Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #154

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The quote is, "They forced their way into my house!"
I bet Yuri and Allen got a big kick out of that. LOL Yes...Cindy...An Arrest Warrant entitles them to enter without your invitation. LMAO Someone needs to send her the book, Law Enforcement 101 For Dummies. Or how about, Everything You needed To Know About Your Child's Arrest Warrants But Are Too Stupid To Ask Her Attorney?
Odd thing for Geroge to do, fertilize the grass when it is 90 degrees outside. He is going to FRY his grass!

maybe it's the kind of fertilizer that stinks or has lots of chemicals??...trying to get rid of people around the place?? IMOO
OKay reading through the documents and the interviews again. Ryan P. who did the interview and said that he had known her since they were 5...when did the Anthony's move from Ohio? Did Ryan's family move with them...or was that coincidence?

Casey was 3 when they moved to florida
Can LE retrieve the photos Casey deleted in the morning hours of July 16. Does it make sense that one or some of them show where Caylee is, and she didn't want anyone to know? Also can they retrieve first ones deleted, or will they be able to know?

Where may I read about this?
Is there a link or is it in the 400 pages they released?

Reminds me of Melinda Duckett case and the tossing of baby Trentons items.
The national fox news snippet is the only one that I saw today that had a quote from TP. I wonder what he meant by "The new charges, increased security concerns and some of the new DNA evidence that’s come in put the bond at risk," Padilla said

It means they can revoke without heat from Baez.
Here is some info on the first bond from the Orlando Sentinel website:

Al Estes Bail Bond Agency of Clearwater endorsed, or turned in, the bail bond on the original charges Anthony again is being held on those original counts as well. A bail bond was expected to be posted by MacDonald Bail Bonds, but with the original counts adding a new hold keeping her in jail, that was up in the air today. Officials were expected to retrieve the ankle-monitoring system from her parents' home, pretty much ruling out any immediate release.

Soooo, Casey thought she would bond out this morning with a new bond and Estes pulled his bond. Now they would have to come up with 500,3200 in assets to bond her out AND 53,000+ bucks!

And that ain't gonna happen. Girlfriend's gonna have to get used to resting her head on a lumpy, jail-issue pillow again.
She said, "LE forced their way into my house! I thought they were coming because I called them on the protestors!"

says in my best gomer pyle voice "surprise, surprise surprise!!
Orange County deputies took her back into custody at her home Friday evening. Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it. Company officials said they would likely wait until next week to decide whether or not to reinstate it.

So the bond was revoked..........

Early Saturday morning, the Clearwater bonding company, which had put up $50,000 to get Casey out of jail on original charges of child endangerment and lying to authorities about the disappearance of her young daughter Caylee, revoked that bond.

That action means someone will have to come up with another $50,000 to get Casey out of jail. The Anthony family was unable to do that when Casey was first arrested.
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