was not guilty by reason of insanity. She truly did not know that what she was doing was morally wrong. Casey does know that what hse has done is wrong.
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